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1. the potential for faster access. to specialists and treatments.

2. early detection. of diseases

3. neglect. preventative measures

4. promote. healthy habits

5. concerns. about affordability

6. exacerbate. existing social inequalities

7. reduce wait times for. procedures and consultations

8. offer greater choice in. doctors and treatment options

9. cater to individual preferences
10. prioritize high-cost interventions
11. have an incentive to invest in cutting-edge technology and streamline
12. focus on preventative care

paraphrases "Good health is a basic human need, so the medical service should not be run by profit-making companies":

 Focusing on the right to healthcare: Since access to healthcare is essential for everyone, prioritizing profit shouldn't be the
driving force behind medical services.
 Highlighting the potential consequences: When healthcare is run by for-profit companies, it raises concerns about
affordability and equitable access, which are crucial for a healthy society.
 Offering an alternative: To ensure everyone receives necessary medical care, healthcare systems should prioritize people's
well-being over financial gain.
 Emphasizing the ethical concern: Profiting from a fundamental human need like healthcare raises ethical questions. Medical
services should be focused on providing care, not maximizing profits.
A clear benefit of private healthcare is the potential for faster access to specialists and treatments. Profit-driven companies have an
incentive to invest in cutting-edge technology and streamline processes, reducing wait times for procedures and consultations.
Additionally, private systems can offer greater choice in doctors and treatment options, catering to individual preferences.

However, the profit motive poses a significant drawback. Private healthcare, by its nature, prioritizes financial gain, leading to
concerns about affordability. Treatments may be priced beyond the reach of many, creating a two-tiered system where the wealthy
receive superior care while the less fortunate struggle with inadequate or inaccessible options. This can exacerbate existing social

Furthermore, profit-driven care may not incentivize preventative measures. Public healthcare systems often focus on preventative
care, promoting healthy habits and early detection of diseases. Private companies, however, might prioritize high-cost
interventions that generate greater profit, neglecting preventative measures which reduce long-term costs.

a) the potential for faster access to specialists and treatments.

b) early detection of diseases

c) neglect preventative measures

d) promote healthy habits

e) concerns about affordability

f) exacerbate existing social inequalities

g) reduce wait times for procedures and consultations

h) offer greater choice in doctors and treatment options

i) cater to individual preferences

j) prioritize high-cost interventions

k) have an incentive to invest in cutting-edge technology and streamline processes

l) focus on preventative care

đua hoc viên sêp các ý sau vào 2 côt (pros/ cons) = > tìm ra main ideas và consequences

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