HR Wisdom Nuggets 15 Feb

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Business Management Stretch goals

of M m

15th FEB 2024


National Academy of Engineering proposed a list of "grand engineering challenges" for the 21st

century. Among the stretch goals: reverse engineering the human brain, advancing health

informatics, and developing methods for carbon sequestration. (For the full list of challenges, see:

Drawing inspiration from above, a group of renowned scholars and business leaders gathered in Half

Moon Bay, California, with a simple goal: To lay out an agenda for reinventing management in the

changing business era.

WHAT was the process?
It was a two-day event organized by the Management Lab with support from McKinsey &
Company. It brought together veteran management experts such as CK Prahalad, Henry
Mintzberg, and Peter Senge; distinguished social commentators including Kevin Kelly,
James Surowiecki and Shoshana Zuboff; and a number of progressive CEOs HCL
Technologies, and from Whole Foods.

Before arriving, each of the 35 attendees participated in an hour-long interview. The

double-barreled question asked was:

What is it about the way large organizations are currently managed that will most imperil
their ability to thrive in the decades ahead; and given this, what fundamental changes will
be needed in management principles, processes and practices?

The conversations were energetic, passionate, and sometimes contentious. Yet, all those
present were mindful of the goal: to nominate a roster of make-or-break challenges that
would empower and focus the energies of management innovators around the world.

All participants had shared beliefs

What drew the participants together was a set of broadly shared beliefs about the importance of management, and a sense of
urgency about reinventing management for a new age. These animating beliefs briefly are.

First, that "management" -- Second, that the "management Third, that we must,
the tools and methods we use model" that predominates is therefore, reinvent
to mobilize resources to out of date. This model has its management in ways that will
productive ends -- is one of roots in the late 19th century make large organizations
humankind's most important and was invented to solve one fundamentally more agile,
social technologies. overriding problem: how to get more innovative and more
semi-skilled human beings to inspiring places to work -- that
Define clear relationships and responsibilities:

do the same thing day in day

Define clear relationships and responsibilities:

will, in short, make them as

Define clear relationships and responsibilities:

out, with perfect replicability human as the individuals who

and ever-increasing efficiency. work within them.
This was, and is, an important
problem, but it is not the most
important challenge for today's
organizations as roles have

After two days of sometimes contentious deliberations, a set of "moonshots for management" began to emerge. These challenges are
described in full in the article of the Harvard Business Review, and are summarized in the next slides:
Moonshots for Management

1.Ensure that management's work serves 2. Fully embed the ideas of community
a higher purpose. and citizenship in management
Management, both in theory and systems.
practice, must orient itself to the There's a need for processes and
achievement of noble, socially significant practices that reflect the
goals. interdependence of all stakeholder

3.Reconstruct management's 4.Eliminate the pathologies of formal

philosophical foundations. hierarchy.
To build organizations that are more than There are advantages to natural
merely efficient, we will need to draw hierarchies, where power flows up from
lessons from such fields as biology and the bottom and leaders emerge instead
theology, and from such concepts as of being appointed.
democracies and markets.

5.Reduce fear and increase trust. 6.Reinvent the means of control.
Mistrust and fear are toxic to innovation To transcend the discipline-versus-
and engagement and must be out of freedom trade-off, control systems will
tomorrow's management systems. have to encourage control from within
rather than constraints from without.

7.Redefine the work of leadership. 8.Expand and exploit diversity.

The notion of the leader as a heroic We must create a management system
decision maker is untenable. Leaders that values diversity, disagreement,
must be recast as social-systems and divergence as much as
architects who enable innovation and conformance, consensus, and
collaboration. cohesion.

9.Reinvent strategy-making as an 10.De-structure and disaggregate the
emergent process. organization.
In a turbulent world, strategy making To become more adaptable and
must reflect the biological principles of innovative, large entities must be
variety, selection, and retention. disaggregated into smaller, more
malleable units.

11.Dramatically reduce the pull of the 12.Share the work of setting direction.
past. To engender commitment, the
Existing management systems often responsibility for goal setting must be
mindlessly reinforce the status quo. In distributed through a process where
the future, they must facilitate innovation share of voice is a function of insight,
and change. not power.

13.Develop holistic performance 14.Stretch executive time frames and
measures. perspectives.
Existing performance metrics must be Discover alternatives to compensation
recast, since they give inadequate and reward systems that encourage
attention to the critical human managers to sacrifice long-term goals
capabilities that drive success in the for short-term gains.
creative economy.

15.Create a democracy of information. 16.Empower the renegades and disarm

Companies need holographic information the reactionaries.
systems that equip every employee to Management systems must give more
act in the interests of the entire power to employees whose emotional
enterprise equity is invested in the future rather
than in the past.

17.Expand the scope of employee 18.Create internal markets for ideas,
autonomy. talent, and resources.
Management systems must be Markets are better than hierarchies at
redesigned to facilitate grassroots allocating resources, and companies'
initiatives and local experimentation. resource allocation processes need to
reflect this fact.

19.Depoliticize decision-making. 20.Better optimize trade-offs.

Decision processes must be free of Management systems tend to force
positional biases and should exploit the either-or choices. What's needed are
collective wisdom of the entire hybrid systems that subtly optimize key
organization. trade-offs.

21.Further unleash human imagination. 22.Enable communities of passion.
Much is known about what engenders To maximize employee engagement,
human creativity. This knowledge must management systems must facilitate
be better applied in the design of the formation of self-defining
management systems communities of passion.

23.Retool management for an open 24.Humanize the language and practice

world. of business.
Value-creating networks often transcend Tomorrow's management systems must
the company's boundaries and render give as much credence to such timeless
traditional power-based management human ideals as beauty, justice and
tools ineffective. New management tools community as they do to the traditional
are needed for building complex goals of efficiency, advantage, and
ecosystems. profit.

25.Retrain managerial minds. Managers' traditional deductive and analytical

skills must be complemented by conceptual and systems-thinking skills.
We would like to hear from you which of these moonshots will be most critical to the future
success of today's organizations? What, in your opinion, will be the biggest barriers to making
progress? Do you know of organizations that have made a good start in addressing some of these
make-or-break challenges

You can also participate in the Management Moonshots survey

You may wish to start vigorous internal debate to find out which of the moonshots are relevant to
your organization and how to go about achieving them.

Think big by visualising what can be done in future !

Visualize yourself not as you are but as

you can be.
**Source: 25 Stretch Goals for Management
via Gary Hamel by Gary Hamel **

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