15 - NCD and Nutrition

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Diseases and Nutrition

a. Cardiovascular diseases
b. Cancer
c. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease
d. Diabetes mellitus
organization and lifestyle changes
● 4 Major NCD
● In Philippines, _______&_______have brought about a
considerable change on the health status
● ________&________ influenced the spread of NCD
globalization and social change
1. ___________
tobacco smoking
2. ___________
physical inactivity
3. ___________
unhealthy diet

GOAL: Reduce the toll of morbidity, disability and premature

deaths due to chronic, NCD, lifestyle related disease

1. Analyze the social, economic, political and behavioral
determinants developing policy guidelines
○ (1) __________ & (2) ___________
providing financial
2. Reduce exposure of individuals and population
3. Strengthen health care

Health educator aims to:

a. Inform the people
b. Motivate the people
c. Guide the people into action
Causes and Risk
Factors of Major Non-
A. Hypertension (HPN)

I. Cardiovascular Diseases q Etiology/causes: There is no single cause for

HPN but several risk factors have been
implicated in its development:
a. Family History
b. Age
c. High salt intake
d. Obesity
e. Excessive alcohol intake
q Key areas for prevention of HPN:
○ encourage proper nutrition
○ Prevent becoming overweight/obese
○ Smoking cessation
○ Identify people at risk and encourage
regular check-up
I. Cardiovascular Diseases
B. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
● It is a heart disease caused by impaired coronary blood flow
● It is known as Ischemic Heart disease
● The most common cause is the _________________________
thickening of the inside of the wall of arteries
high lipid cholesterol level stress
Modifiable risk factors: (1)_____, (2) ____, (3) ____, (4) ____, & (5) _____
physical inactivity smoking
Non-Modifiable risk factors: Hereditary or family history, Gender, Age

Key areas for prevention of CAD

a. Promote regular physical activity and exercise
b. Encourage proper nutrition by limiting intake of saturated fats that
increase LDL, limiting salt intake and increasing intake of dietary fibers
c. Prevent becoming overweight
I. Cardiovascular Diseases
C. Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke)
● Loss of alteration of bodily function that results from an
insufficient supply of blood
● If blood is obstructed for more than several minutes,
injury to the brain cells becomes permanent and tissue
dies in the affected region resulting in cerebral infarction.

Etiology/cause: 87% of strokes are ischemic

Three types of stroke: (1) Thrombotic stroke, (2) Embolic stroke, and (3) Hemorrhagic stroke

Risk factors:
○ Increasing age, Heredity and race, Hypertension, Cigarette smoking, Diabetes mellitus, heart disease, High RBC
count (thicken the blood and make clots more likely), Season and climate, Socio-economic factors, and Certain kind
of drug abuse

Key areas for prevention of stroke:

○ Treatment and control HPN, Smoking cessation, Limit alcohol consumption, Avoid intravenous drug abuse, and
Prevent all other risk factors of atherosclerosis.
II. Cancer
• Second leading cause of mortality in
developed countries
• 2.7 million deaths annually
• Uncontrolled growth of cells that often
forms a solid mass or tumor (neoplasm)
and spreads to other areas of the body.
• Tumorigenesis: formation of tumors
• Metastasis: spreading of tumors

Angiogenesis Development of new blood vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients to cells
Apoptosis Programmed cell death
Neoplasm Uncontrolled tissue growth “Gr. For new formation”
Oncogene Encodes a protein that, when mutated, promotes uncontrolled cell growth
Tumor suppressor gene Encodes a protein involved in protecting cells from unregulated growth
II. Cancer
Causes of Cancer:
1. Hereditary/family history
2. Carcinogens- agent capable of causing cancer,
maybe chemical, environmental agent, radiation
● Polycyclic hydrocarbon, Benzopyrene, fish or fried food

Nitrosamines, Radiation, Viruses and Aflatoxin

used as preservatives like found in peanuts or peanut butter
Key areas for primary prevention of cancers
a. smoking cessation
b. encourage proper nutrition
○ increase intake of dietary fibers
○ limit consumption if smoked, charcoal-
broiled, salt cured foods.
c. drink alcohol beverages in moderation
d. control obesity
e. early diagnosis and prompt treatment

III. Diabetes Mellitus Depends on the type of diabetes. Two predisposing factors
include genetic predisposition and environment/lifestyle

Types of diabetes genetically

A. TYPE I- Insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM)
● Characterized by absolute lack of insulin due to
damaged pancreas

B. TYPE II- Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus

● More common, 90-95% of all person with obesity
and diet
● Risk factors of Type II DM
ü Family history, Overweight and obesity,
Sedentary lifestyle, and Hypertension
Ask the patient (for adults 20 years and above)
C. GESTATIONAL DIABETES- develops during pregnancy
• Family history of diabetes, Polyuria, Polydipsia,
and may lead to type II DM
Polyphagia, and Unexplained weight loss
○ Key areas for prevention and control of
promote regular exercise fasting blood sugar two hour post prandial test
diabetes: (1) _____, (2) _____, (3) _____ & (4)
Blood tests: (1) ________ & (2) ___________
_____ encourage proper nutrition
maintain the body weight
IV. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
● It is a disease characterized by _____________.
air flow limitation The airflow
limitation is usually progressive and associated with an abnormal
inflammatory response of the lungs to noxious particles or gases.

