Course - Government Finance Question Bank (Compiled)

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Course: Government Finance (Paper Code: Fin-4001)

Course Teacher:
(Interim Instructor)
Mohaiminul Haque Mithun, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance & Banking, EMC

Chapter: 01 [Introduction]
a) Give the definition of Public finance.
b) Discuss the functions of Government finance.
c) What are the differences between Public finance and Private finance? [Department of Finance and
Banking Govt. Titumir College, Dhaka B.B.A. 4th Year Evaluation Examination 2022 (session
2018-19, held in 2023)]
2. What is government finance? [BBA (Honours) 4th Year Final Examination 2022]
3. Describe the importance of public finance. [BBA (Honours) 4th Year Final Examination 2022]
4. Discuss the classification of public finance. [BBA (Honours) 4th Year Final Examination 2022]
a) What is public finance? Describe the two different viewpoints of public finance organic viewpoint
and mechanistic viewpoint of the government. (পাবলিক ফাইন্যান্স লক? পাবলিক ফাইন্যান্স এর
দুটি লিন্ন দৃটিিলি - সরকাররর জৈব দৃটিিলি এবং যালিক দৃটিিলি বর্ন্া ণ কর।))
b) Why government is needed? Describe in terms of market failure and concern for equity. (সরকার
ককন্ প্রর াৈন্? বাৈাররর বযর্তা ণ এবং সমতার উরেরের পলররপ্রলিরত বর্ন্া ণ করুন্।)
[BBA (Honours) 4th Year Final Examination 2022]

6. Discuss the similarities and dissimilarities between public finance and private finance. [ঢাকা
লবশ্বলবদযাি (অলিযুক্ত ৭ করিৈ) ৪র্ বর্
ণ (সম্মান্)
ণ পরীিা ২০২১)


1. Give the definition of Public finance.

2. Discuss the nature of Public finance.
3. Discuss the functions of Public finance.
4. Discribe the subject matter of Public finance.
5. Discuss the classification of Public finance.
6. Describe importance of Public finance.
7. What are the differences between Public finance and private finance?)
8. Explain the concept of optimum finance.
9. Describe the classical views on Public finance.
10. Discuss the modern views on Public finance.
11. Discuss the main objectives or necessities of Public finance.
12. Describe the role of Public finance.
13. Discribe the role of Public finance from the viewpoint of develop and developing countries
14. What should be the goals and objectives of Public finance in case of a developing country like
15. Discuss the importance of Public finance in modern economy.
16. Discuss the similarities between Public finance and private finance.
17. What is meant by market failure?
18. Explain the importance of Public finance regard to failure of market economy.)
19. Describe the rules or principles or policies of Public finance.
20. Discuss the branches of goverment finance.
21. What is a public enterprise?
22. Discuss purpose/ importance of Public finance.
23. What are the arguments for public enterprise?

Chapter: 02 [Positive & Normative Analysis]

a) Explain the concept of positive approach with an example.
b) Explain the principles of maximum social benefit. [EMC Incourse, Titumir Test: 2022]
c) Show the differences between positive and normative analysis. [Department of Finance and
Banking Govt. Titumir College, Dhaka B.B.A. 4th Year Evaluation Examination 2022 (session
2018-19, held in 2023)]
2. What do you mean by efficiency in relative allocation of factors to various goods? পর্যসমূরে
উপাদান্সমূরের তু িন্ামূিক বরাদ্দকররর্ দিতা বিরত কী বুঝ? [BBA (Honours) 4th Year Final
Examination 2022]
a) What is meant by efficiency in consumption and efficiency in production? Explain with example.
b) Show arguments for public enterprises in market economy.
[ঢাকা লবশ্বলবদযাি (অলিযুক্ত ৭ করিৈ) ৪র্ বর্ ণ (সম্মান্)
ণ পরীিা ২০২১]
a) What are the conditions of optimal supply of social goods.
b) Is the provision of pure public goods through market always inefficient? Explain.
[ঢাকা লবশ্বলবদযাি (অলিযুক্ত ৭ করিৈ) ৪র্ বর্ ণ (সম্মান্)
ণ পরীিা ২০২১]
a) What is normative analysis? Differentiate between Positive and Normative analysis. (আদলশক

