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Unit 5

Home & materials
1. What are some common building materials used for construction?
Common building materials include bricks, cement, steel, wood, sand, and stone.
These materials are used in construction projects such as houses, bridges,
buildings, and more.

2. Is wood or concrete more environmentally friendly? Why?

I think that Both wood and concrete have environmental advantages and disadvantages.
Choosing which material is more environmentally friendly depends on many factors,
including material origin, production method, intended use and post-use disposal method.

1. Do you recycle at home? Give examples of things you have recycled?
I often use used plastic bottles to make plant pots or I often use food scraps as organic
fertilizer. This will help me make a small contribution to protecting the environment,
protecting life, and limiting waste dumped into the environment.
2. How can recycling help the environment?
Recycling can be helpful to the environment in many ways:
Such as
Reduce waste: Recycling helps turn waste into new materials, instead of releasing it into
the environment or Energy savings: Protect natural resources: Recycling helps reduce
the need to exploit natural resources, protecting valuable resources such as wood, metals,
and natural products.Besides Reduces pollution
Job creation: The recycling industry creates many jobs, contributing to economic

Raising awareness of environmental protection: Recycling encourages people to use

resources in every effective way and provides functions and contributions to raising
awareness of environmental protection.
3. What are some ways to encourage others to recycle?
Some ways to encourage others to reincarnate:
1. Set an example: Do recycling yourself and show everyone that it is simple and easy.
2. Share knowledge: Share beneficial information about regeneration with friends, family
and the community.
3. Promote convenience: Make sure recycling is easy and convenient for everyone. For
example, place recycling bins in easily accessible places and provide clear instructions on
how to recycle.
4. Reward: Reward reincarnation participants with incentives or gifts.
5. Educate children: Educate children about the importance of recycling and encourage
them to participate in this activity.

4. What materials can be recycled?

Many materials can be recycled, including paper, cardboard, glass, plastic,
aluminum, steel, tin cans, certain types of electronic waste (e-waste), and some
types of organic waste such as food scraps and yard waste.

5. What can happen if we don’t recycle?

If we do not recycle, many negative consequences can occur for the environment,
1. Increasing the amount of garbage: Garbage will increasingly pollute the
environment and affect the landscape.
2. Techniques to reduce natural resources: Exploitation of natural resources to
produce new products will increase, leading to resource depletion and affecting the
ecological system.
3. Environmental pollution: The process of manufacturing products from raw
materials will emit more emissions and pollutants, causing environmental pollution
and affecting human health.
4. Energy waste: Manufacturing products from raw materials often consumes more
energy than manufacturing from recycled materials, leading to energy waste and
increased greenhouse gas emissions.
5. Climate change: Failure to recycle contributes to climate change, a serious
environmental problem affecting the globe.

1. Are there any environmental problems in your country?
Yes, there are environmental problems in my country, such as air and water
pollution, deforestation, habitat destruction, and waste management issues.
2. Do you and your family take steps to help the environment?
Yes, my family and I take steps to help the environment. We practice recycling,
reduce our energy and water consumption, use eco-friendly products, and
participate in community clean-up and tree-planting activities.
3. How often do you read news about the environment? Is it always bad news?
I read news about the environment regularly. While some news can be concerning,
not all of it is bad. There are also positive stories about environmental
conservation efforts, renewable energy initiatives, and successful environmental
4. Do you have any good news about the environment in your country?
Yes, there is some good news about the environment in my country. For example,
there are increasing efforts to protect endangered species and their habitats,
renewable energy projects are being implemented to reduce carbon emissions, and
there is growing public awareness and participation in environmental conservation

