Section VII

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Table Chisquare value to find out association

between post test score and demographic
variables. Variable Chi square df Table value Level of
value inference
1. Age 3.868 3 7.815 NS
2. Sex 1.714 1 3.841 NS
3. Education 16.912 2 5.991 S
4. occupation 1.335 3 7.815 NS
5. Number of 1.196 3 7.815 NS
6. Number of 2.654 2 5.991 NS
school going
7. Habit of junk 2.848 3 7.815 NS
8. Habit of exercise 6.023 1 3.841 S
9. Type of diet 2.813 2 5.991 NS
10. Medications .079 1 3.841 NS
11. Out door play 2.044 2 5.991 NS
12. Staple food .033 1 3.841 .NS
13. Monthly income 2.138 3 7.815 NS
14. Habit of 1.981 1 3.814 NS
while eating
15. Time spend for 1.033 2 5.991 NS
children for
The calculated chi square values of selected demographic variables like
age, sex, occupation , number of children, number of school going children
,habit of junk food, type of diet ,medication ,out door play time, staple food,
monthly income ,habit of watching entertainment while eating, time spend
for children for activities were less than table values at the probability level
of 0.05 which shows there was no significant association between post test
and this demographic variables .

The computed chi square values for education and habit of exercise was
greater than table value which shows significant association.

Hence H2 is failed to accept for all demographic variables except

education and habit of exercise.

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