General Intro Fromm Albert

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General Introduction

The field of psychology encompasses the scientific study of human behavior and mental

processes. Psychological assessment is a fundamental component of this discipline and involves

gathering information about individuals to better understand their psychological functioning. It

aims to assess various aspects of cognition, emotion, personality, and behavior to gain insights

into an individual's psychological strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas of concern.

Psychologists use a variety of assessment tools, such as interviews, questionnaires, observations,

and standardized tests, to collect data and make informed evaluations. The findings obtained

through psychological assessments contribute to diagnostic processes, treatment planning, and

research endeavors, ultimately helping individuals improve their well-being and providing

valuable insights into human behavior.

Psychological assessment is the process of the integration of information from multiple sources,

such as tests related to abilities, intelligence, interest or attitude, As well as information from

personal interviews. Collateral information is also collected about personal occupational or

mental history, such as from records or from interviews with parents, spouses, teachers of

previous therapists or physicians. Moreover the psychological assessment is a structured

interview that gathers information from/ and a person to evaluate his or her mental health. It is an

extremely complex process of oven problem in which psychological tests are often used as one

of the methods of collecting relevant data. .

A psychological evaluation cannot be performed by just anyone. Licensed Clinical

Psychologists are highly trained to administer and interpret.

Psychological testing can be traced to 2200 BCE in ancient China. Most scholars agree that
General Introduction

serious research effort on the use and usefulness of psychological test didn't begin until the 20

century with the advance of intelligent testing.

Sir, Francis Galton is often considered the father of intelligence. Psychology testing and

assessment was introduced in 1988.


Standardization: The test must be standardized in terms of its place, materials and time for the

assessment, as well as its environment.

Reliability: refers to the consistency and stability of a measurement tool. A reliable assessment

should produce consistent results over time and across different situations. There are different

types of reliability, including test-retest reliability (consistency of scores when the same test is

administered multiple times), inter-rater reliability (consistency of scores between different

raters), and internal consistency (consistency of scores across different items within the same

test). High reliability indicates that the measurement is dependable and free from random error.

Validity: on the other hand, refers to the accuracy and meaningfulness of the assessment. It

assesses whether the measurement tool is truly measuring what it intends to measure. There are

various types of validity, such as content validity (extent to which the assessment covers the

relevant content), criterion validity (correlation between the assessment scores and an external

criterion), and construct validity (evidence that the assessment measures the intended

psychological construct). High validity ensures that the assessment is valid and provides

meaningful information.

Objectivity: Refers to the degree to which the assessment is free from subjective biases or

influences. It relates to the impartiality and fairness of the assessment process and the objectivity
General Introduction

of the obtained results.

To enhance objectivity, psychologists strive to minimize potential biases that may influence the

assessment. This includes ensuring standardized administration and scoring procedures,

providing clear instructions to participants, and establishing consistent criteria for interpreting


Psychological assessments can be subjective to some degree, as they often involve the

interpretation of responses or behaviors. However, steps are taken to minimize subjective biases.

For example, in structured assessments such as questionnaires or standardized tests, the scoring

is typically based on predetermined guidelines, reducing the influence of personal judgment.

Inter-rater reliability measures are also used to assess the consistency of scoring among different


Methods of assessments

There are methods of assessment according to the fields. Few methods are stated


Interview method :There are three sorts of interviews, which differ in the format of their

questions.There are three sorts of interviews - organised, semi-structured, and unstructured.

Structured interviews employ prepared questions that must be asked in a specific order.

Unstructured interviews, on the other hand, are more open-ended and flexible. Semi-

structured interviews include parts of organised and unstructured interviews.

Case history method: A psychological case study is a thorough assessment of an individual,

group, community, or event that employs a descriptive research method. Psychologists collect

information for a case study via psychometric testing, test subject interviews, archival
General Introduction

research, direct observation, and well-prepared experiments. A case study generally looks at

psychological processes, situations, and actions. Case studies in psychology are important for a

variety of reasons. A case study enables a researcher to demonstrate or test a certain idea. Many

psychologists utilise case studies as preliminary research to create therapies and validate

diagnoses. The collected data gives empirical research for others to investigate and expand on

their beliefs and assumptions. Case studies often spark new ideas, allowing researchers to

explore creatively in a controlled setting. (What Is a Case Study in Psychology? (with Methods

and Steps), n.d.)

Mental Status Examination method

The mental state examination (MSE) is a critical skill to learn in psychiatric

evaluation. An accurate MSE identifies indications and symptoms of mental disease, as

well as related risk factors. The MSE is an organised instrument and method for

observing and assessing a patient's present mental state. MSEs are commonly used in

mental health assessments and clinical contacts to aid with diagnosis and identify

potential areas for improvement. (Hufton, 2020)


Attitude test: Attitude testing is done to measure people's attitudes. The purpose is to quantify

people's beliefs in behavior to inform decisions, understand human difference and give

knowledge about personality types. Attitude tests can be done directly or indirectly.

Aptitude test: Aptitude test examination that attempts to determine and measure a person's

ability to acquire, through future training, some specific set of skills.

Neuropsychological test: Neuropsychological assessment is a procedure used to evaluate the

General Introduction

behavior and functional expression of brain dysfunction, and identify the impact of brain injury

or diseases on the cognitive sensorimotor, emotional, and general adaptive capacity of an


Clinical test: A psychological evaluation psychological test is use in clinical assessment to

assess the patient cognitive abilities, personality, Social Skill, emotion, behavior responses or


Achievement test; Achievement test any norm's reference standardized intended to measure an

individual current level of skills or knowledge is given in a subject.

Personality test: Personality tests are designed to systematically elicit information about a

person's motivations, preferences, interest, emotional makeup, in the style of interacting with

people and situation.

A psychological evaluation is frequently regarded as the first defense in diagnosing and treating

mental health problems. It is performed by a psychologist to help them to understand the severity

and duration of symptoms.

Ethics refers to the correct rules of conduct necessary when carrying research. We have more

responsibility to protect research participants from harm. However important the issue under

investigation, psychologists need to remember that they have a duty to respect the right and

dignity of research participants. Moral issues rarely yield simple, unambiguous, right or wrong

answers. It is there war often a matter of judgment whether the research is justified or not.

The assessment helps identify if there are any mental health issues present, and determine and

diagnosis and treatment accordingly, which will enable them to correctly diagnose and treat you.

Assessment can help you with anything from whether you have a learning disability to how well
General Introduction

you work as a manager based on the question asked. This evaluation, according to the American

Psychiatric Association (APA), assesses your psychological functioning, including your

thoughts, emotion, and behaviors, to help determine the type of treatment you may require, in

other words, the best way to proceeds.

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