Changing behavior
1. Have you ever done anything to protect the environment?
Yes, I have taken actions to protect the environment. I've participated in beach
clean-up activities, joined recycling campaigns, and reduced my personal waste by
trying to use public transportation instead of driving to decrease greenhouse gas
2. Do you think people are becoming more or less concerned about the environment
these days? Why?
I believe people are becoming more concerned about the environment these days.
Increased awareness of the negative impacts of climate change and environmental
pollution has highlighted the importance of protecting the environment for both
humanity and our planet.
3. What can be done to encourage people to protect the environment?
To encourage people to protect the environment, we can enhance education and
awareness campaigns to raise consciousness about environmental issues. Building
and supporting infrastructure for recycling activities can also encourage people to
engage in environmental protection actions. Additionally, establishing supportive
policies and regulations for environmental protection can play a crucial role in
creating a business and community environment that is more environmentally
Shopping online
1. What kinds of things do people in your country often buy from online shops?
People in my country often buy a variety of items from online shops, including
electronics, clothing, accessories, books, groceries, and household goods.
2. Why has online shopping become so popular in many countries?
Online shopping has become popular in many countries due to several reasons.
Firstly, it offers convenience as people can shop from the comfort of their homes
at any time of the day. Additionally, online shopping provides a wide selection of
products, often at competitive prices, and allows for easy price comparison
between different retailers. The availability of various payment options and the
ability to have items delivered directly to one's doorstep also contribute to its
3. What are some possible disadvantages of buying things from online shops?
Despite its convenience, there are some possible disadvantages of buying things
from online shops. These may include issues with product quality or accuracy of
description, longer delivery times, potential security risks related to online
transactions, and difficulties in returning or exchanging items. Additionally,
excessive packaging and environmental concerns associated with transportation
and delivery of goods are also factors to consider.

1. What do most people in your country use email for?
Most people in my country use email for communication purposes, both
professionally and personally. They use it to send messages, documents, photos,
and other files to colleagues, friends, and family members.
2. When would you send emails to others?
I would send emails to others when I need to convey detailed information, formal
messages, or attachments that may not be suitable for a text message. It's also
useful for communicating with people who may not be available for an immediate
3. Do you think it is better to send an email or a text message?
Whether to send an email or a text message depends on the context and the nature
of the communication. Emails are better suited for longer, more formal messages,
or when attachments are required. Text messages, on the other hand, are more
suitable for quick, informal communication or when immediate responses are
4. Is sending emails popular among teenagers in your country? Why/ Why not?
Sending emails is generally popular among teenagers in my country. They use
emails for various purposes, such as communicating with teachers, submitting
assignments, applying for jobs or internships, and staying in touch with family and
friends. Additionally, many online platforms and services require an email address
for registration, which further contributes to its popularity among teenagers.

Solar panels
1. Do you think buying solar panels for your home is a good investment?
Yes, I believe buying solar panels for your home is a good investment. Not only
does it help reduce monthly electricity bills, but it also decreases carbon emissions
and contributes to environmental protection. Additionally, using solar energy can
increase the property value of the home.
2. Why aren’t all houses in hot countries fitted with solar panels?
Not all houses in hot countries are fitted with solar panels due to several reasons.
One of the main reasons is the high initial cost of installing a solar energy system,
and some households may not have the financial capability to invest in this
technology. Additionally, some solar energy systems require a large area for
installation, which can be a challenge for homes with limited space.
3. What are the pros and cons of solar energy?
The pros of solar energy include its ability to generate electricity without
producing emissions, reducing electricity costs, increasing property value, and
decreasing reliance on fossil fuels. However, the cons include the high initial cost,
dependence on weather conditions, and the need for sufficient space for

Life stages
1. At what age do people in your country usually get married/ start a career?
In my country, most people typically get married between the ages of 25 to 35 and
start their careers after graduating from university, usually around the ages of 22 to
2. Do you think there is a correct time in your life to do this?
I believe there isn't a specific time in life that is right for getting married or starting
a career. Each person has their own developmental trajectory and goals, so this
decision depends on individual circumstances and readiness.
3. Are there certain activities that are more popular among people of a specific age
group in your country?
There are certain activities that are more popular among specific age groups in my
country. For example, younger people often enjoy participating in entertainment
activities such as sports, music, and hanging out with friends, while older
individuals may prefer engaging in social activities like joining clubs, painting, or
physical exercises.
Overseas Travel
1. Which countries and continents do you plan to visit?
I plan to visit various countries and continents, including Europe (such as France,
Italy, Germany), Asia (like Japan, South Korea, Thailand), and Australia.
2. Why do you want to visit these places?
I want to visit these places to explore the unique cultures, histories, and landmarks
of each country. Additionally, I aim to experience the local cuisine, meet and
interact with local people to gain a better understanding of their lifestyles and
3. What type of transport will you use to travel there?
I will use a variety of transportation to travel to these places, including flights to
reach distant countries like Europe and Australia, and also public transportation
such as trains, buses, and taxis to move around different cities and territories.

