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(updated 12/mar/24)

In theory,
We face both obstacles and opportunities in today's ever-changing educational landscape,
driven by the needs of a globally integrated society.
In light of these challenges and opportunities, a compelling case can be made for innovation
and systemic change in education:

Cohesive devices
This is the same point as that made by Saxenian (1994: 2) – ‘companies compete
intensely while at the same time learning from one another’. The challenge in education is not
to abolish competition in the hope that unparalleled levels of collaboration and innovation
will be instantly unleashed.
JPD in alliances offers yet more. Following Hamel (1991), it is possible to
conceptualize a firm as a portfolio of core competencies, such as how to manufacture goods
or provide services, combined with encompassing disciplines, such as total quality
management, just-in-time systems, and customer service. In these terms, a school may be
treated as a portfolio of core competencies, such as the teaching expertise in how to promote
student learning, and as a set of encompassing disciplines, such as the school’s policies and
practices for student behavior, distributing leadership, and mentoring and coaching. It was
noted above that in the business world there are three (not mutually exclusive) motives for
making a strategic alliance: greater efficiency, competitive advantage and increased learning
opportunities. It is the last of these that drives most teachers into alliances.
Given that the white paper (HM Government, 2010) claims a parallel between
teaching schools and teaching hospitals, an example from my own research with surgeons is
perhaps in order (Hargreaves, 1996).
At any one point, different schools in the partnership will be at different stages. It is
assumed that the stringent criteria adopted in the process of designation as teaching schools
mean that such schools will, for most of the strands in the first two dimensions, be at least at
the embedding stage. It is on this basis that they have achieved the status of nodal schools,
some of which have been highly experienced training schools for ITT as well as members of
the TDA’s continuing professional development (CPD) clusters.

An area of concern and contention is the relationship between a teaching school, its
alliance partners and other local schools. It is not intended that a teaching school should in
every way be better or more advanced than its partners (câu contrasting đê làm rõ ý).
Certainly it has to be an outstanding school in Ofsted terms, but its task, as in any strategic
alliance, is to be the network’s hub or the nodal school that offers strategic leadership, and co-
ordinates, monitors and quality assures alliance activities and expertise. The teaching school
is not the positional, top dog type of leader, but rather the leader who has the right knowledge

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and skills (competence) to engage in the right kind of processes that produce the intended
results of the partnership. In this, teaching schools have something to learn from strategic
alliances in other sectors.

To show agreement with the points made in the essay you are responding to, you can use
supportive and affirming language. Here are some phrases and strategies to demonstrate your
agreement effectively:

Educational Access and Retention:

You shed light on the accessibility of basic education in the United States while highlighting
the lack of a widely accepted definition of what qualifies as basic education. This illustrates the
intricate educational system of the nation.

Acknowledgement: Begin by acknowledging the key points made in the original essay. For

"I agree with the author's perspective on..."

"The essay rightly points out that..."
"I share the author's view that..."
Reiteration: Reiterate the main arguments or observations from the original essay to
emphasize your agreement:

"The essay accurately highlights..."

"I echo the author's sentiment that..."
"It's clear from the essay that..."
Supportive Language: Use language that expresses support and alignment with the essay's

"I wholeheartedly agree with the notion that..."

"The author's insights are in line with my own thinking..."
"I am fully in favor of the perspective presented in the essay..."
Specific Agreement: Highlight specific points or examples from the original essay that you
find particularly convincing or well-argued:

"The author's example of [example] is a compelling illustration of..."

"I am particularly impressed by the way the essay addresses..."
"The essay's argument about [specific point] aligns perfectly with my own views..."
Reference to Common Goals: Emphasize common goals or shared values:

Linking words - less common - Ms Nhi Le 2

"We both seem to share the goal of..."
"Our agreement on this issue reflects our shared commitment to..."
"It's clear that we both prioritize..."
Empathetic Language: Use empathetic language to show understanding and alignment with
the author's perspective:

"I understand and appreciate the author's concern regarding..."

