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 Listlessness-Matamlay
Slide 1  Candidiasis lesions are most frequently
 Mycotic disease it means it is infection found in the crop and consist of
or disease cause by fungi thickened mucosa and whitish, raised
 Candida spp are part of the normal pseudomembranes. The same lesions
microflora of the GI tract of many may occur in the mouth and esophagus.
species, including birds. Occasionally, shallow ulcers and
 Microflora helps in digestion. sloughing of necrotic epithelium may
 Candidiasis is an opportunistic infection be present.
that occurs when the normal microflora  This is a normal crop of a turkey. Note
has been disrupted the smooth mucosal surface.

Slide 2 Slide 6
 In connection gihapon sa una nga slide.  A. Crop of a turkey with candidiasis.
Gin hambal ko gina, nga ang Candida Note the whitish plaques and
spp. are typically part of the commensal pseudomembranes, with similar lesions
GI mycobiota of healthy poultry in the mouth and esophagus.
 Since they are opportunistic, once na  B. Crop of a layer chicken with
indi sakto ang ginahatag nga dose sang candidiasis. Note that many lesions are
antibiotics sa mga poultry animals kag similar with image A, with shallow
mahigko ang gina ilimnan kag ginakaon ulcers, sloughing, and necrosis, are
nanda. So there are disturbances on the evident.
of GI normal microflora sang birds that
results Candidiasis. Slide 7- Diagnosis
 Diagnosis of candidiasis can be
Slide 3 confirmed by histologic demonstration
 Candida species are a normal part of a of tissue invasion.
healthy chicken's microflora, but
overgrowth can occur when the balance Slide 9-Treatment
is disrupted.  Nystatin has been used to treat
 Factors such as prolonged or candidiasis in poultry
inappropriate antibiotic use, underlying
illness, malnultrition, stress,etc,.

Slide 4
 Candida albicans and other Candida
species can cause infection and
inflammation in the crop and other parts
of the alimentary tract in poultry.


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