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Sl. No.

Civil Engineering
Conventional Test - 07
28th April 2019

Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 300


Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions :

Answer must be written in ENGLISH only.

There are EIGHT questions divided in TWO sections.

Condidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.

Questions no. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining THREE are to be attempted
choosing at least ONE question from each section.

The number of marks carried by a question / part is indicated against it.

Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated
clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks
will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one.

Wherever any assumptions are made for answering a question, they must be clearly indicated.
Diagrams / figures, wherever required, shall be drawn in the space provided for answering the
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Unless otherwise mentioned, symbols and notations carry their usual standard meanings. Attempt of
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(2) [CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-7| 28th April 2019

1.(a) Following observations were taken with a tacheometer for
determining the R.L. of station A.
Instrument Height of Staff Vertical Staff
Re mark
station instrument station Angle reading
0.945, R.L. of B.M.
Q 1.600 m B.M 612'
1.675, 2.405  421.625
Q 1.600 m P 412'
2.380, 3.310
' X ',0.655, Re ading ' X ' could
A 1.650 m P 70 '
1.255 not be observed

The instrument was fitted with an anallactic lens, and the

value of multiplying constant was 100.00.
Calculate the R.L. of station A.
[12 Marks]
1.(b) (i) The effective rainfall hyetograph of a complex storm has
a duration of 12 h, with rainfall intensity of 2.0, 0.75 and
4.0 cm/h respectively in successive 4 h periods. The
ordinates of the corresponding direct runoff hydrograph
read at 4 h intervals are 160, 300, 570, 636, 404, 234,
105 and 48 m3/s respectively. Determine the ordinates of
the 4 h unit hydrograph using the deconvolution method.
[8 Marks]
1.(b) (ii) The following are the ordinates of the flood hydrograph
from a catchment area of 780 km2 due to 6 hr storm.
Derive the 6 hr unit hydrograph of the basin. Assume a
base flow of 40 m3/s.

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[CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-7| 28th April 2019 (3)

Time  hrs  : 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54
Disch arg e :
40 64 215 360 405 350 270 205 145
m 3
/ sec 
Time  hrs  : 60 66 72 78
Disch arg e :
100 70 50 40
 m3 / sec 
[4 Marks]
1.(c) (i) A multistory building with a basement is to be
constructed. Top 4 m consists of loose silt, below which
dense sand layer is present upto a great depth. Ground
water table is at the surface. The foundation consists of
the basement slab of 6 m width which will rest on the
top of dense sand as shown in the figure. For dense sand,
saturated unit weight = 20 kN/m3 and bearing capacity
factors Nq = 40 and N  = 45. For loose silt, saturated unit
weight = 18 kN/m3, Nq = 15 and N  = 20. Effective cohesion
C is zero for both soils. Unit weight of water is 10 kN/m3.
Neglect shape factor and depth factor. Average elastic
modulus E and Poisson’s ratio  of dense sand is 60 ×
103 kN/m2 and 0.3 respectively.

Basement Loose silt

Loose silt

Dense sand

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(4) [CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-7| 28th April 2019

(i) Using factor of safety = 3, the net safe bearing capacity

(in kN/m2) of the foundation is ?
(ii) The foundation slab is subjected to vertical downward
stresses equal to net safe bearing capacity derived in
the above question (i). Using influence factor If = 2.0,
and neglecting embedment depth and rigidity
corrections, calculate the immediate settlement of the
dense sand layer.
[6 Marks]
1.(c) (ii) Write the assumption of Terzaghi’s bearing capacity.
[6 Marks]
1.(d) A nominal distance of 30 m was set out with a steel tape
from a mark on the top of one peg to a mark on the top of
another, the tape being in catenary under a pull of 150 N
and at a mean temperature 25°C. The top of one peg was
0.442 m above the top of the other. Determine the horizontal
distance between the marks on the two pegs reduced to mean
sea level if the top of the higher peg is 195.57 m above mean
sea level.
The tape which was standardized in catenary under a pull of
120 N and at a temperature of 20°C, had a mass of 0.026 kg/
m and a cross-sectional area of 3.25 mm2. The coefficient of
linear expansion for the material of the tape may be taken
as 0.000011 per °C, and E as 20.7 × 104 MN/m2. The radius
of the earth may be taken as 6367 km.
[12 Marks]
1.(e) An aquifer of 20m average thickness is overlain by an
impermeable layer of 30m thickness. A test well of 0.5m
diameter and two observation wells at a distance of 10m and
60m from the test well are drilled through the aquifer. After
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[CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-7| 28th April 2019 (5)