"The essay effectively captures the importance of..."
"The author rightly points out the challenges we face in..."
has gained prominence on the global stage as a
● - A is a cause of B
○ + A result(s) in/ lead(s) to/ bring(s) about B
○ + A is often associated with B
○ + A paves the way for B
○ + A is a catalyst of B
○ + A is the precursor of B
○ + A correlates with B
○ + A makes a significant/substantial/valuable/great contribution to B
○ + A is a key/contributing factor influencing B
○ + A has/exerts an effect/impact/influence on B
● Without a doubt

Australians are uncomfortable with differences in status and hence idealize the idea
of treating everyone equally. An illustration of this is that most adult Australians call
each other by their first names.

● One of the standout positives of this form of rapid transport is that…

● In the field of education,
● Stakeholders had a positive view of the model, but a great deal of concern was
expressed around its implementation
● a/ another key (point/ role/ challenge) in bringing about desired improvements lies
in the lack of context-specific understanding of teaching practices

Sen 1. With that said,..... Sen 2 (therefore)

Sen 1. In this regard,..... Sen 2 (in this case)
Sen 1. For that reason..... Sen 2

Clause 1, in that clause 2

Clause 1, whereby clause 2

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Clause 1, thereby phrase/ gerund
Clause 1, wherein clause 2 (reverse)
With that,
That said,

1. Hardly can anybody deny the impacts of (education) on children, which (have) been a
whistle blowing topic in the 21st century.
2. Over the past decade we have seen the evolution of the contemporary phenomenon,
social media, providing society an outlet for self-presentation and enabling us to
connect with anyone in the world at any given moment.
3. As we move into the new millennium, one trend/issue overwhelms our concerns and
that is..
4. Over the past decade there has been a huge increase in the use of smartphones,

RE- Intro
1. It has sparked a revival of the debate about whether……... In my opinion, I THINK
It has sparked a revival of the debate about whether large corporations should relocate
to rural areas. While such move arguably carries many drawbacks, I still hold the
belief that …..

2. Opinions differ on whether Students grouped based on their academic aptitudes. or not.
In my view, It is more beneficial to have a mix of students with varying levels of
academic abilities studying together
3. For a number of decades, the question of whether public single-sex education might
be beneficial to males, females, or a subset of either group (particularly disadvantaged
youths) was mainly theoretical and has been limited.
4. (advan-disadvan) It is increasingly common for…
5. the city has been subject to the longstanding debate about whether…..
6. The issue of inter-subject comparable
7. (intro thien ve 1 idea) A related though the different phenomenon is single-sex classes,
whereby schools that are otherwise coeducational provide separate classes for males

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and females in selected subjects for one or more years. This report focuses on single-
sex schools
8. The almighty tussle over whether family members or third-party services are in
charge of taking care of the parents. In my point of view, such responsibility should be
placed on the children’s side due to many reasons.

On the positive side,
1. There are a number of diverse factors that lead people to (dis)approval of /
(dis)agreeing with ….
2. It is also clear that there is a correlation between crime and drug taking ….
3. A number of reasons have been suggested for this change. Some have suggested that…
4. outweigh/ eclipse/ overshadow /blur
5. A number of theoretical advantages to both …
6. Predominantly /prɪˈdɒmənənli/ phần lớn là
7. It is socialization, readiness for the real world, that is seen as a major advantage of
coeducational schooling for boys.
8. The first Overwhelming support for single-sex education stems from the many
apparent advantages it affords its beneficiaries.
9. [ topic sen] There is no denying that ….
10. When deciding on………….., there are many factors to consider including, for
example, …, ….
11. co-educational institutions were found to contribute to gender
12. stereotyping, in that boys tended to dominate the sciences, while girls gravitate more
13. towards the arts and social sciences
14. Another advantage provided by grandparent childcare is that they facilitate / allow /
15. It is not only that but ..(clause) grand-parent child care gives a close bond in a family,
which results in the full emotional development of a child.
16. What is more,...
17. Further to the upsides of ……. is that …
18. …..It also has far-reaching implications for ….
19. As countries with a workforce lacking proficiency in mathematics are unable to
achieve optimal economic growth to fully harness the opportunities that have emerged
in this technological age
20. [topic sen] There are several factors that contribute to a workplace in which sexual
harassment is an open secret


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On the negative side, …..