1. When do you have parties?
We host parties on special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, national
holidays, and other significant events like weddings or graduations.
2. Which events do people celebrate in your country?
In my country, people celebrate various events, including Independence Day,
Lunar New Year (Tet), and other holidays.
3. What do people usually do at a festival or during national celebration in your
During festivals and national celebrations, people often engage in recreational
activities, immerse themselves in the joyful atmosphere, and celebrate with
enthusiasm. Activities typically include participating in games, contests, artistic
performances, dancing, and indulging in culinary specialties.

Adulthood Celebrations
1. At what age can people in your country legally drive a car?
In my country, people are legally allowed to drive a car when they reach the age of
2. At what age do you think teenagers become adults?
I believe teenagers transition into adulthood around the age of 18, depending on
the regulations of each country and culture
3. Are there any special celebrations in your country for young people as they
become adults?
In my country, there are no specific celebrations for teenagers when they become
adults, but there may be family gatherings or events to commemorate the occasion.
4. What responsibilities do you think come with being an adult?
Becoming an adult comes with various responsibilities such as taking care of
oneself, assuming family and societal duties, and making independent decisions.
5. Why is 18th birthday party so important?
The 18th birthday party is considered significant as it marks the transition from
adolescence to adulthood, a pivotal stage in everyone's life.
6. How do people in your country celebrate their 18th birthday party?
People in my country typically celebrate their 18th birthday party at home or in
restaurants, with the participation of family and friends. The party usually features
delicious food, lively music, and may include games or other entertainment

1. Do you enjoy receiving invitations to events or parties?
I enjoy receiving invitations to events or parties because it's an opportunity to meet
friends, family, and enjoy good times together.
2. What types of events or occasions do you typically receive invitations for?
I typically receive invitations for occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries,
weddings, graduations, and social gatherings.
3. In your culture, are there specific customs related to sending or receiving
In my culture, there are customs such as sending invitations well in advance of the
event and responding to invitations in a polite and timely manner.
4. Have you ever received an invitation to a formal event, like a wedding or
graduation ceremony?
Yes, I have received invitations to formal events such as weddings and graduation
5. Do you prefer receiving invitations through traditional methods (e.g., mail) or
digital methods (e.g., email or social media)?
I prefer receiving invitations through digital methods like email or social media
because they are convenient and quick. However, receiving invitations through
traditional methods like mail also has its own charm and romance.
6. How do you feel when you have to decline an invitation?
When I have to decline an invitation, I feel regretful and wish I could attend, but
sometimes it's unavoidable due to busy schedules or other personal reasons.
1. Have you ever been to a marriage ceremony?
Yes, I have been to several marriage ceremonies.
2. Where do people in your country usually hold their wedding ceremony?
People in my country usually hold their wedding ceremonies in venues such as
churches, temples, banquet halls, or outdoor settings like gardens or beaches.
3. Do you prefer traditional or modern weddings? Why?
I appreciate both traditional and modern weddings for different reasons.
Traditional weddings often carry cultural significance and are rich in customs and
rituals, which I find fascinating. On the other hand, modern weddings can be more
personalized and creative, reflecting the preferences and personalities of the
4. In your culture, what kinds of gifts are typically given at weddings?
In my culture, typical wedding gifts include cash, or gold and silver, and precious

