F-DLP10 - The Song of Roland

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I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. unlock the unfamiliar words used in the epic;

b. identify the different elements used in the epic;
c. pick-out the theme of the epic;
d. relate how the theme happen in real life.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: “The Song of Roland” A French Epic Poem

B. References: 1. English Learner’s Material; Celebrating Diversity through

World Literature,10 pp.202-207

2. Teachers’ Manual; Celebrating Diversity through World Literature,10

3. ASAP Intervention

C. Material: PowerPoint Presentation, HDMI, Laptop and Visual aid

III. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Good morning class.

Good morning, ma’am.
Please stand for a prayer.
(One student will lead the prayer)
You may take your seat and please sit
Thank you, ma’am.
Anyone who is absent today?
None, ma’am.

A. Motivation

Okay class, before we proceed to our lesson,

I prepared an activity entitled “MATCH
ME”. Students will match the words in the
Column A to their correct meanings in
Colum B.
Is that clear class?
Yes ma’am.

Column A Column B
(Words) (Meanings)

1. envoy a. messenger
2. valiant b. courageous
3. cunning c. clever
4. furious d. very angry
5. insolent e. rude/impolite
6. javelin f. spear
7. Saracens g. Muslims
8. blast h. loud note of
a horn
i. fearless

(Students will do the activity)

1. Envoy – messenger
2. Valiant – courageous
3. Cunning – clever
4. Furious – very angry
5. Insolent – rude/ impolite
6. Javelin – spear
7. Saracens - Muslims
8. Blast – loud note of a horn.
Good job class!

B. Presentation

Now, did you enjoy the activity class?

Yes ma’am.
Nice to hear that. So, the activity we just
had relates with the topic we are going to
tackle for today class.
But before that, here are our objectives for
today. Please read Hera!
a. unlock the unfamiliar words used in the
b. identify the different elements used in the
c. pick-out the theme of the epic
d. relate how the theme happen in real life.
Thank you, Hera!
Now let’s proceed to our topic, “The Song
of Roland”. It is a French epic poem which
deals with the heroic deeds of great men. It
was written in the Medieval Period A. D.
And the author of “The Song of Roland”
was written by named Turold.

Class! I know that you already tackle about

the elements of the story. And what are
Yes Windel!
The elements of the story are characters,
setting, conflict, theme, and plot ma’am.
Precisely you got it! Now, let us proceed to
our discussion.

C. Lesson Proper

Did you all read the story class?

Yes ma’am.
Okay. Where was the epic happened?
Yes Mae!
It happened seven years of warfare in Spain,
king Charlemagne destroying every Spanish
city except Saragosa ma’am.
Very good!
Now, who can tell me who are the
characters in the epic?
Yes Angel!
The characters in the story are Roland, king
Charlemagne, Count Ganelon, king
Marsilion, Oliver, Blancandrin and
Archbishop Turpin ma’am.

Okay. Can you define each character,

Angel! Roland is the main character in the epic.
King Charlemagne is the ruler of France,
Count Ganelon was Roland’s stepfather who
negotiates to king Marsilion to attack the
rear guard led by Roland. And last, King
Marsilion is a worrisome ruler of Saragossa.

Very good, Angel!

How about Blancandrin, Oliver and
Archbishop Turpin class?
Anyone? Yes Jessica! Blancandrin was king Marsilion’s
messenger, while Oliver and Archbishop
Turpin was Roland’s comrades who also
died in the battlefield.

Now, what can you say about these
characters class?

a. Roland

Yes Jack!
Roland is Charlemagne’s nephew and right
– hand man, known for his bravery and
loyalty ma’am.
Very good. You said that he is brave and
loyal, how can you say?
Because he was being loyal and sacrificed
his life just to protect his king.
How about King Charlemagne class?

b. King Charlemagne

Jake stand!
What can you say about the picture?
King Charlemagne is a good leader of
France, portrayed as a powerful and wise
Very good Jake!

Eric stand!
Can you tell something about the picture?

c. Ganelon
He was Roland’s stepfather, who betrays
Roland and his companion’s ma’am.

So, Roland and Count Ganelon were known
as great warriors of king Charlemagne.

Now, what are the characteristics of the

ideal knight in the epic?
Yes Kariza!
Strong, brave and being faithful to his king
Very good!
In the epic, Is Roland faithful to his king
Yes ma’am.
Why do you say so?
Because he was being loyal and sacrificed
his life just to protect his king ma’am.
Alright. That is why King Charlemagne
value him well. And why Ganelon very
angry at Roland? Why?
Yes Andrea!
Because of jealous ma’am. He felt jealous
because King Charlemagne treasures
Roland than him. And he has a deep
resentment on Roland because Roland
suggested him to undertake the perilous
mission in Saragosa.
Now, what is the problem or the conflict
you noticed in the epic class?
Yes John Loyd!
Because of jealous and resentment to
Roland. Count Ganelon plots to ambush
Charlemagne’s rear guard and kill Roland
Very good!
That is the conflict faced by the main
character in the epic class.
So, how do you feel about king
Charlemagne class? Is he a wise king?
Yes ma’am.
Okay. Arn stand!
Why do you say so?
Because king Charlemagne was a strong,
brave fighter and wise ruler of the Franks
Very good!
And how do you feel about Roland? Why
does he not sound the Oliphant to call King
Charlemagne’s army for help at the very
Yes Erica!
He refused to sound his oliphant because
Oliver said something that Roland feel
dismay. But he sounds it at last for they are
already outnumbered in the battle.
What causes the death of Roland?
Okay, Marie!
He is struck in the head and died.
You got it!

