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Table of Contents




Why I Chose My Client ix




Personal and social history 1

Daily activities of client 2
Family, medical and socioeconomic history 2
Medical History 3
Surgical History 3
Menstrual History 4
Past Obstetric History 4
Present Obstetric History 6
Summary of antenatal clinic visit (second to fifth visit) 8


First contact with client 11

First antenatal home visit 18
Client’s subsequent visit to the clinic 19
Subsequent home visit 22




Admission, history taking and initial assessment of client in labour 32
Management of first stage of labor 34
Interpretation of partograph 36
Management of the second stage of labor 37
Immediate care of the baby 38
Active management of the third stage of labor 39
Management of fourth stage of labour 41
Summary of labour notes 46




Subsequent care of the baby 54

Baby’s first bath and cord dressing 54
First Day of Puerperium 55
First day postnatal home visit 58
Second day postnatal home visit 59
Third day Postnatal Home Visit 60
First day postnatal clinic visit 61
Fourth day postnatal home visit 63
Fifth Day Postnatal Home Visit 64
Sixth Day Postnatal Home Visit 65
Second postnatal clinic visit 66
Seventh Day Postnatal Home Visit 68








A family centered maternity care study is one of the curriculum offered in

diploma midwifery which uses systematic approach in caring for the pregnant

woman and her family as well as the society. It is usually conducted during the

domiciliary vacation practicum for second year student midwives in their

second semester. It requires knowledge acquired during lectures, clinical

observations and others in order to conduct it.

The motive of this study is to equip the student midwife in the profession in

terms of the management of clients and their family regardless of the

background in the periods of pregnancy, labour and puerperium with the idea

of ensuring individualized and focused care.

The study will help the student midwife to acquire skills and experience in

handling client by making clinical decisions, initiating care and evaluating her

actions. It will also help her to conduct deliveries and care for her client for the

first seven day in the postpartum period.

The family centered maternity care study contributes to the requirements

needed for awarding the student midwife of the professional certificate in

midwifery by the nursing and midwifery council of Ghana.


A special and most sincere gratitude goes to the Almighty God for the love,

understanding, strength and wisdom granted unto me that enabled me to

complete this study successful. My profound gratitude also goes to Helen Gifty

Dwamenah Amoah (Mrs.), the principal of this noble institution, Nursing and

Midwifery Training College, Mampong Ashanti for her spiritual guidance and


Again I wish my heartfelt gratitude to my able supervisor, Shirley Akanzire

Ayinkopa (Mrs.) for her spiritual, physical and psychological guidance,

patience and ever welcoming support throughout this study. And to the entire

tutorial staff of Nursing and Midwifery Training College, Mampong Ashanti, I

say may God bless you all in all your endeavors for your dedication towards

the success of this study.

If this study is a success, it is due to my client, Miss C.B and her family for

their cooperation and the adherence during the study. She provided me with the

information I needed for the study. She never stopped adhering to the

education given to her.

I also thank the staff members of Kona Health Center for their support during

the study. A great thanks also goes to the midwife in-charge, Esther Morrison

(Mrs.) and the entire midwives (Kona maternity wing) for their assistance.

Again, my gratitude goes to all ever reliable authors and publishers whose

work I had various references to this study. To you all, I wholeheartedly say

thank you.

Finally, I salute my parents, siblings and my well-wishers for their support

during this study, May God richly bless you all.


The family centered maternity care study is conducted by the student midwife

to render an individualized, consent and a focused care to her client and the

family as well as the society at large. The purpose of this study is to provide

quality care to expectant mother and her family during the periods of

pregnancy, labour and puerperium in order to reduce maternal and child

morbidity and mortality and to help the student midwife to connect theory to


This study is about Miss C.B. a twenty year old client, who is gravida three

para one alive (G2P1A) and her family. The study commenced on the 27th

October, 2021 when I met Miss C.B at thirty-six weeks(36weeks) for her six

antenatal visit at Kona maternity wing. I introduced myself to her and made

my intentions known to her which she willingly agreed to be my client. I

nursed her from that day through the period of pregnancy, labour and to the

seventh (7th) day of puerperium, 2nd December, 2021.

The study is made up of four chapters;

The first chapter is about client’s profile which enabled me to care for her

throughout antenatal and it is made up of her personal history, daily activities,

social history, family history, medical history, surgical history, past obstetric

history, present obstetric history and the summary of her antenatal clinic visits

before I met her.

The second chapter entails the antenatal period of my client and all the care

provided to her during the home and antenatal visits.

The third chapter also entails the initial assessment of labour, admission,

management of the first, second, third and fourth stages of labour.

The fourth stage deals with the management of client and her baby in the first

seven days of puerperium. It also contains the termination of care, conclusions,

pharmacology of drugs administered during the study, bibliography,

appendices and signatories.

Why I Chose My Client

On 27th October, 2021, I met Miss C.B during one of her antenatal clinic visits

when she was waiting for her turn to be cared for. I approached her and

introduced myself as a student midwife from Nursing and Midwifery training

college, Mampong-Ashanti. I requested for her antenatal book so that I may

glance through which she gladly did. In her antenatal book after glancing

through, I realized she came for booking at twenty-four (24) weeks gestation

and so I used the opportunity to educate her on the importance of early first

trimester antenatal booking. I also made my intensions known to her as the

client I will like to care for during this late pregnancy, through labour to the

seventh day post-partum with the involvement of her family but will hand over

to the community health nurse. She agreed and was willing to cooperate with

me throughout the study and I thanked her.



Pregnancy is the period from conception to delivery of baby. The normal

duration is 280 days (40weeks or 9months and 7days). It is counted from the

first day of the last normal menstrual period to delivery or 265 days from

conception to delivery (Tiran, 2012).


According to Marshall and Raynor (2014), labour is the process by which the

foetus, placenta and its’ membrane are expelled through the birth canal. It

consists of four stages viz; the first stage, second stage, third stage and fourth



According to Campana (2021, may 14th), puerperium is the period of 6 to 8

weeks following delivery during which the anatomical and physiological

changes of pregnancy regress.


According to Cennimo, D.J etal (2021, June, 25th), COVID19 is an acronym of

Coronavirus 2019 by WHO and it is defined as an illness caused by novel

coronavirus now severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-

CoV-2) with common signs of coughing, fatigue and fever.



According to Ead (2019, September, 16th), assessment is the act of gathering

key information in order to determine the direction of care and judging how

client is responding to treatment.

This chapter deals with the information about client personal and social

history, family history, medical history, surgical history, menstrual history,

past obstetric history and present obstetric history.

Personal and social history

Miss C.B is a native of Kona in the Sekyere South district who lives in a house

situated at an area called Seade. She is twenty (20) years old who is fair in

complexion, measures 158cm tall in height and weighs 55kg. She speaks

Ghanaian language (Twi). She is a Christian and attends church at Shalom

chapel in Kona. She is educated to the Junior High School level and now an

apprentice hairdresser and a trader. According to her, she and the partner, A.I

who is twenty-four [24] years and a kente weaver are not married traditionally

but both stay together and he is responsible for their son and the unborn baby

and he is the support person.

Daily activities of client

Miss C.B wakes up at 6:00 am after saying a word of prayer to her maker. She

washes her face and perform household chores. She washes her teeth and

empty the bladder before she takes her bath then later her son after she has

woken him up around 7:00am. According to her, sometimes after dressing up

the son, the partner takes him to the lorry station where the school bus will

come for him around 7:30am. At 3:30pm, the school bus drops the child at

where she works. She closes from work at 4:30pm, rest for about one hour

before she prepares food for dinner. Her favourite food is yam and palava


According to her, her son sleeps around 7:00pm whilst she watches television

and goes to bed at 8:30pm after having her bath. She said, she does her

washing on Saturdays, goes to church on Sundays and she neither smoke nor

drink alcohol.

Family, medical and socioeconomic history

Miss C.B is the only child of her parents who are both alive. Both parents are

farmers and they reside in Kona in the Sekyere south district which is their


According to Miss C.B, none of her family members suffer from hereditary

conditions such as hypertension, sickle cell disease, Diabetes mellitus,

epilepsy, heart disease or any mental illness such puerperal psychosis or

puerperal depression and no history of multiple gestation. She also said that,

there is no known infectious diseases like Human Immunodeficiency Virus

(HIV) but the family usually suffer from systematic diseases such as malaria,

headache of which none of her family has died out of that. She added that,

majority of her family members belong to blood group O with rhesus positive

and there is no known allergies in her family.

Medical History

Miss C.B belongs to blood group O with rhesus positive. According to Miss

C.B, she has no medical conditions like hypertension, heart disease, diabetes

mellitus, epilepsy, human Immunodeficiency virus, sickle cell disease as well

as respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis, asthma nor any mental illness. She

added that she had never been transfused before and neither does she has

history of allegiance to food such as beans, groundnut or drugs such as

penicillin nor or any routine medications except with the IFA given during

antenatal. She also said, she has never been hospitalized due to illness except

when she was in labour but the health facility at Kona on out - patient

department (OPD) basis when suffering from minor ailments.

Surgical History

According to my client, she has never undergone any surgical procedure such

as laparotomy, laparoscopy neither has she undergone any kind of

gynaecological procedures such as salpingectomy, vaginal or uterine prolapse

as well as fertility treatment nor sustained injury to the pelvis that could affect


Menstrual History

Miss C.B had her menarche at the age of twelve (12) years in the year 2014.

She has a normal and a regular 28days menstrual cycle with a moderate flow

which last for at least five days. According to her, she experiences

dysmenorrhea in the month she eats lots of sugary foods but resolves on its

own. She used condoms as contraceptives before conceiving and resumed her

menses six months after the delivery of her son. The expected date of delivery

is on 1st December, 2012 according to her first scan result dated 4th August,

2021 and base on that, her first day of her last menstrual period was calculated

as 24th February, 2021 since she could not remember it.

Past Obstetric History


Miss C.B is gravida two para one [G2P1A]. Her first pregnancy was in the year

2018 to 2019. According to her, she carried the pregnancy to 37weeks of

gestation without any complications. She attended antenatal clinic at Kona

Health Center (maternity wing) after she missed her monthly period.

According to clients’ previous maternal and child record book, she attended

seven subsequent visits before giving birth, she took one dose of Sulfadoxine

pyrimethamine and did not take again as a result of reaction formation, two

tetanus Diphtheria injections under close observation and a dose of 400mg of

Abendazole to prevent worm infestation. She had no ill-health during

pregnancy but experienced some minor disorders like nausea and vomiting and



According to Miss C.B, she had spontaneous vaginal delivery (SVD) at Kona

Health Center (maternity wing) after sixteen (16) hours when she reported to

the facility with complaints of lower abdominal and contractions. According to

client’s previous labour records in her antenatal book, she delivered a bouncing

baby boy of weight 3.5kg at 9:20am with Apgar score of 8/10 for the first

minute and 9/10 for the fifth minute and delivered placenta at 9:30 am when

she was 37 weeks gestation whereas the amount of estimated blood loss after

delivery was 200mls. She neither had complications nor did she sustained a

tear after birth. She said baby was breastfed within the first thirty minutes and

he [baby] had no ill health after examination.


