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UNIT TEST-I Scheme: C-20

Branch: II DECE Sub Name & Code: NA & EE-305 Max Marks: 40M
Time: 90Min Date:23-08-2023(A.M)
Answer all the questions. 16 Marks

1 Define Branch,node,loop 4M
2 Write the statement and limitations of Norton’s theorem 3M
3 Write the state and limitation of thevenin theorem 3M
4 Explain the difference between the star-delta and delta-star transformation 3M
5 Explain the difference between series resonance and parallel resonance 3M

Answer all the questions. 24 Marks

6 a).Given the choice of mesh current shown in fig. below write the corresponding mesh 8M
current equation and put them in matrix form

b).state and prove duality theorem
7 8M
a).for the network shown in fig below find the voltage transfer function Vo/Vi by the nodal

b).state and prove reciprocity theorem and write it limitations
8 a). in the circuit of fig below find the current Ia,Ib,Ic 8M


b). explain the methods of solving Ac parallel circuits

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