Green Et Al 2008

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Music in minor activates limbic structures:

a relationship with dissonance?
Anders C. Greena,c,d, Klaus B. Brentsena,c, Hans Stdkilde-Jrgensenc, Mikkel Wallentind,
Andreas Roepstor¡ b,d and Peter Vuustd,e

Departments of Psychology, bAnthropology, University of Aarhus, cMR Research Centre, dCenter of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience,
Aarhus University Hospital and eRoyal Academy of Music, Aarhus, Denmark

Correspondence to Anders C.Green, Department of Psychology, University of Aarhus, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 4, DK- 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Tel: + 45 89424900; fax: + 45 89424901; e-mail:

Received 4 February 2008; accepted 13 February 2008

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we contrasted ma- increased activity in limbic structures, namely left parahippocam-
jor and minor mode melodies controlled for liking to study the pal gyrus, bilateral ventral anterior cingulate, and in left medial pre-
neural basis of musical mode perception. To examine the in£uence frontal cortex. Dissonance explained some, but not all, of the
of the larger dissonance in minor melodies on neural activation dif- heightened activity in the limbic structures when listening to minor
ferences, we further introduced a strongly dissonant stimulus, in mode music. NeuroReport 19:711^715  c 2008 Wolters Kluwer
the form of a chromatic scale. Minor mode melodies were evalu- Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
ated as sadder than major melodies, and in comparison they caused

Keywords: dissonance, emotion, functional magnetic resonance imaging, limbic, mode, music

Introduction neutral music, and pointed again to left posterior cingulate

Music has a strong effect on human emotions, which is gyrus, as well as left middle frontal gyrus, temporal
probably a fundamental reason for its existence in every auditory areas and the hippocampus, amygdala and
human culture [1]. A clear emotional dichotomy has cerebellum [9]. However, this study did not find any
consistently been found at the behavioural level for Western activation when instead contrasting sad with happy music,
listeners when comparing major to minor mode music. whereas [7] showed no activation in an opposite contrast
Major is usually referred to as the happier and minor the (major over minor). Finally, [10] indicated only extraneous
sadder mode [2]. Musicologically, a main difference (motor related) activity when contrasting major and minor
between major and minor mode is that minor allows for chords, and implicated similar areas (bilateral inferior
more dissonance than major mode. This is evident in the frontal gyri, bilateral dorsal anterior cingulate and thala-
array of notes utilized – and perceived as fitting by listeners mus) when comparing both major and minor chords to
– in minor compared with major mode contexts in Western neutral ones.
music [3,4]. Perceived degree of dissonance potentially Using fMRI, we contrasted major and minor mode
influences liking and the perception of emotional content in melodies to study the neural basis of musical mode
music [5,6]. Therefore, dissonance is a possible explanatory perception. To examine the influence of dissonance on
factor concerning mode-related neural activation differ- neural activation differences, we introduced a strongly
ences. This putative interplay and possible overlap between dissonant stimulus with minimal melodic content, in the
the neural correlates of mode and of dissonance have not form of a chromatic scale. We further intended to control for
been widely examined before, but is explored in this potential confounds in the earlier studies [7–10]. First,
study. unlike [7,9] who used preexisting music, stimuli used in our
Recently, a few studies [7–10] have investigated the study were purpose-made, and thus unknown to partici-
impact on brain activity of major and minor mode, as well pants. This eliminated the risk that participants would
as the related topic of happy and sad music, all using recognize some melodies but not others; an aspect known
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), but their to alter the perception and appreciation of them [11,12].
findings only partially overlap, and in some cases contradict Second, in contrast to [7,9], purpose-made melodies
each other. One study found that listening to minor mode rendered it possible to keep them deliberately similar along
excerpts, opposed to major, caused differential activity in a range of parameters, such as amplitude, timbre and tempo
left posterior cingulate, and left orbitol and dorsolateral – all of which are known to influence music perception and
prefrontal cortex [7]. Another study implicated the amyg- hence its neural correlates [12]. The two remaining previous
dala, retrosplenial region, brainstem and cerebellum in a studies, in contrast, used either single chords [8], or groups
similar contrast [8]. A third study contrasted sad with of four triads [10], as stimuli. Although highly controllable,