আরিাচন্া লক? ইলতবাচক এবং আদলশক ণ আরিাচন্ার মরিয পার্কয ণ কর।)
b) "An increase in the minimum wage increases unemployment among workers." What type of
statement is it? Explain the statement. (“ন্ূযন্তম মৈুলর বৃদ্ধি শ্রলমকরদর মরিয কবকারত্ব
বাডা ।"- এিা লক িররন্র লববৃলত? লববৃলতটি বযাখ্যা কর।)
[ঢাকা লবশ্বলবদযাি (অলিযুক্ত ৭ করিৈ) ৪র্ বর্ ণ (সম্মান্)
ণ পরীিা ২০২১]


1. What is market?
2. Discuss the Classification of Market.
3. Definition of Efficient Market.
4. Discuss why Should Capital Market has to be efficient?
5. Explain Efficient Market Hypothesis.
6. Explain Forms of Market Efficiency.
7. What is Economic Efficiency?
8. Write the reasons of Market Failure.
9. Discuss the importance of Public Finance in case of failure of market economy.
10. Discuss the Rules or Principles or Policies of Public Finance.
11. Discuss the determinants of market structure.

Chapter: 03 [Public Goods]

a) What do you mean by free rider problem?
b) Discuss the features of public goods.
c) Show the distinction between pure public goods and quasi public goods.
[Department of Finance and Banking Govt. Titumir College, Dhaka B.B.A. 4th Year Evaluation
Examination 2022 (session 2018-19, held in 2023)]
2. How are prices of goods determined in a competitive economy? [EMC Incourse: 2022]
3. What is public goods? What are the optimal provisions of public goods? [BBA (Honours) 4th Year Final
Examination 2022]

4. সববযাপী
ণ দিতা লক? কিারের কিরে দিতা বযাখ্যা কর ।)[BBA (Honours) 4th Year Final Examination


1. What is public goods?

2. Discuss the classification of goods.
3. What are the characteristics of public goods.
4. What is meant by private goods?
5. Discuss the features of private goods.
6. Show the differences between public goods and private goods.
7. Discuss the Public Goods and a Free Market Allocation.
8. Describe the advantages of social/ Public goods.
9. Discuss about Quasi public goods or, Mixed goods.
10. Discuss the theories optimal supply/distribution of pure goods.
11. Discuss the partial equilibrium optimal provision of public goods.
12. Discuss the principles satisfying the private goods, public goods and merits goods.
13. Describe how provision of public goo through the budget.
14. Analysis the provision of public goods of voluntary exchange theory.
15. How determination of the price of public goods of the competitive economy.
16. Discuss about public goods, market mechanism and optimum resource allocation.
17. Explain marginal utility approach of public goods allocation.
Chapter: 04 [Externalities]
a) What is market failure? Give an example.
b) "Beautiful private garden that passers-by enjoy seeing"- for this statement you need to identify the
type of externality as well as explain graphically.
[Department of Finance and Banking Govt. Titumir College, Dhaka B.B.A. 4th Year Evaluation
Examination 2022 (session 2018-19, held in 2023)]
2. Discuss the nature of Externalities. [BBA (Honours) 4th Year Final Examination 2022]
3. What is negative externalities and spill-over effects? [BBA (Honours) 4th Year Final Examination 2022]
4. What do you mean by externalities? Explain the need for Governmental intervention regarding
externalities. [ঢাকা লবশ্বলবদযাি (অলিযুক্ত ৭ করিৈ) ৪র্ বর্ ণ (সম্মান্)
ণ পরীিা ২০২১]