1. What kind of musical instrument can you play? I can't.
2. How important is music in your country?
Music holds great significance in the culture of my country. It is an integral part of
daily life, from traditional festivals and ceremonies to everyday activities and
3. Does your country have a traditional type of music and musical instrument?
Yes, my country has various types of traditional music and musical instruments
such as folk music, classical music, traditional opera, and folk songs. Common
traditional musical instruments include the zither, lute, and drums.
Volunteer work
1. What kind of volunteer work do you know?
I know various types of volunteer work such as assisting the elderly, children,
people with disabilities, environmental conservation efforts, teaching for free,
distributing food to the needy, and participating in community development
2. Why do people prefer volunteer work?
People prefer volunteer work because it provides them with the opportunity to
contribute to the community, help others, and create meaning in their lives.
Additionally, volunteering can help them develop new skills, build relationships,
and enhance happiness and fulfillment.
3. What can people learn from volunteer work?
From volunteer work, people can learn compassion, generosity, empathy, and
social responsibility. They can also develop communication skills, time
management, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities, thus becoming more
confident and mature individuals.
Part-time job
1. Do you want to find a part-time job when you are a student? Why/Why not?
Yes, I want to find a part time job because Part-time jobs can help you cover living costs,
tuition and other expenses, gain work experience and develop soft skills, which is very
helpful when you look for a job. After graduation, it also helps you meet and make new
friends, expanding your network.

2. Does part-time job affect students’ study? Why / Why not?

Yes, i think part time job affect students’study . Because Part-time jobs can take up a lot

of students' time, which can affect their studies. If students do not arrange their time

properly, their studies may decline, which can make students feel stressed if they have to

try to balance study and work. Stress can affect students' health and academic


3. How can students balance part-time job and study?

To balance study and part-time work, students need to note the following:
First, you need to arrange your time properly, secondly, plan specific time for both
studying and working, including time for class, studying, doing homework, working part-
time and working time. rest. Use time management tools like calendars, reminder apps,
etc. The second is to prioritize important and urgent tasks, arrange study and work
according to priority level.Finally, avoid overworking, make sure you get enough sleep
and take time for yourself.

4. What can students learn from part-time job?

Part-time jobs give students many opportunities to study and develop themselves in
addition to earning extra income. This is a practical environment that helps students
practice the soft and hard skills necessary for the future.

Soft skills are qualities that help students communicate, cooperate and adapt to the
working environment. Through part-time work, students can hone their skills in effective
communication, teamwork, time management, problem solving, work organization and

Hard skills are specialized knowledge and skills related to a specific field of study or job.
Students can learn how to use computers, sales skills, customer service skills and
financial management skills.

Practical experience is an important factor to help students be confident and successful in

their jobs after graduation. Part-time jobs help students experience a professional work
environment, work with different types of people, and solve difficult situations.
5. Is it necessary to have part-time job during your university time? Why / Why not?
No, I think its not necessary to have part time job during your university time. Because If
you do not arrange your time properly, part-time work can affect your academic
performance. Pressure from studying and working can lead to stress, affecting your health
and spirit. Overwork can lead to stress. can make students tired, affecting their learning
and living efficiency.

1. When do you often take photos?
I often take photos on special occasions such as birthdays, graduation ceremonies, and
even everyday moments to preserve memories.

2. Do you prefer to take photos of people or of scenery?

I think I like both. People or landscapes, everything can be beautiful if we know how to
create memories with them

3. Which do you like taking photos on, your mobile phone or a digital camera?
I like taking photos on my mobile phone, because Always carry your phone with you,
helping you take photos anytime, anywhere. Start the camera quickly, no need to take
time to prepare like a camera.Easily share photos on social networks or send to friends.
4. What are the secrets of taking good photos?
I think the first secret to photography is to depend on the brightness, a nice light
brightness will create a beautiful photo, the next is the local composition of the photo.

Job hopping
1. Why do people change from one job to another?
I think I do: before going out, the salary does not meet the needs, the development
opportunity is not there, the working environment is stressful, I want to change to have
new experiences.

