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Intelligently Securing a Large,

Globally Distributed, Database Estate

UKOUG 2012
Paul M. Wright
With input from and thanks to Philip Weeden

1. Organisational security – business value

2. Top 10 – executive summary of Oracle security

3. SYS Security – mission impossible?

4. 12c? Cloud Security –future of Oracle Security..

With “real-world” examples

Paul M. Wright OracleSecurity.Com 2
Organisational Oracle Security
• How does Oracle Security fit into the organisation?
• NGS > Betfair > Markit > JPMC
1. Avoid being hacked - loss of share value – takeover
2. Keep internal control
3. Preparation to Pass audit (business driver is PCI, SAS70, Internal
Audits), framework to achieve 1 and 2.
• Large estates need shortlist of controls that are
– Scalable
– Measurably by audit
– Clearly of benefit to all
• Implemented by DBA UDMs in EM
• Unbiased Verification
– State checking of DBA views to to verify controls in place
– Audit trail to verify controls are working
Paul M. Wright OracleSecurity.Com
Auditing to verify controls
• Auditors like logging– prereq for SOX/PCI
• For example - which account DBAs actually use?
• Create low priv account for them but all logon SYS!
• Audit trail will show these logons
• Use centralised syslogging for SYS actions
• 12c has a LAST_LOGIN column in dba_users – nice,
though the audit trail is becoming proprietorised
Top 10
1. Previous Large guides – Prioritisation and summary
->What you should be doing already - 5
2. Newer research - Risk based analysis
->Currently considering – 5 Actionable deliverables>>>
Paul M. Wright OracleSecurity.Com
TNS open through firewall- 10
• More common than you would imagine
• tnsnames.ora is a client file
• Must assume that anyone and everyone has it
• Googlehacking for tnsnames.ora
• A lot of these are honeypots, but lots aren’t… Reasons??
– Datacentre move
– Mergers
– Firewall config not loaded correctly
• Regularly physically verify that the TNS port is not open on the
external firewall
• Both Ingres and Egres! Extrusion and reverse shell
• Who is responsible for doing this?
– Often DB Sec staff feel that they are not allowed. Why?
– Organisational. Should be Ok to verify. Please do this.
Paul M. Wright OracleSecurity.Com
Unix Access- 9
• Unix security is foundation for DB security
• Can clients putty directly to the host OS
bypassing app and logon as oracle/oracle?
• Then can edit the binary to install backdoor
• Keep DBAs in OSDBA group but they can come
back out of the DB as ‘oracle’ process
• e.g. Create any directory to sysdba – remove
all public directories (note .sh listable)
• Consider the DB as a firewall to the OS
Paul M. Wright OracleSecurity.Com
Application Account- 8
• App accounts commonly owned by separate team
• What if username==password on the app account?
– App owners may not want to change the pw as their apps
and scripts may break
– DBA gets blame as they have a DB account that is weak
– Organisation accountability has to be clear
– App team should be scored down for this
– Make them sign-off on the risk..
• External Attacker will come through the app
– Least privilege
– 12c has excellent new features e.g. Zero priv app
Paul M. Wright OracleSecurity.Com
Public Privs to Revoke- 7
• No Deny, so bias > too many privileges in Oracle
• Revoke public execute
– Most well known
• Utl_file
• Directories public execute
• Dbms_jvm_exp_perms
– Doesn’t necessarily require the patch
– Manually Revoke Public execute –
• Easily measurable and scalable
• To see how the PUBLIC role is created:
• Main excuse for PUBLIC role privs - only role for Definer’s rights
• Definer’s rights has roles disabled – except for public
• 12c has real Definer’s rights roles. Great!
Paul M. Wright OracleSecurity.Com
Default Passwords- 6
• Oracle has many accounts made highly usable
– Default password list at Pete’s site
– CIS guide prioritises top 30 to check
• Common gotchas are…
– Upgrade will re-enable e.g. wksys
– New app will introduce (toad/toad and perfstat)
– Expire as well as locking
– Remove preferably – support SR
• select * from dba_users_with_defpwd
• Select privs narrowed down on this view in 12c
Paul M. Wright OracleSecurity.Com
Research - Oradebug- 5
• Oradebug used to directly read and write
• Accessible by SYSDBA locally and remotely
through SQL*PLUS
• poke a memory address like on spectrum
• Lazlo Toth extended this here
– Silently turn off auditing (but lose noise..)
– Turn off all authentication – interesting!
• Who checks that the wrong password does not work?
• Complete lack of failed logons is suspicious sign
Paul M. Wright OracleSecurity.Com
TNS Poisoning-4
• Can proxy between listener and Instance in RAC
• Man in the middle attack
• Architectural design issue for a long time
• Solutions
1. Use IPC but only single node
2. Turn off Dynamic registration but loss of availability
3. Restricted valid nodes but need to know all IPs
4. ASO/SSL – now free for RAC but quite high labour
• New builds should use ASO aka COSTS for RAC
(now freely licensed).
Paul M. Wright OracleSecurity.Com
Database Links- 3
1. DBLink password decrypted through ku$_dblink_view
SQL> select name, userid, utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(dbms_crypto.decrypt((substr(passwordx,19)),
4353, (substr(passwordx,3,16)))) password from ku$_dblink_view;