According to Miss C.B, she was discharged after 24hours of delivery. Her

baby was immunized against tuberculosis and Poliomyelitis with Bacillus

Calmelle Guerin (B.C.G) and Polio O vaccines respectively by the community

health nurses as well as 1mg of vitamin K1 to prevent bleeding. She

experienced no complications during puerperium such as breast engorgement,

urinary tract infections (UTI), mastitis. She had a normal flow of lochia for ten

days and completely breastfed exclusively for the first six months before the

initiation of complementary feed and weaned the baby for one and half years.

She said she used condoms as a birth control method and discontinued about a

month after they decided to have another pregnancy. Throughout this period,

she was supported by the partner’s mother and the partner himself.

Present Obstetric History

Miss C.B, gravida two para one alive (G2P1A) attended her first antenatal clinic

on the 4th August, 2021 at Kona Health Center (maternity wing) when she was

twenty-four (24) weeks. 17th February, 2021 was the first day of her last

menstrual period and the expected date of delivery was 24th November, 2021.

Client’s history was taken which included the personal, social, family, medical,

surgical and obstetric histories were taken and findings were recorded

accurately. Clinical data gathered on the client indicated that she was in a good

health condition. And these were the findings;

Vitals signs were recorded as;

Temperature 36.5oC

Pulse 70bpm

Respiration 20cpm

Blood pressure 92/60mmHg

Weight 55kg

Height 158cm

Laboratory investigations revealed;

Haemoglobin 11.0g/dl

Blood group O

Rhesus typing Positive

Hepatitis B surface antigen Negative

Sickling Negative

Glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) defect No defect

Venereal Disease Research (VRDL/Syphilis) Negative

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Negative

Blood film for malaria parasite Negative

Other Investigations

Ultrasound scan revealed;

Estimated gestational age 24weeks plus zero


Placenta location Posterior

Liquor volume Adequate

Number of fetuses One

Fetal heart rate Present

Estimated fetal weight 730g

Fetal lie longitudinal

Presentation Cephalic

Fetal sex Male

Expected date of delivery 24th November, 2021

Urine routine examination(R/E) revealed a positive pregnancy test and no

protein and sugar. Miss C.B was examined from head to toe and no

abnormalities were detected. During abdominal, fetal lie was assessed upon

palpating and revealed longitudinal, symphysio-fundal height was 23cm, fetal

heart rate was 138bpm. Client lodged no complaints. Routine drugs like tablet

folic acid and tablet iron were served for one month and 400mg of

metronidazole. Injection against tetanus Diphtheria was administered as her

first dose since she defaulted with the previous schedule. She was educated on

how to use the mother and child health record(MCH) book, purpose of

antenatal care, diet and nutrition, prevention of mother to child

transmission(PMTCT), malaria prevention and an insecticide mosquito treated

net provided for her.

Summary of antenatal clinic visit (second to fifth visit)

On 1st September, 2021, client attended the clinic for her second (2nd) antenatal

visit at a gestational age of 28 weeks. During abdominal examination,

Symphysio-fundal height was 27cm and presentation was cephalic upon

palpating and fetal heart rate after auscultation was 138bpm. Urine routine

examination (R/E) revealed negative protein and sugar. She took her first dose

of Sulfadoxine pyrimethamine on close observation, second injection against

Tetanus Diphtheria was administered and the routine drugs which is Iron and

Folic Acid were served. She was counselled on danger signs in pregnancy,

pregnancy induced hypertension and birth preparedness and complication

readiness. (Refer to appendix IIC) for the counselling done. Vital signs of Miss

C.B were recorded as;

Temperature 36.2oC

Pulse 81bpm

Blood pressure 89/52mmHg

Weight 56kg

On 15th September, 2021, she visited her third (3rd) antenatal clinic at 30 weeks

of gestation. Abdominal examination was conducted on client and it revealed

as symphysio-fundal height (SFH) as 28cm and presentation as cephalic upon

palpating and foetal heart rate was present upon auscultation. Urine was tested

for protein and sugar and were negative. Routine drugs were served to client

(Refer to appendix IIA) for client’s antenatal records.

On 29th September, 2021, she had her fourth (4th) antenatal clinic at 32weeks

of gestation. During abdominal examination, symphysio-fundal height was

30cm and fetal presentation as cephalic upon palpating. Fetal heart rate was

present upon auscultation. Urine routine examination (R/E) revealed negative

protein and sugar. She took her second dose of Sulfadoxine pyrimethamine and

routine IFA served as capsule Iron III 1dly x 30 and Folic Acid 5mg 1dly x 30.

She complained of insomnia and constipation. Laboratory investigations and

ultrasound scanning were conducted. (Refer to appendix I) for results. Her vital

signs were recorded as follows;

Temperature 36.3oC

Pulse 79bpm

Blood pressure 84/62mmHg

Weight 58kg

She had her fifth (5th) antenatal visit on 13th October, 2021 at 34weeks

gestation. Client weighed 58kg and her blood pressure was 86/60mmHg.

During abdominal examination, symphysio-fundal height was 32 cm and

presentation as cephalic on palpation. There was foetal heartbeat on

auscultation. She had no complains and was scheduled for the next two weeks

as indicated in appendix IIA which is antenatal records.



First contact with client

On 27th October, 2021, I met Miss C.B neatly dressed and composed at the

maternity wing of Kona Health Center during her sixth (6th) visit to the

antenatal clinic at thirty-six (36th) weeks gestation. I requested for her antenatal

book so that I may glance through which she gladly did. In her antenatal book

after glancing through, I realized she came for booking at twenty-four (24)

weeks gestation and was educated on the routine activities during ANC

booking to create awareness, importance of blood sample taken during booking

such as helping to know the blood group, rhesus typing, G6PD status and

others serve as a baseline for care, importance of vital signs as it serve as

baseline for reference, reasons for ultrasound scanning as to rule out ectopic

pregnancy and any abnormalities, and on the importance of the routine drugs

such as preventing spinal bifida, anemia, activation of enzymes and

carbohydrate metabolism. I introduced myself as a student midwife from

Mampong Nursing and Midwifery training college and made my intentions

known to her as to care in this current late third trimester and then hand her to

the public health nurses. She agreed to cooperate and was thanked. During the

interaction, barrier in nursing and COVID-19 protocols such as wearing of

nose mask and social distancing were ensured. Clients’ vital signs were

recorded as;

Temperature 36.3oC

Pulse 82bpm

Respiration 20cpm

Blood pressure 91/66mmHg

Weight 59kg

Laboratory Investigations

Haemoglobin level 11.4g/dl

Repeated Human Immunodeficiency Virus Negative

Urine routine examination NAD

Ultrasound scan revealed;

Gestational age 36weeks plus 0day

Expected date of delivery 24yh November, 2021

Placenta location Posterior

Liquor volume Adequate

Presentation Cephalic

Fetal heart rate Present

Estimated fetal weight 2.9kg

Fetal lie Longitudinal

Physical examination

Client was asked to void the bladder after procedure explained to her. Privacy

was provided, a tray was set for physical examination and client made

comfortable on the couch. I washed hands, dried them and stood at the right

side of woman. On examination, the hair looked heat, face was bright, and eyes

were in symmetry and had a clear sclera and pink conjunctiva. Ears and nose

were neat and patent respectively. Lips were smooth and soft. She was

engaged in a conservation in order to examine the mouth upon assessing, was

odourless, clean and teeth were clean and whitish in colour. The gum and

tongue were pink in appearance. Her neck was easily rotated from side to side

and had no enlarged lymph nodes and thyroid gland as well as distended neck


The breast were normal with the size and shape. It had a pigmented areolar

with Montgomery’s tubercle and a prominent nipple at its center. The left

breast was a little bigger than the right breast. The distal breast was palpated

from the axillary tail of Spence with the distal hand placed under the head in

the circular motion to check for mass lump but none was found. The same

procedure was done for the proximal breast. I gently squeezed the areolar and

it discharged a clean yellowish fluid was wiped with a clean cotton. Client was

thought how to do self-breast examination at home after delivery and five to

six (5-6) days after menstruation and report any abnormalities. Upper limbs

were examined and they were symmetry and had no deformities. The palms

were pink and clean with palmar creases. She was asked of tingling and

tightness of the fingers on making a fist (carpel tunnel syndrome) which she

said none was present.

On abdominal examination, I exposed abdomen only and warmed my hands by

rubbing them together. Client had an oval abdominal shape with presence of

straiegravidarum, linea nigra and fetal movement upon inspection. I located the

upper border of the symphysis pubis and measured the symphysio-fundal

height by placing the zero mark of the tape measure on the upper border of the

symphysis pubis while extending the tape along the contour of the abdomen

36weeks. I palpated the fundus by placing palms on either side of the fundus

and curving them around the top of the fundus which upon palpating, it

occupied a soft irregular mass (buttocks) during fundal palpation. I then placed

my palms on both sides of the uterus midway between symphysis pubis and

fundus, stabilized the right side of the abdomen with the left palm and palpated

in a rotary manner the left side of the abdomen with the right palm and a

smooth curve was palpated and it indicated back of foetus. The same

procedure was repeated for the right side of the abdomen with just a change in

hands and the limbs was felt. During pelvic palpation I stood facing client’s

feet and asked her to slightly bend her knees and to slowly breathe out. I

placed my palms just below the umbilicus with fingers directed towards the

symphysis pubis and thumbs almost meeting. After palpating, a hard round

mass was felt at the lower pole of the uterus indicating cephalic presentation. I

then located the anterior shoulder and placed two fingers there with the left

hand, the border of the symphysis pubis with the right hand and placed the

right ulnar just above the symphysis pubis and the fingers and it

accommodated five fingers which indicated a descent of 5/5th above the pelvic

brim. She was then asked to extend her knees for auscultation. During this

period, a warm fetal stethoscope was placed at where the back was located and

my ear placed against it, I listened to the heart beat while comparing with the

maternal pulse and counted for one minute. The heart rate after counting was

140bpm with a good regular rhythm.

During vulva examination, hands were washed and a sterile glove worn. Client

was asked to flex the knees and open them. On inspection, the labia majora,

labia minora and the perineum were clean and odourless with a well shaved

pubic hair.

She was assisted to a lateral position for the back to be examined. On

examination, I ran my middle and index fingers through her spine and had a

normal curvature.

Her lower extremities were equal in size and length. The toe nails were pink in

colour and was trimmed. Legs were dorsiflexed with no varicose veins, pain or

edema. Client was thanked for cooperation. She was then assisted from the

couch, helped with dressing up and offered her a seat. I washed my hands,

informed the client about the findings, educated her of personal hygiene and

documented findings. All the procedures were supervised by the midwife in-

charge. During history taking, client complained of lower abdominal pain and

backache. She was reassured of competent care to allay fear and anxiety,

physiology behind condition was explained to her as the result of descent of

foetal head, she was also encouraged to wear low heel shoes, to support the

back with a pillow to relieve pressure on the lower abdomen, to take in more

fibers to prevent constipation and prescribed analgesic such as paracetamol 1g

was served to relieve pain for lower abdominal pain. And for backache, she

was reassured that condition was temporal to allay anxiety, physiology behind

backache was explained to client that it was due to the effect of relaxin and

progesterone on the sacroiliac joints. Also, she was encouraged to avoid long

standings to ease pain and education on correct posture such as using a pillow

at the back, foot support and armrest whilst in sitting position. Again, she was

encouraged to avoid heavy lifting to prevent pain aggravation. Client was

educated on signs of labour and progress of delivery, and was reminded of

nutrition in pregnancy and birth preparedness and complication readiness.

