LIBERAL ARTS - 2nd Tutorial.

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AMAN SHEKHAR: 21010323010
KAURAVI TOMAR: 21010323060

Name of Fictional Political Party: Bharat Samriddhi Party

Explanation: Our party's name, "Bharat Samriddhi Party," reflects our passionate dedication
to the welfare and the prosperity of a nation that is dynamic and colourful. "Bharat" means
the traditional name of India, the age-old heritage, and the unity in diversity. "Samriddhi"
stands for prosperity an all are welcome to be beneficiaries of the inclusive economic
development. The party we run for is meant to achieve the maximum possible contribution of
India to the world in innovation, progress, and peace.

Political Symbol: Lotus with a Ashoka Chakra

Explanation: Lotus, the sign of our ambitions, the talisman at the core of our hopes &
aspirations - the Lotus with the Ashoka Chakra! In the vast palette of Indian culture, the lotus
takes the form as the sacred flower that is highly appreciated for its purity, enlightenment and
the promise of re-birth during the process of rejuvenation. The flower's petals budding in the
first light of the day stand as a metaphor for the stirring of our country's soul, a resurgence of
hope in the face of the struggles of the current moment.

Yet our emblem is not only a flower; it is a shining light of unity as well as a symbol of our
determination toward development. And the same place where the lotus stands also stands the
Ashoka Chakra, which derives from the Ashoka pillar and stands for unity and
progress. Much like a turning wheel, it symbolizes the continuous circle of life, the path out
of darkness spiced with dauntlessness and empathy.
The lotus with the Ashoka Chakra symbolizes our party, representing our strong cultural
legacy, our ability to overcome challenges, and our dedicated adherence to the values that
shape our identity as a country. It represents our commitment to blending tradition with
innovation, spirituality with pragmatism, and unity with diversity as India progresses towards
greatness. Hope, inspiration, and the assurance of a better future can be discovered in the
gentle petals of the lotus and the unyielding Ashoka Chakra. Let us all embrace our symbol
as a representation of our shared hopes, a beacon that lights the way to a future where India
shines brightly as a model of advancement, wealth, and togetherness.
Motto: "समृद्धिकासाथ, सबकाविकास" (Together for Prosperity, Development for All)
Bharat Samriddhi Party envisioned India made up of the individuals who prosper, diversity
that serves as the ground for the unmatched togetherness, and well-being which is a judicious
blend of rates of economic growth and social advances. We desire to construct a system that
is founded on the core values of justice and equity which also incorporate where people's
dignity and human rights are upheld regardless of any situations.

In Indian culture, the way to make wealth is paired with the concept of benefits to all where a
person’s success doesn’t mean others can’t be equally successful but rather thanks to this
success all move ahead. Putting heads together symbolizes finding the solutions of our
country's problems. Via the platform we connect people, offer a platform for collaboration
and include everyone of any caste, religion or social class.

Thanks to the integration work and innovative practices in daily usage, we are aiming at the
equal access to education, healthcare and decent job opportunities for everyone including
refugees and IDPs. Here we tend to imagine about the India where the main emphasis is put
on the health and happiness of every people and every citizen goes on the road of
development and development is including everyone.
Our main aim is for India to be a shining example of hope, prosperity, and harmony for the
world, with democracy, pluralism, and social justice leading the way towards a better future
for all. Let's work together to achieve this vision, creating a way towards a future that is more
inclusive, fair, and environmentally friendly for future generations

Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

In the chaotic realm of Indian politics, where commitments frequently disappear like fog in
the morning, where personal interests darken the hopes of ordinary people, there arises a
source of optimism, a symbol of honesty, and a place of openness - the Bharat Samriddhi
Party. Imagine a country standing at a critical point in its history, confronting the shadows of
its previous actions, and longing for a future filled with wealth and harmony. In the midst of
all this confusion, there exists a unique political power whose message of Samriddhi, of
shared progress, and of the revival of Bharat as a shining example for humanity, strikes a
chord with millions. What makes the Bharat Samriddhi Party unique among the multitude of
voices competing for power and privilege? It is not empty words or meaningless
commitments, but a serious vow recorded in history - a vow to protect the honor of all
individuals, support the goals of the underprivileged, and guide the government towards
success and peace. A dedication to integrity, transparency, and ethical governance is the
foundation of our Unique Selling Proposition. In a time where political schemes frequently
take precedence over citizens' needs, we remain as protectors of the public confidence, firmly
committed to benefiting society.
Our unique selling proposition is not just about noble ideas or lofty speeches; it involves
actual steps towards a better future for everyone. We understand that India's power comes
from its variety, its toughness, and its limitless potential. That's the reason we have created a
thorough plan for all-encompassing progress, ensuring no community is left out and no
individual is neglected. Picture a country where all children receive quality education, all
families have affordable healthcare, and all women can walk the streets without feeling
afraid. This is not just a distant dream but something attainable, a future that invites us to
embrace it if we are brave enough to take action. Our unique selling point is our steadfast
dedication to diversity, uniting individuals from various backgrounds in the name of
advancement and success.
Introducing the Bharat Samriddhi Party's Vision for Reform:

Amidst the ever-evolving landscape of Indian politics, the Bharat Samriddhi Party (BSP)
emerges as a beacon of hope, embodying a vision of progress, prosperity, and unity for the
nation. In this narrative, we delve into the BSP's holistic approach to addressing critical areas
of reform, each imbued with a sense of purpose and passion. From empowering youth to
safeguarding cultural heritage, join us on a journey through the BSP's transformative agenda
for a brighter future for all. The party wants to make reforms in the following Areas:

Culture / Language Protection:

Amidst the tapestry of India's rich cultural heritage lies a thread of resilience, a beacon of
hope amidst the winds of change - the Bharat Samriddhi Party's vision for cultural and
language protection. The cultural diversity of our country is not only something to be proud
of, but also serves as evidence of the wide variety of identities that contribute to India's
Current initiatives such as the National Mission for Manuscripts and programs for language
revitalization have set the foundation, but we imagine a future where safeguarding culture is
more than just a policy - it is a sacred responsibility. Imagine a scenario where heritage
preservation goes beyond saving artifacts to also reviving customs, and where multilingual
learning is more than just about different languages but also about embracing various
With our distinct policy initiatives like the National Cultural Endowment Fund, our goal is to
revitalize India's varied cultural landscape, making sure the wisdom of our forefathers
continues to inspire future generations. This is not just about protecting relics; it's about
fostering a feeling of connection, self-esteem, and individuality that goes beyond borders and
brings us together in our common legacy.
As we embark on this new phase of India's narrative, let us come together to safeguard our
culture and language, recognizing their importance in shaping a brighter, more diverse, and
stronger society ahead
Youth Empowerment:

In the labyrinth of life, where the dreams of youth often collide with the harsh realities of
society, lies a beacon of hope - the Bharat Samriddhi Party's vision for youth empowerment.
Our nation's youth, brimming with ambition and potential, deserve more than mere promises;
they deserve the tools to carve out their destinies, to transform dreams into reality.
Programs such as Skill India and MGNREGA have set the foundation, but we imagine a
future where all young Indians have access to opportunities that go beyond restrictions and
boundaries. Imagine a scenario where vocational training leads to innovation, and
entrepreneurship is viewed as a mindset rather than just a trendy term.
By implementing special policy initiatives like the National Youth Innovation Council, our
goal is to encourage creativity and cleverness in young people, giving them the ability to
shape their own destinies. This is not just about financial empowerment; it is about
implanting a feeling of purpose, strength, and belief that will act as the foundation of a
successful community.
As we enter this new era in India's narrative, we must join together in our dedication to
empowering the youth, as they are not only the future leaders but also the creators of a more
prosperous tomorrow for everyone

Healthcare Reforms:

In the theatre of life, where the battle against disease and despair rages on, there exists a
glimmer of hope - the Bharat Samriddhi Party's vision for healthcare reform. Our nation's
health is not just a matter of policy but a reflection of our collective conscience, a testament
to our commitment to the well-being of every citizen.
Existing provisions like the Ayushman Bharat scheme have made strides towards universal
healthcare, but we envision a future where access to quality healthcare is not a privilege but a
fundamental right. Picture a world where primary healthcare isn't just a band-aid solution but
a comprehensive system of prevention and wellness, where access to essential medicines isn't
just a luxury but a basic necessity.