2. What are the disadvantages of changing jobs?

Disadvantages of changing jobs are Loss of income while looking for a new job, Having
to pay for expenses such as training, certification, etc., New working environment, new
company culture, new colleagues,It takes time to learn new skills and new work
3. Do you think job satisfaction is more important than money? Why / Why not?
I think job satisfaction is more important than money. Because Job satisfaction will create
comfort and no pressure, allowing us to work happily and most effectively.
Job interview
1. What skills do people need to have an effective interview?
The skills needed for an interview are first Communication skills: Speak clearly and
coherently, Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Show enthusiasm and interest in
the job.
The second is Research skills: Learn skills about the company and the position you are
applying for. Identify information about the job description and recruitment requirements.
Prepare questions to ask the interviewer. Third is
Prepare clothes suitable for the company's culture.
Finally, question answering skills:
Answer the question honestly and cumbersomely.Please use specific examples to
illustrate your answer.Emphasize qualifications and experience suitable for the position
applied for.Demonstrates automatism and problem-solving ability.
2. How should people dress for a job interview?\
The second is to be polite and professional, the outfit needs to be clean and comfortable,
the second is to be confident and comfortable, the outfit is appropriate for your assessor,
the third is the outfit needs to show interest in the job.

3. What are the things people should prepare before a job interview?
Before going to an interview, we need to research and learn carefully about the company,
prepare documents and profiles, prepare questions that may be asked, choose appropriate
Applying for a job
1. What information is needed in a CV?
First, you need a resume, providing personal information, education, work experience,
skills and interests. The second is the job application, the third is the certificate, the fourth
may be the reference letter
2. What kind of job would you like to apply for after graduating from university?
I think this is a suitable job for me, a job related to my major because it can help me
make full use of the knowledge I have learned.
1. What is the most important factor when you choose a job?
The most important factor when choosing a job is suitability for yourself. This will create
excitement in work, facilitate the work process, promote, and make you always want to
contribute to your work instead of feeling depressed.
2. Do you prefer working alone or in a group?
I like working in groups because when working in groups, each member can contribute
ideas. Thanks to the diversity of ideas and perspectives from members, group work helps
come up with creative and effective solutions. than for problems.
Discussion and debate in groups also help people learn from each other and improve their
professional knowledge.
3. Do you prefer a boring, repetitive but simple job or a challenging job?
I like a challenging job because challenges will create opportunities and give me many
valuable lessons

1. Do you like robots to work at your home? Why?/ Why not?
Because it will help me every time I'm busy or away from home, it will work more
efficiently and cleaner
2. Should we let a robot drive us for long journey? Why?/ Why not?
Yes, we let a robot drive us because The robot is programmed to obey traffic laws and
can avoid human mistakes such as driving while drowsy, distracted or drunk driving, can
move at a steady speed and Saves more fuel than humans, providing passengers with a
more comfortable and convenient traveling space than traditional cars.

3. How does AI (artificial intelligence) affect our lives?

The robot is programmed to obey traffic laws and can avoid human mistakes such as
driving while drowsy, distracted or drunk driving, can move at a steady speed and Saves
more fuel than humans, providing passengers with a more comfortable and convenient
traveling space than traditional cars.

4. Will robots replace human beings in the workplace completely?

No, because Robots lack creativity and critical thinking: Robots can only perform pre-
programmed tasks, while humans can be creative and find solutions to new problems.
Robots lack the ability to communicate and social interaction: Robots cannot understand
human emotions and cannot communicate effectively with humans in all situations.
Robots lack the ability to adapt to new environments: Robots can only operate effectively
in the environment designed for them, while humans can adapt to a variety of

The Internet
1. How did you learn how to use the Internet?