2. Max SCN DoS threat actually from 2009 , maintenance issue for high transaction estates

3. Anonymised reconnaisance through Links

between Prod/Dev and separate business unit subnets
Need to be able Identify incoming DBLinks: sys.aud$.comment$text (ref Tammy Bednar)
select userid, terminal, comment$text from sys.aud$ where comment$text like 'DBLINK%';
------------ ----------------- ------- --------------

Can forensically verify the above event even if the link is dropped by reading the hex from the SYSTEM01.DBF
See -
Paul M. Wright OracleSecurity.Com
“Stealth password cracking”vulnerability-2
• Can crack hash without needing to logon
• Stealth (before audit trail starts) 05 logon
• Fixed in by reverting back to O3logon
• And Fixed in 12c with new version of the protocol
• Can secure against this by having a complex password
• This is controlled by Oracle profiles and verification-function
– Most important tool to reduce the greatest amount of real risk
• Which account would be the likely target?
Paul M. Wright OracleSecurity.Com
SYS security - “Sys is special” - 1
• SYS is Guaranteed target! Always present and un-lockable.
– Password hash can be cracked remotely without logon
– Can be brute forced directly “Orabrute”
• SYS is least defended account in Oracle!
– No profiles on SYS so can’t enforce strong pw
– No failed logon delay - can brute force remotely quickly
– SYS can turn off it’s own audit with oradebug – SYS is Wild!
• Only defence is relying on DBA setting a strong password
• But DBA may not even be using the pw (osdba thru Unix)
• Remote SYS/SYSDBA pws cannot be verified as secure!
• The most important controls on the most important
account are unusable. This is bad and still in 12c!
Paul M. Wright OracleSecurity.Com
12c Cloud Consolidation – security risk
• 12c will have native encryption builtin–
– so less external threat….but..
• Consolidation of resources
– Also Many small databases plugged into a larger
centralised server
• -> Greater Internal threat.
– Saboteurism
– Staff collecting together crown jewels before move
– Sys can backdoor future access.
What’s the defence for the SYS account?
One answer is - Stop using SYS.. because it is “magic”?

Paul M. Wright OracleSecurity.Com

SYS Security
SYS has to be used for many tasks:
1. Schema changes to SYS e.g. new password function.
2. Avoiding public Syns for executing packages.
4. Dataguard and Grid
8. Purge DBA recyclebin
9. Start and Stop DB (Sysoper as well)
10. dbms_lock.sleep
11. x$ tables for perf data
Not exhaustive..but you get my point…SYS security is not so simple.

Paul M. Wright OracleSecurity.Com

How to Secure SYS?
1. Internal - Time based access control
• 15 char random pw under Breakglass
• Automatically reset by breakglass server daily
• Breakglass == Time-based access control
• Privileged access control management..
– OPAM and CyberArk’s EPV
• Problem -> 5 mins is enough to install a backdoor
• Need backdoor checker – work in progress…
• Objection to decreased efficiency caused
• Security measures are statically fixed at high level
• Perhaps security readiness should vary with threat
Paul M. Wright OracleSecurity.Com
How to Secure SYS?
2. External - Adaptable Database Security
• Sys_throttler trigger, dbms_lock.sleep(1)on failed logons.
• Availability and performance objections..resistance to change..
• Turn on delay when higher threat level e.g lots of failed logons
• Use syslog to link databases audit trails together – mutual
protection – nearest neighbour audit trail. Decentralised.
• Triggers on the shared audit trail to increase failed logon delay
• Mutually Adaptable Database
• Already implemented and all the code is documented in paper
• Concept really is -> We are more secure when we work together.
• Similar concept can be used for other security configs e.g.DBLinks
• Lessons learnt from project – database schedulers are unreliable
 Best to call DB jobs from *nix cron (or autosys)
Paul M. Wright OracleSecurity.Com
• Database estates have relatively low probability of a hack,
but if it happens catastrophic!
• Low frequency and high impact like Nuclear power station
• In the future we have Mutually Adaptable Database Defence,
but now we have to keep steady attention or get burnt
• Role of audit processes important to keep us on our toes
• I succeeded in PCI, SAS70 and Internal preparations
> Every org needs a DB Security Architect!
- Either permanent or virtual i.e. consultant/contractor especially for
audit preparation.
Questions and Thank You!

Paul M. Wright OracleSecurity.Com


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