Maxon 1955 Continuous Fermentation

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BURTON, N. 0. 1949 Comparisoni of coliform and entero- Contamination of vegetables growni in polluted soil. IV.
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BT-TTERFIELD, C. T. 1932 The selection of dilution water for RUDOLFS, W., FALK, L. L., AND RAGOTZKIE, R. A. 1951c Coni-
bacteriological dilutions. J. Bacteriol., 23, 355-368. tamination of vegetables grown in polluted soil. VI. Ap-
LARKIN, E. P., LITSKY, W., AND FULLER, J. E,. 1955 Fecal plication of results. Sewage and Ind. Wastes, 23, 992-1000.
streptococci in frozen foods. I. A bacteriological survey of WEBER, G. R., AND BLACK, JL. A. 1948 Laboratory procedure
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101. for evaluating practical performance of quaternary ammo-
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Microbiological Process Report

Continuous Fermentation
A Discussion of Its Principles and Applications
Research Laboratories, The Upjohn Coompany, Kalarnazoo, Michigan
Received for publication October 28, 1954

For the purposes of this discussion, fermentation will ing them one type will be considered as basic, that is,
be defined in its broadest sense. It is a process in which the homogeneous flow fermentor. Here, the fermenta-
microorganisms catalyze the conversion of a suitable tion occurs in a single vessel, agitated so that its con-
substrate into a desired product. The process may oIr tents are homogeneous. The nutrient stream is coIn-
may not require oxygen, and the microorganisms them- tinuously supplied, and the fermentor contents, with
selves may be included among the desired products. the product they contain, are continuously withdrawn

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Thus, the definition in no way limits the process to in order to establish a steady state. Other types of con-
one of anaerobic dissimilation, as it does in the classic tinuous fermentation will be discussed as modifications
sense. Fermentation processes may be classified accord- of this basic system.
ing to the manner in which the substrate is added and A continuous fermentation has striking advantages
the product withdrawn. Thus, in a batch fermentation, over the corresponding batch process. The primary
the substrate is charged initially, and, when the fer- advantage is a marked reduction in processing time,
mentation is complete, the product is withdrawn. with the same holding capacity of equipment or, alter-
Continuous operation involves addition of the sub- natively, a marked reduction in equipment size for
strate in an unbroken stream and withdrawal of fer- the same rate of production. Furthermore, as a conse-
mented medium in the same manner. In semicontinu- quence of steady-state operation, the product can be
ous processes the substrate is added and the product expected to have greater uniformity. A continuous fer-
removed at intervals, and in this way certain charac- mentation is more adaptable to instrumental control,
teristics both of batch and continuous operation are and it is better integrated into such other parts of the
combined. The present discussion will be confined to over-all process as the preparation of medium and the
the strictly continuous case, with occasional reference recovery of product, which may be operated more
to those batch and semicontinuous processes which economically and efficiently in a continuous manner.
act as prototypes or serve as illustrations. Continuous From an experimental point of view, a continuous fer-
fermentations may be of many types with respect to mentation is ideal. At steady state, the time factor is
the equipment used and with respect to the flow of eliminated, and the effect of nutrients, temperature,
fermenting media through that equipment. In analyz- pH, agitation, aeration, and other factors upon the