2. What do you usually do on the Internet?

I often search for documents and information on the internet. Besides, I still listen to
music and watch movies whenever I feel like it

3. How often do you use the Internet?


4. Do you think the Internet is safe for children to use unsupervised?

The internet can be a dangerous place if left unsupervised. Because of inappropriate
content, online predators can use the internet to reach and take advantage of children, or
children may accidentally reveal themselves. exposing your personal information on the
internet, which could lead to identity theft or other risks.
5. What negative impacts may the Internet have on school children?
The internet can cause students to waste time and distract themselves from studying,
affecting their health, losing concentration and reducing their ability to learn.
1. Do all inventions bring benefits to the world?
No, I don’t think that all inventions brings benefits to the world
2. Do you think only scientists can invent new things?\
No, I don’t think only scientists can invent new things
3. Which invention do you think is the most useful at home?
I think that the most useful invention at home is House cleaning machine

4. What invention would you like to see in the future?

I would like to see
1.Where do designers get design ideas and inspirations from?
They get ideas from nature, from historical culture, and from everyday activities

2. What challenges do designers face during the production process?

Designers can encounter many challenges during production, including:

The first is Budget Constraints: Designers often have to work with limited budgets, which
can make it difficult for them to choose appropriate materials and production methods.
The second is Difficulty in finding suppliers: Designers may have difficulty finding
suppliers that can meet their requirements in terms of quality, price and delivery time.
The third is Quality Issues: Designers may encounter product quality issues during
production, such as products that are defective or do not meet set standards.
4th is Time matters: Designers can be pressured for time during production, especially
when they need to meet a specific schedule.
Fifth is Communication Problems: Designers may have communication problems with
suppliers, manufacturers and other stakeholders during the production process.

1. Do you use any gadgets on a daily basis?
No I don’t
2. What is your favorite technological gadget? What for?

3. How much time do you spend using your favorite technological gadget?
I spend 4 hours using my favorite technology gadget
4. What modern technological devices are most common in your country?
I think this is mobile phone

1.How does technology help us in our daily lives?
2. Why does technology sometimes make mistakes?
Technology is created by humans and humans can make mistakes. Therefore, technology
can also make mistakes. Design errors: These are errors that occur during the design or
installation of the system. This error can cause errors in planning, misinterpreting
requirements, or identifying errors in coding.
Usage error: This is an error that occurs when the user uses the system incorrectly. This
error can cause the user to fail to read the user manual, not understand how to use the
system, or the user to attempt to do something the system was not designed to do.
3. Do you believe that people today rely too much on technology?
There is some evidence that people today may be overly dependent on technology. For
example, a recent study found that the average person checks their phone 262 times per
day. This means we spend an average of over 5 hours a day looking at our phones!

4. What is the most impactful piece of technology in our time?

Determining the most influential technology of our time is not a simple task because each
technology brings unique impacts and has certain importance. However, if considered in
terms of widespread and profound impact on many different aspects of life, some bright
candidates can be proposed as follows: Artificial intelligence (AI): AI is being applied.
used in all fields from health, education, finance, manufacturing to entertainment.

Ancient languages
1. Do you think all ancient minority languages will disappear?
It cannot be said with certainty that all minimally ancient languages will disappear.
However, many minimal languages face a high absolute risk due to a variety of factors,
including: English and a number of other international languages are increasingly widely
used, leading to Minority languages decline. When people migrate to new areas, they
often learn new languages and ignore their native languages.

2. Why is it important to preserve ancient languages?

Ancient languages are an important component of the cultural heritage of humanity. It
preserves information about the history, culture and society of ancient civilizations.
Preserving ancient languages helps us better understand our past and origins. Ancient
languages can be used to teach students about ancient civilizations and the evolution of
language. Learning ancient languages helps students develop critical thinking and
problem-solving skills.

3. What should governments do to preserve minority languages?

Governments can implement many minimal language preservation measures, including:
1. Invest in education:

Provide bilingual or multilingual educational programs for biological minorities.

Training teachers with minimum language teaching qualifications.
Develop educational materials appropriate to the languages and cultures of ethnic
2. Supporting operational culture:

Organize events and ceremonies honoring minority languages.

Support artists and writers who use a minimal amount of language in creating art.
Preserving intangible cultural heritage related to minimal language.
3. Encourage the use of minority languages in life:
Use minimal language in public services such as health, education and justice.
Encourage media to use a minimum number of languages.
Support businesses to use minimal language in business activities.

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