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Hobbs and Wright BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:128


Anal signs of child sexual abuse: a case–control

Christopher J Hobbs1,3* and Charlotte M Wright2

Background: There is uncertainty about the nature and specificity of physical signs following anal child sexual
abuse. The study investigates the extent to which physical findings discriminate between children with and without
a history of anal abuse.
Methods: Retrospective case note review in a paediatric forensic unit.
Cases: all eligible cases from1990 to 2007 alleging anal abuse.
Controls: all children examined anally from 1998 to 2007 with possible physical abuse or neglect with no identified
concern regarding sexual abuse. Fisher’s exact test (two-tailed) was performed to ascertain the significance of
differences for individual signs between cases and controls. To explore the potential role of confounding, logistic
regression was used to produce odds ratios adjusted for age and gender.
Results: A total of 184 cases (105 boys, 79 girls), average age 98.5 months (range 26 to 179) were compared with
179 controls (94 boys, 85 girls) average age 83.7 months (range 35–193). Of the cases 136 (74%) had one or more
signs described in anal abuse, compared to 29 (16%) controls. 79 (43%) cases and 2 (1.1%) controls had >1 sign.
Reflex anal dilatation (RAD) and venous congestion were seen in 22% and 36% of cases but <1% of controls
(likelihood ratios (LR) 40, 60 respectively), anal fissure in 14% cases and 1.1% controls (LR 13), anal laxity in 27%
cases and 3% controls (LR 10).
Novel signs seen significantly more commonly in cases were anal fold changes, swelling and twitching. Erythema,
swelling and fold changes were seen most commonly within 7 days of last reported contact; RAD, laxity, venous
congestion, fissure and twitching were observed up to 6 months after the alleged assault.
Conclusions: Anal findings are more common in children alleging anal abuse than in those presenting with
physical abuse or neglect with no concern about sexual abuse. Multiple signs are rare in controls and support
disclosed anal abuse.
Keywords: Child abuse, Sexual, Forensic medicine, Community child health

Background conditions affecting the anus [17-21]. There have been

Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) diagnosis has been likened to two previous studies where anal signs in different groups
a “jigsaw puzzle” [1]. Whilst the child’s allegation is vital, of children were compared [10,11].
physical evidence obtained by an appropriately qualified If present, anal signs may be used in children with a
examiner [2] can support criminal prosecution and child disclosure of CSA to provide corroboration for court pro-
protection. Physical evidence has been the subject of ceedings, but it is not currently clear how much reliance
consensus statements [3] and systematic review [4]. Anal can be placed on which signs. There is even less certainty
findings are described following CSA [5-13], in children about the extent to which anal signs seen in children with
selected for non-abuse [14-16] and those with medical no disclosure or suspicion should raise concern about
possible CSA and the need for further investigation.
* Correspondence: This study aimed to compare the prevalence of anal
St James’s University Hospital, Leeds, UK findings as assessed by specialist forensically trained
Yorkshire Medicolegal Chambers, Albion Mills, Albion Road, Greengates,
Bradford BD10 9TQ, UK paediatricians in a group of children where the history
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2014 Hobbs and Wright; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited.
Hobbs and Wright BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:128 Page 2 of 7

