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C Mehta and his attempt towards environmental


November 20, 2018

The contribution of M. C Mehta towards the protection of the environment is truly

outstanding. He is a lawyer by profession and by choice he is an environmentalist. He is
famous for his continuous fights in Courts for the protection of the environment.

Mahesh Chandra Mehta was born in a small village in Rajouri district of Jammu and
Kashmir. He was inspired from nature in his childhood days, which lead him to felt in
love with nature and had a strong commitment towards protecting it.

He got his primary education from his village, later from the school of Rajouri he got his
higher education, which was 15 KM away from his village. Every day he used to travel
from his village to school and went back from school by crossing two rivers.

After the completion of his higher education in Rajouri, he moved Jammu University for
the purpose of obtaining degree in Political Science and Law. After getting Law degree, he
started to practice in Jammu and Kashmir High Court. He had involved actively in social
and political issue during his days in Jammu and used to raise his voice against
corruption and motivated students and youths to stand against the discrimination that
taking place in Jammu.

In 1983, he migrated Delhi and from then his career as an advocate of Supreme Court
began, from the next year he started to focus environmental litigations.

Here are some of the famous cases, where M.C Mehta fought for the protection of


M.C Mehta Vs Union of India (Taj Mahal Case):

Taj Mahal which is one of the finest examples of Mughal architecture and one of the seven
wonders in the world was facing a serious threat from pollution caused by nearby

The Taj Mahal and other historical monuments were facing a serious danger because of
acid rain resulted from high toxic emission from these industries.

M.C Mehta had filed a petition in Supreme Court in 1984, and in 1996 the Apex Court
gave a historical verdict in which the Court banned the use of cole and cake, and also
directed these industries to use Compressed Natural Gas.


M.C Mehta Vs Union of India (Ganga Pollution Case):

River Ganga is a very sacred one among the Hindu people, it flows through India and
Bangladesh. But this holy river getting polluted due to tanneries and shop factories in the
banks of the river in Kanpur. The river Ganga became so polluted that it could no longer
for either drinking of bathing.

M.C Mehta filed a writ petition in Supreme Court for the prevention of nuisance, which
resulting in the pollution in the river. The Court, in this case, had issued several directions
to Kanpur Municipal Corporation, Court also pronounced that all these directions are also
applicable for all other Municipalities which have jurisdiction over areas in which River
Ganga flows.

After this case, the Supreme Court ordered the Central Government to direct all the
educational institutions to teach at least one hour in a week for the protection and
improvement of our environment in the first ten classes.


M.C Mehta Vs Union of India (Oleum Gas Leak Case):

Oleum Gas Leak case is also known as Shiriram Gas Leak case. It was a very significant
one in the environmental field. Shriram Food and Fertilizers was a subsidiary of a
privately owned company Delhi Cloth Mill Limited.

They have a single complex for all of their units, which situated near a thickly populated
area of Delhi. Within a very few days, it created a nuisance for the surroundings of local

M.C Mehta filed a Public Interest Litigation for the immediate closure and relocation of
the complex. On 4th December 1985 after one month of filing the petition, the Oleum had
leaked from the complex. As a result, several people injured.

In this case, the Supreme Court gave a landmark verdict and the rule of Absolute Liability
laid down. The Court also inserted a new chapter to the Factories Act and made several
changes in environmental laws.

M.C Mehta Vs Union of India (Vehicular Pollution Case):

Against vehicular pollution, the Supreme Court had delivered a landmark judgment in

As per that judgment, retired Judge of the Supreme Court was appointed along with three
other members to suggest measures for the nationwide management of transport

Orders for providing Lead-free fuel within the country, and for the use of gas and
alternative mode of fuels to be used within the vehicles are passed and carried out. Lead-
free fuel had been introduced within the four metropolitan cities from April 1995; all new
cars registered from April 1995 forwards are fitted with chemical action convertors.

M.C Mehta Vs Union of India (Ground Water Pollution case)

Five small chemical industries were operating at Rajasthan’s Bichhri without the proper
flowing plant. Toxic effluents from these industries were entering the ground water and
walls, which affected 14 nearby villages.

M.C Mehta filed a petition on Supreme Court, and after a fight of five years in Court, the
Supreme Court delivered its judgment in March 1996. By that Judgment, these factories
were closed.



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