fermentation may be established easily without the A. Single vessel

complication of continually changing conditions. The B. Multivessel
rate of growth, as will be seen later, becomes an inde- C. Recycling
pendent variable (to a degree) and may be studied for D. Two phase
its effect on yield and other dependent factors. Monod For each process type, the theoretical discussion
(1950) presented an excellent theoretical discussion will be followed by a description of actual operations,
of the use of continuous fermentation as an experi- as recorded in the literature. To assist the reader in
mental tool. Novick and Szilard (1950, 1951) used this following the development of the equations, all symbols
tool effectively for the study of mutation rates in bac- and their meanings are listed below:
teria; Maxon and Johnson (1952, 1953) used it for a
C The concentration of contaminating organisms in the
study of aeration and agitation in submerged culture. fermentor or effluent stream.
There are, however, disadvantages in the use of con- c The rate of growth of contaminating organisms, con-
tinuous fermentation which have limited its wide- centration per unit time.
spread adoption. Perhaps the major drawback is F The rate of continuous feed to the fermentor, volume
inherent in the nature of the operation. If the fermen- per unit time.
tation step in a process is operated continuously, it is K, A constant in the kinetic expression for the effect of
substrate concentration on growth rate (equation 7).
desirable to have all other steps of preparation and 1\L The concentration of mutant organisms in the fermentor
recovery also in continuous operation. In such a proc- or effluent stream.
ess, a failure in one step will force a complete shut- m The rate of growth of mutant organisms, concentration
down. Since fermentation, as in the case of the manufac- per unit time.
P The concentration of fermentation product in the fer-
ture of antibiotics, may be extremely complex, an mentor or effluent stream.
occasional failure must be expected. If these failures p The rate of product formation, concentration per unit
become frequent, continuous operation will lose its time.
advantages, whereas in batch operation only one batch r The throughput rate, volume of feed per unit time per
is lost with each failure. Failure may come from many unit operating volume.
S The concentration of substrate limiting to growth in
sources, mechanical or instrumental. There are others, the fermentor or effluent stream.
such as contamination and genetic instability, common s The rate of utilization of substrate, concentration per
onlv to certain fermentations. These will be discussed unit time.
later. V The operating volume of liquid in the fermentor.
Although the limitations of continuous fermentation X The concentration of the desired organism in the fer-
mentor or effluent stream.
are recognized, they are not in every case insurmount- x The rate of growth of desired organism, concentration
able. In the simpler fermentations, such as the propaga- per unit time.
tion of food and fodder yeast and the production of Y The yield of desired organism on the substrate used, x/s.
ethyl alcohol, the method has proved its worth. As Yp The yield of fermentation product on the substrate
our experience increases it is probable that more and used, p/s.
0 Time.
more fermentation products will be made in this manner.

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01, The holdup or retention time in a fermentor, 1/r.
This discussion approaches the subject of continu- 0,,' The total holdup time in a series of fermentors.
ous fermentation first from a theoretical viewpoint. ,I The Naperian growth rate of desired organisms, coIn-
Equations that govern the relationships of throughput, centration per unit time per unit concentration.
microbial propagation, product formation, substrate 0 The proportion of a cell population that mutates per
utilization, and so forth are presented. However, since
a fermentation is a highly complex living, system, a Subscripts
strictly mathematical treatment of all the factors is a Refers to conditions in the first fermentor in a series.
neither possible nor, for the present, desirable. Instead, b Refers to conditions in the second fermentor in a series.
c Refers to contaminating organisms.
the practical significance of a few key equations is dis- i Refers to initial conditions at time, 0, equal to zero.
cussed and an attempt made to define the scope of their m Refers to mutant organisms.
application. Combination of theory and experience o Refers to conditions in feed.
leads to a description of the effect of operating variables p Refers to fermentation product.
on yield, productivity, and the like in various continu- Propagation of Microorganisms
ous systems.
For this discussion, fermentation processes will be Theoretical considerations-single vessel. Following
classified according to their purpose: the derivations of Monod (1950) and Golle (1953) for
I. Propagation of microorganisms this type of continuous fermentation, it will be assumed
II. Product formation that an agitated and aerated fermentor is being con-
Several variations of the basic homogeneous flow fer- tinuously fed fresh nutrient medium at a constant
mentor will be considered: rate, F, and that fermenting medium is being coIn-
tinuously withdrawn from the fermentor at the same Y and ,u are incorporated into equation 3 to give:
rate. Thus, a constant volume of fermenting medium, 6) dS/dO = r (S0- S) - (X/Y),u
V, is maintained in the fermentor. It will be further
assumed that the contents of the fermentor are being Using equation 6 we can demonstrate the stability
agitated sufficiently to insure homogeneity and that of the steady state, r = ,u. At equilibrium dS/dO is
the entering fresh medium is thoroughly mixed with zero, of course, but if the concentration of cells is dis-
the fermenting medium in a short time. The amount of turbed so that X is less than its equilibrium value,
agitation necessary for optimum fermentation is usu- then (X/Y), will be less than r (So - S). Since dS/dO
ally more than enough for this purpose. will then be greater than zero, S, the substrate con-
A material balance for one component of the system centration, will increase. Now, the growth of cells is,
leads to a generally applicable equation: of course, an enzymatic reaction, or rather the summa-
tion of many such reactions, and may be expected to
1) FXo + xAT = FX + V dX 'd6 follow the general behavior of such reactions with
That is, the rate at which a component is being fed ti) a respect to the effect of substrate concentration on rate
fermentor plus the rate at which it is being produced (Michaelis and Menteni, 1913). Thus, as an approxima-
is e(lual to the rate at whieh it is wxithdrawin plus the tion at least:
rate at which it accumulates in the fermentor. For the S
present, let us assume that there is no product, in this 7) 1. = jOin ax K +S
case microbial cells, in the entering stream. If equation
1 is applied to this component, then X0 = 0 aind: Data from Harris et al. (1948b) demonstrate that this
2) xV = FX + V dX/dO
type of relationship exists in the growth of Torula utilis
on wood hydrolysate and sulfite waste liquor. Equation
We shall define several more terms at this point: 7 indicates that increasing S causes ,u to increase, and
/. becomes greater than r. A rearrangement of equation
r The throughput rate = F/V. .3 givres:
61, The holdup or retention time = 1/r.
,u The Naperian growth rate (Monod, 1950) = x/X = dX
(In 2/generation time). 8) XdG = x/X - r = A- r
When r is incorporated in equation 2, we find: Thus, with ,u greater than r, X will increase in the ex-
:3) dX/dO = x - Xr ponential fashion dictated by equation 8. As X in-
creases, the growth rate will diminish once again
And, since at steady state the concentration of cells until steady state is reached at ,u = r. Here, dS/dO
is not changing (dX/d6 = 0) must be zero, and from equation 6:
4) x/X = 1 = r
9) X = Y (So - S).
By closer consideration of the behavior of this system Similar reasoning will demonstrate the return to