pumping at a rate of 0.1 m3/s for a long time, the following

draw downs are stabilized in these wells. First observation
well, 4m, second observation well, 3m. Show the arrangement
in a diagram. Determine the coefficient of Permeability and
the drawdown in the test well. State the validity of Darcy’s
[12 Marks]
2.(a) (i) Write the short notes on Swedish circle method ?
[12 Marks]
2.(a) (ii) A 8 m deep cutting has side slopes of 1½ H : 1 V. The
soil was tested and found to have the following properties:
c = 24.5 kN/m3, e = 0.80,  = 14°. Determine the factor
of safety with respect to cohesion, against failure of the
slope, when (i) water level in the cut rises up to full
height, (ii) when water level goes down suddenly. Given
Ss = 2.7; and for  = 34°, Stability number (N) are :
 N
6 0.122
7 0.116
14 0.074
[8 Marks]
2.(b) (i) What is meant by face left and face right of a theodolite?
What instrumental errors are elliminated by face left
and face right observations?
[8 Marks]
2.(b) (ii) The field level book readings from a fly level are as

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(6) [CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-7| 28th April 2019

Staff station RL BS FS Remarks

BM-1 100.000 3.635 –
A × × 2.375
B 104.150 4.220 1.030
C 106.650 3.990 ×
BM-2 108.000 – ×
Find out the missing values marked (×) and perform the
arithmetic check(s).
[12 Marks]
2.(c) (i) Compare the scales of photography for the area recorded
and the strip widths given by cameras A and B at the
same flying heights.
Camera A Camera B
Format 180 mm × 180 mm 230 mm × 230 mm
Focal length 210 mm 150 mm
How many photographs would be taken by the camera A
in covering a strip 16 km long at a flying height of 1350
m? The longitudinal overlap is 60%.
[10 Marks]
2.(c) (ii) The difference in level between two points A and B was
found by three routes— (a) via C and D, (2) via E, F and
G, (3) via H, distances being as follows :
Route 1 AC  180 m CD  282 m DB  228 m
Route 2 AE  144 m EF  156 m FG  324 m, GB  270 m
Route 3 AH  264 m HB  369 m FG  324 m, GB  270 m
The sections on Route 1 were levelled eight times, those
on Route 2 twice and those on Route 3 four times and
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[CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-7| 28th April 2019 (7)

the differences in level were found to be 8.275 m, 8.292

m and 8.285 m respectively. If the probable error in any
section for a single levelling is proportional to the square
root of the length of that section, find the most probable
value of the difference in level between A and B.
[10 Marks]
3.(a) (i) Find the moment of resistance of the beam section as
shown in fig. Also state whether the beam is under-
reinforced or over reinforced. The materials are M 20
grade of concrete and Fe 415 steel. Take c = 7 N/mm2
and t = 230 N/mm2.
150 150 150


3 # 20 mm
[10 Marks]
3.(a) (ii) Calculate the quantities of cement, sand and coarse
aggregate required to produce one cubic meter of concrete
for mix proportions of 1 : 1.40 : 2.80 (by volume) with
water cement ratio of 0.48 (by mass). Bulk densities of
cement, sand and coarse aggregates are 14.7, 16.66 and
15.68 kN/m3 respectively. Percentage of entrained air is
2.0. Specific gravity of cement, sand and coarse aggregate
are 3.15, 2.6 and 2.5 respectively.
[10 Marks]

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(8) [CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-7| 28th April 2019

