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) Jump, climb the walls but do not touch the truss when doing this obstacle.

) Do not take anyones help or give any help to anyone climbing the wall.

High & Mighty

) Climb the pole-get to the top and then come down via the ropes.

) Do not use the truss at the side when climbing up or coming down the

Commando Crawl
) Lift the net and crawl, run, walk across to the other side

) Do not lift any other runner which gives him or her an advantage.

Heights of Hell
) Climb the net- get to the top, climb again and get to the highest point and
then crossover the truss and come down.

) Do not use the trusses at the side.

) Do not help anyone or give any help to anyone climbing the net.
Rumble Tumble
) Use only one to climb up and come down

) Easy as it gets, keep it simple when doing this obstacle

The Summit
) The left and lower height section is for women and visually impaired

) Do not lift anyone up or push anyone up when they are trying to get to
the top.

) The right side of the obstacle is for men.

) Do not use the lower side to climb on to the higher side

) No one should pull you up if you get stuck

) If you fail, go back and get in queue for another attempt and do not block
runners waiting their turn

Back Stack
) Do this either with hands in front and feet at the back or with your back
against the wall and move side ways to the other end

) Do not use your hands and touch the top of the frame- you do that once ,
you will be asked to start again

) You fall before the end line, you will need to do this again

Swing & Go
)Climb the rope- swing onto the monkey bars

) Use bars to get to other side

) Get hold of the rope and climb down

) Fall into water anywhere, do the obstacle again

Step Up
) Climb Up- get to the landing and then hold on to the rope and come
down to the other side.

) Feet cannot touch the water- if they do, you start again.

) Best Way is to keep both feet and hands on the rope when coming down.
Balancing Act
) Walk across to the other side- do not hold anyones hand

) Fall in water, do it again

Rope & Slope

) Climb up the steps.

) Slide down the slope into water.

Drum Roll
) Crawl under the obstacle and come out the other way

) Get in the water, get to the start of the obstacle

) Give yourself a lift and glide over to the other side

) Walk out of the obstacle with no help from anyone

Mudder by Mud
) No other way then to get in, ideally face up and crawling to the exit

Brain Freeze
) Climb up, sit on the slide and get into the water

) Once in the water, walk across to the other side and get out and make
yourself to the finish line marking

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