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Information Management

Installing InfoSphere Guardium

from ISO
InfoSphere Guardium Technical Document


2.OBTAIN THE IMAGE ............................................................................................................3

3.INSTALLATION PROCESS...................................................................................................4

4.INSTALLING THE LICENSE ...............................................................................................18

5.OPTIONAL TASKS TO CONSIDER....................................................................................21

Revision History
Revision Date Author Notes
V1.1 05/11/12 Phil Jordan
1. Overview

This Techdoc explains how to install an InfoSphere Guardium collector from the ISO obtained
from Partner World.

Some notes that should be considered before beginning:

▪ I have used VMware Workstation V7.1.5 to build this virtual machine. This process is
quite similar for other virtual machine software suites but it is NOT recommended to build
on one and attempt to convert to another. (EG It is NOT recommended to install in
VMware and convert to an ESXi image)
▪ The resources I have allocated are to be considered minimums simply used to
demonstrate building the appliance. For more accurate sizing information please refer to
the following link on Software Appliances Technical Requirements.

2. Obtain the Image

At the time of writing this document, the most current version of InfoSphere Guardium available is V9.0
and this is what is used for this document. To find this on Partner World search for the following

IBM InfoSphere Guardium V9.0 - Product Image Multi platform Multilingual

Product short code: CIC2UML

This will contain the ISO's needed for installing via DVD or Virtual Machine.

There will be a number of ISO's available inside the downloaded zip file, the one ending in
AUTO, if used, would skip the advanced configuration page and use standard partitioning.
3. Installation process

To begin, start by opening the VMware workstation application

Click File, New, Virtual Machine

Unless your environment requires you to specifically change some advanced options, Typical
installation is recommended.

Click Next
Choose “I will install the operating System later
Select Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (Guardium's Underlying OS is RHEL5)

Enter a name for your VM, eg “Guardium 9.0 Collector” and where to store the VM files, select any
location that suits your environment.
Set the sizing of your disk space here, perhaps note the following two links on requirements to help
you estimate what your environment might need, for my purposes I am using 40GB.
Note: I also set to split the image into multiple files for portability, again this decision is best made
depending on your performance needs.
IBM InfoSphere Guardium Software Appliances Technical Requirements
System Requirements for IBM InfoSphere Guardium 9.0
At this point you can also specify memory and CPU allocations, click the Customize Hardware option

Default memory is set to 1GB of course you can change this as per your needs within the min and
max specified in the documentation linked above.
We want to load the OS now, so select the CD/DVD drive and select our Guardium ISO from where
you have extracted it to.

From the extract there are a few files listed. The one ending in “auto.iso” is the automatic ISO's that
skips the advanced configuration pages during installation.
Also at this point we can set up whatever network configuration is expected of this Virtual machine, for
example will we be using this within a full virtual environment. In this case I intend to use this Virtual
Machine for testing within a virtual environment, connecting to another virtual machine, thus NAT is the
best choice of network connection for me.

Click Finish and you can now see in the right hand side of the window the hardware allocations that
we have set for this VM. Click on the “Power on this Virtual Machine” button to begin the actual
Choose Standard Installation, note other available options for setting partitions and rescue

Wait for the install to complete...

Once complete you will be asked to enter the new admin password. Nothing will appear to
happen on screen. Hit enter to submit password and you will be asked to retype to confirm.

Next you will be asked to enter the new access manager password. Nothing will appear to
happen on screen. Hit enter to submit password and you will be asked to retype to confirm.
You will be asked if you want to configure as a Collector or an Aggregator. For now continue
with a standard Collector, select YES to keep the default.

When presented with the license, you must accept to continue. Press page down or end keys
to scroll through this license.
Press q to finish reading the license.

Type yes to accept the license.

Finally, you will be presented with the log in screen for Guardium!
Log in with user “cli” and the password you have entered. You will be told this password has
expired and needs to be changed, try setting to !QAZ1qaz until you find something more
Ok you are now logged into your Guardium collector, lets get this on the network! Enter the
commands as below, substitute your IP/Mask as necessary. Note we must restart the collector
after setting these details before they will take effect.

store network interface ip

store network interface mask
restart system all
Once your collector has restarted, log back in and check to see that your settings have taken

show network interface all

4. Installing the License
Now that you have your collector up and running you will need to install the license before any of
Guardium's capabilities can be used. There are a number of ways of doing this one of the more simple
ways is using the GUI.
The Guardium collector can only be accessed by a restricted set of commands, in order to access the
GUI we do so using an internet browser. The default address is a secure https address, comprising of
the IP address of your Guardium appliance, the default GUI port 8443, and the homepage, sqlguard.
The above address will open the Guardium log in screen but before you get there you will be
presented with the below warning, you can click ok to this message. (Certificate can be configured at a
later stage)

The login screen.

Again, when you log in you will be told the password has expired, so set this now bearing in
mind the complex password requirements.

Once logged in, you will see to the top right of the screen that there is no license installed.
You will see there are a lot of tabs along the top of the GUI, we can have a look around all of
these later but for now we need to begin on the Administration Console tab.
Under Administration Console, click Configuration, and then System.
To the right you should now see License Key, paste your Key here.
(Key is obtained via your IBM sales representative or Partner World website)
Under DNS you are asked to put in the Primary Receiver, you can set this to the IP of your
current collector and click Test Connection.

Once you have entered the above information correctly, click on the Apply button that is to
the bottom right of the screen.
If you have done this correctly, we should have no error messages and can proceed to click
on the Restart button.

When the collector restarts, we will now have our license installed and we are ready to begin
5. Optional tasks to Consider

When we have created a new Guardium collector, there are some important tasks we should consider
performing before we start monitoring databases.

The following task will set up an NTP server (to keep the right time) and also set our time zone. Any
reporting we do is going to be based on the time we have set on our Guardium appliance, so we
would like to make sure its kept up to date.

Set up an NTP server Set the time & timezone

store system ntp server store system time YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
store system ntp state enabled store system clock timezone Europe/Dublin
show system ntp all (requires restart)
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