included a statement by the child of anal abuse with a 6. Presentation with gross genital or anal injury (from
group of children with a history solely of non-sexual either an alleged accident or abuse)
physical abuse or neglect and with no concerns re sexual 7. Medical condition potentially affecting the anus e.g.
abuse. Crohn’s disease, severe chronic constipation,
myotonic dystrophy
Cases and controls less than 16 years of age were identi- Children with mild constipation or soiling were in-
fied retrospectively from a paediatric forensic centre in cluded as controls as these symptoms were not uncom-
Leeds, a metropolitan city in Northern England. Chil- mon in children whether abused or non-abused. No
dren referred by social services or police are usually seen exclusion was made on the presence of physical signs
within 72 hours, either before or after formal interview (anal or otherwise) whether or not suspected to be
[22]. All medical reports are held on a dedicated elec- related to CSA.
tronic database including digital clinical images since
2001. It was routine practice at this time to photo docu- Examination procedure
ment examination findings in all children examined for Examinations were undertaken by paediatricians spe-
forensic purposes. cially trained in assessment of suspected CSA working
in a team. Specialist paediatric registrars in training were
Case selection supervised by an experienced forensically trained con-
Cases sultant paediatrician.
These were all children on the data base who had made Anal inspection was routinely undertaken in the left
a specific disclosure of anal abuse investigated by statu- lateral position without digital or instrumental examin-
tory agencies. The reports database was searched using ation. Buttock separation was maintained for 30 seconds
the phrases “anal abuse” and “anal penetration” between to allow anal dilatation to occur when present. A stand-
1990 and 2007. In addition all children with genital/anal ard examination proforma encouraged detailed record-
photographs in the clinical images database were identi- ing of history and examination. Olympus and Zeiss
fied. This enabled an additional smaller group of cases colposcopes with 35 mm cameras (film and digital) were
missed by the key word search to be identified, the used.
reports of these children having been checked manually. Physical signs were confirmed either at joint medical
examination or by review of photographic records or
Controls both. Cases were discussed at weekly departmental
These were all children referred to the same centre for meetings and reports and photographs peer reviewed
suspected physical abuse or neglect of themselves or sib- monthly.
lings who had forensic inspection of the anus in accord-
ance with national guidance [23], and in whom CSA was Data retrieval
excluded as far as possible. There were more controls Details of the allegation, anal findings and constipation
than cases so only children seen between 1998 and 2007 history were extracted from medical reports and entered,
and aged 3 years or over were used. Potential controls anonymized, onto an access database. Signs were de-
were identified in the database by using the phrase scribed according to definitions in Table 1. Estimated
“non-accidental injury” then manually searching the diameter of reflex anal dilatation (RAD) was recorded
reports for evidence of an anal examination. In addition when present.
a further larger group of control children with anal pho- Ethical approval was obtained from Leeds (East)
tographs were identified via the clinical images database Health Service Ethics Committee (reference number 08/
over the same time period and this included non-index H1306/106).
siblings and neglected children.
Children were excluded as controls if there had been Analysis
any suggestion in the report of: Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 14.0 for
windows. Fisher’s exact test (two-tailed) was performed
1. Allegation of sexual abuse to ascertain the significance of differences for individual
2. Sexualized behavior signs between cases and controls. Likelihood and odds
3. Current or past contact with known or suspected ratios for cases versus controls were calculated for all
sexual offender signs. The likelihood ratio for any sign is the ratio of the
4. Current or past concern from referring agency re percentage of cases showing the signs to the percentage
CSA in child or sibling found in the controls [25]. For signs not found at all in
5. Sexually transmitted infection controls, to avoid division by zero, one dummy female
Hobbs and Wright BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:128 Page 3 of 7

Table 1 Definition of anal physical signs used in this study [4,9,24]

Signs summarized in RCPCH systematic review
Reflex Anal Dilatation The dynamic observation of the anus opening after minimal buttock traction, with relaxation of the external and
internal sphincter muscles.
Laxity Decreased anal muscle tone. This is a static findings; the diameter does not change upon inspection.
Gaping An anus which, on separation of the buttocks, is already dilated, with a view into the anal canal or rectum, and remains
so for the duration of the examination. This is a static sign. Anal gaping is of greater degree than anal laxity
Fissure/laceration A break (split) in the perianal skin which radiates out from the anal orifice which may be superficial or deep
Reddening Redness of the skin and/or mucous membranes caused by dilatation of the underlying capillaries
Perianal venous congestion The collection of venous blood in the venous plexus of the perianal tissues creating a flat or swollen purple
discoloration that may be localized or diffuse. It is distinct from bruising
Tag A protrusion of anal verge or perianal skin, which interrupts the symmetry of the perianal skin folds.
Scar Fibrous tissue that replaces normal tissue after the healing of a wound.
Bruise A localized collection of blood in the skin and or subcutaneous tissue occurring as a result of damage to the capillaries
or larger blood vessels allowing blood to leak into the tissues leading to skin discoloration
Novel/other signs
Twitching anus Rapid contraction and relaxation of the anal sphincter without dilatation
Swelling (“tyre sign”) Swelling of the perianal area, giving appearance of a tyre
Funnelling A deep-set or dished anal appearance, but without full dilatation
Abrasion A superficial injury involving only the outer layers of the skin/mucous membrane that does not extend to the full
thickness of the epidermis.
Mucosal Prolapse Rectal mucosa extending down through a dilated anal sphincter
Anal Verge Deficit A defect or gap in the tissue overlying the subcutaneous external anal sphincter at the most distal portion of the anal
canal (anoderm) which extends exteriorly to the perianal skin.
Fold Change Unusual, irregular or asymmetrical folding of the perianal skin radiating from the anal verge
Soiled The presence of significant quantities of faeces around the anus