3.(b) (i) To determine the capillary head and the permeability of

a soil, a tube containing a soil with a void ratio of 0.6
was kept horizontally in a trough filled with water with
its centre at a depth of 7.5 cm from the water level.
Water was found to advance from 1.5 cm to 12 cm in 8.5
minutes. In another test with the same soil kept at a
depth of 22.5 cm below water level, water was found to
advance from 13 cm to 21 cm in 10 minutes. Determine
the capillary head and the coefficient of permeability of
the soil. Take saturation S = 100% for soil sample.
[8 Marks]
3.(b) (ii) A pipe of 1.2 m diameter was provided in a reservoir to
act as an outlet. Due to disuse, it was buried and
completely clogged up for some length by sediment.
Measurements indicated the presence of fine sand
(coefficient of permeability, K1 = 10 m/day) deposit for a
length of 100 m, at the upstream end and of coarse sand
(coefficient of permeability,K 2 = 50 m/day) at the
downstream end for a length of 50 m. In between these
two layers the presence of silty sand (coefficient of
permeability,K 3 = 0.10 m/day) for some length is
identified. For a head difference of 20 m on either side
of the clogged length, the seepage discharge is found to
be 0.8 m3/day. Estimate the length of the pipe filled up
by silty sand.
[8 Marks]
3.(b) (iii) A well with radius of 0.3 m is drilled in an unconfined
aquifer. Initial water table is 30 m above the bed.
Estimate the amount of water that can be pumped if the
maximum drawdown is restricted to 8 m

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[CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-7| 28th April 2019 (9)

Hydraulic conductivity = 25 m/day
Radius of influence = 300 m
[4 Marks]
3.(c) Determine the ultimate axial capacity of a 600 mm diameter
pile installed to a depth of 18 m at the site with a profile as
shown in Fig. Note that the pile tip is in the clay layer. How
much will the ultimate axial capacity increase if the pile
length is increased by 3m to 21m so that the tip is in the
s a n d l a y e r ? T a k e  = 1.0 for su upto 50 kN/m2,  = 0.8 for
Su = 80 kN/m2 and  = 0.6 for Su = 110 kN/m2; Nq = 50 for
 = 35°, K = 1.0 and   ,  w  10 kN/m3
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Ground Ave. Su = 20
EI.0 surface –5
Ave. Su = 50
20 m x Ave. Su = 80
c = Su;  = 0 –15
3 Ave. Su = 110
–18m t = 20 kN/m
EI.–20 m –20
–21m Sand x = measured Su
c = 0; = 35°
t = 22 kN/m3
[20 Marks]
4.(a) (i) Write down the assumption of Dupit’s theory.
[6 Marks]
4.(a) (ii) An aquifer of 20m average thickness is overlain by an
impermeable layer of 30 m thickness. A test well of 0.5
m diameter and two observation wells at distances of
10m and 60 m from the test well are drilled through the
aquifer. After pumping at a rate of 0.1 m3/sec for a long
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Mob. : 8130909220, 9711853908 E-mail:,
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(10) [CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-7| 28th April 2019

time, the following drawdowns are stabilized in these

wells: First observation well, 4m; second observation well,
3 m. Show the arrangement in a diagram. Determine the
coefficient of permeability and drawdown in the test well.
[8 Marks]
4.(a) (iii) During a recuperation test, the water in an open well
was depressed, by pumping, by 2.5 metres and it
recuperated 1.8 metres in 80 minutes. Find (a) yield from
a well of 4 m diameter under a depression head of 3
metres, (b) the diameter of a well to yield 8 litres/second
under a depression head of 2 metres.
[6 Marks]
4.(b) A nine pile group arranged in a square pattern is used as a
foundation for a column in sand   '  32  . Piles 300 mm in
diameter and 10 m in length, are placed at a spacing of 900
mm in each direction. Calculate the ultimate load capacity of
the pile group. Assume the unit weight of soil as 18 kN/m3.
What will be the settlement of the pile group, if the settlement
of the single pile is 2 mm. Use Nq = 27, K = 1.
[20 Marks]
4.(c) (i) Two tangents intersect at a chainage of (101 + 60) in
terms of chain stations. The chain used is 20 m in length,
with 100 links. Calculate the necessary data for setting
out a curve of 250 m radius to connect the two tangents
if the deflection angle is 46° 30'. Take the peg interval as
100 links (20 m). Use the method of offsets from the
chords produced.
[12 Marks]
4.(c) (ii) The following offsets are taken from a survey line to a
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[CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-7| 28th April 2019 (11)

curved boundary line:

