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Revision Worksheet
Class: III___
Subject: Science

Roll No:

1. Choose the correct option for the following statements:

A. Some animals eat the flesh of other animals or feed on the herbivores.
They are called _________________.
a) Herbivores b) Carnivores c) Omnivores
B. ___________is an animal which have long and sticky tongue.
a) Snake b) Tiger c) Goat
C. ______________ is a flightless bird
a) Humming bird b) Ostriches c) Pigeons
D. _____________ and ______________ are birds with strong, sharp and
hooked beaks
a) Parrot, Crow b) Eagle, Hawks c) Duck, Woodpecker
E. _______________ is an animal that have long, sharp and pointed teeth to
tear the flesh.
a) Camel b) Snake c) Dogs
F. Some animals have special sharp front teeth is known as ________teeth.
a) Tearing b) Gnawing c) chewing

G._____________ feathers are present in tail and wings.

a) Body feathers b) Down feathers c) Flight feathers

H.__________ beak helps parrot to crack nuts and fruits and also for climbing

a) Curved Beak b) Short and Hard Beak c) Broad and Flat Beak

2. Fill in the blanks:

a. _____________is a bird that have to walk or wade through muddy water
to catch their prey.

b. The process of bringing back and chewing food again is
c. _______________are animals that eat both plants and the flesh of other
d. The chain of eating and being eaten is called __________________.
e. Birds helps to keep their body ________________.
f. Animals such as cats and dogs drink water or milk using quick movement
of their tongues is called _____________.
g. Birds live in different _________________depending on their various
h. Birds walk on ground with the help of their ______________.
3. Write ‘T’ for true or ‘F’ for false for the following sentences:
a. Birds have a body that is light and streamlined, resembling like a boat.
b. Upstroke helps in the forward movement of the wings.
c. Mosquitoes and leeches suck the blood from the flower.
d. Animals depend directly or indirectly on plants for food.
e. Unlike humans, birds do not have teeth.
4. Match the following:
a. Wood peckers and parrots i. sharp curved claws found
b. Grasshopper ii. to lay eggs and protect babies.
c. Cattle and sheep iii. have feet with strong claws.
d. Birds make nest iv. graze in the fields.
e. Talons v. eats grass
5. Answer the following questions:
a. Name one animal which feeds on liquid.

b. Who performs flapping?

c. Name two birds who make nests on high places.

d. Name two birds who use their long legs to walk or run on the ground.

e. Who comes out after hatching?

f. Give two examples of omnivorous animals.

g. Name one bird who have slender beak.

h. Name one bird that drill through the wood.

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