control with mean values for age and date was added (41). A majority of cases (74%) had one or more core
who was positive for all those signs. To explore the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health signs [4]
potential role of confounding, logistic regression was (Table 2) and 43% two or more, compared to only 16%
used to produce odds ratios adjusted for age and gender. and 1% of controls respectively.
Training grade examiners reported fewer examinations
Results where these signs were present than fully trained foren-
A total of 19,785 children were seen and reported for sic paediatricians (cases: 68% versus 75%; controls 11% v
child protection concerns in Leeds from January 1990 to 19%) but these differences were not significant (P = 0.4
December 2007, of whom 3,119 were categorized by the and 0.2 respectively).
examining doctor as likely CSA. From these, 184 cases RAD and perianal venous congestion were seen com-
(105 boys, 79 girls) were identified with disclosure by monly in cases but rarely or not at all in controls, result-
the child of anal abuse, mean age 98.5 months, range 26 ing in high likelihood ratios. The estimated maximum
to 179 months, with only 7 younger than 3 years; 142 horizontal diameter of dilatation was stated in 27 cases
were identified from main database, 42 via the photo- and was over 1 cm in 14 (52%) cases. Fissures and laxity
graphic database. There were 179 controls (94 boys, 85 were also seen more commonly in cases than controls.
girls, average age 83.7 months (range 35–193) from 1998 Anal tags were uncommon overall.
to 2007; 76 identified from the main database, 103 from Of the less recognised signs, most were reported
photographic database. significantly more often in cases than controls (Table 3).
Thirteen permanent paediatric staff examined 136 Fold changes, were described fairly often, but the others
cases (74%) and 100 controls (56%) of whom three ex- were generally less common.
amined 35% of cases and 31% of controls. The remain- There were no significant effects of age or examiner
der were examined by trainees supervised by forensically grade on the prevalence of signs (data not shown) and
trained paediatricians. simultaneous adjustment for age, gender and examin-
In 134 cases where an object was specified, alleged ation era made no meaningful difference to the results
penetration was penile for 64% (86) and digital for 30% (Tables 2 and 3).
Hobbs and Wright BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:128 Page 4 of 7

Table 2 Frequency of classic signs associated with anal abuse in cases and controls
Unadjusted Adjusted+
Sign Cases Controls LR* OR P OR 95% CI
Reflex anal dilatation 41 22% 0 40.1 51.3 <.0001 62.35 8.4 - 462
Gaping 5 2.7% 0 4.9 5.0 0.12
Laxity/reduced anal tone 49 27% 5 2.8% 9.6 4.9 <.0001 13.7 5.3 - 35.8
Reddening/Erythema 56 30% 15 8.3% 3.6 4.9 <.0001 5.3 2.8 - 10.0
Perianal venous congestion 66 36% 1 0.6% 59.8 99.6 <.0001 101 13.8 - 743
Fissure/laceration 26 14% 2 1.1% 12.8 14.6 <.0001 13.5 3.1 - 58
Tag 8 4.3% 10 5.6% 0.8 0.8 >0.5
Scar 10 5.4% 0 9.0 10.3 0.002 8.2 1.0 - 66.4
Anal or perianal bruising 0 0
None of the above signs 48 26% 150 84% 0.31 0.07 <.0001 0.059 0.03 - 0.10
More than one sign 79 43% 2 1.1% 38.6 66.6 <.0001 74 17.7 - 311
Total number 184 179
*To prevent division by zero error, for each signs where no control manifest that sign, one dummy female control has been added positive for that sign, with
mean values for age and date.

