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Steps for integrating (implementing) SR

SOURCE: - NEN handbook 'The implementation of SR, Best practices and tools for ISO 26000
Clause /
1 Recognizing SR
1.1 SR characteristics and relation of SR with sustainable development § 3.3
1.2 Relation between organization, stakeholders and society § 5.2.1 en 5.2.2
1.3 Analyse van de relatie tussen MVO en organisatiekenmerken § 7.2

2 Defining SR policy and strategy
2.1 Identifying stakeholders § 5.3.2
2.2 Understanding position in value chain and sphere of influence § 5.2.3 en 7.3.3
2.3 Exercising due diligence § 7.3.1
2.4 Analysing if governance structure includes the seven SR principles H4, § 6.2
2.5 Analysing the 37 SR issues towards relevance and signicficance H6, § 7.3.2
2.6 Determining priorities for relevant and signifcant SR issues H6, § 7.3.4
2.7 Formulating SR policy (including vision, mission, strategy) § 7.4.2

3 Integreating SR poliy and strategy into daily operations

3.1 Adopting seven SR principles in organizational governance and daily operations H4, § 6.2, 7.4.2
3.2 Setting SR goals (and KPIs) and formulating action plans § 7.4.2
3.3 Raising awareness for SR § 7.4.1
3.4 Building SR competences § 7.4.2
3.5 Integrating SR into existing processes and management systems and tools § 7.4.3

3.6 Selecting (if necessary) SR initiatives § 7.8

4 Communication and reporting on SR

4.1 Choosing types of communication § 7.5.3
4.2 Engaging stakeholders § 5.3.3 en 7.5.4
4.3 Exercising SR influence (in value chain and sphere of influence) §
4.4 Enhancing credibility of reports and claims about SR § 7.6


5 Evaluation and improving
5.1 Monitoring SR performance § 7.7.2
5.2 Reviewing SR progress and performance § 7.7.3
5.3 Improving SR performance (and quality of SR information) § 7.74 en 7.7.5
Authors: Royal NEN and Hans Kröder

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