Tablet Paracetamol 1g tds for 5days was served to relieve pain and routine

drugs that is Iron III capsules 200mg tds for 7days and tablet folic Acid 5mg

for daily for 7 days were served to client to prevent anaemia.

I informed my intentions of visiting her at home and she agreed. She gave me

the address of the house and I took her mobile contact and a date, 30th October,

2021 was finalized for the home visit. She was reminded of the next antenatal

visit which was on 3rd November, 2021 and later bid a goodbye.

On 28th October, 2021, I called client to enquire about the problems of lower

abdominal pain and backache and she said she was relieved of the pains.

First antenatal home visit

Psychosocial environment

On 30th October, 2021, I visited client in her house with the motive to check on

how she was faring and to check on how she relates with her family. On arrival

at 12:20pm, she and her partner with their son was in the house and I greeted

them. I was warmly welcomed by client and partner and a seat was offered.

Client introduced me to her partner and their son. I enquired about their health

and they said they were doing well. Miss C.B has a very good relationship with

the partner, her son as well as the co- tenants in the house after I enquired

about how she relates with them. According to her, she attends closely related

ceremonies such as weddings, funerals and graduation which she ensures the

COVID-19 protocols.

Physical environment

Miss C.B lives in a compound house, roofed with aluminium roofing sheets

and windows covered with sliding windows. She gets her source of water from

a drilled borehole in her neighborhood which is a few steps away from the

house and stores it in a well cleaned covered barrel. She shares kitchen and

bathroom with the tenants (3) which according to her, they assign themselves

daily basis in cleaning the kitchen whilst bathroom is weekly basis. She uses

charcoal according to her for cooking. She keeps the refuse in a covered

dustbin and disposes it at the public refuse dump which is about some few

steps away from the house. Drainage system was good and all gutters that is

from the bathroom and surroundings were neatly cleaned. I congratulated her

for keeping her surroundings hygienic.

Whilst in the room, she had a well ventilated and lighted system. The room

was clean, spacious and floor covered with carpet. I requested to check her

items for delivery which she brought them and everything was intact and

arranged in a bag. She was reminded on the signs of labor, birth preparedness

and complication readiness, malaria prevention, danger signs in pregnancy and

was advised to put the things at a place where it could be easily seen which she

did whilst I was there. Partner was also encouraged to assist client in doing her

chores to reduce her stress. Routine drugs were checked if she was taking them

and it was confirmed she took them as they were supposed to be taken. Client

was reminded of the next visit and I thanked them for their cooperation.

Client’s subsequent visit to the clinic

Miss C.B visited the antenatal clinic on the 3rd November, 2021 for 7th visit.

She was welcomed and a seat offered to her. I ascertained about her health and

that of her family which she responded, they were doing well. Her vital signs

were checked and recorded accurately as;

Temperature 36. 1oC

Pulse 83bpm

Respiration 19cpm

Blood pressure 92/60mmHg

Weight 59kg

On abdominal examination, procedure was explained to her that she was going

to be assessed in order to know her well-being and the fetus as well. Hands

were washed with soap under running water, wiped with a clean towel and

then warmed by rubbing them. During abdominal inspection, the shape was

globular, linea nigra, striae gravidarum and fetal movements were present. On

fundal palpation the buttocks occupied the upper pole of the uterus.

Symphysio-fundal height measured 36cm, gestational age was 38 weeks and

lie being longitudinal. On lateral palpation, the fetal back was felt at the right

side of the mother’s abdomen and limbs at the left part of the abdomen.

Position was left occipito-anterior and presentation was cephalic on pelvic

palpation. Descent of the head was five fifth (5/5th) above the pelvic brim. On

auscultation, the fetal heart rate was 140bpm (beat per minute) with good

volume and regular rhythm. Urine test for protein and sugar were all negative.

Madam C.B was showed to the labor ward and the lying-in ward in order to

help her familiarize with the things there and to help relieve fear and anxiety.

On 10th November, 2021, client had her eighth (8th) antenatal clinic at 38 weeks

of gestation. Abdominal examination was conducted on client and it revealed

as symphysio-fundal height (SFH) as 36cm and presentation as cephalic upon

palpating and foetal heart rate was present upon auscultation. Urine was tested

for protein and sugar and were negative. Routine drugs were served to client

(Refer to appendix IIA) for client’s antenatal records. Client complained of

increased vaginal discharge. She was reassured to allay fear. She was also

encouraged to wash vulva with plain water without douching, to bath at least

twice a day, to use panty liners and to avoid wearing tight under wears. The

following day at 9:00am, I called client check on her health and the problem

with leucorrhea and she said she was coping with it.

17th November was client’s 9th antenatal clinic visit at 39 weeks of gestation.

During abdominal examination, symphysio-fundal height was 37cm and fetal

presentation as cephalic upon palpating. Fetal heart rate was 145bpm with a

regular rhythm upon auscultation. Urine routine examination (R/E) revealed

negative protein and sugar. Routine IFA were served to client. She was

educated on immunization schedule for baby (Refer to appendix IIC). Her vital

signs were recorded as follows;

Temperature 36.3oC

Pulse 78bpm

Blood pressure 100/60mmHg

Weight 62kg

On 24th November, 2021, client attended the clinic for her tenth (10th) antenatal

visit at a gestational age of 40 weeks. During abdominal examination,

Symphysio-fundal height was 38cm and presentation was cephalic upon

palpating and fetal heart rate after auscultation was 143bpm. Urine routine

examination (R/E) revealed negative protein and sugar. She took her fourth

dose of Sulfadoxine pyrimethamine on close observation and the routine drugs

which is Iron and Folic Acid were served. She was counselled on neonatal care

and danger signs in newborn (Refer to appendix IIC) for the counselling done.

Vital signs of Miss C.B were recorded as;

Temperature 36.2oC

Pulse 82bpm

Blood pressure 102/62mmHg

Weight 62kg

Subsequent home visit

On 6th November, 2021, I visited Miss C.B again in her house at 9.00 am to

find out how she and her family were doing. I was warmly welcomed by client

and her partner and a seat was offered to me. I quickly did some observations

and noticed the environment was in good condition as the other time and

recommended her for that.

At 9:30am, I asked her if there were any problem and she said she was having

sleepless nights and frequent micturition. For the problem with sleepless night,

client was reassured to allay fear and anxiety, she was encouraged to reduce

fluid intake at night to ensure sufficient sleep, she was also encouraged to have

warm bath before going to bed to promote sleep. Again, she encouraged to

ensure calm environment before going to bed and lastly, partner was

encouraged to give client massage to induce sleep whilst with the problem of

frequent micturition, she was reassured to allay fear and anxiety, she was also

encouraged to urinate whenever she feels the urge, to wear cotton under wear,

wash under wears frequently to prevent infections and lastly, bath at least twice
daily to prevent potential infections and ensure body comfort. She was

reminded of the signs of labor such as the painful regular rhythmic

contractions and discharging of show. She was also educated on breastfeeding

and importance of postnatal care. I thanked the client and her partner for their

cooperation and asked permission to leave and left. The following day at

10:30am, I called client to enquire about her health and she said she was able

to have enough sleep and was coping with the frequent micturition.


A nursing care plan is a documentation of care administered to client which

involves all the relevant information about client diagnosis, the goals of

treatment, specific nursing orders including what observation are needed and

what actions must be performed and a plan for evaluation (Papandera, 2018,

January, 8th)

Actual Problem Identified

1. On the 27th October, 2021 at 9:00am, client has insufficient knowledge

on early booking.

2. On the 27th October, 2021 at 10:30am client complained of lower

abdominal pain

3. On the 27th October, 2021 at 10:35am client complained of backache

4. On the 6th November, 2021 at 8:30am client complained of having

sleepless nights

5. On the 6th November, 2021 at 9:00am client complained of frequent


6. On the 10th November, 2021 at 9:30am client complained of


Short Term Objectives

1. Client will be abreast with gain much information on the importance of

early booking.

2. Client will be relieved of lower abdominal pain within 24 hours.

3. Client will be relieved of backache within 24 hours.

4. Client will have sufficient sleep at night within 24 hours

5. Client will cope with frequency of micturition throughout pregnancy

6. Client will cope with leucorrhoea throughout pregnancy



27/10/21 Lack of Client will 1. Reassure client of 1. Client was reassured of competent care 27/10/21 Goal fully met
at knowledge gain competent care. to allay fear and anxiety. at as evidenced by
9:00am on early information 2. Educate client on the 2. Client was educated on the routine 9:30am client verbalized
booking on the routine activities during activities during ANC booking to she was not
related to importance of antenatal clinic (ANC) create awareness. going to repeat
insufficient early booking booking. it in her next
information within 3. Educate client on the 3. Importance of blood sample taken pregnancy.
30minutes importance of blood during booking such as helping to
evidenced by sample taken for know the blood group, rhesus typing,
client giving investigation during G6PD status and others serve as a
feedback on booking. baseline for care were educated to
some of the client.
importance of 4. Educate client on the 4. Importance of vital signs as it serve as
early booking. importance of the vital baseline for reference was educated to
signs taken during client.
5. Educate client on the 5. Reasons for ultrasound scanning as to
reasons for taking rule out ectopic pregnancy and any
ultrasound scanning abnormalities were educated to client.
during booking.
6. Educate client on the 6. Education on the importance of the
routine drugs (IFA) routine drugs such as preventing spinal
served during booking. bifida, anemia, activation of enzymes
and carbohydrate metabolism.

27/10/2 Lower Client will be 1. Reassure client to allay 1. Client was reassured of competent 28/10/2 Goal fully met
1 abdominal relieved of fear and anxiety. care to allay fear and anxiety. 1 as evidence by
at pain related lower 2. Explain the physiology 2. Physiology behind condition was at client verbalized
10:30am to descent of abdominal pain behind the condition. explained to her as the result of 10:30am a relief of pain.
foetal head. within 24 hours descent of foetal head.
as evidenced by 3. Encourage client to wear 3. Client was encouraged to wear low
client low heel shoes. heel shoes.
verbalizing a 4. Encourage client to 4. Client was encouraged to support the
relief of pain. support the back with back with a pillow to relieve pressure
pillow when in the on the lower abdomen.
sitting position.
5. Encourage client to take 5. Client was encourage to take in more
in more fibers. fibers to prevent constipation.

6. Serve prescribed 6. Prescribed analgesic such as tablet

analgesia such as tablet Paracetamol 1g tds x 5days was
Paracetamol 1g tds x served to relieve pain.

27/10/21 Backache Client will be 1. Reassure client that 1. Client was reassured that condition 30/10/21 Goal fully met as
At related to relieved of condition is temporal. was temporal to allay fear and at evidence by
10:30am relaxation of backache within anxiety. 10:30am client verbalized
the sacroiliac 24 hours as 2. Explain the physiology 2. Physiology behind condition was a relief of pain.
joints by the evidenced by behind the condition to explained to client that it was due to
action of client client. effect of relaxin and progesterone on
progesterone verbalizing a the sacroiliac joints.
and relaxin relief of pain. 3. Encourage client to avoid 3. Client was encouraged to avoid long
hormones. long standings. standings to ease pain.

