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An Action Research

T – III / School In-charge
Aposkahoy National High School
Claveria Northeast District
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental Page i

This basic/action research entitled “Trumpa-Aralan Program: A Response to the

New Normal Education in No Internet Areas”, conducted and submitted by
Clemente M. Abao, Jr, Teacher III / School In-charge, Aposkahoy National High
School, Claveria Northeast District, this division, in fulfillment to the requirements in
the conduct of research has been examined and recommended for approval and

Senior Education Program Specialist
Division Research Coordinator

Approved by the panel of the Schools Division Research Committee in fulfillment of

the requirements in the conduct of research.


Senior Education Program Specialist Education Program Supervisor
Member Member


Education Program Supervisor Education Program Supervisor
Member Member


Budget Officer III/AO V Education Program Supervisor
Member Member


Chief Education Supervisor Chief Education Supervisor
Co-Chairman Co-Chairman


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent


Schools Division Superintendent
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental Page i

Throughout the history of education, some teachers have claimed that

learners will learn if they have something to listen to, especially children in lower

grades, provided by learning materials and have a purpose of learning. What makes

a student learn? Teaching process plays a dynamic factor. This study aimed at

emphasizing the effectiveness of Trumpa –Aralan Program as a listening strategy as

a Respond to the New Normal Education in No-Internet Areas. Trumpa- Aralan

mainly broadcast the lessons in school premise since there is no face-to-face

learning system in this way it would supplement learning during this pandemic time.

Purposive sampling was used which involved all the 21 students of grade 7 of

APOSKAHOY NHS. Moreover, self-learning modules will be given chiefly to

determine respondent’s learning level on modular class instruction. The Trumpa-

Aralan Program’s effectiveness, will address the problems encountered in the

teaching process, and may be an effective practice in teaching-learning process.

The findings of the study revealed that majority of the Grade 7 students of a

certain school have less interest in answering the SLM. Overall pretest result

revealed frustration level of the respondents are very high. Overall post-test result

indicated, that the learning level of the respondents will improve.

DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental Page i
III. Acknowledgment

The researcher’s path in the completion of this research is pretty extensive

and at times hard and tough. There are times when hindrances and struggles

caused by life’s unexpected detours almost made her/his lay down his arms to

surrender but he/she remained brave and managed to keep the boats afloat.

Nevertheless, this is work will not emerge into a reality without supreme expertise,

persistence and support of the wonderful people around. Thank you is not enough in

expressing his/her heartfelt gratitude.

She/he would like to express her/his utmost gratitude to her/his very kind and

understanding mentor, Mr.Jaime V. Acuram. She/he is greatly thankful for his

consideration, patience, and willingness to share his expertise in research, of which

the researcher is greatly indebted to. She/he would have been so lost without his/her

guidance and encouragement.

Most importantly, the researcher would like to extend her/his heartfelt thanks to

her/his Aposkahoy nhs family for their moral and intellectual support. Lastly she is

also thankful to God who is also been her source of strength, inspiration and love.

To God be all the glory! Thank you.

DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental Page i
Table of Contents


Cover Page

Title Page i

Abstract ii

Acknowledgment iii

Context and Rationale iv

Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy v

Action Research Questions vi

Action Research Methods vii

a. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information

b. Data Gathering Methods

Discussion of Results and Reflection viii

Action Plan ix

References x

Financial Report xi



A. Letter of Consent
B. Letter of Approval
C. Survey Questionnaires
D. Curriculum Vitae
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental Page i

IV. Context and Rationale

Recently the world was alarmed because of the unexpected health

dilemma that brutally broke out and wrecked not only the economy but also the

educational system. The department of education was morbidly challenged between

the decision in which to continue or to temporarily freeze the teaching –learning

process. Education must go on, so online learning was being pushed. The problem

is not everybody has the gadget and internet connection that will play a vital role in

online learning. In fact, most of the grade 7 students (especially in public schools in

hinterland and interior barangays) encountered these kinds of problem. In a certain

school, as encountered by the researcher, generally most, if not all of the grade 7

students felt threatened when they were asked to answer the modules. When asked

about their disinterest, their common answer would be, when they got home no one

they could refer to whenever they encounter some difficulties, since some of their

parents are illiterate and others don’t have complete educational background..

These became the major problem of the teachers in the junior high school

department. The 1st quarter modules also showed poor results.

Furthermore, the researcher witnessed that among the 30 grade 7 students,

only few of them can read. Those few as observed by the researcher are lack of

interest in answering modules. They tend to be very slow in processing word in a

correct manner, or the outward ‘automatic’ understanding of what the lesson is all
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental Page i
about. Their decoding skills are weak that is why they are also struggling with


When a teacher leaves them to read on their own, most of them will sleep

instead. They will be only entertained if someone will read to them. In helping the

learners overcome this dilemma, the Trumpa-Aralan caters a significant role in

developing their interest in answering their modules among grade 7 students of a

certain school. This strategy might be familiar but the researcher must try it once

again so that the learners must somehow fill in that gap that they missed. Most of

the times the students are expected to have a space to sit and listen. With a SLM on

hand, they will listen to the Trumpa/ sound system that will be played on air in the

school grounds, the students will come on their scheduled time and listen to the

lessons being aired.

V. Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy

The respondents will undergo answering the modules in the first

quarter to determine whether or not they understand the content of each module.

The modules will be religiously retrieved and checked. After the checking, the

respondents will be classified as frustration, dependent and independent learner.

The mechanics of Trumpa-Aralan Program includes: (1) every Monday and

Friday a sound system with “trumpa” will be installed in the school stage. (2) There

will be an assigned teacher as facilitator of the day. (3) the downloaded lessons will

be repeatedly broadcasted on that certain day. And lastly (4) during the distribution
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental Page i
of modules there will be certain questions based on the broadcast topics will be

attached on the modules. The results will be evaluated by the teachers and it will be

assessed whether they gained knowledge or not. These results will be strictly

recorded. Students can listen and safety precautions will be monitored. More often

than not, teachers may allow students to pass when they feel to listen than to read.

Moreover, the teacher can pause the audio for comments. The teacher may

want to pause after each lesson to clarify, check and make predictions. The teacher

can use tag questions and direct questions to confirm that the students understand.

If there are important parts of the lesson that a teacher wants to put more emphasis,

the student can listen again these parts. Students tend to grasp ideas and words

when they hear the text twice or thrice. The teacher can read text with syntax

simplification when the sentences structure is too difficult for students.

VI. Action Research Questions

1. What are the challenges met by the teachers in distributing and retrieving of the
2. Are the parents cooperative enough in guiding their child in answering the
3. What is the level of effectiveness of using Trumpa-Aralan as a respond to the
New Normal Education System in no Internet Areas?
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental Page i

VII. Action Research Methods

a. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information

The respondents of the study will be the grade 7 students. There is only one

class/section of grade 7 which was used as respondents of the study. According to

the results of Checked SLM, 90 % of the class was under frustration level. Hence,

the reason for choosing the grade 7 class to undergo the Trumpa-Aralan Program is

to help improve their academic performance in this time of pandemic.

This study will use the SLM as an instrument.

b. Data Gathering Methods

The researcher will first obtain permission from the school Head to conduct

the study in his school with the Grade 7 Junior high school students enrolled in the

academic year 2021-2022 as the respondents of the study. The process started with

an orientation about the conduct of the study among grade 7 students as the only

grade level to be the respondents of the study. The researcher will explain the

reason for the conduct of the study and its significance. The orientation will then be

followed by the distribution of SLM in the second quarter, since the basis or the

reason why the problems emerged is the poor result of the 1st Quarter.

After the poor results of assessment in the 1st quarter, the researcher will apply

the Trumpa-Aralan Program. The researcher will work on Trumpa-Aralan through

radio-stimulation strategies, these can be done through listening to the sound

system in the school grounds or around school premise where the sound reached.
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental Page i
The strategy will be implemented for 4 weeks. The materials will be taken from the

grade 7 SLM. After theTrumpa-Aralan Program, a summative test from the SLM will

be conducted. During the conduct of the test, the student-respondents will be

encouraged to give their best in reading and understanding and they will be assured

that their scores both in the pre and post reading will be recorded and will affect their


VIII. Discussion of Results and Reflection

The challenges met by the teachers were very challenging as to consider the

promptness of the learners to submit and returned their self-learning modules. The

learners cannot immediately returned for the reasons that there are more than one

subject they are going to answer in their modules. Another the challenegs the

teachers encounter is the distance of the residence of the learners it took 1 to hours

hiking and walking just to reach the residence of the learners since they are living

/residing in a far flung areas. The learners are working in their farm they accompany

and help their parents in order for them to feed their family. They don’t have

sufficient gadgets because they don’t have electricity some of them are using the

lampara. The parents are busy for living , they cannot give enough time to assess

their child because some of their parents are not fully educated. The parents are

concentrating on the farm to support the daily need of their children. Since then,

these are the findings found of the researcher the Trumpa-aralan is an intervention

made by the teachers in order to address the scenario or problems of the learners.
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental Page i
The trumpa-aralan helped the learners to develop their critical thinking skills and

abilities and also improves their comprehension as well as increases their academic

grades or performance in their academic subjects. Their assessment results is a

proof that there is a significance result and improvement of the learners.

Teachers as we are the core soul and heart of the learners. The researchers

believed and has high hopes and positivity that through Trumpa-Aralan really helped

the learners. There are many ways on how to help our learners by doing so and by

doing religiously by the heart and passion all things are possible. So, in the part of

the learners learning always a never ending process. The researcher had a

reflection that by unity and cooperation by the teachers and school heads with the

support of the parents the problem of low reading comprehension and the low

academic performance will be given importance.

DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental Page i
IX. Action Plan

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Oriental
District of Claveria
Sy 2021– 2022

Date Objecti Activities/ Time Person Involved Expected
ves Strategies Fram Outcomes
Febru To 1. Short 1–2 School Pupils/
ary 1,Launch Program hours Head/Teachers/Students/Pupi students/Parents
2021 the 2. Trumpa ls/Parents were orient and
Trumpa Broadcast of inform about
– topics. Trumpa - Aralan
Aralan .
in the
Febru To Trumpa 1–2 School . Students and
ary supple Broadcasting hours Head/Teachers/Students/Pupi pupils were
2021 ment on the Air. Every ls/Barangay actively
the Mond Council/BADAC/Baryohano participated
current ay n
system and
of Frida
learning y
ic time.
March . To Trumpa 1–2 School Students and
2021 supple Broadcasting hours Head/Teachers/Students/Pupi pupils were
ment on the Air. Every ls/Parents actively
the Mond participated
current ay
system and
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental Page i

of Frida
learning y
ic time.
April To 1. Poster 1–2 School Students and
2021 sustain making hours Head/Teachers/Students/Pupi pupils were
the 2. Trumpa Every ls/Parents actively
Trumpa Broadcasting Mond participated
_ on Air ay
Aralan and
Progra Frida
m. y
May To Trumpa 1–2 School Students and
2021 sustain Broadcasting hours Head/Teachers/Students/Pupi pupils were
the on the Air. Every ls/Parents actively
Trumpa Mond participated
_ ay
Aralan and
Progra Frida
m. y
June To Trumpa 1–2 School Students and
2021 sustain Broadcasting hours Head/Teachers/Students/Pupi pupils were
the on the Air. Every ls/Parents actively
Trumpa Mond participated
_ ay
Aralan and
Progra Frida
m. y
July To Giving of 1–2 School Learners and
2021 evaluate Survey hours Head/Teachers/Students/Pupi parents were
the Questionaires Every ls/Parents actively
outcom to parents and Mond participated
es of learners ay
the and
Trumpa Frida
– y
Prepared by:
T-III/School In-charge
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental Page i
X. References

Adams, G.,Brown, S (2004). The Six Minute Solution: Reading Fluency

Program (1st ed.). Longmot, CO: Sopris west Educational Services.

Blachowicz, C.L.,Fisher, P. (2011). Teaching Vocabulary in all Classrooms.

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Dorn,L.,& Soffos, C. (2005). Teaching for Deep Comprehension. Portland,

qqqqqqME: Stenhouse.

Ehri, & Snowling M. (2004). Teaching Phonemic Awareness: From Research

qqqqqqto Practice. New York: Guilford Publishing.

Glaser D. (2005). An Introduction to Language and Literacy. Longmont, CO.

qqqqqqSopris West Educational Services.

Harvey, S., & Goudvis, A. (2005). The Comprehension toolkit: Language

qqqqqqand Lessons for Active Literacy. Portsmouth, NH: Heineman.

Fletcher, J., et al. (2007). Learning Disabilities Form Identification to

qqqqqqIntervention. New York. Guilford Publishing.

Fuchs, D. (2006). Introduction to Response to Intervention. Longmont, CO:

qqqqqqSopris West.

Dunne and Wilcox (2006). Phonological Awareness from Research to

qqqqqqPractice. New York. Guilfod Publishing.

Moats, L.C. & Farrell, L. (2007). Teaching Reading Essentials: Longmont,

qqqqqqCO: Sophris West Educational Services.
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental Page i
Pado, F.E.,et al (2018). The Philippines Informal Reading Inventory Manual.
qqqqqqPasig City: Department of Education-Bureau of Learning Resources.

Routman, R. (2003). Reading Essentials: The Specific you Need to Teach

qqqqqqReading Well. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Schwanenflugel (2006). What Teachers Don’t Know About Reading.

qqqqqqWashington DC: National Council for Teacher Quality.


Hale et al. (2007). Comparing Comprehension Following Silent Reading

qqqqqqAloud Across Elementary and Secondary Students: Implication for
qqqqqqCurriculum-Based Management. 8, 9-19.

Hasbrouck,J., & Tindal G.A. (2006). Oral Reading Fluency Norms: A

qqqqqqValuable Assessment Tool for Reading Teachers. The Reading
qqqqqqTeacher, 59 (7), 636, 644.

Justice, L. (2004). A Team-Based Plan for Creating Language Rich

qqqqqqClassroom Environment. Exceptional Children. 1,2-10.

Mehta, P.D..,et al. (2005). Literacy as an Unidimensional Multi-level

qqqqqqConstruct: Validation, Sources of Influence and Implications in
qqqqqqLongitudinal Study.9(2), 85-116.
DepEd Division of Misamis Oriental Page i
XI. Financial Report

A. Internet Allowance:

Php 300 per teacher during the entire duration @ 14 teachers- Php 4,800.00

1 Flash Drive each teacher @ 14 teachers Php 4,800.00

Total Php 9,600.00

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