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Architecture Technology of Inductive Charging

(Wireless Charging)

Written by :
Dinah Aryani Zavitri (2220010111)
M. Albaihaqi Azis (2220010131)

Listyo Edi Prabowo, S.T., M.T.


First of all, the author would like to give a great thanks to the almighty God because of His
grace and guidance, our paper is entitled Architecture Technology of Inductive Charging
(Wireless Charging), and thanks to our lecturer, Mr. Listyo Edi Prabowo, S.T., M.T., for this
assignment and for allowing us to know how to make ISAS. We hope this task makes us
better in the future to do some tasks in the future, because of our limited knowledge, We
believe there are still shortcomings in this paper and also we believe that our paper is far from
perfect but we try our best to make it not far from perfect. Therefore, we expect suggestions
and positive criticism from readers for the perfection of this paper.

Depok, 18 September 2023


2.1 Algorithm7
2.2 Data Structure8
2.3Sorting Algorithm9
2.4 Types of Sorting Algorithm11
3.1 Radix Sort12
3.2 How Radix Sort Work12
3.3 Example of Sort Work13
4.1 Conclusion15
4.2 Suggestion15
Figure 3.1.1 LSD ………………………………………………………………….....5
Figure 3.1.2 MSD …………………………………….………………………..…….6
Figure 3.2 How Radix Sort Work ………………………………………………..….6
Figure 3.3 Example of Sort Work...………………………………………………….7
1.1 Background
A programming algorithm is a series of processes that must be followed in a calculation to
solve other problems, especially in computer programs. Almost all programming-related
activities do not arise from algorithms. Algorithms themselves are instructions that allow a
computer to perform a set task. Allow tasks to complete without error.

One part of the algorithm itself is sorting. A Sorting Algorithm is used to rearrange a given
array or list of elements according to a comparison operator on the elements. The comparison
operator is used of decide the new order of elements in the respective data structure. One of
the most common sorting algorithms is Radix sort

Radix Sort is an algorithm or sorting method (sorting) without comparison in other words,
sorting Non-Comparation sort which in the process does not make comparisons between data.
The word radix means literally the position in the number.

1.2 Writing Objective

The main purpose of this ISAS is to introduce algorithm and data structure, explain types of
radix algorithm and display detailed information on radix sort.

1.3 Problem Domain

In this paper, the authors will discuss Algorithms, Data Structure, Sorting, and particularly
on the work of Radix Sort in application.

1.4 Writing Methodology

The writing method that we used is an observation method, that is doing library search by
collecting information through browsing materials from from reliable reference source that
relate to the topic and doing group discussion.

1.5 Writing Framework

Chapter I: Introduction
The context of the problem, the purpose of writing, the subject matter, the writing

process, and the writing framework are all discussed in this chapter.

Chapter II: Basic Theory

This chapter explains the basic concept, terminology, and types of algorithm and
data structure.

Chapter III: Problem Analysis

This chapter discusses the characteristics, benefits and drawbacks, types, and

examples of algorithm and data structure.

Chapter IV: Conclusion and Suggestion

This chapter offers an explanation of the conclusions and recommendations,

which are based on the ideas regarding this paper the authors made.
2.1 Algorithm
An algorithm is a set of commands that must be followed for a computer to perform
calculations or other problem-solving operations. According to its formal definition, an
algorithm is a finite set of instructions carried out in a specific order to perform a particular

Algorithm complexity is a measure of the amount of computation applied to the algorithm to

solve the problem. From this, we can conclude an algorithm that can solve the problem in a
short time. Complexity is low, and algorithms that solve problems in a relatively long time
have complexity. High complexity. From this, we can conclude that the algorithm can solve
the problem in a short time. Algorithms that have low complexity and solve problems in a
relatively long time have a high complexity level of complexity.

Data structure is a way to store and organize data in computer memory and files effectively,
so that all data can be used efficiently.

Following are some important categories of algorithms from the data structure point of view:

1. Search, Algorithm to search an item in a data structure.

2. Sort, Algorithm to sor items in a certain data structure.

3. Insert, Algorithm to insert item in a data structure.

4. Update, Algorithm to update an existing item in a data structure.

5. Delete, Algorithm to delete an existing item from a data structure.

2.2 Data Structure

Data structure is a collection of format for organizing, retrieving, processing and storing data.
the result of algorithm will be clear by using the right data structure so this is make the
overall data more simpler it can make the data more efficiently. the information about reality
that is stored, record or represented in the from of writing.

in outline, data can be categorize into:

1.Simple Data Types

a. simple data types, such as integer, float, boolean and character.
b. simple compound data, such as String.

2.Data Structure

a.Simple Data Structure, such as Array and Record

b. Compound Data Structure, such as Linier and Non-Linier

2.3 Sorting Algorithm

In information technology, sorting algorithms refer to computational processes that involve
sorting lists or arrays of data in descending order based on certain criteria, such as numerical
values or alphabetical order. The algorithm works by comparing pairs of adjacent elements in
the list and swapping them if they do not match the desired order. This process is repeated
until the entire list is sorted. Shorting algorithms are widely used in various computer science
applications, including data analysis, search engines, and financial markets, where they can
be used to analyze and interpret large amounts of data quickly and accurately.