From an individual’s (perspective/ angle),

In a larger scale,

In the view of …. not without shortcomings which the counterpart can compensate for.

This type of growth can be backfired when …

Further to the issue/perk of prevailing weak performance in ….

Males continue to be underrepresented in this realm of research.

This somewhat limits the arguments that can be built and extended from this quantitative

However, it could be argued that

There are limits to

There is no way to resolve whether …

But on the flip side, ….

It is further aggravated by the fact that / It is not only that but …

A bombardment of assessments took place in the months

-Given a recent extensive (review/argument) concluding that there are clear (+) of Idea1,
but [..]there are still some instances / + when it comes to Idea 2. (In my view, neither
channel should be used/claimed at the expense of the other.)
[..]= I still concede/ I am still convinced that
-Given a recent extensive review/argument concluding that there are clear (+) of I1, but
there are still some negatives when it comes to …….... In my view, neither channel should
be used/claimed at the expense of the other.
-It can come to the conclusion that….
-The overwhelming conclusion arising from throughout the extensive argument is that
+ In conclusion, Albeit A (-), I am still convinced that A (+).

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In an era of social media,

From a family member’s perspective, …

A leads to B

This brought to light the idea that

These general implications of the review provide a stepping-stone for …

Irrespective of which group the achievement gap favours, males or females, it is undesirable
for several reasons. …

This has been identified as one of the factors contributing to …

This is supposed to be attributed to …

To trigger / cause / lead

Other linking words

As opposed to (that)= In contrast to..

In the case of ….[phrase]..

Be that as it may,/ Having said that, (clause) = however / as opposed to/ mind you the
authentic version of oneself


Getting your team all in one room can be a hassle, but it’s worth it. People are more engaged
and more collaborative in face-to-face settings. This seems especially true for millennials, the
generation most pp known for being tech-reliant.

In other words,

This can be exampled through the constantly developing ‘idealistic’ body, made prevalent
(A) would exemplify this statement as ….[clause]

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You shed light on the accessibility of basic education in the United States while highlighting
the lack of a widely accepted definition of what qualifies as basic education. This illustrates
the intricate educational system of the nation.

- In my POV, [this concept of success] is intentionally flexible, because to be successful
has taken a wide variety of forms in different perspectives. (discuss)
- both + and - are more likely to co-exist
- Neither A nor B should be taken into account at the expense of the other.
- In my point of view, my argument can be a form of agreeing and disagreeing
simultaneously. (agree/disagree)

While disagreeing about how to explain off-line modification, I agree that nonhumans share
social mechanisms used in language.

Pro-democratic responses are defined as disagreeing with the first three items and agreeing
with the fourth.

From my standpoint, bicycles' values can be paled in by their demerits.


- In the narrow sense

1. Adding emphasis
Moreover,/ furthermore, /what is more, /(even) more importantly,
2. Showing causes and effects
This means that….
In other words,
In turn,

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While doing so, ..(clause)..
3. Showing contrasts
If… does not ..then
Having said that

4. Explanation
Because of this,
It could be explained that
This not only means…(noun)..., but also…. (noun)... , which …
…., which means…
That is to say that,
In other words,

First idea and 2nd idea

● Anticipation is one half of the prevention equation.