The prevalence of signs varied with interval to examin- central in the Cleveland Inquiry [28] which recom-
ation (Table 4). Erythema, swelling and fold changes mended further study which in turn lead to publications
occurred most commonly within 7 days of the alleged by the Royal College of Physicians which provided guid-
assault. RAD, laxity, venous congestion, fissure and ance for clinicians [29,30]. Allegations of anal abuse ap-
twitching were seen up to 6 months. pear to be relatively rare, as these disclosed cases
History of constipation was recorded in 15 cases (7 represented only 5% of all CSA cases seen. This possibly
boys, 8 girls), of whom 5 had RAD and 2 had fissures. explains why the recent RCPCH review noted a serious
There were 3 constipated controls (all girls) and each lack of evidence on anal signs in children [4]. The result-
had one of venous congestion, a fissure and tag. ing uncertainty has limited doctor’s ability to provide
clear opinions.
Discussion Identification of a group where CSA can be confi-
Martial wrote in 1st century AD that “the favourite sex- dently diagnosed or excluded is always challenging.
ual use of children was not fellatio, but anal intercourse” While we cannot be certain that all the children who al-
[26]. Summit wrote “Manual, oral and anal containment leged anal abuse were true cases, it is generally accepted
of the penis are the “normal” activities of incestuous that disclosure is strongly indicative of abuse. Ideally the
intercourse, as they are also for the more typically out of non abused controls would be sampled from the general
family sexual assault of boys” [27]. Anal signs were population, but in practice recruiting a truly representative

Table 3 Frequency of other anal signs not discussed by RCPCH (2008) in cases and controls
Unadjusted Adjusted+
Sign Cases Controls LR* OR P OR 95% CI
Fold changes 34 18.5% 3 1.7% 10.9 13.3 <.0001 8.7 3.0 - 25
Twitching 17 9.2% 2 1.1% 8.4 9.1 <.0001 9.2 2 - 41
Swelling 12 6.5% 0 0 11.8 12.6 <0.001 15.4 1.9 - 120
Funnelling 8 4.3% 1 0.6% 7.2 8.1 0.037 6.4 0.75 - 53
Mucosal prolapse 8 4.3% 0 0 7.2 8.1 0.007 8.1 1.0 - 70
Abrasion 7 3.8% 0 0 6.9 7.1 0.015 10.6 1.2 - 90
Deficit 5 2.7% 0 0 NA 0.061
Warts 1 0.5% 0 0 NA 1
Soiling 5 2.7% 11 6.1% NA 0.13
*To prevent division by zero error, for each sign where no control manifest that sign, one dummy female control has been added positive for that sign, with
mean values for age and date. This excludes variables with 5 or less positive in cases.
+Adjusted for date of exam, age and gender.
Hobbs and Wright BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:128 Page 5 of 7

Table 4 Anal findings in cases by time interval between last episode of abuse to examination
Time since last assault Unknown <7 days 7 days to 6 months >6 months P*
Reflex anal dilatation 17 (29%) 13 (22%) 9 (20%) 2 (9%) 0.21
Laxity 18 (31%) 15 (25%) 11 (25%) 5 (23%) 0.76
Reddening 21 (36%) 23 (39%) 11 (25%) 1 (4.3%) 0.002
Venous congestion 22 (38%) 23 (39%) 15 (34%) 6 (26%) 0.28
Fissure 5 (9%) 11 (19%) 9 (16%) 1 (4%) 0.21
Scar 6 (10.3%) 2 (3.4%) 2 (4.5%) 0 0.57
Any core sign 44 (76%) 48 (81%) 33 (75%) 11 (48%) 0.005
2 or more core signs 30 (52%) 30 (51%) 14 (32%) 5 (22%) 0.008
Fold changes 10 (17%) 15 (25%) 7 (16%) 2 (8.7%) 0.07
Twitching 2 (3.4%) 9 (15%) 4 (9.1%) 2 (8.7%) 0.32
Swelling 5 (8.6%) 6 (10%) 1 (2%) 0 0.04
Funnelling 2 (3.4%) 2 (3.4%) 3 (7%) 1 (4.3%) 0.69
Mucosal prolapse 4 (6.9%) 3 (5%) 0 1 (4.3%) 0.57
Abrasion 1 (2%) 6 (10%) 0 0 0.018
Total 54 58 55 17
*χ2 trend excluding unknown.