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we can demonstrate what the forces are that bring steady state which occurs when X is greater than its
about this equilibrium condition in which the Naperian equilibrium value. This derivation is valid only when
growth rate is equal to the throughput rate, and we can the yield, Y, has one definite and unique value at each
also show what the limitations of such an equilibrium growth rate in the given system. This is essentially
are. true for purely aerobic metabolism, but it is not true
If a fermentation is supplied with adequate aeration, in certain other cases (see Mixed metabolism).
the metabolic rates will ordinarily be limited by the Consider now what happens to a fermentation of this
availability of one of the required nutrients. When the sort operating at steady state when the throughput
general material balance for a continuous system, equa- rate is changed. If r is decreased, equation 6 shows that
tion 1, is applied to the substrate that is limiting to dS/dO is less than zero and S decreases. Decreased
growvth: S causes decreased 1., according to equation 7. The
FSo - sV = FS + V dS/dO effect continues until once again ,1 = r and steady state
is re-established at the new throughput rate. As before,
and: X = Y (So - S). A similar re-establishment of equi-
5) dS/do = r (S( S) s
- - librium will occur if r is increased.
There is a limit, however, imposed theoretically by
Now, a yield constant, Y, the proportion of substrate the fact that the growth rate will not exceed a certain
used that is ineorporated into the cells formed, is de-
maximum. Under optimum conditions, this maximum
is specified by equation 7 at the point where S = S,,
Y = x/s or essentially, since K, is usually small with respect to

