Б1.В.2 english version

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1. Course objectives and tasks

The primary objective of studying this course is to acquire knowledge and skills in the field
of inventive (patent) activity for the practical implementation of scientific ideas, taking into account
the provision of their legal protection.
To achieve the stated goal, the following tasks are addressed:
- Acquisition of legal knowledge (study of laws, provisions on patent activities, etc.);
- Mastery of methods for formulating and solving intellectual tasks;
- Acquisition of practical skills in searching, collecting, and processing scientific information;
- Acquisition of practical skills in drafting legal documentation for patent application.
4. Course scope and type of educational activities
Full time face-to-face learning

Type of academic Total

work number of
Interactive instructional activities (by types of educational sessions), 16
including :

 Lectures(L) -
 Practical Activities (PA) 16
 Laboratory Sessions (LS) -
Self-Directed Study (SDS) (total) 52
Evaluation 4
Assessement famework(Midterm Evaluation) З
Total workload: hours/credit unit (hour per credit unit) 72/2
Note: «Assessment form» – Credit (CR).

5. Course structure and content

5.2. Course sections and types of activities

Full time face-to-face learning
№ Title of the course
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 General Provisions on the Organization
of Inventive (Patent) Activities in - 4 - 12 16
2 Procedure for Obtaining patent - 4 - 18 22
3 Patent search - 4 - 10 14
4 Protection of Authors and Patent
Holders Rights - 2 - 6 8
5 Utilization of Patent Activity Results.
Remuneration Procedures - 2 6 8

Total - 16 - 52 68
Evaluation 4
Total (total workload, hours) 72

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