4. Teach client on correct 4. Client was taught on correct posture

posture such as using a pillow at the back,
foot support and armrest whilst in
the sitting position.
5. Encourage client to avoid 5. Client was encouraged to avoid
heavy lifting. heavy lifting to prevent pain




6/11/21 Insomnia Client will be 1. Reassure client. 1. Client was reassured to allay fear 7/11/21 Goal fully met

at related to able to have and anxiety. at as evidenced by

10:30a frequent sufficient 2. Encourage client to reduce 2. Client was encouraged to reduce 10:30am client verbalized

m micturition. sleep at night fluid intake at night. fluid intake at night to ensure that she had

within 24 sufficient sleep. enough sleep.

hours as 3. Encourage client to have a 3. Client was encouraged to have a

evidenced by warm bath before going to warm bath before going to bed to

client bed. promote sleep.

verbalizing 4. Encourage client to ensure 4. Client was encouraged to ensure

she has calm environment before calm environment before going to

enough sleep. going to bed. bed.

5. Encourage partner to 5. Client’s partner to massage client to

massage. induce sleep.




6/11/21 Frequent Client will be 1. Reassure client. 1. Client was reassured to allay fear 7/11/ 21 Goal fully met as

At micturition able to cope and anxiety. At evidence by

11:00am related to with frequent 2. Encourage client to 2. Client was encouraged to urinate 10:30am client verbalized

pressure on micturition after urinate whenever she whenever she feels the urge to she could cope

the bladder termination of feels the urge. prevent retention of urine. with frequent

by the gravid pregnancy. 3. Encourage client to wear 3. Client was encouraged to wear micturition.

uterus. cotton under wears. cotton under wears.

4. Encourage client to wash 4. Client was encouraged to wash

under wears frequently. under wears frequently to prevent


5. Encourage client to bath 5. Client was encourage to bath at least

at least twice daily. twice daily to body comfort.





10/11/2 Leucorrhoea Client will be 1. Provide emotional support 1. Client was provided with 11/11/2 Goal fully met as

1 related to able to cope with to client. emotional support to allay fear. 1 evidence by

At increased mucus leucorrhoea till 2. Encourage client to wash 2. Client was encourage to wash At client verbalized

9:30am production by termination of vulva with plain water vulva with plain water without 9:00am she was coping

endocervical pregnancy as without douching. douching. with

glands. evidenced by 3. Encourage client to bath 3. Client was encourage to bath at leucorrhoea.

client at least twice a day. least twice a day.

verbalizing she 4. Encourage client to use 4. Client was encourage to use

feels panty liners. panty liners.

comfortable and 5. Encourage client to avoid 5. Client was encouraged to avoid

can cope with it. wearing tight under wear. wearing tight under wear.



Intrapatal care is the care provided for a woman during labour or parturition

(Tiran, 2012).

Admission, history taking and initial assessment of client in labour

On the 25th November, 2021 at 12:10am, Miss C.B reported to the ward with

her partner after she called me and said she was experiencing painful

contractions with a blood stained mucus seen. She was welcomed and a seat

offered to her and the partner directed to sit at the lounge. Her maternal and

child health (MCH) record book was collected and glanced through and she

was 40 weeks plus 1 day. Laboratory investigation revealed haemoglobin level

at 36 weeks as 11.4g/dl, negative HIV and hepatitis B statuses. History was

taken concerning signs of labor and danger signs. According to her, she had

lower abdominal and waist pains around 9:07pm with blood-stained mucoid

(show) coming from the vagina without any discharge of liquor amni. The last

meal she took was rice ball with groundnut soup, took no medications before

coming and could feel the movements of the foetus. Her expected date of

delivery was recalculated to confirm date. She was then admitted to the ward.

Client’s vital signs were recorded as;

Temperature 36.0oc

Pulse 95bpm

Respiration 23cpm

Blood pressure 116/90mmHg.

Examination of client

At 12:20am, client was asked to void after procedure explained to her and a

tray was set for the examination. She was assisted to lie on the couch

comfortably so that she was not lying completely supine and privacy provided.

On abdominal examination, there were foetal movements and no scars on

inspection. Symphysio-fundal height was 43cm, the fundus occupied a soft

irregular mass (buttocks), 3/5th descent and cephalic presentation on palpation.

Foetal heart rate upon auscultation was 143bpm.

I sat on a chair at the right side of client’s bed, warmed palms and placed the

right palm on the fundus to check contractions. Contractions were timed for

10minutes and duration for each contraction in seconds. I started counting

when the fundus hardens and ends when it softens. Palm was sustained on the

fundus until the end of the 10minutes where client experienced 4 contractions

in 10 minutes lasting 35 seconds and was recorded on the partogragh

(Appendix III).

On vagina examination, client was helped to get into a lithotomy position,

hands were washed and sterile glove put on. Soiled pad was removed and

discarded with the left hand. Client was then asked to separate legs. On

inspections, there was no scars or inflammation or any offensive discharge. A

swab soaked with savlon was picked with the right hand and dropped into the

left hand and labia majora, labia minora and the vestibule were wiped from

anterior to posterior using one swab per stroke. I gently inserted the right

middle finger into the vagina but firmly pressing downwards, the index finger

was also inserted. In the vagina, the middle and index finger was separated to

check if vagina can stretch and it could. The vagina was warm and cervix was

soft. I then located the cervical os and on examination, the os dilated 7cm with

cervix 80 percent effaced. Refer to partogragh in (Appendix III). Findings were

communicated to client to allay anxiety. She was then provided with a bed and

reassured of competent and safe care. She was also advised to either adopt a

left lateral position or walk around.

Management of first stage of labor

First stage of labor is the period where cervical effacement and dilatation

occur, contractions fundally dominate and there is polarity between the upper

and lower uterine segment until cervix is fully dilated (Tiran, 2021).

During this period, client was monitored using partograph and strict aseptic

techniques were ensured. At 12:10am, client complained of lower abdominal

pain. She was reassured to allay fear and anxiety, physiology behind lower

abdominal pain in labour was explained to client, she was encouraged to do

deep breathing exercise during uterine contraction and was allowed to adopt a

comfortable position. Her partner was encouraged to give sacral massage

during contractions to relief pain.

At 12:50am, before client was seen re-applying perineal pad that fell on the

floor and due to that, she was educated on the effects of re-application of pad

that has fallen on the floor, she was encouraged to change perineal pad when

soiled or fallen off to prevent infections. She was also encouraged to wash

hands before and after touching perineal pad. Again, she was educated on

correct application of perineal pad and strict aseptic techniques were ensured to

prevent infections.

At 1: 20am, client was anxious and would not even drink water offered to her

as evidenced by client paced to and forth in the room. Client was reassured of

competent care to allay anxiety, progress of labour was explained to client to

allay anxiety, every procedures performed was explained to client and was

engaged in a conversation to divert anxiety. Also, she was encouraged to ask

questions. Again, she was educated on the need of hydration in labour, she was

also encouraged to take in more fluids for good hydration, urine output was

checked and recorded and prescribed intravenous normal saline 500mls was set

up to prevent dehydration.

At 2:20am, I observed that during contractions, client was bearing down. She

was reassured to allay anxiety. She was also educated on the effects of

premature bearing down such as rapid expulsion of products of conception.

Again, full dilatation was confirmed before client was allowed to bear down,

she was encouraged to stop bearing down after foetal crowns and flexion was

maintained on foetal head for the smallest diameter to distend the perineum.

Interpretation of partograph

At 12:20am, client progress of labour was monitored on the partograph and

recorded. Vaginal examination revealed 7cm dilatation of the cervical os,

descent was 3/5th above the pelvic brim and amniotic fluid was intact. Fetal

heart rate was 143bpm contractions were 4 in 10 minutes lasting for

35seconds, maternal pulse was 95bpm, blood pressure was 116/90mmHg,

temperature was 36.00C, urine tested for protein and acetone were negative,

volume of urine was 80mls.

At 12:50am, after assessment, maternal pulse was 98bpm, uterine contractions

were 4 contractions in 10 minutes lasting for 40 seconds and fetal heart rate

was 144bpm. Findings were communicated to client and was reassured.

At 1: 20am on assessment, maternal pulse was 96bpm, uterine contractions

were 4 in 10 minutes lasting for 40 seconds and fetal heart rate as 145bpm.

500mls of intravenous infusion was set up.

At 1:50am, client was again assessed for progress of labour. On assessment,

foetal heart rate was 145bpm on auscultation, maternal pulse was 98bpm and

contractions were 4 contractions in 10minutes lasting for more than 40seconds

At 2:20am, client’s pulse and temperature were 95bpm and 36.20C

respectively, foetal heart rate was 143bpm and contractions were 4

contractions in 10minutes lasting for more than 40seconds. Urine tested

negative protein and acetone and volume was 60mls.

At 2:50am, membranes ruptured and that is why vagina examination was

done. On assessment, cervical dilation was 10cm, descent was 0/5th above the

pelvic brim, amniotic fluid was clear and moulding revealed as bones in

apposition. Contractions were 5 in 10 minutes lasting for more than 40

seconds, foetal heart rate was 145bpm and maternal pulse was 95bpm.

Management of the second stage of labor

The second stage of labor commence when there is full cervical dilatation until

the expulsion of the fetus completely from the uterus (Tiran, 2012).

Client was sent to the second stage room and assisted on the delivery couch in

a lithotomy position which she preferred after explaining that she was in the

second stage of labor. The delivery couch was covered with a rubber

mackintosh and a delivery mat and warmth provided in the room. I wore a

mackintosh apron and boots whilst nose mask was already worn, washed my

hands with soap under running water, wiped with clean towel and wore sterile

gloves. My assistant covered client’s abdomen with a cot sheet. Client was told

to hold the baby when delivered unto her abdomen and to bear down with

contractions and rest between contractions.

I maintained flexion of the fetal head using the index finger, the thumb finger

and a pad to allow the biparietal diameter of 9.5cm to distend the perineum and

to prevent injury to the pelvic floor muscles until the head crowned. After

crowning of the fetal head, I checked for cord around neck but there was none

and cleaned baby’s face with a sterile gauze. Client was asked to stop bearing

down for restitution to take place. I waited for restitution to end. After

restitution, anterior shoulder was delivered with a little push by the mother and

downward traction and posterior shoulder also with a little push from the

mother and upward traction was delivered. The rest of the body was then

delivered by lateral flexion unto the mother’s abdomen at 3:00am and she was


Immediate care of the baby

After delivery of the baby, with a gentle rubbing, immediately dried the baby

thoroughly, the body, upper limbs, legs and the head and later suctioned the

mouth followed by the nose to stimulate breathing and to prevent hypothermia.

I showed baby to mother and asked her for the sex of the baby which she

answered as male. I kept the baby warm by positioning him skin-to-skin on

mother’s abdomen near her breast for about one hour, covered both with clean,

warm, dry cloth and covered baby’s head with a head cap. I assessed the Apgar

score for the first minute and was recorded as 8/10 and then the fifth minutes

which was 9/10. During the one hour skin-to-skin, I checked baby’s

temperature every fifteen (15) minutes by using thermometer. I assisted mother

to initiate breastfeeding within the first thirty (30) minutes of delivery and

taught her signs that indicated baby wanted to feed and these were baby either

crying, bringing tongue down and forward, opening mouth or making licking

movements. Throughout this care, strict infection prevention was observed to

prevent infection.

