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1. Illustrate the advantages of instance-based learning techniques over other machine learning
2. Describe the following concepts in decision tree in detail: (i) Avoiding overfitting in decision tree.
(ii) Incorporating continuous valued attributes.
3. Demonstrate K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm for classification with the help of an example.
4. Explain Instance based learning. Compare locally weighted regression and radial basis function
5. Discuss the following issues in Decision Tree Learning:
a. 1. Overfitting the data
b. 2. Guarding against bad attribute choices
c. 3. Handling continuous valued attributes
d. 4. Handling missing attribute values
e. 5. Handling attributes with differing costs
6. Discuss overfitting and underfitting situation in decision tree learning.


1. What is gradient descent delta rule?

2. What is the role of Inductive Bias in ANN?
3. Highlight the importance of Case Based Learning
4. Comment on the Algorithmic convergence & Generalization property of ANN.
5. Describe the kohonen Self Organizing Maps and its algorithm.
6. Explain the relevance of CBR. How CADET tool employs CBR?
7. Differentiate between Gradient Descent and Stochastic Gradient Descent
8. Explain various types of activation functions with examples.
9. (a) Explain the different layers used in convolutional neural network with suitable examples.
(b) Illustrate backpropagation algorithm by assuming the training rules for output unit weights
and Hidden Unit weights.

11. Describe BPN algorithm in ANN with suitable example.

Unit 5:

1. Differentiate between Q learning and Deep Learning.

2. Illustrate the process of Q-learning and discuss the following terms: (i) Q-values or action value
(ii) Rewards and Episode (iii) Temporal difference or TD update.
3. Explain various types of reinforcement learning techniques with suitable examples.
4. How to Identify the reproduction cycle of genetic algorithm? Explain with suitable example.
5. Explain the role of genetic algorithm? Discuss the various phases considered in genetic
6. Describe a prototypical genetic algorithm along with various operations possible in it.
7. What is the problem of crowding in GA?

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