The purpose of the sorting algorithm is to facilitate the process of manipulating or analyzing
the data in the structure, by organizing the data in an orderly and easy-to-understand
sequence so that it can help facilitate the process of searching or analyzing the data. The
sorting process is done by comparing one data value with another data value, and swapping
or inserting data in the right position, so as to produce the desired order.

2.4 Types of Sorting Algorithm

1. Bubble sort - repeatedly swaps adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order
2. Selection sort - repeatedly selects the smallest element and swaps it with the next
unsorted element
3. Insertion sort - inserts each element in its proper place in a partially sorted array
4. Merge sort - recursively divides the array in half, sorts each half, and then merges the
sorted halves back together
5. Quick sort - selects a pivot element, partitions the array around the pivot, and
recursively sorts the subarrays on either side of the pivot
6. Heap sort - builds a max heap, repeatedly extracts the maximum element and places it
at the end of the array, and then restores the heap property
7. Radix sort - sorts elements by their digits, either least significant to most significant or
vice versa

Each of these algorithms has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of algorithm
depends on factors such as the size of the input, the distribution of values, and the desired
performance characteristics.
3.1 Radix Sort
Radix Sort is an algorithm or sorting method (sorting) without comparison in other words,
sorting Non-Comparison sort which in the process does not make comparisons between data.
The word radix means the literal position in the number. Where simply, in decimal
representation, the radix is the digit. In its implementation, Radix Sort is a fast, easy, and very
effective sorting algorithm.

Radix Sort is divided into 2 kinds:

1. LSD (Least Significant Digit), where processing starts from the least significant radix.
Sorting is done by sorting the input values based on the last digit to the first digit.

Figure 3.1.1 LSD

2. MSD (Most Significant Digit), where processing starts from the most significant
radix. Sorting is done by sorting the input values based on the first digit, then proceed
again based on the second radix and so on.

Figure 3.1.2 MSD

3.2 How Radix Sort Work

The process of radix sort works similar to the sorting of students names, according to the
alphabetical order. In this case, there are 26 radix formed due to the 26 alphabets. In the first
pass, the names of students are grouped according to the ascending order of the first letter of
their names. After that, in the second pass, their names are grouped according to the
ascending order of the second letter of their name. And the process continues until find the
sorted list.

Figure 3.2 How Radix Sort Work

Radix sort works by sorting each digit from least significant digit to most significant digit. So
in base 10 (the decimal system), radix sort would sort by the digits in the 1's place, then the
10’s place, and so on. To do this, radix sort uses counting sort as a subroutine to sort the
digits in each place value. This means that for a three-digit number in base 10, counting sort
will be called to sort the 1's place, then it will be called to sort the 10's place, and finally, it
will be called to sort the 100's place, resulting in a completely sorted list. Here is a quick
refresher on the counting sort algorithm.

3.3 Example of Sort Work

Do the following for each digit I where I varies from the least significant digit to the most
significant digit. Here will be sorting the input array using counting sort (or any stable sort)
according to the i’th digit.
Figure 3.3 Example of Sort Work

In a typical computer, which is a sequential random-access machine, where the records are
keyed by multiple fields radix sort is used. For eg., if want to sort on three keys month, day
and year. Author could compare two records on year, then on a tie on month and finally on
the date. Alternatively, sorting the data three times using Radix sort first on the date, then on
month, and finally on year could be used.

It was used in card sorting machines with 80 columns, and in each column, the machine could
punch a hole only in 12 places. The sorter was then programmed to sort the cards, depending
upon which place the card had been punched. This was then used by the operator to collect
the cards which had the 1st row punched, followed by the 2nd row, and so on.
4.1 Conclusion

The conclusion from the given information is that Radix Sort is a non-comparison sorting
algorithm that works by sorting each digit from the least significant digit to the most
significant digit. Radix Sort uses counting sort as a subroutine to sort the digits in each place
value. It is a fast, easy, and effective sorting algorithm. Radix Sort is commonly used in
computer systems where records are keyed by multiple fields. It is also used in card sorting
machines with 80 columns where the machine could punch a hole only in 12 places, and the
sorter was then programmed to sort the cards, depending upon which place the card had been

4.2 Suggestion

The suggestion from Radix Sort is really recommended for sorting because Radix Sort is a
fast, easy, and very effective sorting algorithm. The concept of the algorithm is easy to
understand. Algorithm radix sort sorts data by digits, not go through a lean comparison
process difficult to understand. At first, the radix type can only be used for data type bit and
decimal. But, over time, radix sort began to be developed for other data types. Moment this
radix sort can already be used for data types as fractions and negative numbers.
Arief, Rahman. (2010, April 29). Analisis Algoritma Radix Sort. Retrieved March 17, 2023,

Karleigh, Moore. (2020, December 20). Radix Sort. Retrieved March 17, 2023,

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Retrieved March 16, 2023, from

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