Active management of the third stage of labor

Third stage of labor is a period which involves the separation and complete

expulsion of placenta and membranes and controlling of haemorrhage (Tiran,


During this stage, procedure was explained to client to gain her cooperation.

During the procedure, I palpated client’s abdomen to be sure there was no

other fetus in utero. After confirmation, I asked my assistant to administer 10

international units (IU) of oxytocin intramuscularly on the left thigh of client

within one minute of delivery. I waited for cessation of pulsation in the cord,

removed the first gloves and then clamped the cord at two ends with a cord

clamp and an artery forceps. The space between the clamps were covered with

a sterile gauze and cut with a sterile scissor. I then placed a sterile receiver

against the perineum to collect blood and receive placenta. The clamp on the

cord connected to the placenta was reapplied nearer to the vulva, placed my

hand on client’s abdomen and waited for the uterus to contract strongly. As the

uterus contracts, I placed one hand above the symphysis pubis with palms

facing the umbilicus exerting pressure in an upward direction and the other

hand grasping cord whilst applying a steady downward and backward traction

to expel the placenta. After delivery of placenta, the time was noted as 3:10am.

It was examined and revealed as complete membranes with cord situated at the

center of the placenta. After examination, I placed it in the receiver,

decontaminated, showed it to client and relative and disposes off appropriately.

I then examined the perineum and was intact. I cleaned the perineum, applied a

fresh clean perineal pad and thanked her for the cooperation. After one hour of

delivery, I assisted client off the couch into a comfortable bed in the lying-in


Examination of the placenta

The placenta was examined immediately after delivery. It was examined to be

sure no part or fragment of it or membrane was retained. I placed the placenta

in my palms with the maternal surface uppermost and inspected for

completeness, infarction and calcification and it was intact, no infarctions or

calcifications present. The foetal surface was also examined for insertion of the

cord and radiation of blood vessels from the cord insertion and it viewed that

cord was inserted at the center of the placenta and blood vessels radiated from

the cord insertion of the cord and radiation of the blood vessels from the cord

insertion and it viewed that cord was inserted at the center of the placenta and

blood vessels radiated from the cord insertion towards the edge of the placenta

which disappeared deep into the placenta tissue before it got to the edge. The

umbilical cord was with no knot and hard two arteries and a vein. I then held

the placenta by the cord allowing the membrane to hang and hole through

which baby was delivered, was been identified and I spread my hands inside

the hole to inspect for completeness and it was complete. The amnion was

them separated from the chorion up to the umbilical cord to inspect the chorion

and was viewed as being completed. The placenta was discarded appropriately

after decontamination.

Examination of the genital tract
The genital tract (perineum) was examined for tears, lacerations and

hematoma. During procedure, client was reassured and procedure explained as

well as privacy provided. After explanation of procedure, I massaged the

uterus for it to contract. I then asked my assistant to direct a light on the

perineum to aid visualization. I cleaned the perineum with a weak antiseptic

solution (diluted savlon). After cleaning I wrapped a sterile gauze around my

fingers and gently parted the vaginal walls to inspect the anterior, posterior and

lateral walls if there was tears and no tears were sustained. The perineum was

the cleaned and a clean fresh pad applied. Client was educated on personal

hygiene relating to the perineum and was thanked.

Management of fourth stage of labour

Care of the mother

Immediately after delivery of the placenta and its membranes, client’s uterus

was palpated to expel clot. After being well contracted, she was cleaned

anteroposteriorly and symphysio-fundal height measured and recorded as

17cm. the perineum assessed for tears and lacerations as well as hematoma but

none was present. Vital signs were checked and recorded accurately as;

Temperature 36.20C

Pulse 82bpm

Respiration 20cpm

Blood pressure 100/60mmHg

Client was assisted in putting baby to breast within the first thirty (30) minutes

postpartum. During this stage of labour, vital signs, perineum (for the flow of

lochia) and the state of uterus were checked and recorded every fifteen (15)

minutes for the first hour, thirty (30) for the next two hours and hourly for the

next three hours. Throughout this period, the flow of lochia was moderate and

vital signs was in the following range;

Temperature 36.20C – 36.70C

Pulse 78bpm -84bpm

Respiration 19cpm -22cpm

Blood pressure 100/60mmHg -120/70mmHg. (Refer appendix IVA).

Client complained of lower abdominal pain and was encouraged to void

frequently and eat light meals. She was also encouraged to rest and sleep after

environment made conducive for resting and to ambulate early to ensure

drainage of lochia involution of the uterus. Again, she was educated on the

importance of personal hygiene and the signs she should report for immediate

attention. The following post-delivery drugs were served;

Capsule Amoxicillin 500mg tds x 7

Tablet Metronidazole 400mg tds x 7

Tablet Folic Acid 5mg daily x 30

Tablet Fersolate 200mg tds x 14

Tablet Paracetamol 1000mg tds x 7

Tablet multivite 200mg tds x 30

Essential care of the baby

Baby was maintained skin-to-skin for an hour after delivery with breastfeeding

initiated within the first thirty minutes. He was provided with warmth and head

covered with a cap to prevent hypothermia. Vital signs were checked and

recorded as;

Temperature 37.00 C

Heart beat 140bpm

Respiratory rate 32cpm

Vital signs (respiratory rate and heart beat) were checked every fifteen minutes

for an hour, thirty minutes for the next two hours and hourly for the next three

hours whilst temperature was checked hourly and they ranged between the


Temperature 36.50 C- 37.20 C

Heart beat 126bpm- 144bpm

Respiratory rate 30cpm- 40cpm

Baby was observed for breathing, colour of skin, cord appearance, suckling

and movements and it revealed that breathing was normal, skin was pink,

presence of suckling, active movements and cord was healthy with no

bleeding. Chloramphenicol eye drop was administered to baby’s eye to prevent

eye infections, cord cleaned with chlorhexidine gel and left to air dry to

prevent cord infections and 1.0ml of vitamin K1 administered intramuscularly

at the mid anterolateral thigh to prevent bleeding.

Examination of baby
Examination of the baby was done to identify any abnormalities. Before

examination of the body, a tray was set for the examination, procedure

explained to mother and consent asked, room windows were closed to provide

warmth and privacy provided. During procedure, I washed my hands, dried

with clean towel and wore a pre-warmed gloves. Baby was placed on a flat

firm padded surface covered with a pre-warmed cot sheet under a bright light.

Baby was examined from head to toe and no abnormalities detected. The

sutures and frontanelles were normal and pulsating. The anterior frontanelle

admitted two (2) fingertips whereas the posterior admitted a fingertip. Eyes

were well situated in symmetry with no signs of jaundice. Nose was clean.

Ears were well situated and was and was in line with the eye. Mouth had an

intact palate, no false teeth and there was presence of rooting reflex. Neck was

normal and could be turned around. Breathing pattern was normal as evidenced

by a good rhythm of the upward and downward movement of the chest. Upper

limbs were in symmetry, intact fingers, presence of palmar creases and gasping

reflex. Cord was healthy, had two arteries and a vein with no bleeding. The

genitalia had labia majora covering the labia minora. Hymen was perforate,

urinary orifice patent as baby urinated. Baby passed dark green meconium and

there were no rashes on the buttocks. The lower limbs were in symmetry. The

legs (particularly with the knees) were flexed to check for fractures but were

none. Baby was turned back to be examined, I palpated from the cervical

region down to the sacral region to check for abnormalities such as spinal

bifida but none was detected. Moro reflex was also present. Baby’s weight was

taken and he was weighed 3.8kg, head circumference was 32cm, chest

circumference was 30cm and full length was 49cm. He was cleaned and a new

diaper put on after he passed meconium. Baby was dressed up, provided with

warmth and handed over to the mother. Outcome of examination was

communicated to mother and documented.

Summary of labour notes

Date of delivery 25/11/21

Time of delivery 3:00am

Mode of delivery Spontaneous vaginal delivery

Time of delivery of placenta and membranes 3:10am

Time of oxytocin injection 3:01am

Estimated blood loss (EBL) 200mls

Duration of labour

Stages of labour Commence End Duration

First stage 9:07pm 2:50am 5 hours 43 minutes

Second stage 2:50am 3:00am 10 minutes

Third stage 3:00am 3:10am 10 minutes

Total duration 9:07am 3:10am 6 hours 3 minutes

Condition of Mother after Delivery

Condition of the mother Satisfactory

Condition of perineum Intact

Condition of cervix Intact

Fundal height 17cm

Blood pressure 100/60 mmHg

Pulse rate 82bpm

Respiration 20cpm

Temperature 36.2OC

Estimated blood loss 200mls

Condition of Baby after Delivery

Condition of Baby satisfactory

Sex Male

Birth weight 3.8kg

Baby length 49cm

Head circumference 32cm

Apgar score 8/10, 9/10

Urine Passed

Meconium Passed

Abnormalities Nil

Condition of the Placenta and Cord

Placenta and Membranes Intact

Condition of Placenta Healthy and normal

Placental lobes Complete

Cord vessels one vein, two arteries

Cord Length 46cm

Cord insertion Centrally situated

Maternal surface Dark red in colour

Fetal surface Grayish blue


Actual Problem Identified

1. On 25th November, 2021 at 12:10am client complained of lower

abdominal pain.

2. On 25th November, 2021 at 12:50am client was at risk of infection

(application of perineal pad that had fell off).

3. On 25th November, 2021 at 1:20am client was at risk of dehydration.

4. On 25th November, 2021 at 1:20am client was anxious.

5. On 25th November, 2021 at 2:20am client was at risk of trauma.

Short term objectives

1. Client will be able to cope with lower abdominal pain.

2. Client will be free from infections throughout labour.

3. Client will have fluid balance throughout labour.

4. Client will be able to overcome anxiety within thirty minutes.

5. Client will have intact perineum after delivery of baby.






25/11/21 Lower Client will be 1. Reassure client. 1. Client was reassured to allay fear 25/11/21 Goals fully met

At abdominal able to cope with and anxiety. At as evidenced by

12:20am pains related lower abdominal 2. Explain the physiology 2. Physiology behind lower abdominal 12:50am client verbalized

to painful throughout of lower abdominal pain pain in labour was explained to that she was

uterine labour as in labour to client. client. coping with lower

contraction. evidenced by 3. Encourage client to do 3. Client was encouraged to do deep abdominal pains

client verbalizing deep breathing exercise breathing exercise during uterine

she can cope during contractions. contraction.

with lower 4. Allow client to adopt a 4. Client was allowed to adopt a

abdominal pain. comfortable position. comfortable position.

5. Encourage client’s 5. Client’s partner was encouraged to

partner to give sacral give sacral massage during

massage during contractions to relief pain.





25/11/21 Risk for Client will be free 1. Educate client on the effects of 1. Client was educated on the effects of 25/11/21 Goal fully met as

At infection from infection reapplying pad that has fallen on reapplying pad that has fallen on the At evidenced by

12:50am related to re- throughout labour the floor. floor to create awareness. client not
application of as evidenced by 2. Encourage client to apply fresh 2. Client was encouraged to change contacting

perineal pad client showing no perineal pad when soiled or fallen perineal pad when soiled or fallen off to infection

that fell on the signs of infection off. prevent infection. throughout

floor. by the end of the 3. Encourage client to wash hands 3. Client was encouraged to wash hands labour.

period of labour. before and after touching perineal before and after touching perineal pad.