group and excluding CSA can be problematic. Selection of overestimated. Control children with anal photographs
children from the general population has proved quite were more likely to be included in this study than those
difficult, but it also raises serious ethical considerations. In without, and this could also have had the effect of
one of the few studies of this kind [15] only 10% of parents overestimating the proportion of controls with positive
approached participated and some later admitted that findings. If this were the case that would imply that the
concerns that their child had been abused motivated them true difference between groups was in fact even greater.
to participate. In that study perianal venous congestion There were small differences in examiner status be-
was more commonly seen (16%) than in another study tween cases and controls, cases were drawn over a lon-
where 1% of younger children showed this sign [14]. ger time period than controls and the age range of cases
A different approach was used in a recent study [11]. and controls was slightly different, but statistical adjust-
Children evaluated for possible sexual abuse were di- ment for all these factors made no meaningful difference
vided into 2 groups, one with a low probability (917 to the results.
children) and one with a high probability (198 children) An important remaining concern is the possibility of
of having been anally penetrated. Comparison was made examiner bias. When examining a child who has alleged
between these groups in terms of the physical signs anal abuse, a physician might be more confident in
observed. However identifying comparison children with reporting abnormal findings than in a child with no such
a low risk of having been anally penetrated in a group of history. However both groups were examined by the
children referred for sexual abuse evaluation is problem- same staff who would be alert to the possibility of undis-
atic as suggested by the presence of anal bruising in 10, closed anal abuse and with experience of eliciting the
anal fissure in 25 and anal laceration in 3. Consequently, signs in question. This makes it possible that examiners
the solution of choosing as controls children examined in this centre were more likely to detect signs in general,
with concerns about other forms of abuse where the but this would apply to both cases and controls.
routine practice was to include anal examination seemed Thus while the limitations of the samples must be
overall the best solution to us. recognised, this remains the first case/control study in
While physically abused and neglected children have a which a large group of children all of whom disclosed
known increased risk of CSA [31], in this study the fact anal abuse was examined using the same techniques and
that wide ranging sensitive information was available examiners as controls, using well defined terminology.
minimised the likelihood of including unrecognised The difference in frequency of some signs between cases
CSA. However, it is possible that an occasional sexually and controls suggest that they are likely to relate to
abused child could unintentionally have been included abuse. In particular RAD and perianal venous congestion
in the control group and if so this would mean that the were seen frequently in cases, but rarely or not at all in
prevalence of signs seen in the controls would be controls. RAD is dramatic, involves dilatation of both
Hobbs and Wright BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:128 Page 6 of 7

Table 5 Comparison with published studies reviewed by RCPCH [4]

Cases Controls
Sign This study RCPCH review This study RCPCH review
Reflex anal dilatation 22.3% 10 – 34% [5,6,8,10,11,13,32,33] 0% <1 – 3.6% (left lateral) [11,14]
Laxity/reduced anal tone 26.6% 3 – 14% [7,12,34] 2.8% No reports
Reddening/erythema 30.4% 1 – 12.6% [5-8,11,13,35] 8.3% 7 – 13.2% [11,13,14]
Perianal venous congestion 35.9% 8 – 36% [5,8,10,11,36] 0.6% 1% – 34.3% [11,13,14]
Fissure/laceration 14.1% 11 – 50% [5-7,10-12,32,35-38] 1.1% 1 – 3% [11,13,14]
Anal or perianal bruising 0% 0 – 10% [7,10,11,32] 0% 0 – 1.1% [11,14]
Any signs 74% 1 – 95% [5,6,32-35,39] 16% No reports

