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Location of Defects in Pipelines

Using Thermal Infrared Imagery

C. Clienti, D. Corallo, A.L. Geraci, A. Risitano
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e Meccanica
Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università di Catania, Italy

Corrosion leads to degradation and mechanical decay of metallic materials. The thickness variation caused
by corrosion in oil pipelines can change heat flow condition, resulting in fluctuation of surface temperature
detectable by thermal infrared sensors. The current state-of-the-art in this field shows mainly two methods
have been used so far. The first one employs instantaneous heating, under controlled time frequency, in
plates with milling notches of defined geometry. Among the relevant results of this method is the
determination of the “visibility limit” of defects. The second method has carried out by instantaneously (at
single thermal flash) heating sample pipes, highly corroded inside. The method has resulted in defining an
approximate experimental algorithm to quantify the defect.

The methodology proposed by the authors is based on tests of highly corroded specimens, making
thermographic analysis. They found high corrosion and related edge effect mask heat distribution close to a
defect. Also, Finite Element Method (FEM) was used to evaluate the order of magnitude of parameters
involved, to remove external disturbances, and to find a correlation between the defect geometry and the
detected temperature difference. The experimental methodology made possible a comparison between (1)
heating and (2) cooling the surface, to be analyzed with a FLIR ThermaCAM SC 3000. The influence of trial
parameters was studied, experiments were conducted using an empty vessel with notches, and FEM was
applied. Abacus based on FEM was created, in order to apply the methodology to the field (oil refineries) and
to evaluate heaviness of defect.

The purpose of the work was locating defects in pipelines with the help of thermography, by observing the
evolution of the thermal transitory phase generated on the surface to be analyzed. As known, corrosion is an
oxidation chemical reaction, leading to degradation and mechanical decay of metallic materials. Thickness
variation caused by corrosion induces variation of surface temperature detectable by thermal IR sensors.
Preliminary trials were made, using highly corroded elements. As an example, a scuba diver cylinder was
used. Because of high corrosion inside the cylinder and related edge effect, the heat distribution close to the
defect was masked and the internal corrosion of the cylinder was not detectable by IR, as shown in Figure 1.



Figure 1. Thermogram/photo pair of the highly corroded inside of a diver cylinder.

InfraMation 2008 Proceedings ITC 126 A 2008-05-14

At this point, the use of Finite Element Method (FEM) was introduced to make simulations. They provide
magnitude order of parameters such as transitory phase speed and surface temperature variations, eliminate
external disturbances of thermal imagery analysis (edge effect), and supply analytical correlation between
defect geometry and thermal variations. Figure 2 and Figure 3 show surface temperature variations of a plate
with artificial notches of different size, respectively at room temperature and heated. Significant correlations
between surface temperature variation and material removed, and defect extension, were found. They are
shown in Figures 4 to 9.

Figure 2. Surface temperature variation of a plate with notches at room temperature.

Figure 3. Surface temperature variation of a heated plate with notches.

Figure 4. Evolution of transitory phase (material removed). Figure 5. Temperature variation (material removed).

InfraMation 2008 Proceedings ITC 126 A 2008-05-14

Figure 6. Correlation thermal variation / material removed Figure 7. Evolution of transitory phase (defect

Figure 8. Temperature variation (defect extension). Figure 9. Correlation thermal variation / defect

Laboratory tests were conducted with specimens, first at room temperature then under controlled temperature
intervals. The approach included:

1. Monitoring heating transitory.

Heating of surface to be analyzed, caused by a previous localized cooling, was monitored using a FLIR
ThermaCAM SC 3000 (Figure 10).

2. Monitoring cooling transitory.

Cooling of surface to be analyzed, caused by a previous localized heating, was monitored using halogen
lamps with a total nominal power of 5,000 W (Figure 11).

Figure 10. Thermal camera used Figure 11. Halogen lamps.

InfraMation 2008 Proceedings ITC 126 A 2008-05-14

Tests made indicate better visualization of defects using method No. 2, as shown in Figure 12 and Figure 13.

2,2dC 20,2°C


-2,1dC 18,5°C

Figure 12. Heating transitory phase Figure 13. Cooling transitory phase.

The influence of test parameters in monitoring cooling transitory was studied. It was found the variation of
time exposure to heating thermal flux significantly improves defect visibility (Figure 14). Also, greater thermal
variations are generated heating the external surface (homogeneous), instead of that internal (non-
homogeneous), as shown in Figure 15. This makes more adaptable such method to the field, where we can
operate only on external surfaces.

Figure 14. Exposure time variation. Figure 15. Thermal variation.