Dis tan ce  m  0 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 80
Offset  m  2.50 3.80 4.60 5.20 6.10 4.70 5.80 3.90 2.20

Find the area enclosed between the survey line and the
curved boundary line from the first to the last offsets by:
(i) The Trapezoidal rule, and
(ii) Simpson’s 1/3rd rule.
[8 Marks]
5.(a) Explain:
(a) Aquifers,
(b) Aquitard,
(c) Aquiclude
[12 Marks]
5.(b) Design a septic tank for a colony of 200 people. The colony is
supplied water at a rate of 135 litres/person/day. Assume a
detention period of 24 hours and 75% of the water becomes
waste water. The tank is cleaned once in a year. The rate of
deposition of sludge is 40 litres/person/year. Depth of tank is
to be kept as 2.0 m. Provide a free board of 0.3 m. Length to
breadth ratio may be kept as 3 : 1.
[12 Marks]
5.(c) Discuss concept of Under-reamed piles, design and use.
[12 Marks]
5.(d) Write the temporary and permanent adjustment of a theodolite
and also mention the order in which they are performed.
[12 Marks]
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(12) [CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-7| 28th April 2019

5.(e) A and B are two of the stations used in setting out construction
lines of harbour works. The total latitude and departure of A,
referred to the origin of the system, are respectively, +542.7
and –331.2 and those of B are +713.0 and +587.8 (north
latitude and east departure being reckoned as positive). A
point C is fixed from A at a distance of 432m on a bearing
of 346°14` and form it a line CD = 1152m in length, is set out
parallel to AB. It is required to check the position of D by a
sight from B. Calculate the bearing of D from B.
[12 Marks]
6.(a) Design a simply supported slab to cover a room with internal
dimensions of 4.0 m × 5.0 m and 230-mm thick brick walls
all around. Assume a live load of 3 kN/m2 and a finish load
of 1 kN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel. Assume that
the slab corners are free to lift up. Assume mild exposure
[20 Marks]
6.(b) (i) The following data were recorded in a constant head
permeability test.
Internal diameter of permeameter = 7.5 cm
Head lost over a sample length of 18 cm = 24.7 cm
Quantity of water collected in 60s = 626 ml
Porosity of the soil sample was 44%
Calculate the coefficient of permeability of the soil.
Also determine the discharge velocity and the seepage
velocity during the test. If the test was carried out at a
temperature of 25°C, estimate the permeability of the
soil for a porosity of 39% and at 20ºC.
[12 Marks]
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[CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-7| 28th April 2019 (13)

6.(b) (ii) In a falling head permeameter test on a silty clay sample,

the following results were obtained; sample length 120
mm; sample diameter 80 mm; initial head 1200 mm,
final head 400 mm; time for fall in head 6 minutes,
stand pipe diameter 4 mm. FInd the coefficient of
permeability of the soil in mm/second.
[8 Marks]
6.(c) (i) Design an oxidation pond for treating domestic sewage
contributed by 10,000 persons supplied with water at
200 litres per person per day. The BOD and suspended
s o l i d s a r e 3 0 0 m g / l each. Permissible organic loading for
the pond is not less than 500 kg/ha/day. The detention
period is not to exceed 6 days. Assume width to length
ratio as 1 : 2, and operational depth as 1.2 m. Assume
any other data. Sewage volume may be taken equal to
water supplied.
[12 Marks]
6.(c) (ii) Define the following terms in context of Aeration tank
(i) Hydraulic retention time
(ii) Volumetric BOD loading
(iii) Organic loading based on F/M ratio
(iv) Sludge age
[8 Marks]
7.(a) (i) Calculate the seepage through an earth dam resting on
an impervious foundation.
The relevant data are given below:
Height of a dam = 60.0 m
Upstream slope = 2.75 : 1 (H : V) ; Downstream slope =
2.50 : 1 (H : V)
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(14) [CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-7| 28th April 2019