sphincters, requiring observation for up to 30 seconds as none of the signs were seen only within 7 days of the alleged
it does not always appear immediately. Previous studies assault, suggesting that examination is worthwhile even
found RAD in 10% to 34% disclosing anal abuse and 5% some weeks after the alleged assault.
to 20% reporting any sexual abuse (Table 5) [4]. In chil- The majority of cases had at least one sign, though in
dren selected for non-abuse, RAD was noted in 5% many these were non-specific. This observation is con-
examined in the knee chest, but less than 1% in the left sistent with previous studies reviewed by the RCPCH
lateral position [16]. Another study [15] found none with [4]. Of seven studies reporting any abnormal signs, two
the sign. An earlier study which has influenced practice found these in 61-95% [5,35] and two in 46% and 57%
especially in North America [17] described anal dilata- [6,33], despite widely differing methodology and defini-
tion in 49% children selected for non-abuse examined in tions. However a quarter had no signs, so the absence of
the knee chest position, for up to 8 minutes. But this physical signs could not be said to negate a child’s
position is rarely used in the UK. Apart from that study history or exclude the possibility of abuse.
our figures for cases (22%) and controls (0%) lie within
the range of other studies for both abused and “non- Conclusions
abused” in the left lateral position. Anal physical findings in children are described follow-
Anal laxity (reduced anal tone) was seen more ing a disclosure of anal penetrative abuse. A majority of
commonly in our cases than in earlier studies [7,12,36], children who disclosed anal abuse had some signs, many
but had never been previously considered in children of which were seen almost exclusively in cases and
selected for non-abuse (Table 5). Anal fissure and lacer- nearly half had multiple anal signs. Nearly half the cases
ation are injuries in the perianal skin. There is a lack of had multiple anal signs compared to only 1% of controls.
agreed definitions to fully differentiate them. Our figures Reflex anal dilatation was seen in 22% cases but no
which combine fissures with lacerations gave prevalence controls.
for both cases and controls which were within the range This study strengthens understanding of physical signs
described in other studies (Table 5). Perianal venous following anal abuse and underlines the need for careful
congestion was at the upper end of the range for cases physical examination where this form of abuse is alleged
in previous studies and the lower end for controls by the child or suspected by those responsible for his
(Table 5). As with most previous studies, anal bruising protection. Anal findings thus have the potential to pro-
was uncommon following abuse and rarely reported in vide important corroboration of disclosed anal abuse.
“non-abuse”. Erythema was seen more commonly than
in previous studies probably reflecting a higher propor- Competing interests
tion examined soon after an assault than in previous CJH is a retired NHS consultant who undertakes locum work that may
involve child protection assessments and also provides expert medico legal
opinions on Child Protection cases for which he receives a fee. CW is an
Anal dilatation and venous congestion were so rarely honorary NHS consultant who advises on academic aspects of Child
seen in controls, that it raises the possibility that they Protection and does not usually undertake paid medico legal work.
should be recognised as signs which should prompt
further investigation, as long as they are interpreted in Authors’ contributions
CJH was involved in: the conception, design, analysis and interpretation of
the broad context of a detailed medical, social and family data. Drafting the article and revising it critically for important intellectual
assessment and the child’s behaviour and demeanour. content. Final approval of the version to be published. CMW was involved in:
The highest frequency of signs was seen in those analysis and interpretation of data. Drafting the article and revising it
critically for important intellectual content. Final approval of the version to
abused less than 7 days previously and in those where be published. Both authors have given final approval for the publication of
the timing of the abusive episode was not known. But this manuscript.
Hobbs and Wright BMC Pediatrics 2014, 14:128 Page 7 of 7

Authors’ information 21. Reardon W, Hughes HE, Green SH, Lloyd Woolley V, Harper PS: Anal
CJH and CW are both involved with the Royal College of Paediatrics and abnormalities in childhood myotonic dystrophy: a possible source of
Child Health Project on the Physical Signs of Child Sexual Abuse, CJH at one confusion in child sexual abuse. Arch Dis Child 1992, 67:527–528.
time was Chair of the Anal Working Group and CW is a member. 22. Watkeys JM, Price LD, Upton PM, Maddox A: The timing of medical
examination following an allegation of sexual abuse: is this an
Acknowledgements emergency? Arch Dis Child 2008, 93:851–856.
We are grateful to Paediatric colleagues in Leeds who examined these children 23. Child Protection Companion. London: Royal College of Pediatrics and Child
and whose work underpinned this study and to Professor Neil McIntosh for his Health; 2006.
detailed and helpful comments on the paper. Acknowledgement is also made 24. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children: Glossary of terms
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Dr. Jane Wynne whose vision inspired this work. examinations. Am Professional Soc on the Abuse of Children 1998.
25. Deeks JJ, Altman DG: Diagnostic tests 4: likelihood ratios. BMJ 2004,
26. Martial: Epigrams, vol 2 Kerr. Cambridge Mass; 1968.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the
27. Summit R: Causes, Consequences, Treatment and Prevention of Sexual
public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
Assault against Children chapter 2 pp 47-97. In “Assault against children,
why it happens and how to stop it”. Edited by Meier JH. London and
Author details
1 Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis; 1985.
St James’s University Hospital, Leeds, UK. 2PEACH Unit, School of Medicine,
28. Report of the Inquiry into Child Abuse in Cleveland 1987. In Edited by
MVLS College, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK. 3Yorkshire Medicolegal
Butler Sloss E. London: HMSO; 1988.
Chambers, Albion Mills, Albion Road, Greengates, Bradford BD10 9TQ, UK.
29. Physical signs of Sexual Abuse. 1st edition. The Royal College of Physicians of
London; 1991.
Received: 20 August 2013 Accepted: 16 May 2014
30. Physical signs of Sexual Abuse. 2nd edition. The Royal College of Physicians
Published: 27 May 2014
of London; 1997.
31. Hobbs CJ, Wynne JM: The sexually abused battered child. Arch Dis Child
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