Causes and risk factors:

● Smoking is the primary cause of COPD
● It is usually due to chronic bronchitis and emphysema
● Age respiratory failure
cardiovascular disease
Complications: (1) ______ & (2) _____


Harmful substance in tobacco Tobacco contains 4000 chemicals, 43 have been proven carcinogenic
● Tar
• Acetone, Acetic acid, Ammonia, Arsenic, Butane, Cadmium,
Carbon monoxide, Formaldehyde, Hexamine, Hydrogen cyanide,
● Nicotine
Methane, Napthalene, Nicotine, Nitrobenzene, Nitrous oxide,
● Carbon monoxide
Dieldrin, Ethanol, Stearic acid, Toluene, and Vinyl chloride.
Programs for the Prevention and
Control of Other Non-Communicable
A. National Prevention of Blindness Program
VISION 2020: _____________________
the right to cite is a global initiative to eliminate avoidable blindness by the year 2020

VISION 2030: _____________________

develop a sustainable comprehensive health care system Vision/Mission/Goals
q The priority worldwide are the 5
preventable/treatable conditions A. Vision: All Filipinos enjoy the
1. cataract right to sight by year 2020
B. Mission: The DOH, Local
2. Refractive errors and low vision
Health Units, partners
3. Trachoma stakeholders commit to: (1)
4. Onchocerciasis ____, (2) ____, & (3) ____
5. Childhood blindness C. Goal: ________________
to reduce the prevalence of
avoidable blindness
strengthen partnership
75% of blindness in the Philippines is a empower communities
result of three preventable/treatable provide access to quality eye care
ü Cataract
ü Refractive errors and low vision
ü Childhood blindness
B. Mental Health and Mental Disorders

• Mental Health- state of well

being where a person can
realize his own abilities

• It is not just the absence of

psychiatric disorder or illness
but a _________________
positive state of mental well being

Mental Health Problems

1. Defined Burden burden currently affecting the persons mental disorders
2. Hidden burden stigma and violations of the human rights
3. Future burden burden in the future
C. Renal Disease Control Program (REDCOP)
q Started as DOH-Preventive Nephrology Project (PNP),
with NKTI (National Kidney and Transplant Institute) as
the main implementing agency

Vision: __________________________
healthy and empowered Filipinos by the year 2020 with red
boost or mortality from kidney disease

Kidney Disease ranks as the number 10 killer in the

Philippines, causing death to about 7,000 Filipinos every

Kidney Diseases:
• Chronic glomerulonephritis (CGN)
• Diabetic Kidney disease
• Hypertensive Kidney disease
• Pyelonephritis
• Often lead to End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
the person would feel
Some of the signs of latent Kidney Disease:normal
but when the
urine is examined it will
reveal abnormal findings
Nutrients present in the foods that we eat are
chemical substances that:
• keep the body healthy
• supply materials for growth and repair of tissues
• provide energy for work and physical activity.
The Major Nutrients include:
Three Basic Food
A. Body-building foods
B. Energy-giving foods
C. Body-regulating foods
1. Carbohydrates
q Main _____________ for man
Dietary fibers can be classified
source of energy

q There are three major types of

dietary carbohydrates: (1) ____, starch as:
(2) _____,
sugar & (3) _____.fiber a) Soluble - Found in beans,
q It modulate the production of
insulin &other
hormonesas well as
legumes and some fruits like
synthesis of ______lipoproteins & ______.
cholesterol apple and some grains like
q _________
dietary fiber provides bulk
oats and barley.
resulting in the modulation of
b) Insoluble - Found in
peristalsis movement and the
prevention of constipation vegetables and whole
wheat grain.
2. Proteins
they do most of the works

q Essential for __________

growth and repair of body tissues

since they constitute the major

part of the body’s building
q Vital in the _____________
regulation of the body processes

q The source are (1) _____, fish

(3) _____
meat (4) ____ egg
& (5)
dried beans
q When dietary __________,
deficient there is a
failure of growth and development in
infants and children or loss of body
tissues in adult
q Protein energy malnutrition lead to
kwashiorkor ________
marasmus severe malnutrition
severe protein deficiency deficient nutrients such as carbs,
protein and fats
3. Fats
help to absorb vitamins

q Essential nutrients, beneficial if

consumes in the right amount
and if is of the right type
q Concentrated source of energy
q Provides essential _______
fatty acids

q Also helps _______

absorb & _______.
store fat soluble vitamins
4. Vitamins
are substances that the body needed

q Organic compounds essential in

the diet for normal growth and
maintenance of life
q They are active in the
in the regulation and metabolism and transformation of
q Some vitamins are concerned with
1. ______________________
intracellular respiration

2. providing the chemical groupings essential for
intercellular oxidation in reduction
5. Trace Minerals
IODINE regulates physical and mental development

IRON formation of blood that prevents anemia Requirements

ZINC essential for normal growthThe desirable contribution
total energy intake should
COPPER absorption and uses of iron in formation of hemoglobin
range from:
FLUORIDE formation of teeth and bones q 55-70% ___________ carbohydrates

q 20-30% ___________

CHROMIUM release of energy from the glucose q 10-15% ___________

The nutrient intake of an individual should
recommended dietary allowance
meet the ______________ (RDA). RDA’s
are level of daily intake of energy and
essential nutrients considered adequate to
maintain health and promote reasonable
levels of reserves in the body tissues of
practically all healthy persons.

The recommended about depends on

one’s (1) _____,
body size(2) ______,
age (3) ______,
physiological state
(4) ______ & (5) _______.
level of physical activity

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