Free board = 2.5 m; Crest width = 8.0 m ; Length of

drainage blanket = 120.0 m
Co-efficient of permeability of the embankment material
x-direction = 8 × 10–7 m/s; y-direction = 2 × 10–7 m/s.
[12 Marks]
7.(a) (ii) A 1.25 m layer of soil (n = 0.35 ; G = 2.65) is subjected
to an upward seepage head of 1.85 m. What depth of
coarse sand would be required above the existing soil to
provide a factor of safety of 2 against piping? Assume
that coarse sand has the same porosity and specific
gravity as the soil and that there is negligible head loss
in sand  w  9.81 kN / m .
[8 Marks]
7.(b) Write down the method of Boring in soil exploration.
[20 Marks]
7.(c) (i) An elbow-type draft tube of a Francis turbine has an
inlet diameter of 2.5 m and its area at outlet is 18m2.
The inlet to draft tube is situated 5.0 m above the
tailwater level and the velocity of flow at the inlet is 5.0
m/s. Assume the loss of head due to friction in the draft
tube to be 80% of the velocity head at the draft-tube
outlet. Calculate (a) the pressure head at the entrance to
the draft tube, (b) power lost due to friction in the draft
tube, (c) power wasted to the tailrace, and (d) the efficiency
of the draft tube.
[12 Marks]
7.(c)(ii) A Kaplan turbine develops 8,000 HP under an effective
head of 5 m. Its speed ratio is 2 and flow ratio is 0.6 and
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[CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-7| 28th April 2019 (15)

the diameter of the boss = 0.35 times the external

diameter of the runner. Efficiency of the turbine is 90
percent. Calculate the diameter of the runner, speed of
the runner and also its specific speed. Take 1 HP = 735.75
watt and calculate specific speed with power unit in HP.
[8 Marks]
8.(a) Calculate the total active earth pressure on the retaining
wall 6 m high shown in Fig. Also calculate the line of action
of lateral force from the base of the wall.
30 kN/m2
c = 10 kN/m
 = 10°
4m = 18 kN/m3
H1 = 4m

c =0
2m = 30°
sat = 22 kN/m

[20 Marks]
8.(b) (i) A square footing (1.5 m × 1.5 m) is located at a depth of
1.0 m. The footing is subjected to an eccentric load of
450 kN, with an eccentricity of 0.2 m along one of the
symmetrical axes. Determine the factor of safety against
b e a r i n g f a i l u r e . U s e V e s i c ’s e q u a t i o n . T a k e  = 21 kN/m3,

c = 100 kN/m2,  = 0 ; Nc = 5.14; sc = 1.14; sq = 1 ; dc =

1.27 ; dq= 1; ic = iq = 1.
[12 Marks]
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(16) [CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-7| 28th April 2019

8.(b) (ii) Write short notes on

(i) Negative skin friction
(ii) Liquefaction
[2 × 4 = 8 Marks]
8.(c) (i) A Pelton wheel has a mean bucket speed of 12 m/s and
is supplied with water at a rate of 750 litres per second
under a head of 35 m. If the bucket deflects the jet through
an angle of 160°, find the power developed by the turbine
and its hydraulic efficiency. Take the coefficient of velocity
as 0.98. Neglect friction in the bucket. Also determine
the overall efficiency of the turbine if its mechanical
efficiency is 80%.
[10 Marks]
8.(c) (ii) A four-stage centrifugal pump has four identical impellers,
keyed to the same shaft. The shaft is running at 400
r.p.m and the total manometric head developed by the
multistage pump is 40 m. The discharge through the
pump is 0.2 m3/s. The vanes of each impeller are having
outlet angle as 45°. If the width and diameter of each
impeller at outlet is 5 cm and 60 cm respectively, find
the manometric efficiency.
[10 Marks]
8.(c) (iii) The diameter of an impeller of a centrifugal pump at
inlet and outlet are 30 cm and 60 cm respectively.
Determine the minimum starting speed of the pump if it
works against a head of 30 m.
[5 Marks]

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