English Composition

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Final Exam

According to the passage, list TWO things that Curtis and Ben’s mother said they must do and
TWO things they must not do in order to improve their grades.


1. Read two books each week from the 1. Do not play outside until homework is
library. completed

2. Write a report about the books.

2. Do not play outside until all homework is


1. Give ONE event made Ben realize that reading was important when he was in the fifth

Mrs. Williamson had a spelling bee and Ben was able to spell the word “agriculture

2. How did Ben’s improved performance in the fifth grade make him feel about himself?

It gave Ben hope, it made him realize that he did not have to be the class dummy anymore.


3. From the list below, tick the THREE adjectives which best describe the mother’s
relationship with her children.

________________________ Concerned

________________________ Unkind

________________________ Cruel
________________________ Encouraging

________________________ Strict

________________________ Easy going


4. Give ONE reason to support EACH of the adjectives chosen.

She told her boys they are watching too much TV and will not get a good education like that.

She frequently told Bennie he was smart.
She made them read two books from the library every week, and they had to write a report about
what they read.



5. According to the passage, what is the secret to success?

Reading is the way out of ignorance, and the road to achievement



Explain how life for a teenager changes once she has a baby.
Having a baby is a major life experience for anyone, but it may have profound effects on

an adolescent. In the first place, becoming a parent is a tremendous undertaking. An adolescent

mother is responsible for the needs of another human being who is completely reliant on her. She

is responsible for her baby's nutrition, clothing, hygiene, and comfort, as well as her regular

medical care and vaccines. She also has the responsibility of ensuring her child's well-being. If

she doesn't get adequate help from her loved ones, this can be quite taxing on her mental health.

Furthermore, an adolescent mother's future academic and professional opportunities are

impacted by her pregnancy. A teen mother's educational opportunities may be hampered because

of her decision to have a child before she is ready to graduate from high school. It could also

impair her income and financial security if she has trouble finding a job that pays well and

allows for flexible hours. She may have to seek charity or rely on government aid to make ends

meet, which can have a negative impact on her sense of agency and pride.

As a third point, an adolescent mother's mental and emotional health are affected by

giving birth. Friends who don't have kids or who don't comprehend a teen mother's new

circumstances may drift away after the birth of her child. She may experience social alienation

and rejection as a result of the stigma and judgment of others. Both her mental health and her

bond with her newborn infant might be negatively impacted by postpartum mood swings,

melancholy, anxiety, and psychosis. She might benefit from therapy or other professional

assistance as she works through these challenges.

Teen pregnancy does have some positive aspects. There are also certain benefits that can

make her life better and aid in her development. To begin, a teen mother can find great happiness

and satisfaction in becoming a parent. A mother's love and the attachment she forms with her

child can transform an adolescent who gives birth for the first time. She will be able to observe

her daughter's progress and delight at each new milestone. Taking care of her infant might be an

opportunity for her to develop her abilities and boost her self-esteem.

Second, becoming a mother at a young age might serve as a catalyst for a young woman

to focus on her future and make it a better place. Having a kid at a young age can help a teen

understand the importance of responsible adulthood and making plans for the future. She can be

a role model for her child by pursuing further education or locating fulfilling employment that

utilizes her unique set of skills and interests. In addition, she has the power to actively seek out

chances and resources that can aid in her progress and enable her to meet her obstacles head-on.

Thirdly, having a kid can broaden a teenager's social network and support system, both of

which can be beneficial in the long run. When a teen becomes a parent, they have the opportunity

to meet other parents who have been through experiences and faced obstacles that are

comparable to their own, and they can build friendships and alliances with these other parents.

She may also be eligible for assistance and direction from organizations and programs that are

designed specifically for teenage mothers. These may include parenting classes, childcare

services, mentoring programs, or financial aid opportunities. In addition to this, she is able to
value the assistance and participation of her family, friends, or partner, provided that they are

willing and able to do so.

In conclusion, there are many aspects of a teen's life that shift with the birth of a child. It

can have an impact on her mental, social, and emotional health as well as her physical health as

she takes on new duties and faces new opportunities. It also improves her life and can help her

develop to her fullest potential by bringing her happiness, satisfaction, motivation, and growth.

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