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Letter to the editors

A letter to an editor is a written way of talking to a newspaper, magazine or other regular

publications. These letters are generally found in the first section of newspaper or editorial page.
They can take a position for or against an issue or simply inform the readers. They can convince
readers by using emotions or facts or both emotions and facts. As newspapers have a little space to
offer for letters, these letters should be as brief as possible and should not exceed the limit of two
hundred words. Letters to editors help to keep an issue alive by the community discussions.

Letters to editors are among the most widely read feature in any newspaper or magazine.
They allow you to reach a large audience. The purpose of letters to editor is to show your emotions
about a certain problem. You may bring the gravity of an issue to the notice of the public. You may
also suggest an idea to the general public and persuade them to agree with you. You may also try to
influence the public opinion. You may also try to reach the policy makers. Generally, the medium of
sending your letters is emails now a days.

We may start a letter by greeting the editor. Your opening sentence is very much important
to grab the attention the attention of the reader. For that purpose, try to give an attractive heading
to your letter. Tell main points of your letter in the very beginning and try not to keep the reader in
wait. You try to explain issue and its importance in simple and clear words. Try to write your letter in
an objective manner. Try to be realistic without any exaggeration.
Sample of letter to the editor

Write a letter to the editor of Daily Dawn about a serious issue of open manholes in your


The Editor,

Daily Dawn,


May 18, 2024

Abdullah, a student,

Govt. Murray College,


Subject: open manhole


Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to bring a very serious issue
of open manholes in our street Rangpura, parallel to Circular Road Sialkot. It has been more than six
months when these manholes were opened for cleaning purpose. The area is thickly populated.
There have been multiple serious accidents due to this negligence of the municipal corporation. The
street is always thronged with people including children. There are a number of cars and
motorcycles which frequently pass this street. We have approached local authorities regarding this
problem but no action has yet been taken.

Through your medium, I request the concerned department to take immediate action and
place lids on the manhole to prevent any tragic happening.



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