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CHAPTER 3: PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND in disruptions in supply chains, decreased

INTERPRETATIONOF DATA agricultural productivity, and increased

vulnerability to extreme weather events. It is
essential for small food businesses to familiarize
themselves with SDG13 and implement
strategies to reduce their carbon footprint, such
Examining the packaging practices of small as adopting sustainable practices, reducing
businesses, Tables 1 and 2 present weighted waste, supporting renewable energy sources,
mean responses from owners and managers and investing in eco-friendly packaging (UNDP,
regarding the materials and methods utilized n.d.). By prioritizing climate action within them
for food packaging purposes. Notably, plastic operations, small food businesses in Legarda
merges as the predominant packaging Manila can play a crucial role in contributing
material, with a weighted mean of 3.67 for towards a more sustainable future for the
Table 1 and 3.68 for Table 2, categorized as environment and society as a whole.
often. This reliance on plastic packaging Additionally, the government has collaborated
underscores the pervasive nature of the plastic with businesses and civil society organizations
crisis within the business sector. However, to develop sustainable solutions and promote
encouragingly, paper emerges as a viable corporate social responsibility in reducing
alternative, with a weighted mean of 3.18 for plastic waste (Department of Environment and
Table 1 and 3.25 for Table 2, also categorized Natural Resources, n.d.). Such collaborative
as often. efforts are vital in tackling environmental
challenges effectively and fostering a culture of
In contrast, foil/aluminum and polystyrene sustainability across various sectors.
foam materials lag behind, categorized as
rarely, with weighted means of 2.43 and 2.33, Problem 2. What are the current challenges
and 2.13 and 2.12, respectively. While these faced by small food businesses when utilizing
findings shed light on current packaging non-eco-friendly food packaging?
practices, they also underscore the imperative
For small food businesses, cost is a significant
for businesses to embrace sustainable
factor when deciding on packaging options.
alternatives to plastic and paper packaging. By
Traditional packaging materials like plastic and
transitioning towards eco-friendly materials
paper are more affordable compared to
such as plant-based and reusable packaging,
sustainable alternatives such as biodegradable
businesses can not only meet consumer
or compostable materials.
demand for sustainability but also contribute to
the collective effort to combat plastic pollution. While sustainability is becoming increasingly
Moreover, such initiatives can yield tangible important in the eyes of consumers, many
benefits for businesses, including enhanced small businesses simply cannot afford the
brand reputation, customer loyalty, and long- higher costs associated with eco-friendly
term cost savings. packaging. In addition, traditional packaging
often offers better protection for products
The indicator "Our business is aware of United
during shipping and handling, reducing the
Nations Sustainable Development Goal 13
chances of damage and loss. S mall businesses
about urgent action to combat climate change
must weigh their budget constraints against
and its impacts" received the lowest weighted
their desire to incorporate sustainable
mean. This reveals a concerning lack of
practices, making it challenging to prioritize
awareness among small food businesses in
environmentally friendly packaging options.
Legarda Manila regarding UN Sustainable
Ultimately, the decision between traditional
Development Goal 13, which focuses on
and sustainable packaging comes down to
climate action (UNDP, n.d.). This lack of
balancing cost considerations with
awareness is particularly alarming considering
environmental responsibility for small
the significant impact that climate change can
have on food businesses. Failure to address and
mitigate the effects of climate change can result

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