So, IU = itmax- If r exceeds Amnax then the cells will This is possible, however, only if the growth rate is
"wash out," and X will decrease to zero in an exponen- limited by the substrate concentration. It may be that
tial manner according to equation 8: in an aerobic propagation process the availability of
dX oxygen will limit the growth rate. This will almost
certainly become the case as the cell concentration is
XdO = rX-I'. increased by increasing the substrate concentration
These material-balance and kinetic derivations form in the feed. When this state is reached, x can only be
the theoretical basis for most continuous fermentation further increased by increasing the rate of oxygen
processes. We are led to the following major conclu- transfer to the respiring cells. Otherwise a higher con-
sions for the case of continuous addition and with- centration of cells must be accompanied by a lower
drawal from a single vessel, in which purely aerobic throughput rate. The experience of the Germans in
metabolism is occurring to produce microorganisms producing food yeast by the Waldhof Standard Process,
as the desired product: as reported by Saeman, Locke, and Dickerman (1945,
1) The Naperian growth rate, ,u, is equal to the 1946), was that higher substrate concentratioins neces-
throughput rate, r, for steady state. This is a stable sitated lower addition rates. The yeast output remained
equilibrium which is regained despite disturbances, the same.
provided the growth rate is less than its maximum. Increase of production rate by increasing the avail-
2) The population at steady state is uniquely deter- able oxygen is possible only within limits. A highly
mined at each throughput rate by the yield of cells aerated culture contains a large proportion of entrapped
from substrate, the concentration of substrate enter- air. The actual amount of liquid holding capacity, V,
ing, and the concentration of substrate in the fermen- of a given fermentation vessel is thereby proportion-
tor: X = Y (S0 - S). ately decreased. This, of course, diminishes the total
3) The Naperian growth rate is a function of the output rate, F, for a given throughput rate, r. The maxi-
substrate concentration in the fermentor, and thus mum output that can be achieved must be determined
the substrate concentration depends upon the through- experimentally. In selecting the proper degree of aera-
put rate. tion, a balance must be struck between the desirable
In a practical process, the desired results are a maxi- effect of higher cell concentrations and the undesirable
mum rate of product formation for a given fermenta- effect of decreased operating volume. High degrees of
tion capacity and at the same time a small proportion aeration will also necessitate the increased use of de-
of unconverted raw material in the effluent. That is, foamers, mechanical or chemical.
we want to maximize x and minimize S. In order to Recycling the organism. The productive capacity of a
maximize x, it is necessary to consider the factors continuous propagation may be further increased
that contribute to it. From equation 4: over that indicated by equation 10 by the expedient
of recycling a portion of the cells produced. If the
10) x = rX = r Y (So - S)
general material balance equation (equation 1) is
As r is increased, x will also increase antil decreasing Y used, but Xo, the concentration of cells in the entering

