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Trade Name CHIMEC 1738

Product Code 1980

1. Identification of the substance & the company

Identification of the substance
Trade name : Chimec 1738
Chemical family : blend of aminic derivates
: in water solution.
Type of product and use : corrosion inhibitor.
Company identification
Responsible for placing on the market : CHIMEC S.p.A.
Address and telephone nr : CHIMEC S.p.A., Via Ardeatina, Km 22,5
00040 S. Palomba di Pomezia - ROMA
Tel. 06.918251
Fax 06.91825260

2. Composition / information on ingredients

Hazardous component(s) : 2-hydroxyethylamine.
Harmful (Xn). R:20,36/37/38.
LD50 oral: 1720 mg/kg (rat)
CAS No.141-43-5 Conc.
: 30 - 40 %
: 3-methoxy-propylamin. Corrosive(C). R:
LD50 oral: 6260 mg/Kg (rats).
CAS Nr.5332-73-0 Conc.
: 1-5%

3. Hazards identification
Important hazards : the product is harmful if inhalated and
corrosive to eyes and skin: inhalation of
high vapour concentration may cause
central nervous system depression. Avoid
any contact with skin and eyes.
: the product irritates the respiratory
tract: exposure to the vapours may cause
irritation of mucous membrane.
Overexposure may cause headaches,
somnolence, nausea and liver or kidney

4. First-aid measures

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Via delle Ande 19
00144 Roma
Tel. +39.06.918251
Trade Name CHIMEC 1738

First aid
- Inhalation : remove the exposed person from
contaminated area; keep warm and in
fresh air.
: if victim has trouble breathing,
transport to medical care and give
supplemental oxygen.
: in case of loss of consciousness, give
artificial respiration.
- Skin contact : take off immediately all contaminated
: wash thoroughly with soapy water.
: if irritation persists, seek medical
- Eye contact : wash with plenty of water,for at least 15
minutes, keeping the lids well open.
: seek medical advice.
- Ingestion : rinse the mouth with clean water; give
plenty of water, seek medical advice.
: do not give anything by mouth to an
unconscious or convulsing person.

5. Fire - fighting measures

Extinguishing media
- Suitable : carbon dioxide, dry chemicals, foam,
water spray ( or fog).
- Not suitable : none.
Fire/explosion hazards : keep away from sources of ignition - no
: avoid breathing the fumes.
: avoid static build up; must be earthed.
: avoid vapours contact with sources of
flame (open flames, sparks, very hot
Fire-fighting procedures : fire fighters and others who may be
exposed to the products of combustion,
should be equipped with NIOSH approved
positive pressure self-contained
breathing apparatus and full protective
: when exposed to flames or high
temperatures encountered during fire
conditions, sealed containers may rupture
because of the build up of internal
pressure: cool containers with water and

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Via delle Ande 19
00144 Roma
Tel. +39.06.918251
Trade Name CHIMEC 1738

: the contaminated water used for

extinguishing must be disposed of in
accordance with local legislation.

6. Accidental release measures

After spillage / leakage
- on soil : isolate the dangerous area, wear
protective clothing. Remove all sources
of ignition and contain the spill with
inert materials.
: then collect in suitable containers and
dispose of or burn at approved site.
: avoid dispersion of large quantities of
product in sewers or waterways.
- on water : if spilled product is going into water
courses or drain and soil or vegetation
are contaminated, advise legal authority
and take measures to minimize effects on
the aquatic environment.

7. Handling and storage

Handling : avoid contact with skin and eyes.
: handle this product near emergency
showers, emergency eye-wash and with
independent breathing protection.
: protect eyes from vapour/spray.
: do not breathe vapour/spray.
: take precautionary measures against
static discharge during blending and
transfer operations.
: wear suitable respiratory equipment.
: a localized aspiration is necessary if
the warmed product forms vapours.
Storage : store in well closed boxes.
: store in a fresh and well-ventilated
place, away from incompatible
: keep containers in store rooms with
security electric plants and protection
from atmospheric discharge.
: store away from all sources of ignition
(heat sources, sparks and open flames).
: store away from heat source. Avoid static
build up. Must be earthed.
Suitable storage materials : stainless steel, natural or butylic