4. Educate client on correct 4. Client was educated on correct

application and removal of application and removal of perineal pad.

perineal pad.

5. Ensure strict aseptic techniques 5. Strict aseptic techniques were ensured

during procedures. to prevent infections.

25/11/2 Risk for Client’s fluid 1. Reassure client. 1. Client reassured to allay fear and anxiety 25/11/21 Goal fully met

1 dehydration balance will be and to gain her cooperation. At as evidenced by

At related to refusal maintained 2. Educate client on the need of 2. Client was educated on the need of 9:20am client fluid

1:20am to take in fluids. throughout hydration in labour. hydration in labour. balance being

labour as 3. Encourage client to take in 3. Client was encouraged to take in more maintained after

evidenced by more fluids for good hydration. fluids for good hydration. the end of fourth

client showing 4. Check client’s urine output. 4. Client’s urine output was checked and stage.

no signs of recorded.

dehydration. 5. Administer prescribed 5. Prescribed intravenous fluid infusion

intravenous fluid infusion (500mls of normal saline) was administered

(500mls of normal saline). to hydrate client.




25/11/21 Anxiety Client’s anxiety 1. Reassure client competent care. 1. Client was reassured of competent 25/11/21 Goal fully met as

At related to will be to care to allay anxiety. At evidenced by

1:20am unknown overcome within 2. Explain the progress of labour. 2. Progress of labour was explained to 1:50am client remaining

outcome of thirty (30) client to allay anxiety. calm and

labour. minutes as 3. Explain to client every procedure 3. Every procedure to be performed confident

evidenced by to be performed on her. was explained to client. throughout

client showing 4. Stay with client and engage her in 4. Client was engaged in a labour.

relaxed facial conversation. conversation to divert anxiety.

expression. 5. Encourage client to ask questions 5. Client was encouraged to ask

and answer them correctly. questions whilst correct answers were





25/11/2 Risk for Client will have 1. Reassure client. 1. Client was reassured to allay 25/11/2 Goal fully met

1 perineal an intact anxiety. 1 as evidenced by

at trauma perineum after 2. Educate client on effect of 2. Client was educated on the effect At client having

2:20am related to the delivery of premature bearing down. of premature bearing down such as 3:10am intact perineum.

premature the baby as 3. Confirm full dilation before rapid expulsion of products of

bearing. evidenced by client is allowed to bear down. conception.

client having an 4. Encourage client not to push 3. Full dilation was confirmed before

intact perineum but pant after head has client was allowed to bear down.

after crowned. 4. Client was encouraged not to push

examination. 5. Maintain flexion of fetal head but to pant after head crowned.

during delivery to allow the

smallest diameter to distend 5. Flexion was maintained on fetal

the perineum. head for the smallest diameter to

distend the perineal.



Puerperium is a six to eight(6-8) weeks period following childbirth during which uterus and

other organs and structures return to non-pregnant state(Tiran, 2012).

This chapter consists of subsequent care of the baby, baby's first bath and cord dressing, first

day of puerperium and clients’ preparation for discharge, first day postnatal home visit,

second day postnatal home visit, third day postnatal home visit, fourth day postnatal home

visit, fifth day postnatal home visit, sixth day postnatal home visit and seventh day postnatal

clinic and home visit, termination of care, nursing care plan during puerperium, summary and

conclusion, bibliography, appendices, pharmacology of drugs administered and signatories.

Subsequent care of the baby

After the six hours of the third stage, baby was monitored and vital signs checked every four

hours. He was monitored for skin colour, reflexes, suckling and patency of the urethral and

anal openings. His vital signs during this period ranged between the following;

Temperature 36.2oC - 37.2oC

Heart beat 133bpm – 140bpm

Respiration 35cpm – 40cpm.

Mother was advised to report any unusual findings such as high body temperature, fast

respiration or poor suckling for immediate action to be taken.

Baby’s first bath and cord dressing
Procedure was explained to the mother and permission was granted. She was asked if she

wanted to observe whilst I bath the baby and she said yes. Baby was put in a safe place on a

firm flat surface and items to be used were assembled on a trolley for the bath and cord

dressing. Windows and door were shut to provide warmth and water was mixed and tested

with the elbow for its temperature. I wore plastic apron, washed my hands with soap under

running water and dried with a clean towel. I wore examination gloves, undressed baby and

wrapped him with a clean cot sheet. Baby’s face and eyes were cleaned gently with a damp

towel and a cotton wool swab soaked in clean water respectively. I supported the nape of

baby’s neck with my palm and plugged the ears with my thumb and the index finger to

prevent water from entering the ear. Baby’s head was washed with a soapy sponge, rinsed

and dried with a clean towel. The rest of the body; the neck, arms, front trunk, front feet and

back down to the feet were cleaned with soapy sponge particularly paying more attention to

the skin folds. Baby’s body was then immersed in the warm water with his head resting on

my arm above the water and was rinsed thoroughly. After rinsing of baby, he was placed on a

flat surface covered with a clean cot sheet and a small towel was used to dry him where much

attention was also given to the skin folds. I smeared baby with baby`s oil and dressed him.

Examination gloves were removed, washed hands, dried them and put on sterile gloves. I

exposed the cord and inspected for looseness and bleeding but there was none. It was then

cleaned with chlorhexidine gel from the stump to the base and was exposed to be air dried

and findings communicated to the mother. I then wrapped baby in a dry clean cot sheet to

provide warmth. Client was educated on how to dress the cord. She was also encouraged to

dress the cord with only chlorhexidine provided and to top and tail till cord is off. Client was

thanked for her cooperation. Basin used for the bath and surface for examination were

cleaned. Gallipots used in the cord dressing was decontaminated, washed and sterilized to be

ready for use. I then washed hands and dried them after which findings were documented.
First Day of Puerperium

Care of the Mother

The first day of puerperium was 26th November, 2021. I enquired about client’s health and

she complained of severe lower abdominal pains. She was reassured to allay fear and anxiety.

Physiology of lower abdominal pain was explained to her. She was also encouraged to

continue breastfeeding and to apply warm compress to lower abdomen. 1g of paracetamol

was administered to relieve pain. Her vital signs were checked and recorded as;

Temperature 36.3°C

Pulse 82bpm

Respiration 20cpm

Blood pressure 118/69mmHg

Weight 57kg

She was examined for pallor and jaundice but none was there. She was also examined to rule

out sore nipple, pain, engorgement or tenderness during breast examination but it turned out

to be normal and well lactating. Abdomen was normal with no distension and symphysio-

fundal height measured 19cm. Lower limbs had no edema, perineum was intact and lochia

was non offensive with a normal flow. After examination, she was encouraged to empty the

bladder frequently to aid in involution of the uterus and to change perineal pads frequently to

prevent infections.

Care of the Baby

Baby was examined from head to toe and no abnormalities such as extra digits were detected.

He was active, no discharging eyes and passed meconium and urine which indicated patent

anal and urethral orifices with clean cord. He weighed 3.8kg, head circumference was 32cm

and full length was 49cm. His vital signs were checked and recorded as;

Temperature 36.50C

Apex beat 124bpm

Respiration 39cpm.

Injection Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) 0.05mls was given intradermally on baby’s right

upper outer deltoid muscle to protect him from tuberculosis, two (2) drops of oral polio `O`

was administered to baby against poliomyelitis and baby was handed to mother. Client was

counselled to apply nothing on the injected site and not to breastfeed within thirty minutes

after the administration of polio O vaccine. Mother was counselled on the rest of the

immunizations scheduled at the child welfare clinic (CWC).

Preparation of Client and Relative for Discharge

On 26th November, 2021 at 8:00am, client and relative were informed about discharge. They

were educated on continuity of care. Her relatives were asked to settle the bills after it had

been worked out which they did. Discharge papers were duly signed by the Midwife on duty.

Client’s relative was directed to the dispensary for drugs which he did. I educated client and

her relative on the drug regimen and helped client to pack her belongings. Client in the

presence of her mother-in-law was reminded to visit on the third and seventh day postpartum

which were 28th November and 2nd December, 2021 respectively but to report any abnormal

changes in the body such as rise in temperature, profuse bleeding from the vagina in herself

and decreased suckling reflexes or breathing difficulties in the baby even before the

scheduled time. She was counselled to top and tail baby and dress cord daily with

chlorhexidine until it is off. She was also counselled not to apply any medications on the

baby’s sutures and fontanelles and should frequently change baby’s diapers or napkin

whenever soiled to prevent sore buttocks and other heat rashes. She was encouraged to take a

balanced diet, to maintain good personal hygiene, to have adequate rest and sleep and to sleep

with the baby under an insecticide treated net to prevent malaria. She was also encouraged to

exclusively breastfeed, to take her drugs on time, eat enough fruits, vegetables and fluids to

prevent constipation. She was reminded of postnatal exercise to strengthen pelvic floor

muscle. I informed client about the postnatal home visits to create awareness and cooperation

and then bid them a good bye after education, discarded the linen which she was sleeping on,

decontaminated the bed and then washed my hands. Medications served were

Capsule Amoxicillin 500mg tds for 7 days

Tablet Metronidazole 400mg tds for 7 days

Tablet Paracetamol 1g tds for 5 days

Tablet Fersolate 200mg 1 daily x 30days

Tablet Folic Acid 5mg daily for 30 days

Tablet Multivite 200mg tds for 30 days

First day postnatal home visit

I visited on the 26th November, 2021 at 4:00pm. The aim of the visit was to find out how the

family was coping with the newborn baby, to ensure good cord care and to manage any minor

disorder if present. On arrival, I greet the family and a seat was offered to me. I enquired

about client’s and baby’s health as well as her relatives and she responded they were all doing

well. Mother and baby were examined after procedure explained to client. On examination,

both mother and baby had no abnormalities. Mother passed urine and had bowel movement.

Breast milk was yellowish white (colostrum) and lochia on assessment was non offensive

moderate bright red (rubra). Baby also passed urine and dark green meconium. The following

were their vital signs.

Mother Evening

Temperature 36.4°C

Respiration 20cpm

Pulse 82bpm

Blood pressure 116/70mmHg

Baby Evening

Temperature 36.7°C

Apex heart beat 130bpm

Respiration 38cpm

Second day postnatal home visit

The second day postnatal home visit was on the 27th, November, 2021.this was to find out

how family was coping with the newborn baby, to enquire about mother and baby’s health

and to evaluate previous complain( lower abdominal pain). And they were visited both

morning and evening. On arrival to the house, I was warmly welcomed by client and her

family. I enquired about their health and how they were coping with the baby which they

responded as being good and were happy with the presence of the baby.