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and increasing S cause x to reach a maximum and then stream, is not zero, then:
decline. If the substrate is not highly valuable with * FXo+xV = FX +VdX/dO
relation to the product, then the throughput rate
which gives this maximum rate of product formation and by further manipulations in the same manner as
will be economically optimal. However, if the unused before:
substrate is of relative value, a lower throughput rate 11) dX/do = x - (X - X0) r
will be necessary to minimize this loss. In many cases
of microbial propagation, as pointed out by Monod Again at steady state dX/dO = 0, and r no longer is
(1950), the yield is nearly independent of the growth equal to ,u, but:
rate. Furthermore, it is often the case that the con- x MX
stant, KS, of equation 7 is small relative to the sub- 12) r =
X- Xo
or r = X
X -Xn
strate concentration. This means that r, the through-
put rate, may be held at a value only slightly less than Thus, the throughput rate may be increased over the
Mmax without a significant decrease in product forma- growth rate by the factor X (X - X0). It was shown
tion rate or an appreciable concentration of substrate in the case where there was no recycling that X =
in the effluent. Y (So - S) (equation 9). Similar reasoning will demon-
Further increases in product formation can often be strate that for the present case X = Y (So - S) + Xo.
achieved by increasing the concentration of substrate Let us assume some values for the factors involved in
in the feed, So. By this procedure the cell concentration order to demonstrate the magnitude of the advantage
is increased, while the throughput rate is held constant. obtained by recycling. Suppose that yeast is being
produced continuously on a medium containing 10 this case it may be shown from the above equations
grams/liter (S0) of glucose, the limiting nutrient. The that:
growth rate is 0.3 hr-1, and under these conditions the
concentration (S) of glucose in the effluent is negligible. Oh = (2 - X ) Oh.
The yield is found to be 50 per cent at this growth
rate. If there is no recycling, then the production Since the concentration of cells is greater in the sec-
capacity, x, from equation 10 is: ond tank (Xb) than in the first (Xa), it is evident that
the holdup time, Oh', for the two tanks in series is up
x = r Y (S0 - S), where r = A to two times longer than that for a single tank, Oh.
= 0.3 X 0.5 X 10 = 1.5 grams/liter hour. Thus, there is no advantage in using more than one
fermentor if the growth rate is the same in each.
Suppose that recycling is used, that is, cells are sepa- However, if the fermentation is such that a higher
rated from the product stream and returned to the growth rate can be maintained in the first tank because
fermentor with the feed. Assume that the rate of re- of the presence of a higher concentration of limiting
cycling is such that Xo is 10 grams/liter. Theii: substrate, then an advantage can be demonstrated.
In this case Ma will be greater than lb while Ab may equal
x = r Y(S0 -S), where r = , X M, the growth rate in a single tank. This situation would
also occur if there were two substrates in the medium,
one capable of supporting a higher growth rate than
= M [Y(So -S) + XO]
the second. In the first tank, the more easily assimil-
= 0.3 (0.5 X 10 + 10) = 4.5 grams/liter hour. able nutrient would be used, and the harder to as-
similate nutrient left as the limiting substrate in the
By increasing the concentration of active growing second fermentor. In either case:
cells, the catalyst for this reaction, by a factor of 3,
as a result of recycling % of the cells produced, a Oh' = I/Ma + Oh (I - X )
factor of 3 increase is realized in productive capacity.
This is the equivalent of increasing the limiting sub- If we assume, for example, that Ma = 2,M and that
strate concentration in the feed, as previously dis- Xa = 0.9 Xb, then
cussed. It has the additional advantage of not necessi-
tating a change in So, which might involve an expensive Oh = 1/2M + Oh (1 - 0.9) = 0.5 Oh + 0.1 Oh = 0.6 Oh.
oncentration process. In an aerobic process, recycling, The holdup time for the two fermentors in series is
as with increasing substrate concentration, will be reduced significantly over that for a single fermentor
advantageous only when excess oxygen is available or doing the same job. This means, of course, a reduc-
can be made available without excessive loss of hold- tion in total tankage for the same rate of product
ing capacity. formation.
More than one vessel. It is sometimes desirable to Mixed metabolism. In the previous considerations,

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operate a continuous fermentation in several vessels the simplifying assumption was made that in aerobic
in series. That is, the product of the first fermentor flows microbial propagation the substrate is converted by a
continuously as feed into a second fermentor, and so oa, single definite series of metabolic processes into cellular
the stream passing through as many vessels as desired. material, the over-all result being, for example:
In discussing the theoretical behavior of such a sys-
tem let us assume that there are two fermentors in glucose (s) -* yeast (x) + CO2.
series. The first of these will conform to the equations This is approximately true in some cases, such as in
developed for the single vessel; the second behaves as a the propagation of Torula utilis. It is not true, however,
single vessel with recycling. The capacity of the com- in others. In bakers' yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae:
bination may then be compared to that of a single ves-
sel by use of the appropriate relations already derived. glucose (s) -* yeast (x) + ethanol (p) + CO2.
For a single vessel the holdup time is Oh = l/I. For two Here, there are two processes competing for the
tanks in series the holdup time is the sum of that in available substrate. It has been shown (Maxon aInd
each: Johnson, 1953) that even under excess aeration both
processes may operate in a ratio depending upon the
Oh' = 1/# + I/M (Xb; X.) (See equationi 12.) rate of substrate utilization (figure 1), but that below a
certain rate only the oxidative metabolism is evident
In a propagation system where the growth rate is and I10 ethanol is formed.
not a marked function of substrate coincentration above In a fermentation of this type, the yield will be highly
a certain minimum it may be that: u = ua = M,b TIl dependent on the substrate concentration, and thus
on the growth rate and the throughput rate. This is 70
* MEDIUM B (pH 5.0 5.2)
because one of the competing metabolic processes gives -