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Via delle Ande 19
00144 Roma
Tel. +39.06.918251
Trade Name CHIMEC 1738

rubber, polyethylene, PVC, polyesther,

Not suitable storage materials : copper and its alloys, natural or butylic
rubber, polyacetalic resins,
polycarbonates, polyurethanes, nylon and
poly-methyl methacrylates

8. Exposure controls / personal protection

Occupational exposure limits : this product is a complex mixture and
contains following substances with
recommended or approved OEL limits:
TLV (mg/m3) : ----
TLV (ppm) : 3 - TWA
TLV (ref. to solvent) (mg/m3) : ----
Personal protection
- Respiratory protection : a localized aspiration is necessary if
the warmed product forms vapours.
: protective mask in case of exposure to
vapours formed by warmed product.
- Skin protection : protective gloves in neoprene or latex,
approved for protection against chemical
substances (EC seal - Directives 89/686
and 93/68).
- Eye protection : goggles or face shield with safety
- Others : appropriated protective clothing.
: eyewash bottle with clean water.
Industrial hygiene : ventilate thoroughly the working place.
: do not eat or drink when handling this
: remove all contaminated clothing and
remove protective clothing when the work
is completed.
: handle in accordance with good industrial
hygiene and safety procedures.

9. Physical and chemical properties

Physical state at 20°C : liquid.
Colour : colourless to light yellow.
Odour : ammonia odour.
Change in physical state -760 mm Hg
- Freezing point (°C) : n.d.

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00144 Roma
Tel. +39.06.918251
Trade Name CHIMEC 1738

- Boiling point (°C) : ca. 100

- Pour point (ASTM D97) (°C) : < - 20
Density at 20°C (gr/cm3) : 1.01 ± 0.02
Viscosity at 20°C (cP) : < 50
Solubility in water (% weight) : complete.
Soluble in : water.
pH value in distilled water : (1%): 11.0 ± 1.0
Flash point (ASTM D 93) (°C) : > 62
Auto-ignition temperature (°C) : n.d.
Explosion limits
- Lower (% vol) : n.d.
- Upper (% vol) : n.d.
Thermal decomposition (°C) : stable if utilized under normal
Further information : The information reported in this Material Safety Data Sheet are
not to be considered as a guarantee on any specific properties
of the product.

10. Stability and reactivity

Conditions to avoid : caution must be used when mixing the
product with strong acids and bases.
Substances to avoid : corrosive for aluminum, zinc, copper and
its alloy.
On combustion forms : this product may release smoke, toxic
fumes (carbon dioxide e carbon monoxide,
NOx) and irritating gases (amines).
Hazardous decomposition products : no hazardous decomposition products.
Hazardous reactions : avoid contact with acids, acid chlorides,
acid anhydrides and oxidizing agents.
: under special conditions nitrosamines may
be formed with nitrites and/or nitrous
acid; nitrosamines have proved to be
carcinogenic in animal experiments.

11. Toxicological information

Rat oral LD50 (mg/kg) : 2100
Rabbit dermal LD50 (mg/kg) : ----
Rat inhalation LC50 (ppm) : ----
Inhalation : vapour overexposure: extreme irritation
of respiratory tract, pulmonary
inflammation, congestion, with potential
for pulmonary edema.

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Via delle Ande 19
00144 Roma
Tel. +39.06.918251
Trade Name CHIMEC 1738

: vapours or fog inhalation at high

temperature may produce irritation of
respiratory tract.
Dermal toxicity : may produce dermatitis and burns.
Ingestion : may cause gastro-intestinal troubles,
with nausea and vomiting.
Corrosivity / Irritating capacity
- skin : corrosive.
- eyes : corrosive.
Sensitization : no evidence of this effect is shown.
Carcinogenicity : no evidence of this effect is shown.
Mutagenicity : no evidence of this effect is shown.
Teragenicity : no evidence of this effect is shown.