● The other half is to ensure that disaster resilience is built into any critical
infrastructure such as schools and health facilities, likely to be exposed to a natural
hazard such as a storm, flood, earthquake, or tsunami.

in hindsight

lo and behold = all of sudden (positive)

in and of itself = nothing to do with the thing you are mentioning

let's toss around some ideas = let's discuss some ideas

be that as it may = in fact

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not to mention + phrase/ clause

In that Ở chỗ; tại vì, bởi vì. Chỉ cách thức (manner).
The dictionary was helpful in that it gave examples. — Từ điển có lợi ở chỗ đưa ra ví dụ.
Ghi chú sử dụng
1. In that + mệnh đề, mệnh đề.
2. Mệnh đề + in that + mệnh đề.

At some point / at that point

Several ways to answer this question. One of them is…

Suppose / presumably,
As opposed to…

Sau cụm từ Given that là một mệnh đề có đầy đủ chủ ngữ vị ngữ. Cụm từ Given that là cụm
từ nối và hiếm khi gặp ở trong văn bản hay giao tiếp hằng ngày. Nó có nhiệm vụ là giải thích
cho câu đi phía sau

Given that he was a kid-hater, he wouldn't be able to take care of a child. It was almost
impossible but he did take care of the very well-balanced baby.
Với việc anh ấy là một người ghét con nít, anh ấy sẽ không thể nào chăm sóc cho một đứa
trẻ được đâu. Việc này gần như không thể xảy ra được nhưng anh ấy thực sự đã chăm
đứa trẻ rất cẩn thận.

Đối với câu này, sau given that là một mệnh đề cụ thể “ he was a kid-hater”.

When he is confused by the difficult question of the teacher, given that she has
answered the question with the fastest and correct answer. She answered the help
group to get extra points.
Khi anh ấy bối rối trước câu hỏi khó của giáo viên, với việc cô ấy đã trả lời được câu hỏi
với một câu trả lời chính xác và nhanh nhất. Cô ấy trả lời nhóm giúp đỡ được cộng
thêm điểm.

Đối với câu này, sau given that là một mệnh đề cụ thể “ she has answered the question with
the fastest and correct answer.”

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Với trường hợp chỉ có Given mà không có chữ that thì phía sau nó phải là một cụm từ: danh
từ, tính từ, động từ,....

Given his health, it is very normal for him to be admitted to the police school. How
many people are jealous and want to have a health like him.
Với sức khỏe của anh ấy, anh ấy có thể được đậu vào trường công an là chuyện hết sức
bình thường. Biết bao nhiêu người ghen tị và mong muốn có được một sức khỏe như
anh ấy.

Đối với câu này, sau Given là một cụm danh từ ‘his health”.

Given a beautiful face, she was chosen to be the school's beauty. Not only was she
allowed to represent the school newspaper, she was also chosen to shoot a video to
introduce the school.
Với gương mặt đẹp, cô ấy đã được chọn để trở thành hoa khôi của trường. Không chỉ
được làm đại diện cho tờ báo trường, cô ấy còn được chọn để quay video để giới thiệu

Đối với câu này, sau Given là một cụm danh từ ‘a beautiful face”.


given that trong tiếng Anh

Liên từ Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Lest sợ rằng, lo lắng rằng

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Provided miễn là

Providing (that chỉ khi

Let alone chuyện chưa được nói đến

not to mention chưa kể đến rằng/ việc chưa được đề cập


Granted that với việc …. là

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The most promising solution may lie with

These records of sound levels take no account of the fact that people vary in their
perceptions of noise - so someone like me with years of working in acoustics might be very
different from you in that regard.
a city needs to have a sense of activity, so it needs to be lively, with sounds like the clack of
high heels on a pavement or the hiss of a coffee machine, but these mustn’t be too intrusive,
because at the same time we need to be able to relax.

In some industries, there are excellent reasons why companies must enforce strict dress codes.
Workers on a shop floor, for example, aren’t allowed to wear loose fitting clothes or jewelry
for safety reasons. Many healthcare workers are required to wear long sleeves and pants. In
cases where employee safety and insurance requirements are top of mind, it’s hard to argue
against a dress code. However, the enforcement of a dress code in other instances like an
office setting can become more complicated.

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