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such stimuli lack ecological validity, given that real music included realignment to the first image and unwarping,
unfolds over time. Third, we controlled liking for the music, coregistration with the T1-weighted images and slice
as a liking difference can by itself alter brain activation timing. Subsequently, segmentation of grey and white
[5,6,13]. matter, together with spatial normalization, was performed
By ensuring this high level of experimental control, and using the unified segmentation approach [14], and images
by investigating the possible relationship of mode with were smoothed (10-mm full width at half maximum
dissonance, this study aimed to clarify the neural under- Gaussian kernel).
pinnings of musical emotion. Experimental effects were estimated with a general linear
model [15]. Second-level random effects analyses yielded
statistical parametric maps (SPMs). Contrasts were set up
Methods to test for mode effect (minor vs. major). SPMs were
Stimuli thresholded at Po0.05, Family Wise Error corrected for the
A pool of 30 unknown single-voice melodies of 13 s duration entire volume at voxel level, whereas cluster level correction
each was used; half in major mode, half in minor. Melodies was also investigated. Voxel coordinates were transformed
were digital piano sequences, quantized and generated in ( from Montreal
Cubase SX (Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH, Ham- Neurological Institute to Talairach space. Peak–voxel ana-
burg, Germany), postprocessed in Adobe Audition. Three lyses were performed on the areas found in the second-level
different keys (A flat, E and C) were used to add variety; analysis; averaged b values for the main effects of major and
other parameters were kept identical, including ambitus minor were compared with those for the chromatic scale.
(a 10th), tempo (80 BPM) and amplitude.
The happiness or sadness expressed by the melodies was
judged by a separate group of 21 volunteers, on a scale of
1 (saddest) to 5 (happiest).
Behavioural results
An ascending chromatic scale of uniformly distributed
Minor mode melodies were judged as sadder than major:
dissonant intervals (minor seconds), but otherwise with
mean major 2.62 (SD¼0.33) and mean minor 3.57 (SD¼0.40;
similar characteristics as the melodies, was used as the third
paired t-test: T¼8.001, Po0.001).
stimulus type.
Major and minor mode melodies were rated as equally
likeable, mean major 3.06 (SD¼0.38) and mean minor 3.26
Procedure and participants (SD¼0.48; paired t-test: T¼1.935, P40.05).
Twenty-one healthy nonmusicians, right-handed (self re-
port), with a mean age of 27.3 (range: 20–33) were instructed
to visually fixate on a cross on a screen, listen carefully to Functional MRI results
the stimuli over headphones, and immediately after each The contrast of minor over major melodies revealed
melody to rate how well they liked it on a scale from 1 (least activation in left parahippocampal gyrus (LPHG) (Fig. 1a).
liked) to 5 (most liked), using a response box with one A further activation site (Fig. 1b) at cluster level correction
button for each finger. Stimulus sequences were pseudo- encompassed left and right ventral anterior cingulate cortex
randomized for each participant individually, and consisted (VACC) (BA 24), and extended into left medial frontal gyrus
of 12 major and 12 minor mode melodies, six chromatic (LMFG) of the medial prefrontal cortex (BA 10). The
scale repetitions and a number of 2–8 s silences in between. opposite contrast of major over minor yielded no significant
Participants performed a practice session before the actual activation.
fMRI scan to familiarize themselves with all aspects of In the peak–voxel analysis, the mean response to the
the procedure. The ethical committee of Aarhus County chromatic scale fell between that of major and minor mode
approved the study. melodies with regard to three of the four areas mentioned
The reported study was a separate part of a larger above (Fig. 2). None of these differences between chromatic
investigation (forthcoming) of memory effects on music scale and the melodies were statistically significant (re-
perception. This involved a learning phase preceding the peated measures analysis of variance, P40.05). In LMFG,
fMRI scan, where participants listened to 18 of the melodies the chromatic scale elicited the greatest (least negative)
a varying number of times each. In the scanner, they listened response, followed by minor, and then major mode. Here,
to these again once each, along with a further six melodies the difference between chromatic scale and major was
(for a total of 24). As the distribution of major and minor significant (Po0.05).
mode was evenly balanced in every group of melodies,
these additional elements were considered to be of no
consequence to the results reported here. Discussion
In this study, we found limbic (LPHG, bilateral VACC) and
Image acquisition and data analysis limbic-related structures (LMFG) differentially activated by
Scanning was performed on a Signa Excite 1.5 T MR scanner listening to melodies in minor mode, compared with
(General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, equivalent major melodies. At the behavioural level, we
USA). T1-weighted anatomical images were acquired, and confirmed that the presented melodies in minor were
functional bold images were obtained using a gradient- perceived as sadder than those in major mode. This is
echo echoplanar imaging sequence; TR¼2700 ms, TE¼40 ms. consistent with the fact that limbic structures are central to
Thirty-four axial slices of 5-mm thickness (no gap), covering processing emotions [16]. We further propose that degree
the whole brain were acquired (64  64 matrix). of dissonance may account for some but not all of the
Functional MRI data analysis was done with SPM5 heightened activity of the brain regions responsive to minor
(Institute of Neurology, London, UK). Data preprocessing mode melodies. Thus, the study conclusively shows that

