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Jasareno 1

Aiden Jasareno

Mrs. Ebel


May 9, 2024

Integrity Essay

The base of the Miata down to its basic components of its axle, brakes, wheels, and

overall size, is comparable to the experiences my parents have forced me into. This is because

they not only established my morality but also helped me find ways to help me be myself. When

I was younger my parents placed me into many activities in order to develop my character. The

most significant of which would be the years I had spent doing taekwondo and going to church.

In Church it established the significance of morality, empathy, and general kindness to others.

And in Taekwondo I had spent time developing discipline and resilience and helped me

understand myself even more. I feel that this in a way makes me similar to the Miata, as it may

not be too different from others in its basic components but it is still significantly different which

would be seen in its abilities as a sports car coupe.

I feel that the body of the car is similar to the ways that make my life attractive, this is

because it is not only small but very sporty and sleek by design. It may seem a bit pretentious but

I think within the small life I have had so far I've had so many experiences that have enriched my

life. During my life I have had two significant opportunities to travel to foreign countries in

pursuit of either more knowledge, or just to share and understand a culture. During spring break

of 7th grade I was able to go to China in order to have a culture exchange with students of my

age. It was a great trip that allowed me to have a greater appreciation for my life but also made

me decide to focus on studies similar to them. Similarly I was also able to travel to Germany and
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Switzerland in my sophomore year. This opportunity allowed me to experience ways of

sustainable living and ways to preserve the planet. These experiences I feel have greatly changed

the way I perceive the world in the 17 years I have been alive. And because I have only lived for

such a short amount of time, I feel blessed for all of the opportunities that I have been given to

experience and learn foreign lives and cultures. This is similar to the new mx-5s because it has a

sleek design for such a small body of a car.

Similar to a miata’s transmission, I feel that the enjoyable and unenjoyable parts of life

are things that make me feel whole. For the past two years I feel like my life has been a

rollercoaster in the sense that I have reached my proudest moments and my saddest at the same

time. This is the most true when describing my cross country career at Great Oak. During my

junior year, i had a significant amounts of improvement in not only time but also enjoyment of

the sport. To juxtapose this however, this year I had injured my achilles and left me unable to run

for a majority of the season, effectively stopping my improvement. Similar to how a transmission

changes speed or changes the intensity of a car’s performance, I feel that the daily struggles and

joys of life have provided similar experiences. Despite this however I feel that there have been a

lot of things that I've learned from cross country which makes my life feel more complete.

The miata’s paint is similar to my friends as in a similar way that the paint protects the

car from rust, my friends protect me from the stresses in life. At one of my lowest moments this

year during my track season, I was unable to find joy in the day. That was until my friend had

invited me out to go find a random painted car on the street. While it is something that could be

seen as random or not that important, it helped me remember that my performance does not

define me and essentially protected me from spiraling more into a depressive mood. Because I

feel that my friends can always bring me out of bad moods somehow, I think they protect me
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from the stressors of life, similar to the ways that the paint on a car protects it from rain and rust

that could break the car down.

I think the reliability of the miata is similar to my work ethic, as it has been able to keep

me sustaining the struggles of school. During my time in highschool, I used to spend around 10

hours a day on campus purely focused on either my athletics or spending time in classes. This

amount of work ethic that I have supplied at school allowed me to get into a good college for

engineering. I think the work ethic that I have done at school would allow me to survive in

college and in my life long goals as it will keep me afloat and not drown in the hard parts of life,

similar to how a miata will continue to perform well after being driven hard for a while.

I think the engine of the miata is similar to my family as they empower me to focus on

my goals and pursue my dreams. When I had decided on my major for college, there was a large

amount of uncertainty within myself if that was the right path for me. I was worried that I was

not going to be able to be successful with the major I had chosen. During this time however I had

overheard my parents discussing my choice, and mentioning how this was the best option for me

and how they support my decision. So in a way I believe that my parents are like the miata’s

engine, they propel me to actively chase and pursue my dreams, And because of this I feel

confident that I can achieve my dreams.

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