Care of the mother

I sought permission to examine client if there were any abnormalities which she granted. She

was examined after procedure explained to her and it revealed a well lactating breast with no

engorgement or pain, fundal height measured 18cm and lochia was moderate with no

offensive odour. I enquired about bowel movement and emptying of the bladder which she

said she could empty both bowel and bladder with no pain but had frequent bladder

emptying. Client was reassured and physiology behind condition explained to her to allay

anxiety. She was encouraged to continue with the emptying whenever she feels the urge in

order to aid involution, to reduce fluid intake when going to bed and to wear cotton under

wears to prevent infection. She was also asked of her previous problem with the lower

abdominal pain and she replied pain being subsided. Vital signs checked for both morning

and evening are as follow;

Morning Evening

Temperature 36.3°C 36.4°C

Pulse 84bpm 82bpm

Respiration 20cpm 20cpm

Blood pressure 120/68mmHg 110/70mmHg

Care of the Baby

Baby was examined from head to toe both morning and evening ensuring warmth. I washed

and dried my hands and began with the examination in the presence of the family. On

assessment, umbilicus was clean with no bleeding, presence of reflexes and no rashes on the

skin. He passed meconium and urine which indicated patent anal and urethral orifices and

weighed 3.8kg. Vital signs checked and recorded are as follows

Vital signs Morning Evening

Temperature 36.5°C 36.6°C

Respiration 38cpm 35cpm

Apex beat 140bpm 138bpm

Third day Postnatal Home Visit

On 28th November. 2021, I had my third (3rd) postnatal home visit and it was done both

morning and evening at 8:00am and 4:30pm respectively.

Care of the mother

During history taking, client complained of backache during breastfeeding and she was

reassured to allay fear and anxiety. Physiology behind condition was explained to create

awareness and was educated on correct positioning of the baby to breast. She was also

encouraged to support the back with a pillow and foot with a chair respectively during

breastfeeding and to apply warm compress to relieve pain. She was also asked of her previous

problem with the frequent micturition which she said she was relieved from that. A thorough

head to toe examination was performed on client and no abnormality was detected. Breast

was well lactating, symphysio-fundal height was 16cm with well contracted uterus and lochia

was a non-offensive moderate pale brown (serosa) flow. Vital signs for both morning and

evening are as follows;

Morning Evening

Temperature 36.1°C 36.3°C

Pulse 82bpm 84bpm

Respiration 22cpm 20cpm

Blood pressure 110/70mmHg 106/62mmHg

Care of the baby

I examined baby from head to toe and no abnormality was detected both morning and

evening. He passed stool during examination and it was yellowish brown in colour. He was

topped and tailed and cord dressed with chlorhexidine gel from the tip to the base. Baby was

dressed neatly and given to mother to be breastfed and on inspection, suckling and

swallowing reflex were present. He weighed 3.75kg and his vital signs for both morning and

evening were as follows;

Morning Evening

Temperature 36.6°C 36.5°C

Respiration 40cpm 38cpm

Apex heart beat 136bpm 134bpm

First day postnatal clinic visit

Client had her first postnatal clinic visit on the 29th November, 2021. She looked cheerful and

was welcomed and a seat offered. I ascertained for any problem or resumption of menses

from client but she had no complains and had not resumed menstruation. Her weight was

taken and she weighed 58kg. Vital signs taken were;

Temperature 36.10C

Pulse 90bpm

Respiration 22cpm

Blood pressure 110/60mmHg.

Physical examination was done on client after procedure explained to her. On assessment,

breast was heavy and well lactating. Symphysio-fundal height measured 15cm and uterus was

well contracted. Perineum was clean and lochia was moderate.

Care of the baby

Baby was examined from head to toe. On assessment, eyes were clear, nostril was clean, no

false teeth and there was presence of reflexes. Abdomen was round, cord was clean and baby

passed meconium which indicated patency of the orifice. Vital signs checked were recorded


Temperature 36.40C

Apex heart beat 138bpm

Respiration 40cpm

Findings were documented after communicated to mother and was thanked for her

cooperation. She was educated on malaria prevention and encouraged to continue with the

exclusive breastfeeding. I then introduced client to the community health nurse at the

reproductive child health (RCH) unit that I was going to hand her over on the seventh day

after termination of care for continuity of care. I reminded client of the evening home visit

and was bid a good bye.

Fourth day postnatal home visit

Client and family were visited in the evening at 4:00pm. During client had no complaints and

she experienced no more backache during breastfeeding. She was examined from head to toe

after consent seeked and no abnormality was detected. Vital signs checked are as follows;


Temperature 36.00C

Pulse 92bpm

Respiration 23cpm

Blood pressure 100/68mmHg

Care of the baby

I examined baby from head to toe and no abnormality was detected. He passed meconium

and its colour was yellowish brown. He was given to client’s mother-in-law to be topped and

tailed after examination. In my presence, baby was topped and tailed and cord dressed using

chlorhexidine gel. He was then dressed exposing the umbilicus and wrapped in a clean cot

sheet to provide warmth. Vital signs checked are as follows;

Temperature 36.70C

Apex heart beat 134bpm

Respiration 39cpm

Fifth Day Postnatal Home Visit

Care of the mother

30th November, 2021 was client’s fifth postnatal home visit which happened to be both

morning and evening. During these periods of visit, head to toe examination was carried on

client with her consent. I washed my hands before and after procedure and findings were

made known to client that no abnormalities were detected. Uterus was well contracted and

symphysio-fundal height was 14 centimeters. Lochia was moderate, pink (serosa) and non-

offensive. She had no complaints and vital signs checked were the following;

Morning Evening

Temperature 36.3°C 36.4°C

Pulse 84bpm 88bpm

Respiration 20cpm 23cpm

Blood pressure 110/70mmHg 100/68mmHg

Care of the Baby

Baby was examined from head to toe. Before examination, baby was seen to have passed

stool for a long time therefore, mother was educated on the causes of rashes on the buttocks.

She was also encouraged to use cotton diapers and napkins on baby, change baby’s diaper

immediately he empty his bowel and to wash soiled napkins and dry under sun. After

examination, no abnormality was detected. Baby’s stool was observed and was still yellowish

brown. He was topped and tailed and the cord dressed with methylated spirit and cotton wool

swabs. Baby was then given to mother for breastfeeding and on feeding, suckling and

swallowing reflexes were present.

Morning Evening

Temperature 36.5°C 36.4oC

Respiration 38cpm 40cpm

Apex heart beat 138bpm 136bpm

Sixth Day Postnatal Home Visit

Care of the mother

I visited client and her family on the 1st December, 2021 both morning and evening. I warmly

welcomed by them as they already knew about the visit. I sought client’s permission to

examine her which she granted. On examination, no abnormalities were detected. Breast was

well lactating and symphysio-fundal height as 13cm. During history taking, client

complained of sleepless. She was reassured to allay fear, to rest when baby is put to bed, to

reduce fluid intake when going to bed and to take a warm bath before going to bed to prevent

interruptions during sleeping. Mother-in-law was also encouraged to limit visiting to ensure

client’s rest and sleep.

Morning Evening

Temperature 36.2°C 36.3°C

Respiration 20cpm 20cpm

Pulse 90bpm 92bpm

Blood pressure 100/70mmHg 100/62mmHg

Care of the baby

Baby was examined thoroughly from head to toe with no abnormalities detected. He passed

stool and urine. Cord was off on examination therefore, he was bathed using sponge, soap

and tepid water. Baby was dressed and wrapped in a cot sheet to provide warmth after the

bath. He was given to be breastfed and he suckled well. His vital signs are as follows;

Morning Evening

Temperature 37.10C 37.00C

Respiration 40cpm 38cpm

Apex heart beat 138bpm 140bpm

Second postnatal clinic visit

On the seventh day, 2nd December, 2021, client and baby in the company of her mother-in-

law visited the clinic as scheduled. Both mother and baby looked cheerful. They were

welcomed and a seat was offered to them. I enquired about their health and they said they

were feeling well. I asked client of resumption of menses and if she was breastfeeding

exclusively and she said no and yes respectively. Client as well as baby’s vital signs were

taking and they recorded as follows;


Temperature 36.1oC

Pulse 86bpm

Respiration 22cpm

Blood pressure 110/60mmHg

Weight 56kg


Temperature 36.5oC

Apex heart beat 130bpm

Respiration 40cpm

Weight 4.1kg

A urine specimen bottle was given to her and midstream urine was requested to check for

protein and glucose which the results showed negative. Blood sample was taken for

estimation of haemoglobin level and the result was 12.5g/dl. Results of investigation were

communicated to client.

Client and baby were taken to the examination room to be examined. All windows and door

were closed and privacy provided. With permission from mother, baby was taken, undressed

and wrapped in a clean cot sheet and was put on a flat surface in the presence of the mother.

Procedure was explained to Miss C.B, my hands were washed and dried. On examination,

baby had no rushes or bruises on the skin, fontanelle and sutures were examined for any

bulging fontanelle or widening sutures but there were none. The eyes, nose and ears were

examined and no abnormalities were detected. There were presence of breast tissues, areolar

and nipple. The abdomen was soft, not distended, and the umbilical cord was completely

healed. The extremities and the back were also examined and there were no abnormalities.

Mother confirmed baby had bowel movement twice with a yellowish colour, urinated thrice

and breastfeeds well. Baby was dressed, wrapped and given to client’s mother-in-law in order

to attend to client.

I attended to client for the examination as procedure was explained to her. With an emptied

bladder, she was assisted unto the examination couch, privacy provided and hands washed

and dried.

On inspection, client’s hair was neat, nicely permed and tied with a clean ribbon. The eyes,

nose and ears were clean without any discharges. She was engaged in conversation for mouth

to be inspected and it was clean with no offensive odour. I palpated the breast and it was

heavy, soft and lactating well with healthy nipples. The upper and lower extremities were

without edema.

On abdominal palpation, fundus was well contracted and symphysio-fundal height measured

12cm. The lochia was non-offensive, scanty and pink in colour. She was assisted into a prone

position for her to be examined and was normal. I thanked client for her cooperation and

helped her out of the examination couch and dressing up.

Client was encouraged to maintain good personal and environmental hygiene in caring for

herself and the baby and to continue with postnatal exercise. She was again educated on

nutrition, rest and sleep. Client lodged no complains when she was asked if she is having any

problem. She also asked of her previous problem and she said she could sleep well. Mother

was encouraged to register baby at the birth and dead registration office.

She was also taken to the family planning unit for counselling and was finally handed over to

the midwife-in-charge for continuity of care. All findings on both baby and mother were

communicated to her. I finally expressed my heartfelt gratitude and thanked client and the

entire family for their support and co-operation throughout my care study. I then saw them

off and bid them goodbye.

Seventh Day Postnatal Home Visit

On 2nd December, 2021 at 4:30pm, the community health nurse and I visited client in the

house. I asked of their health and client verbalized they had no problem. With client’s

permission, physical examination was performed and no abnormality was detected. Client

said she had moved her bowel twice and passed urine thrice. Uterus well contracted and

colour of lochia was pink (serosa) with a decreased amount of flow and odourless on

inspection of the perineal pad (Refer to appendix VA). Baby was also examined from head to

toe and no abnormalities were recorded. Client was educated on the importance of child

welfare clinic, exclusive breastfeeding for first six months. She and baby were handed over to

the community health nurse for continuity of care and I thanked her and the family for their

warm reception during the study. Both mother and baby’s vital signs are as follows;

Mother Evening

Temperature 36.5°C

Respiration 20cpm

Pulse 84bpm

Blood pressure 110/62mmHg

Baby Evening

Temperature 36.8°C

Respiration 38cpm

Apex heart beat 140bpm


Termination of care is the period where the interactions between the midwife and client

comes to a terminus. The care commenced on the 27th October, 2021 which was the first

contact with client and ended on the 2nd December, 2021 which was my last home visit and

the seventh day postpartum. On the 28th November, 2021 during the client’s first postnatal

visit, she was introduced to the community health nurse and as informed earlier to client

during the first contact at the antenatal clinic that she was going to be handed over to the

community health nurse on the seventh day postnatal, client was handed over to the

community health nurse for continuity of care. Client was reminded of the exclusive

breastfeeding which she chose as her family planning method. She was also reminded of the

postnatal clinic visits schedules, baby’s birth registration at the birth and death registration

office and baby’s circumcision at the facility. Client together with her family showed how

they appreciated the care offered to them and promised to cooperate with the community

health nurse. I thanked client and her family and sought permission to leave.