১। বালেযকতা কারক বরি? (What is externalities ? )

২। কিাে বালেযকতা বিরত কী বুঝ? (What is consumption externalities ? )
৩। প্রতযি (সরাসলর) আিাপ আরিাচন্া বিরত কী বুঝ? (What is Direct Negotiation ?)
৪। সরকালর েস্তরিরপর প্রর াৈন্ী তা সম্পরকণ বযাখ্যা কর।
(Explain the need for Governmental intervention.)
৫। উৎপাদন্ বালেযকতা বিরত কী বুঝ? (What is production externalities ? )
৬। অর্সংক্রান্ত
ণ বালেযকতা কারক বরি? (What is pecuniary externalities?)
৭। প্রযুদ্ধক্তেত বালেযকতা বিরত কী বুঝ? (What is Technological externalities ? )
৮। কন্লতবাচক বালেযকতা এবং অলতলরক্ত প্রিাব বিরত কী বুঝ? (What is negative Externalities and Spill
Over Effects?)
৯। পারস্পলরক প্রকৃলতেত সমসযা বিরত কী বুঝ? (What do you mean by the reciprocal nature of the
১০। আ প্রিাব এবং িলতপূরর্ বিরত কী বুঝ? (What do you mean by Income Effects and Compensation?)
১১। সংরশািন্কারী কাযক্রম ণ বিরত কী বুঝ? (What do you mean by Corrective Actions ? )
১২। মূরিযর স্তরসমূে বযাখ্যা কর। (Explain the Level of Charges.)
১৩। বা ু এবং পালন্ দুর্র্ বিরত কী বুঝ? (What do you mean by Air & Water Pollution ?)
১৪। রাৈপরর্র লিড কী? (What is Highway congestion ?)

Chapter: 05 [Income Redistribution- conceptual issues]

a) Mention the components of non-tax revenue.
b) Distinguish between development and non-development expenditure of government.
c) Explain the effects of public expenditure on production, employment & income level.
[Department of Finance and Banking Govt. Titumir College, Dhaka B.B.A. 4th Year Evaluation
Examination 2022 (session 2018-19, held in 2023)]
2. Why government income redistribution is necessary? [BBA (Honours) 4th Year Final Examination 2022]
Chapter: 06 [Cost Benefit Analysis]

1. Discuss the limitations of cost benefit analysis.

[Department of Finance and Banking Govt. Titumir College, Dhaka B.B.A. 4th Year Evaluation
Examination 2022 (session 2018-19, held in 2023)]
2. Discuss the elements and limitations of Cost-Benefit Analysis. [BBA (Honours) 4th Year Final
Examination 2022]
3. What is cost-benefit analysis? Differentiate between tax structure of developed and developing
countries. (লবিা লবরের্র্ লক? উন্নত ও উন্ন ন্শীি কদরশর তর কাঠারমার মরিয পার্কযণ কর।)
[ঢাকা লবশ্বলবদযাি (অলিযুক্ত ৭ করিৈ) ৪র্ বর্ ণ (সম্মান্)
ণ পরীিা ২০২১]

Chapter: 07 [Taxation & Income Distribution]

1. What is the role of Income Tax in minimizing inequalities of income distribution in society? [BBA
(Honours) 4th Year Final Examination 2022]
a) What is tax base? Differentiate flat progressive and regressive tax structures. (িযাক্স কবস লক? ফ্ল্যাি,
প্রেলতশীি এবং লররেলসি িযাক্স কাঠারমার মরিয পার্কয ণ করুন্।)
b) Write down the cannons of taxation. Which cannons are appropriate for our country? (িযারক্সর
কযান্ন্গুরিা লিখ্ুন্। ককান্ কযান্ন্গুরিা আমারদর কদরশর ৈন্য উপযুক্ত?) [BBA (Honours) 4th
Year Final Examination 2022]
a) What is tax? Discuss the sources of non-tax revenue of Bangladesh government. (কর লক?
বাংিারদশ সরকাররর কর বলেিূ ত ণ রাৈরের উৎস আরিাচন্া কর।)
b) Discuss the role of government expenditure in case of growth of national income. (ৈাতী আ
বৃদ্ধির কিরে সরকালর বার র িূ লমকা আরিাচন্া কর।)
[ঢাকা লবশ্বলবদযাি (অলিযুক্ত ৭ করিৈ) ৪র্ বর্ ণ (সম্মান্)
ণ পরীিা ২০২১]