Through our unique policy initiatives, such as the Universal Health Coverage scheme, we
aim to bridge the gap between aspiration and reality, ensuring that no citizen is left behind in
their time of need. This is not merely about curing ailments; it is about nurturing a culture of
wellness, compassion, and solidarity that will define our nation's legacy for generations to
As the curtains rise on this new chapter in India's story, let us stand united in our commitment
to healthcare reform, for health is not just a privilege but a fundamental human right that
must be safeguarded at all costs.

Women Empowerment:

In the tapestry of society, where the threads of tradition often bind the wings of progress,
there exists a spark of defiance - the Bharat Samriddhi Party's vision for women
empowerment. Our nation's women, resilient and unyielding in the face of adversity, deserve
more than empty rhetoric; they deserve the chance to soar to new heights, to shatter glass
ceilings, and to rewrite the narrative of their lives.
Existing provisions like gender equality laws and reservation in local governance have paved
the way, but we envision a future where every woman is not just a beneficiary of progress but
an architect of change. Picture a world where safety isn't just a distant dream but a
fundamental reality, where economic empowerment isn't just a token gesture but a
transformative force.
Through our unique policy initiatives, such as the Women's Entrepreneurship Fund, we aim
to break down barriers and create pathways to success for women from all walks of life. This
is not merely about empowerment; it is about liberation, about reclaiming agency and
autonomy in a world that too often seeks to confine and control.
As the curtains rise on this new chapter in India's story, let us stand united in our commitment
to women empowerment, for their struggle is not just a battle for equality but a quest for
dignity, respect, and justice that must be championed by all.

Let’s make India and Delhi more progressive state.

As the curtains draw to a close on this epic saga of hope, vision, and transformation, let us
stand together, hand in hand, as guardians of a new dawn for India - an India of unity,
prosperity, and samriddhi.
In the grand tapestry of our nation's history, the Bharat Samriddhi Party has emerged as a
guiding light, illuminating the path towards a future where dreams know no bounds and
aspirations soar to the heavens. We have dared to dream the impossible, to envision a
tomorrow where every citizen is not just a spectator but a protagonist in the unfolding story
of our great nation.
From the delicate petals of the lotus to the steadfastness of the Ashoka Chakra, our emblem
stands as a testament to our unwavering resolve, our unyielding spirit, and our unbreakable
bond with the people of India. It is a symbol of hope, of renewal, and of the infinite
possibilities that lie ahead, waiting to be discovered, waiting to be embraced.
As we bid farewell to the shadows of the past and embrace the promise of the future, let us
remember that the power to shape our destiny lies not in the hands of fate but in the hands of
each and every one of us. Let us stand tall, stand proud, and stand united as we march
towards a tomorrow where the dreams of a billion souls find expression in the tapestry of a
new India - an India of unity, of prosperity, of samriddhi.
So let us raise our voices in unison, let us raise our banners high, and let us proclaim to the
world that the Bharat Samriddhi Party has arrived - not just as a political force but as a
beacon of hope, a harbinger of change, and a guardian of the dreams of generations yet
Together, let us write the next chapter in India's storied history, a chapter filled with promise,
with passion, and with the unwavering belief that a better tomorrow is not just within reach
but within our grasp.
For the future belongs to those who dare to dream, who dare to believe, and who dare to stand
up and be counted. And in the grand tapestry of India's journey, let it be known that the
Bharat Samriddhi Party stands ready, stands willing, and stands proud to lead the way
towards a brighter, more prosperous future for all.
Together let's make history.

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