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Internet Issues (512)

From: Academic Encounters: Life in Society

By Kristine Brown and Susan Hood, Cambridge, 2002

Paragraph Word Meaning

1 Amazing (adj) ‫مذهل‬
Resource (n) ‫مصدر‬/‫مرجع‬
Researchers (n) ‫باحثون‬
Medical developments (n) ‫تطّورات طبّية‬
Ordinary people ‫ناس عاديين‬
Communicate (v) ‫يتواصل‬
Individuals (n) ‫أفراد‬
Cultures (n) ‫ثقافات‬
Associated with (v3) ‫مرتبط ب‬/‫متعلق ب‬
Concerns (n) ‫مصادر قلق‬
Lack (n) ‫نقص‬
Censorship (n) ‫مراقبة‬
Appear (v) ‫يظهر‬
Editors (n) ‫محررون‬
Check (v) ‫يفحص‬
Accuracy (n) ‫دّقة‬/‫صحة‬
Appropriateness (n) ‫مالءمة‬
Content (n) ‫مضمون‬
Publish (v) ‫ينشر‬
Determine (v) ‫يحّد د‬
Block (v) ‫يحجب‬
Access (n) ‫الوصول الى‬

Display (v) ‫يعرض‬
Privacy (n) ‫خصوصية‬
Participate (v) ‫يشترك‬
Chat groups (n) ‫مجموعات الثرثرة‬
Browse the Internet (v) ‫يتصحف األنترنت‬
Trace (v) ‫يتعّقب‬
Purpose (n) ‫هدف‬
Select = choose (v) ‫يختار‬
Potential danger (n) ‫خطر محتمل‬
Particular = special (adj) ‫خاص‬
Employer (n) ‫صاحب عمل‬
Applicant for a job (n) ‫متقدم لوظيفة‬
Misuse (n) ‫استخدام خاطئ‬
Workplace (n) ‫مكان العمل‬
Establish (v) ‫يقيم‬
Policy (n) ‫سياسة‬
Survey (n) ‫استطالع‬
Revealed (v) ‫كشف‬
Daily (adv) ‫يومّيا‬
Threaten (v) ‫يهّد د‬
Lateness for appointments ‫تأّخ ر عن المواعيد‬
responsibility ‫مسؤولّية‬
marriage ‫زواج‬

1. The Internet is an amazing information resource. Students, teachers,
researchers use it as an investigative tool. Journalists use it to find
information for stories. Doctors use it to learn more about medical
developments. Ordinary people use it for shopping, banking, and
communicating with family and friends. People all over the world use it to
connect with individuals from other countries and cultures. However, while
there are many positive developments associated with the Internet, there are
also certain fears and concerns.

2. One concern relates to a lack of censorship or control over what

appears on the Internet. Anyone can put information on the Internet that can
then be read by anyone else, at any time. This makes it very different from
television or radio. With television and radio there are editors to check the
accuracy or appropriateness of the content of programs. With the Internet,
parents cannot check a published guide to determine what is suitable for their
children to see. While software can be used to block access to certain
websites, such as those displaying pornography, this can never be
completely effective.

3. There are also concerns about privacy and control of communication

on the Internet. For example, when you use e-mail or participate in chat
groups, it is possible that your private messages may be read by others
without your knowing. If you buy things on–line or browse the Internet, it is
possible to trace all the websites that you visit. Such information can be used
to build up a profile of your interests and habits. One purpose for such a
profile is to provide information to companies who sell on-line advertising
space. If they know your habits and interests, they can select particular
advertisements to send to you when you are on-line. One potential danger is
that the information could be used by others to your disadvantage. For

example, an employer could use such information to decide that you are not a
suitable applicant for a job.

4. A further issue relates to the misuse of the Internet in the workplace.

Many companies are now finding that they need to establish policies to
control when employees use the Internet and for what purposes. Recent
surveys undertaken in the United States have revealed, for example, that:
 47 percent of employees send up to five personal e-mails per day, 32
percent send up to ten personal e-mails daily, and 28 percent receive up to
twenty personal e-mails per day.