Chapter: 08 [Taxation & Efficiency]

a) Discuss the characteristics of efficient tax system.
b) What changes should be brought about in the tax structure of Bangladesh?
c) What are disadvantages of imposition of direct tax?
[Department of Finance and Banking Govt. Titumir College, Dhaka B.B.A. 4th Year Evaluation
Examination 2022 (session 2018-19, held in 2023)]
a) What do you mean by excess burden of tax? Does an Income Tax entail an excess burden?
b) Show a positive analysis of tax evasion. (কর ফাাঁলকর ঋণাত্নক লবরের্র্ কদখ্াও।) [BBA (Honours)
4th Year Final Examination 2022]
a) What is meant by excess burden of taxation?
b) Write the differences between impact of tax and incidence of tax.
c) Graphically explain the concept of excess burden on the basis of consumer satisfaction and
producer perspective.
[Department of Finance and Banking Govt. Titumir College, Dhaka B.B.A. 4th Year Evaluation
Examination 2022 (session 2018-19, held in 2023)]
a) What is burden of taxes? Differentiate monetary and real burden of taxes. (কররর কবাঝা লক? আলর্ক

এবং কররর প্রকৃত কবাঝা পার্কয ণ করুন্।
b) "Doubling the tax per unit quadruples the welfare cost" explain. (প্রলত ইউলন্ি িযাক্স লেগুর্
কররি কিযার্ বয চারগুর্ ে ”- বযাখ্যা করুন্।) [BBA (Honours) 4th Year Final Examination

Chapter: 09 [Efficient & Equitable Taxation]

1. What, in your opinion, should be the character of an ideal tax structure? [ঢাকা লবশ্বলবদযাি (অলিযুক্ত ৭
করিৈ) ৪র্ বর্ণ (সম্মান্)
ণ পরীিা ২০২১]

a) How does Tax Incidence affect distribution? (করপাত কীিারব ফণ্টরন্র উপর প্রিাব লবস্তার করর?)
b) Discuss the Equity Theory of Taxation. (কর সমতা তত্ত্ব আরিাচন্া কর ।) [ঢাকা লবশ্বলবদযাি
(অলিযুক্ত ৭ করিৈ) ৪র্ বর্
ণ (সম্মান্)
ণ পরীিা ২০২১]

Chapter: 10 [Deficit Finance]

a) Indicate the differences between deficit and deficit financing.
b) Discuss the arguments in favour of deficit financing in Bangladesh.
[Department of Finance and Banking Govt. Titumir College, Dhaka B.B.A. 4th Year Evaluation
Examination 2022 (session 2018-19, held in 2023)]
2. What are the methods of deficit financing? Differentiate between deficit budget and deficit financing.
[BBA (Honours) 4th Year Final Examination 2022]
a) What are the advantages of deficit financing in an underdeveloped country like Bangladesh?
b) What is fiscal policy? Explain the components of fiscal policy of the government of Bangladesh.
(রাৈে ন্ীলত লক? বাংিারদশ সরকাররর রাৈে ন্ীলতর উপাদান্গুরিা বযাখ্যা কর ।) [ঢাকা
লবশ্বলবদযাি (অলিযুক্ত ৭ করিৈ) ৪র্ বর্ ণ (সম্মান্)
ণ পরীিা ২০২১]

[NB. More important questions will be added after our in-course & test examination. Stay connected.]

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