712 Vol 19 No 7 7 May 2008

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(a) (b)

6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
Fig. Talairach Z score P
(a) Voxel-level significant Voxel
activations (FWE) level
L parahippocampal gyrus −18,−44,8 4.65 0.039
(b) Cluster-level significant Cluster
activations level
R anterior cingulate (BA 24) 8, 33, 6 3.76 0.031
L anterior cingulate (BA 24) −2, 37, 6 3.70 0.031
L medial frontal gyrus (BA 10) −14, 47, 3 3.68 0.031

Fig. 1 Statistical activation maps for the minor^ major contrast of the random e¡ects analysis, withTalairach coordinates for the peak activation sites,
and their Z scores and P values.The right side of the images corresponds to the right hemisphere. FWE, Family Wise Error.

(a) 0.1 (b) 0.1 limbic structures are more involved in processing minor
than major mode melodies.

Minor versus major mode

0.0 Our finding of LPHG is unique when compared with
previous neuroimaging studies on musical mode [7–10].
0.0 However, activation of LPHG is consistent with neuroana-
tomical evidence showing functional connection between
−0.1 LPHG and the other activated regions, namely cingulate
cortex and frontal cortical areas, including BA 10 [17].
Interestingly, other neuroimaging studies have implicated
parahippocampal gyrus in listening to unpleasant music
−0.1 −0.2 [5,6], and patients with lesions of the area show decreased
Major sensitivity towards it [18]. The involvement of LPHG in this
(c) 0.1 (d) 0.1 Minor study cannot be because of unpleasantness, as the beha-
Chromatic vioural results showed no difference in liking between
minor and major. However, our results show that minor
0.0 melodies are judged as sadder than major. This indicates
0.0 that LPHG activation is not always explained by variations
in liking, but can, as in our case, also be attributed to the
−0.1 emotional valence of sadness. Furthermore, in the context of
this study it is important that the perceived unpleasantness
−0.1 of the music in the above-mentioned studies [5,6,18] was
−0.2 achieved by the use of dissonance (see below).
Activation of the ventral anterior cingulate cortex is in
general related to affective processing, whereas the dorsal
−0.3 −0.2 part is associated with cognition [19]. Furthermore, evidence
suggests that VACC is especially sensitive to negative or sad
Fig. 2 Responses to major, minor and chromatic scale (dissonance) at emotional content [20]. Involvement of VACC in this study
peak coordinates found in the minor^ major contrast. Graphs represent
averaged b values across 21participants for the three conditions in: LPHG
might thus reflect the finding that minor mode melodies
(a), right VACC (b), left VACC (c) and LMFG (d). Error bars represent were perceived as sadder than major ones. However, none
standard error. LMFG, left medial frontal gyrus; LPHG, left parahippo- of the previous imaging studies of mode effects have shown
campal gyrus; VACC, ventral anterior cingulate cortex. VACC in minor–major contrasts [7–10]. On the contrary,