An empty flat wall vessel, having notches on a wall, was used at room temperature to make tests. The results
showed the possibility to detect thermal variation of 0.4 °C in circular defects with diameter of 15 mm up to
65% of material removed (Figure 16). They also showed the possibility to locate in the thermogram circular
defects up to 35% of material removed, entering the thermogram noise area (Figurer 17).

InfraMation 2008 Proceedings ITC 126 A 2008-05-14

26,1°C 1,1dC



20,4°C -0,1dC

Figure 16. Case up to 65% of material removed. Figure 17. Case up to 35% of material removed.

Tests made on the vessel under controlled temperature intervals (40 °C, 50 °C, 60 °C) indicated the need of
great thermal fluxes for heating the external surface, in the case the defects have a sub-thickness lower than
65% of the nominal thickness (Figure 18). They also showed the need for a homogeneous external surface
without defects.

A comparison was made between FEM simulations and heating transitory phase. In spite of the difficulty to
reproduce the phenomenon and of neglecting the radiation and convection thermal exchange, it was possible
to find a good accordance between tests and FEM simulations for the major defects (Figures 19 to 21).





Figure 18. Case up to 65% of material removed Figure 19. FEM simulation
(under controlled temperature intervals). (up to 65% of material removed).
0,9 2
0,6 1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 -1

Figure 20. Surface temperature diagram (FEM simulation). Figure 21. Surface temperature diagram (test).

The above described results made it possible to develop a field application (oil refineries). When we know the
detected thermal interval and the defect section, it is possible to evaluate the heaviness of the defect through
an appropriate abacus. As an example, that extrapolated from FEM simulation for the specimen of Figure 22
is shown in Figure 23.

InfraMation 2008 Proceedings ITC 126 A 2008-05-14

Figure 22. Specimen Figure 23. Abacus.

The thermographic investigation carried out showed a great potential to detect localized defects with more
than 50% of material removed, either they are or are not included in a widespread defective area. As for such
areas, they are immediately detectable only when they are encompassed in zones not affected by the
corrosion phenomenon.

The study of new methodologies can start from the consideration that close to a thickness variation there is
an acceleration of the thermal transitory phase generated on the surface of interest.

The thickness variation caused by corrosion in oil pipelines can change heat flow condition. The methodology
proposed by the authors is based on test of highly corroded specimens, making thermographic analysis.
Finite Element Method (FEM) was also used to evaluate the magnitude order of parameters involved, to
remove external disturbances, and to find a correlation between the defect geometry and the detected
temperature difference. Experiments were conducted using an empty vessel with notches, and FEM was
applied. Abacus based on FEM was created, in order to apply the methodology to the field (oil refineries) and
to evaluate heaviness of defect.

Geraci, A.L., G. La Rosa, and A. Risitano, “Applications of Remote Sensing Techniques to Industrial Plants”,
International Conference on Monitoring, Surveillance, and Predictive Maintenance of Plants Structures,
Associazione Italiana Prove non Distruttive, Taormina - Giardini Naxos, Italy, 1989.

Geraci, A.L., G. La Rosa, and A. Risitano, “A Thermographic Method for the Localization of Leaks in In-
Service Buried Piping Systems”, Second International Congress on Water Ecology and Technology,
International Water Supply Association, Moscow, Russia, 1996.

Sagakami, T., and S. Kubo, “Application of Pulse Heating Thermography and Lock-In Termography to
Quantitative Non-Destructive Evaluations”, Infrared Physics & Technology, 43, 211-218, 2002.

Geraci, A.L., A. Risitano, and M. Dicembre, “Innovative Methodology to Monitor the Condition of Aged
Pipelines in Petrochemical Plants”, Proceedings of the Infrared Camera Application (InfraMation) Conference,
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 75-78, 2007.

Grinzato, E., P. G. Bison, S. Marinetti, and V. Vavilov, “Hidden Corrosion Detection in Thick Metallic
Components by Transient IR Thermography”, Infrared Physics & Technology, 49, 234-238, 2007.

Maldague, X., H. D. Benitez, C. Ibarra Castenado, A. Benada, H. Laiza, and E. Caicedo, “Definition of a New
Thermal Contrast and Pulse Correction for Defect Quantification in Pulsed Thermography”, Infrared Physics &
Technology, 51, 160-167, 2008.

InfraMation 2008 Proceedings ITC 126 A 2008-05-14

A.L. Geraci and A. Risitano are Professors at the University of Catania, Italy, and have been using thermal
infrared imagery for more than 25 years in different applications. C. Clienti and D. Corallo are researchers at
the same Institution.

InfraMation 2008 Proceedings ITC 126 A 2008-05-14

InfraMation 2008 Proceedings ITC 126 A 2008-05-14

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