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What do you study? I’m studying Chemistry Teacher

Where do you study at? I study at Tay Nguyen Universty,
which is also my dream university.
Why did you choose that subject? I chose it because I want to become a
teacher, another reason is the job
opportunities of this major are quite
Is it a popular subject in your country? Yes, many students in my country
choose this subject because it brings
many experiences and job
Do you like that subject? Absolutely yes, this is a subject I
really like, I am confident about my
abilities in this subject.
Do you get on with your colleagues? Yes, I get on well with my classmates,
they helped me a lot during my
What was your first day like ? My first day at the university was
exciting and a bit nervous. I met new
people and got introduced to the
course structure.
What are the main aspects of your In my Chemistry Teacher Education
subject? studies, I learn about teaching
methods, educational psychology and
student management.
If you had the chance, would you I’m fully satisfied with my major now
change subject? so I don't want to change it, even if I
had the chance.
Do you plan to get a job in the same
field as your subject?

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