Okay, upon reading the story, did you find

its theme class?
Yes Jenny!
The central theme of the story are honor,
loyalty, chivalry, and betrayal.
Why do you say so that the theme of the
epic includes the betrayal?
Which part of the story that proves your
Yes, Claire!
Ganelon betrayed Roland and his
companions by negotiating to king
Marsilion and attacked the king rear guard
led by Roland.
Very good!
What is the reason Ganelon betrayed Roland
Okay, Jade!
Ma’am driven by his anger and resentment
towards Roland leading to the tragic
outcome of the story.
Nice one Jade!
Okay, let us move on to the plot of the story.
To make it short, plot has five components
(exposition, rising action, climax, falling
action and resolution). Now, who among
you can provide the plot of the story “The
Song of Roland”?

Yes Krisha!
Can you give the introduction or exposition
of the story.
It begins with the Frankish army, led by
Charlemagne, spending seven years in
Spain, destroying cities and attempting to
make peace with King Marsile.
Charlemagne's nephew Roland suggests
sending Ganelon, his stepfather, to deliver
the peace terms to the Saracens.
Thank you, Krisha!
How about the rising action?
Yes Mark!
Ganelon, fearing for his life, conspires with
Marsilion to betray Roland. The Saracens
ambush the Frankish rearguard, led by
Roland, and the battle ensues.

Very good!
Now let us proceed to the exciting part of
the story the climax. Who can give the
climax of the story?
Yes Joy! Roland, with the help of his friend Olivier
and Archbishop Turpin, fights valiantly
against the Saracens, but he is mortally
wounded. In a final act of defiance, he
blows his horn, the Oliphant, which signals
Charlemagne's army to come to their aid.

You got it Mark!

How about the falling action?

Yes Jamil! Charlemagne and his army arrive to find

Roland and his men dead. Charlemagne
avenges his nephew's death, and Ganelon's
treachery is revealed. Ganelon is put on trial
and executed.

Very good Jamil!

So, Ganelon paid the penalty for his crimes.
And what will be the resolution of the epic?
Yes Princess!
After the execution of Ganelon,
Charlemagne set off for the wars again but
without the present of Roland.
And that is the flow of the epic the song of

Now, did you learn anything from our

lesson today class?
Yes ma’am.

D. Generalization

Okay. Do you have any question about our

topic class?
None, ma’am.
Okay. If you do not have any question. I
will be the one to ask a question.
Does the epic song of Roland also happen in
real life? Why?

Yes James!
Yes ma’am. Like for example, in my
romantic relationship, sometimes I cannot
avoid lying or breaking promises which it
causes a fight between me and my girlfriend
Hm! It seems like James is going through
something in his relationship.
Very good James! Let us give him a big
hand class.
(The students clap)
Now how about the others?
Yes Rose!
About friendships ma’am. When a friend
talks behind your back or shares something
you told them in confidence with others.
Very good!
Let us give a big hand also to Ms. Rose
(The students clap)
Okay. All your answers are correct!

E. Evaluation

In a 1 whole sheet of paper. Answer the

following questions: Student’s answers:
1. Who is the author of the epic “The 1. His name is Turold.
Song of Roland”? 2. The song of Roland was written in
2. In what period was the epic written? Medieval period.
3. Roland
3. Who is the main character in the 4. The villain in the epic is Count
epic? Ganelon Roland’s stepfather.
4. Who is the villain in the epic? 5. The conflict in the epic is when
5. What is the problem or conflict in Count Ganelon plots ambush to king
the epic “the song of Roland”? Charlemagne’s rear guard and kill
6. Where did Roland and his men meet Roland.
their bloody end? 6. At the battlefield
7. Who is the great conqueror and wise 7. He is king Charlemagne.
king of Roman empire whom 8. The subject in the epic can be a war,
Roland served. honor and betrayal.
8. What is the subject or topic in the 9. The Franks win the battle at
epic? Roncevaux.
9. Who wins in the battle in The Song 10. There are many lives destroyed,
of Roland?? which it leads to revenge to each
10. What is the effect of war in the epic other.
The Song of Roland?

IV. Assignment

In not less than 5 sentences, write a short

paragraph on what you have learned in the

Prepared by:

Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher

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