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Department of Computer Science

Final Year Project Fall 2023

Supervisor Evaluation Form

FYP-1  FYP-2 Project: IOT Based Eco Saver Web App

ID: 2012207 ID: 2012250 ID: 2012281
Name: Ammar Sadouzai Name: Ahsan Shah Name: Syed Muhammad Alamdar Raza Jaffri

Marginal Adequate Good Excellent Marginal Adequate Good Excellent Marginal Adequate Good Excellent
Sr. Criteria
(0-54) (55-65) (66-80) (81-100) (0-54) (55-65) (66-80) (81-100) (0-54) (55-65) (66-80) (81-100)
1 Student Performance (10) 75 81 81

Comments (Mandatory):
They were disciplined and on time every time. They quickly updated their application with any requested changes.
They missed only one meeting all semester; apart from that, their meetings were successful. Ammar's groupmates performed very well,
but he lagged a bit behind them.

Evaluator: Sadia Zar Sign: Sadia Zar

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