12. Ecological information

Information on ecological effects : utilize in accordance with good working
practice and avoid to disperse the
product in the environment.
Mobility : with a correct disposal in biological
treatment system, are not expected
problems for the degradation activity of
activated sludge.
96 Hour-LC50-fish (mg/l) : 170 (Goldfish - pH 10.1 modified ASTM D1345)
Persistence and degradability : readly biodegradable.
Biodegradation (%) : the product is readily biodegradable.
Bioaccumulative potential : the product has been shown to present no
bioaccumulation hazard in aquatic plants
or fish.
WGK class (Germany) : 1 - slightly hazardous.
AOX : the product does not contain organic halons.

13. Disposal considerations

Disposal : dispose in a safe manner in accordance
with local/national regulations.
: do not dispose in a sink, drain or in the
immediate environment.
: of the methods of disposal currently
available, it is recommended that an
alternative be selected according to the
following order of preference, based upon
environmental acceptability:
: 1 - recycle or rework if at all

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Via delle Ande 19
00144 Roma
Tel. +39.06.918251
Trade Name CHIMEC 1738

2 - incinerate at an authorized
3 - treat at an acceptable waste
treatment facility.
Disposal of packaging : dirty containers of product must be
recycled or disposed by an authorized
: empty containers can retain product
residues and may be hazardous: do not use
heat, sparks, open flames, or cigarettes
on near empty container.

14. Transportation information

- RID/ADR - Transport by road
Proper shipping name : Corrosive liquids, n.o.s.
ADR Class : 8 - Corrosive substances.
Packaging group : III
Risk Label(s) : 8 - Corrosive.
Subsidiary Risk Label(s) : none.
Danger identification number (upper) : 80
Substance identification number (lower) : 1760
Tremcard type : C
UN Number. : 1760
- IMO-IMDG code - Transport by sea
IMO class : 8 - Corrosive substances.
Risk Label : 8 - Corrosive.
Subsidiary Risk Label : none.
Proper shipping name : Corrosive liquids, n.o.s.
Contains : 2-hydroxyethylamine
: 3-methoxy-propylamin
Packaging group : III
Emergency Schedule (EmS) : F-A, S-B

15. Regulatory information

- Symbol(s) : Corrosive:C
- Contains : 2-hydroxyethylamine
: 3-methoxy-propylamin
- R Phrase(s) : R 20 :Harmful by inhalation.

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Via delle Ande 19
00144 Roma
Tel. +39.06.918251
Trade Name CHIMEC 1738

: R 34 :Causes burns.
: R 37 :Irritating to respiratory system.
- S Phrase(s) : S 26 :In case of contact with eyes, rinse
immediately with plenty of water and seek
medical advice.
: S 28 :After contact with skin, wash
immediately with plenty of soap and
: S 36/37/39 :Wear suitable protective
clothing, gloves and eye/face
: S 45: In case of accident or if you feel
unwell, seek medical advice immediately
(show the label when possible).

16. Other information

Further information : R 20 :Harmful by inhalation.
: R 36/37/38 :Irritating to eyes,
respiratory system and skin.
: R 10 :Flammable.
: R 35 : Causes severe burns.
Sources of key data used : N.Irving SAX - Dangerous properties of
Industrial Materials ( Sixth edition) -
Edited by Van Nostrand Reinhold Company -
: TLV - Threshold Limit Values for Chemical
Substances in Work Environment - Adopted
by ACGIH - 2000
: A.D.R. - European Agreement concerning the international
carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road - United Nation
: Karel VERSCHUEREN - Handbook of
Environmental data on organic chemicals -
Information for medical staff
Revised chapters

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Via delle Ande 19
00144 Roma
Tel. +39.06.918251
Trade Name CHIMEC 1738

Issue Date: 17/02/2006

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ST1 - 1980 22/11/2002 - 1

Preparata da: C.SCALAMANDRE

This MSDS complies with Directives 91/155/EC, 93/112/EC, 2001/58/EC, 2001/59/EC, 2001/60/EC and their amendments.

Laboratorio CHIMEC
Via Ardeatina KM.22.500 - Loc. S.Palomba
Tel.(06)- 918251 - Fax n.(06)-91825260

The information reported on this MSDS results from our present state of knowledge on safety regulations and is not to be
considered as a guarantee of any specific product property.
CHIMEC cannot be held responsible for any injury or damage deriving from the improper application of the product.

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Via delle Ande 19
00144 Roma
Tel. +39.06.918251

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