5. A fourth and growing area of concern is that of Internet addiction. An Internet

addict is someone who is unable to control his or her own use of the Internet and
whose behavior threatens to overwhelm his or her normal life. Internet addiction
can result in many problems including a lack of sleep, lateness for
appointments, neglect of work responsibilities, and the disintegration of
marriages and families. Internet addiction is not just a matter of how much time a
person spends on-line. It is more a matter of how much damage Internet use
causes in a person's life.

Internet Issues: Questions

 Pre-reading: Read the title, first paragraph and first sentence only of
each paragraph. Circle the correct answer.

The author's purpose in this article is

a. to discuss why the internet is an amazing information resource.
b. to prove that the internet is useful for many different professions
c. to present many positive developments associated with the internet
d. to explain why using the internet is problematic


Paragraph 1
1. Is the Internet an entirely positive information resource?
Yes / No (Circle one)

Paragraph 2:
2. What MAIN IDEA does the following example support?
“Anyone can put information on the internet that can then be read by anyone
else, at any time.”

3. Why is it not always possible for parents to protect their children from
viewing pornography?

Paragraph 3
4. What may be the danger of buying things online or simply browsing the

5. What does “such information” (line 5, paragraph 3) refer to?


6. How might information about your internet habits be used by others to your

Paragraph 4

7. What main idea do the recent surveys in the United States support?

Paragraph 5

8. How does the writer define an internet addict?



9. Is spending a lot of time on the Internet always a symptom of addiction?

YES / NO (Circle one answer)


10. According to the entire article, what are the writer’s major concerns about the

a. ______________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________

d. ______________________________________________________________

Internet Issues: Vocabulary

:Match the words in bold with their meanings

)The first one is done for you(

a. wrong use 1.There are also certain fears F

and concerns
b. additional 2.Such information can be used
to build a profile.
c. absence 3.Parents cannot determine
what is suitable for their children
to see.
d. like this 4.Parents cannot determine what
is suitable for their children to
e. appropriate, a 5. There are restrictions on
good match what kind of programs can be
shown on television.
f. worries 6. It is possible to trace the
websites you visit.
g. decide 7.One purpose of such a profile
is to provide information to
companies who sell on-line
advertising space.
h. boss 8.Employees send up to five

personal e-mails a day.
i. go back to find 9.An employer could use such
information to decide that you
are not a suitable applicant for
the job.
j. give 10.A further issue relates to the
misuse of the internet in the
k. workers 11.A further issue relates to the
misuse of the internet in the
l. limitations 12. Internet addiction can result
in lack of sleep.

Internet Issues

Translate the following noun groups:

an amazing information resource

an investigative tool

the latest medical developments

internet misuse

other countries and cultures

positive developments

certain websites

your private messages

completely effective

such information

your interests and habits

one purpose

on-line advertising space

particular advertisements

one potential danger

a further issue

recent surveys

internet misuse

CONNECTORS ‫מילות קשור‬


But moreover because/ since/ for

On the other hand as well as RESULT
However also / furthermore lead to (led to)
Although in addition as a result/ consequently
While/whereas another so / therefore / thus

Choose a word to logically connect the two sentences (in the middle).

1. Television has several advantages. Television can be addicting.

2. Television can increase our knowledge. It has several negative


3. Television benefits very old people who cannot leave the house. It
offers non-native speakers the advantage of informal language

4. Too much television can lead to poor concentration. It can cause
people to become dissatisfied with their lives.

5. Children often watch many violent programs. Some children

become more violent.

6. You should not watch too much television. You may become

7. There are many positive developments connected with the internet.

There are also certain fears and concerns.

8. Some people limit their use of the internet. Other people spend too
much time online.

9. Software can block access to pornography. This can never be

completely effective.


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