Actual problems

1. On 26th November, 2021 at 7:30am client complained of lower abdominal pains.

2. On 27th November, 2021 at 8:30am client complained of frequent micturition.

3. On 28th November, 2021 at 4:30pm client complained of backache

4. On 30th November, 2021 at 4:00pm baby was at risk of rashes

5. On 1st December, 2021 at 8:00am client complained of sleeplessness

Short Term Objectives

1. Client will be relieved of lower abdominal pains within 24 hours

2. Client will be relieved from frequent micturition within 24 hours

3. Client will be relieved of backache within 24 hours

4. Baby will be free from nappy rash and sore buttocks throughout care

5. Client will be able to have enough sleep within 24 hours

Long Term Objective

Mother and baby will go through the puerperal period without any complications.





26 /11/21 Lower Client will be 1. Reassure client to allay fear and 1. Client was reassured to allay fear and 27/11/21 Goal fully met as

at abdominal relieved of lower anxiety anxiety at evidenced by

7:30am pain related to abdominal pain 2. Explain the physiology of lower 2. Physiology of lower abdominal pain 9:00am client verbalized

physiological within 24hours as abdominal pain to her. was explained to her. a relief of pain.

changes after evidenced by 3. Encourage clients to continue 3. Client was encouraged to continue

birth. client verbalizing with breastfeeding. breastfeeding.

a relief of pain. 4. Encourage clients to apply warm 4 .Client was encouraged to apply warm

compressors to the lower compressors to lower abdomen.

abdomen. 5. 1g of paracetamol was served to client

5. Serve 1g of paracetamol to client relieve pain.

to relieve pain.




27/11/21 Frequent Client will be 1. Provide client with emotional 1. Client was provided with 28/11/21 Goal fully met

at micturition relieved from support. emotional support to allay fear at as evidenced by

8:30am related to frequent and anxiety. 10:00am client verbalized

redraw of micturition 2. Explain the physiology behind 2. Physiology behind condition was relief from

oestrogen and within 24 condition. explained to client. frequent

progesterone. hours as 3. Encourage client to continue 3. Client was encouraged to continue micturition.

evidenced by empty the bladder whenever empty the bladder whenever she

client she feels the urge to. felt the urge to.

verbalizing she 4. Encourage client to reduce 4. Client was encouraged to reduce

has been fluid intake when going to bed. fluid intake when going to bed.

relieved of 5. Encourage client to wear 5. Client was encouraged to wear

frequent cotton under wears. cotton under wears to prevent

micturition. infection




28/11/21 Backache Client will be 1. Reassure client to allay fear and 1. Client was reassured to allay fear 29/11/21 Goal fully met as

at related to poor relieved of anxiety. and anxiety. at evidenced by

4:30pm posture during backache within 2. Explain physiology behind 2. Physiology behind condition was 5:00pm client verbalized

breastfeeding. 24hours as condition to client. explained to client to create she no more

evidenced by awareness. experience

client 3. Teach client on correct 3. Client was taught on correct backache.

verbalizing a positioning of baby to breast. positioning of baby to breast.

relieved of pain. 4. Encourage client to support her 4. Client was encouraged to support

back with pillow and foot with her back with pillow and foot with

chair when breastfeeding. chair during breastfeeding.

5. Encourage client to apply warm 5. Client was encouraged to apply

compress to relieve pain. warm compress to relieve pain.

30/11/21 Risk for nappy Baby will be 1. Reassure client that baby will be 1. Client was reassured that baby will be free from 2/12/21 Goal fully met
at rash on free from nappy free from nappy rash and sore nappy rash and sore buttocks. as baby was free
4:00pm buttocks rash on buttocks buttocks. from nappy rash
related to throughout care 2. Explain causes of nappy rash on 2. Causes of nappy rash was explained to client that it and sore
prolong skin as evidenced by buttocks to client. was due to infrequent change of napkins and diapers. buttocks
contact with midwife 3. Client was encouraged to change baby’s soiled throughout
soiled diapers. observing baby 3. Encourage client to immediately napkins immediately he soils himself to prevent puerperium.
skin free from change baby’s soiled napkins. potential rashes.
rash. 4. Client was encouraged to apply baby oil or powder
4. Encourage client to apply baby oil on baby’s buttocks before applying the napkin or
or powder on baby’s buttocks diaper.
before applying the napkin or
diaper. 5. Client was encouraged to wash napkins properly
5. Encourage client to wash napkins and dry them in sun to prevent invasion of
properly and dry them in sun. microorganisms.
6. Encourage client to use cotton 6. Client was encouraged to use cotton napkins to
napkins. help in absorbing and to prevent heat.




1/12/ 21 Sleeplessness Client will be 1. Reassure client to gain her 1. Client was reassured to gain her 2/12 /21 Goal fully met

at related to baby’s able to have cooperation and to allay fear. cooperation and to allay fear. at as evidenced by

8:00am demands at enough sleep 2. Encourage client to take a rest 2. Client was encouraged to take a rest 10:30am client verbalized

night. within 24 hours whenever she puts the baby to whenever she puts the baby to sleep. that she had

as evidenced by sleep. enough rest and

client verbalizing 3. Encourage client’s family to limit 3. Client’s family was encouraged to sleep.

she had enough visitors. limit visitors to ensure enough rest

rest and sleep. 4. Encourage client to have a warm during day time.

bath before going to bed. 4. Client was advised to have a warm

5. Encourage client reduce fluid bath before going to bed.

intake when going to bed. 5. Clients was reduce fluid intake when

going to bed.


This script is a family centered maternity care provided to Miss C.B, a 20 years old gravida

two (2) para one (1) alive. She is a native of Kona a suburb of Kumasi in the Ashanti region

and lives in there.

She started her first antenatal clinic visit on the 04th August, 2021 at twenty-four (24) weeks

gestation. I met her at the antenatal clinic for the first time on the 27 th October, 2021 at Kona

maternity wing when she was 36weeks of gestation. Physical examinations including

laboratory investigations were carried out and no abnormalities were detected. Although she

went through the pregnancy with some minor disorders but she was successfully managed.

Her labour and delivery were managed carefully without any complications and she delivered

an alive male infant of weight 3.8kg on the 25th November, 2021 at 3:00am. Apgar score for

the first (1st) and fifth (5th) minutes were 8/10 and 9/10 respectively.

Her Puerperium was noneventful as she implemented all health education given her during

the antenatal and postnatal period which helped to prevent complications. Mother and baby

were finally handed over to the community health nurses for continuity of care.

Caring for Miss C.B and her family has gave me more insight in midwifery and I am

confident that it is going to enable me give comprehensive individualized care to any

expectant mother and her family who may come under my care in the near future.


Campana, A. (2021, May,14th). The puerperium puerperal sepsis. Retrieved from:

Cennimo, D.J etal. (2021 June, 25th). What is COVID 19? Retrieved from:

Ead, H. (2019 September, 16th). Application of the nursing process in a complex care

environment. Retrieved from:

Marshall, J. & Raynor, M. (2014). Myles Textbook for midwives. 16th Ed. China: Elsevier Ltd.

Papandrea, D. (2018, January, 8th). Nursing care plans: what you need to know. Retrieved


Tiran, D. (2012). Baillere’s midwives dictionary. 12th Ed. London: Educational Director

Expentancy Ltd.





Tablet Folic Vitamin preparation 5mg daily 1. Treatment of iron deficiency anaemia. Constipation 1. Hemoglobin

Acid with a haematenic X 30 days Oral 2. Reduce the risk of neural tube defects Nausea level

and vitamin B in the fetus. Increased.

complex 3. Help in the formation and maturation 2. No reaction

of red blood cells. observed

Tablet Iron preparation 200mg 1. Help in the formation of red blood Gastro intestinal upset and 1. Hemoglobin

Fersolate 3times Oral cells. black tarry stools. level increased.

daily for 2. Supplement the iron requirement of Nausea 2. Colored stool.

30days the body.

3. Used in the treatment of iron

deficiency anaemia




Capsule Antibiotics 500mg Oral 1 Treatment and prevention of infection. Nausea and vomiting, IT prevented

Amoxicillin 3times 2 Acts against wide range of gram Anorexia and abdominal pains infection and

daily for negative or positive organisms. promoted wound

7days healing.

Tablet Antibacterial 400mg Oral Treatment and prevention of infection Dark urine, unpleasant taste in Dark urine

Metronidazole preparation 3times the mouth and furring of noticed.

daily for tongue. Gastro intestinal upset. Furred tongue

7days Central nervous system effect. noticed

Tablet Analgesic and 500mg Oral 1. Reduce body temperature. Prolonged usage may damage None observed

Paracetamol antipyretics 3times 2. Alleviate pain the liver

daily for





Tablet Antimalaria 3 tablet Oral Intermittent treatment for malaria in Vomiting No reaction and

Sulfadoxine prophylaxis after 16 pregnancy Seizures and Diarrhea client was

Pyrimethamine weeks prevented from

(SP) then malaria

monthly x

5 doses

Injection Vaccine Intramuscular 1. Stimulate the formation of antibiotic Slight rise in temperature. None observed

Tetanol Toxoid 0.5ml or against tetanus organism. Inflammation of the site of

Subcutaneous 2. Given to prevent mother from injection, pain and tenderness

transferring the immunity to the fetus

Tablet Dewormer 400mg Oral Prevents worm infestation. Nausea, vomiting and fever. None





Injection Oxytocin drug 5-10 units Intramuscular 1. Stimulate uterine contraction, controls 1. Uterine contraction ruptured 10 units given in

Oxytocin bleeding. if overdose is given. active

2. Stimulate lactation. 2. It may cause fetal distress. management of

3. Used for induction and augmentation 3. Nausea and vomiting. third stage labour.

of labour No reaction


Injection Anti-hemorrhagic 0.5-1mg Intramuscular 1 Helps in the clotting of blood. Flashes in the face. No reaction

vitamin K1 vitamin Helps prevent hemorrhagic disease of the Sweating and cyanosis observed

new born.

Chlorhexidine Antiseptic 10mg Topical Prevents and reduces umbilical cord None None

digluconate gel once daily infections




Injection 0.5ml Intradermal on Stimulates the production of antibodies 1. Rise in temperature. 1. Pain observed

Bacillus Vaccine the right against tuberculosis 2. Pain and tenderness. 2. There was a

Calmette shoulder 3. Inflammation at the site of rise in

Guerin injection. temperature.

3. Inflammation

observed at the

injection site.

Polio O Vaccine 2 drops Oral Stimulate the production of antibodies Gastrointestinal upset None Observed

vaccine against poliomyelitis Diarrhea

Tablet Vitamin preparation 200mg 1. For improvement of appetite Nausea and vomiting None observed
Multivite 3times Oral 2. Helps in the formation of bone tissue
daily for and red blood cell.
30 days



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