Vol 19 No 7 7 May 2008 713

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anterior cingulate activation was found when participants stimulus was in between and not significantly different from
listened to happy versus neutral music [9], and has been the response to the major and minor melodies (Fig. 2).
shown to correlate with intensity of musical ‘chills’ [21]. It is Hence, harmonic dissonance may be a contributing but
conceivable that the care taken in our study to optimize certainly not an exclusive factor in the observed minor-
experimental control, compared with earlier studies [7–10], related activity increase. Only in LMFG did we find traces of
has allowed for a finer differentiation of anterior cingulate the hypothesized response pattern. Musicologically, these
activity in response to musical emotion. findings suggest that there must be more to the minor mode
The involvement of LMFG possibly reflects its strong than its comparatively high degree of dissonance. It is worth
connectivity with the anterior cingulate cortex and other emphasizing here that the dissonant stimulus material was
limbic structures; a connectivity that has supported the a simple chromatic scale, whereas the minor (and major)
proposed role of the medial prefrontal cortex as a centre for mode stimuli were actual melodies. This indicates that in
integration of emotional content from these regions [19,22]. order for dissonance to exert its maximum influence on
This was corroborated with respect to musically induced brain activity, and hence perception, it needs to occur within
emotions by a recent study [23], which investigated the a ‘real’ musical context. An obvious possibility for future
emotionally enhancing effect of presenting congruent investigation would be to study dissonant melodies, not just
classical music together with affective pictures (as opposed scales.
to pictures alone). Both the medial frontal gyrus and the
parahippocampus were among the brain regions differen-
tially activated by the combined visual/auditive stimuli. This study showed that left parahippocampal gyrus is
Additionally, activation of left medial prefrontal cortex
crucially involved when people listen to melodies in the
(BA 10) has been shown before in a minor–major contrast sad minor mode, as opposed to the happier major mode.
[7]. The authors claimed that involvement of BA 10 was
Further areas implicated were bilateral ventral anterior
caused by a hypothesized need to introspectively evaluate cingulate and left medial prefrontal cortex. Compared with
the emotional (happy–sad) content. However, it is unclear to
earlier studies, the present design controlled liking for the
us why this introspection should be more pronounced when melodies, as well as a range of acoustic and musical
judging minor rather than major mode music. Conse- parameters. The greater dissonance of minor than major
quently, there is need for another explanation of what may account for some, but not all, of the specific brain
causes the increased emotional brain activity when listening activation related to listening to music in minor. The most
to minor mode music in particular. pertinent behavioural explanation for the observed brain
activity is the emotional quality of sadness associated with
the minor mode.
Dissonance as an explanatory factor
We tested whether the limbic activation in the minor–major
contrast might reflect the higher degree of dissonance in Acknowledgements
minor melodies. This was performed by comparing the The authors thank Bo Sommerlund, Torben E. Lund, Kim
response to a chromatic scale, which is strongly dissonant, Mouridsen, Christina Scheel Meyer and Pernille Bruhn. The
to major and minor mode melodies in the peak voxels of the study was partly funded by The Danish Research Council
brain areas activated in the minor–major contrast. Musico- for Communication and Culture, and The Danish National
logically, the major, minor and chromatic stimuli reflect Research Foundation.
three different levels of musical dissonance, where major
mode is the least dissonant and the chromatic scale the
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