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Focus on the whip-like motion of your punches to cause a stretch.

1 round of 3-5mins focusing on the motion should be enough.

Do more if you want or have the time.


4-6 10 seconds sprints if you do it on a hill or stairs like me.

5-10 30 seconds sprints if you do it on flat ground.

It’s recommended to only do it 2-3 times per week, I like to do it more often.

Your choice.
Box/Stair Jump Down:

Jump down a box or a flight of stairs.

Land on the ball of your feet.

Figure out the number of reps you like to do.

I do 20.

Your choice.

Box/Stair Jump Up:

Jump on a box or a flight of stairs. Land on the ball of your feet.

Figure out the number of reps you like to do.

I do 20.

Your choice.
Massaï Jump:

Jump without stopping while ending and starting the jump on the balls of your feet.

Search on youtube “massaï tribe” and you’ll see how they do it, so you can just do the same.

I do it for 2 mins but other people recommended to do it for 200 reps.

I’m too lazy to count that far so using a timer can be a less annoying way of keeping track of


A roundhouse kick on a heavy bag or a pillar (but way softer if you use something hard like that)
will create some good micro-fractures that you will stretch later on.

Don’t break your shin like a dumbass, be aware of the intensity you can tolerate, the goal is to
micro-fracture, not actually fracture it. 2 mins for each leg seems alright for me.

Focus the impact on the shin, that’s the bone you want to elongate through stretching
Calves Raise:

Helps stimulate blood flow in the leg and stretch the shin.

Apparently it’s better to go for VERY high reps, like up to 200 reps (yeah it’s not bodybuilding

Personally I just go to failure, so sometimes it’ll take less than that.

Toes Raises:

Reverse of calves raises.

Instead of lifting the heel from the ground, your lift your toes.

You can put your hip against a wall to add some weight and stability to the movement.

Again, recommendation is really high volume (200-400) but I just to failure.

Maybe go to failure 2-3 times every day, this way you reach the volume recommended without
forcing too much.

(couldn’t find an anime picture to illustrate it properly so go google it, I’m sticking to anime
images here)
Collarbone Swing:

Make your arms rotate alternatively going backwards.

Make the right arm start swinging first and let the left follow.

As you get used to it it becomes pretty fluid but you can start by simply doing a full circle
backwards with the right arm and doing the same with the left when the right arm is about to be
back at the starting point.

You can also swing both the arms backwards at the same time, but it’s a bit less comfortable
and looks weirder, so I don’t do it that way.

But try both and see what you prefer.

Dead Hangs:

You probably know that one already, since it’s also good for shoulder health and recommended
like crazy for height growth.

On its own, it’s not that efficient, but with proper diet and all the hormones you’ll activate from
the diet and the training, it’ll be really efficient.
Even without all this, it’ll decompress your spine and make you gain some height compared to
when you don’t do it.

3mins a day, you don’t have to do it all in one go.

You can do 1min here and there, or even 30secs here and there.

Just make sure you try to go until you almost can’t hold on anymore.

Don’t hurt yourself by falling the wrong way because you wanted to hold on for dear life
too long.

Cobra Stretch:

Complicated to explain, so here’s a simple picture:

Do the same thing as her, except you can leave your feet on the ground, we’re not
trying to look sexy like her, come on now.

30 secs should be fine, if you want to go longer as you progress, you can.

Cat-Cow Stretch: Now this one will look proper weird for a guy, but you have to take
your balls out and look weird sometimes, for the gains my man, for the gains.
You want to alternate between being of all fours and arching your back for 5-10 secs
and then rounding it while staying on all fours for 5-10 secs.

Alternate between those two for 30secs to a minute. Again, you can do it for longer as
you progress if you want.

The two positions are illustrated here (but google it to see how it looks in real life)

Neck Stretches: Stretch your neck by pushing it down, up, left and right for 30 secs

Then Roll your neck for 10-20 reps in each direction.

Pretty straightforward.

Don’t overcomplicate it.

That’s it.

That’s a pretty long workout but hey it’ll make you do something that most of the world
thinks is impossible, so it makes sense for it to be hard.

It’s gonna take time, and I’ll most likely also release a guide on the best diet for height
growth at some point.

Until then, watch the diet video I made for looksmaxxing, the foods in there are mostly
the same as what I’d recommend for height growth:

“You're UGLY because of your sh*tty diet.”

Take care man, and let me know about your results.


Something specifically from Rustam Akhmetov (the ukrainian guy who gained 9 inches)

is to attach bands to your feet and below your shoulders to stretch your whole body
while sleeping.

He says it’s uncomfortable at first but you end up getting used to it and it works great.

I heard someone saying it could be a bit dangerous if you’re the kind of person to twist
and turn in your sleep a lot,

Because apparently the stretched position of the spine puts it in a vulnerable position.

An alternative could be something called a “decompression table”.

There are some affordable models, but I never tried so that’s your decision to make.

A guy apparently managed to go from 5’6 to 6’2 doing banded sleeping.

Hopefully you get some good results with all this, take care man. Jane!


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