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10 «Methods of Calculating the Interaction Between Ground Structures

and Foundations»

1. Course objectives and tasks

The objective of studying this course "Methods of Calculating the Interaction
Between Ground Structures and Foundations" is to acquire knowledge in the field
of joint calculations of the "foundation-foundation-building" system, taking into
account the nonlinear properties of the soil.

To achieve these goals, the following tasks are addressed:

- Acquiring a set of knowledge, skills, and abilities in modern methods of
calculating structures and their foundations for application in professional
- Forming a mindset and value orientations where the ability to critically and
meaningfully evaluate the results of structural calculations becomes a condition for
successful professional activity.
4. Course scope and types of educational activities

For full time study:

Type of educational activity Total hours
Interactive instructional activities ( by types of
32 32
educational sessions)
 Lecture(L)
16 16
 Practical Activities (PA)
16 16
 Laboratory Sessions(LS) - -
Self-Directed Study(SDS) (Total) 36 36
Evaluation 4 4
Assessment framework E E
Total workload: hours/credit unit (hour per credit
72/2 72/2
Note: Assessment framework– Exam (E).

5. Course structure and content

5.2.Course section and types of sessions

For full time study:

№ Title of the course section L PA LS SDS Total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Stress and Strain Tensors.
Finite Element Method using the
2 2 - 5 9
example of a plane problem in elasticity
2 Осадки штампа с использованием 2 2 - 5 9
№ Title of the course section L PA LS SDS Total
Stamping Deflections using Elastic
Elastoplastic Models under Uniform
Loading Conditions
3 Nonlinear Soil Models 2 2 - 5 9
4 Settlements of Strip Foundation under
2 2 - 5 9
Loading in Nonlinear Soil Models
5 Elastoplastic Models under Triaxial
2 2 - 4 8
Compression Conditions
6 Behavior of the Foundation beneath the
Foundation when Modeling Soil as a
2 2 - 4 8
Strengthening and Ideal Elastoplastic
7 Theory of Filtration Consolidation.
Finite Element Implementation of 2 2 - 4 8
Filtration Consolidation Problems
8 Theories of Soil Creep. Finite Element
2 2 - 4 8
Implementation of Creep Problems
Total 16 16 - 36 68
Evaluation 4
Total (Total Workload, hours) 72

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