Graphic Designimng Exercise

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Hands-on Exercise No.

3 Total Marks: 10
DigiSkills 2.0 Batch-07
Graphic Design Due Date: 23/05/2024

Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting this Hands-on Exercise:
• Use Adobe Illustrator to prepare exercise solution.
• You may consult tutorials and videos if the concept is not clear.
• Your submitted exercise will not be considered/counted if:

▪ It is submitted after due date.

▪ It is not in the required format (.doc or .docx)
▪ It does not open, or file is corrupt.
▪ It is copied (partial or full) from any source (websites, forums, students, etc.)

Learning Outcome:

After completing this exercise, you shall be able to:

• Understand and meet the design/Client's requirements effectively.

• Utilize Adobe Illustrator to create a visually engaging yet simple composition.
• Design a Poster suitable for either public display or Personal use.
• Clearly convey the intended message using images, graphics, and designs.
Problem Statement

Create an attractive poster for an upcoming Freelancer meetup event titled "Exploring the Impact of
Freelancing on Pakistan's Economy." Use/Apply dynamic text styles to highlight how digital innovation is
transforming jobs, especially across different industries in Pakistan. Integrate vibrant colors and relevant
imagery to represent the theme of the event. Ensure that the poster is visually appealing and informative,
effectively communicating the connection between technology, the changing workforce, and the influence
of freelancing on Pakistan's markets and economy.

Title: Exploring the Impact of Freelancing on Pakistan Economy

Key Points to Include:
➢ Venue: Expo Center, Lahore, Pakistan
➢ Date: 21st May, 07:00PM-09:00PM
➢ Topics those will be discussed:
o The Digital Wanderer Life: Freedom in Remote Work
o Blockchain: Revolutionizing Payment Systems for Freelancers
o AI in Freelancing: Automating Tasks
o The Gig Economy: Shaping Employment
o Virtual Collaboration: Tech for Teamwork


• The Poster should have dimensions of 11x16 inches.

• Use Design Elements e.g., Attractive Typography, Calming Colors, Proper Balance, and Different
• Use of Symbolic Images or Graphics Reflecting Positivity.

Watch Video 75 “Typographic Poster for a Music Event” for reference.


1. Capture screenshot of each step involved in designing the Poster.

2. Take a screenshot of the final version of the Poster.
3. Take screenshots of the Layer Panel during the design process.
4. Add all these screenshots into a Microsoft Word file and upload it on the Learning Management
System (LMS).

Please be advised that if you have any questions or concerns regarding the Hands-on Exercise, you
can reach out to us by dialing 0304-111-1570. For inquiries specifically related to the Graphic Design
Course, please select extension 9.

How to submit solution file on LMS?

Please perform the following steps for submitting your solution using LMS:

1) Login to the LMS.

2) Click on the Exercises button within the My Activities section.

3) Click on the submit button to upload your Solution.

4) Keep in mind to upload your Solution in .doc or .docx format.

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