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Ancha Jamal Amade

The letter

Bethel Community High School



Ancha Jamal Amade

Class: 11th Class: B11 Number: 4

The letter

Evaluative work for the English subject,

whose theme is the letter, guided by the

Bethel Community High School



The letter.....................................................................................................................................................5
Types off letter............................................................................................................................................5
Difference the resume and letter expresses the Candidates..........................................................................6
Curriculun vitae...........................................................................................................................................6
My Vacation................................................................................................................................................8

It is with great enthusiasm that I present this work, which aims to explore the importance of
letters and resumes in the professional context. Throughout this study, we will address various
aspects related to letter writing, types of correspondence, and the relevance of the curriculum
vitae. Additionally, we will seek to understand the nuances that differentiate a resume from a
letter and how these elements play a fundamental role in selection processes and professional

The letter
The letter is a textual genre off correspondence, which Sims to establish direct comunication
betwer interlocutora tô transmit different types off mensages.

Types off letter

Types of letter there are differente socio-Analyzing the degree of proximity between the
interlocutora, the letter can be personal, business of commercial, and offecial is public.

 personal letter: establishes comunication betwer people classe to you is with an individual
bond. The favors the use off colloquial languange ,the application of popular expresion
and slang, as well as subjective and/or intimate subjects . The structure of the personal
latter is Aldo Open. Consideringe that the authes can choose how the want to erganize the
infermation shared.
 Business or commercial latter : is one that is published in the professionals comunication
between differente professional. This types of letter requires mire formal and impersonal
language.The message must be objective and concise,and any personal nelati on ships
must be avoided.
 Offcial or public letter: this os the document used um public institutions. This types also
requires impersonal, formal and accessible language Often the oficial letter does not have
a sigle necipiente, and therefore requires distance between the interlocutors.
 Application letter: used to communicate some autrority about the desive tô apply for o
position and/or function.
 Cover letter: used to presente a person, a coreer or a project, for example to a necipient of
 Request latter: used to formalize a Request to necipient of greater hierarchical value,
expressing the need and/ir right to assistance.
 Love letter: used to express personal effections from the sender to the necipient.
 Apology letter: used to express a request for forgiveness in nelation to some
uncumfortable fact between the interlocutors.

Difference the resume and letter expresses the Candidates

A resume includes the details abut the condidates educational and employment history. On
the other hand the letter expresses the condidates interest um the applied work typi cally the
resume size is one full pagar or amaximum of two sheets.

Cover Letter

I would like to apply for the position of IT technician that your company advertised in the
newspaper "Notícias" on May 4, 2024. I am enclosing my resume, which outlines my
professional experience in various companies where I held similar positions, as well as my
education, which aligns with the requirements of the position. I hereby express my complete
availability for any further contact, during which I will provide all relevant information. Best

Best regards,

Ancha Jamal Amade



Curriculun vitae
Personal details

Last Name: Amade

First Name: Ancha Jamal

Date of brith: October 5, 2007

Parents: Jamal Amade and Josefa Juma

Nationality: Mozambican

ID Number:

Place of Birth: Nampula

Marital Status: Single


Residence: Namutequeliua - city of Nampula.

Literary Skills

2023 - Completed 10th grade at Santa Isabel Community School

2018 - Completed 5th grade at Mutomote Primary School

Professional Training

No professional training

Work Experience

No work experience


• Immediate availability

• Willingness to learn and progress

• Ability to interact with the community


862230470 - personal / 845291888 - alternative.

Language Proficiency

















My Vacation
On the first day of my Vacation i went to visit some relativos and returned home,then i went
to visit my friends. On the second day i stayed at home helping my Mother with some things
and played with my nephews and i was enjoying the first week of vacation with good things
and nothing bad. The first week was over and in the second week l was doing my homework
which was vast and the it didn't take long to go back to school for a week and i already
missed going to school to see my classmates.

In short, the letter continues to play a significant role in human communication, even in an
increasingly digital world. Its ability to convey thoughts, emotions, and information in a
personal and meaningful manner makes it a timeless and powerful form of communication.
Throughout history, the letter has been used to express feelings, resolve issues, establish
connections, and even record important moments. 4 Therefore, it is essential to recognize the
ongoing importance of the letter as a valuable communication tool, both personally and
professionally. When writing a letter, we are dedicating time and consideration to the
recipient, demonstrating a special care that goes beyond digital conventions. May we
continue to cherish and preserve this unique form of expression, honoring its tradition while
exploring new ways to integrate it into our modern world.

Grieve, R., & Hayes, J. (2013). "The psychology of writing: Strategies for effective
communication." Psychology Press.

Miller, C. R. (1984). "Genre as social action." Quarterly Journal of Speech, 70(2), 151-167

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