X MEDIUM C (pS 4.6 - 4.7)

a lower yield than the other. If r is changed in the range 40
of growth rates where both types of metabolism are
occurring, the changing yield will cause the steady-
state population to change (equation 9). Finn and Wil- x_/ PERCENT YIELD
son (1953) demonstrated this effect in the aerobic 0U
propagation of Bacterium linens. Rf 30
It may also be that in a continuous system where
two competing types of metabolism are occurring the 20
steady-state population is not a unique function of the * PERCENT
throughput rate, as was seen to be the case with purely GLYCOLYZED
10 [
aerobic metabolism. Suppose, for example, that a por-
tion of a continuous culture is rapidly withdrawn and _@Y
_ _ 9_
4 5 6
7 8

replaced by fresh medium. This brings about a simul- M1.1P.IMOL.E:S GLUCOSE PER HOUR PER GRAM OF YEAST (DRY WEIGHT)
taneous decrease in the cell concentration and an in- FIG. 1. The effect of glucose utilization rate upon the
crease in the substrate concentration away from their metabolism of bakers' yeast under excess aeration. Per cent
former values. However, the steady state may not be yield is g dry weight of yeast per 100 g glucose used. Per cent
glucose glycolyzed is g glucose to ethanol per 100 g glucose
restored by a return to these values as with unmixed used. Medium B: 1 per cent glucose. Medium C: 10 per cent
metabolism. (See Theoretical Considerations.) Instead, glucose. (From Maxon, W. D., and Johnson, M. J. Ind. Eng.
since th'e changed conditions cause changed metabolism Chem., 45, Figure 6, page 2559, 1953.)
and reduced yield, a new steady state is established at
a lower cell concentration. This type of behavior also fed and product withdrawn. The limiting nutrient is
has been shown to occur with Bacterium linens (Finn usually the fermentable sugar and may be supplied in
and Wilson, 1953). molasses, sulfite waste liquor, wood hydrolysate, or
In a practical process, propagation should, of course, agricultural wastes. Supplementation with salts of
be carried out with the highest yielding metabolic nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and occasionally
process in sole operation. The region of mixed metabo- other elements is usually required. Aqueous ammonia
lism is to be avoided. Thus, with bakers' yeast, for ex- is often added to serve the dual purpose of pH con-
ample, the growth rate should be maintained at less trol and nitrogen source. A process in which the ni-
than that which brings about' the formation of ethanol. trogen source acts as the limiting nutrient has been
Applications. The prime practical example of micro- patented by Seidel (1943).
bial propagation by purely aerobic metabolism in one The organism most often used in food and feed yeast
continuously operated vessel is found in the manufac- processes is Torula utilis. Other similar organisms
ture of food and feed yeast. A thorough description have been used with success in Germany, for example,
of this industry has recently become available (Wiley, Candida arborea and certain poorly identified and mixed

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1954). Many production installations have been oper- cultures (Saeman, Locke and Dickerman, 1945, 1946).
ated, but their general characteristics are similar. The growth of S. cerevisiae in continuous culture
Briefly, the fermentation is carried out in a single, has been the subject of investigation for some time.
large fermentor. For example, the fermentor used at DeBeeze and Rosenblatt (1943) discussed a number of
Lake States Yeast Corp., Rhinelander, Wisconsin the early processes. Irvin (1954) also mentioned some
(Inskeep, et al., 1951) has an operating capacity of of the work in this field. A patent assigned to the Fleish-
45,000 gallons of air-liquid emulsion or 20,000 gallons mann Company (Buhrig, 1929) describes a two-vessel
of liquor. Such fermentors are provided with agitation system, a main fermentor and an auxiliary finishing
and a supply of air. The Waldhof system has met with fermentor operated continuously in series. Sak (1928,
great success for this purpose; it has been used in 1932a, 1932b) holds patents involving continuous
several installations in Germany (Saeman, Locke and yeast propagation in multiple vessel systems with re-
Dickerman, 1945, 1946; Holderby, 1946) and in this cycling. Other patents on processes of this type are
country (Inskeep et al., 1951). Agitation and air are held by Harrison (1930), Olsen (1930), and Daranyi
both supplied by a single, hollow-bladed impeller. (1936). Unger et al. (1942) worked with a pilot plant
This is located near the bottom of the tank under a for the continuous propagation of distillers' yeast in a
central draft tube. Circulation down through this tube single vessel and arrived at design figures for a full-
caused by the impeller brings about effective mixing scale yeast plant.
and aeration and at the same time beats the foam into Propagation by these methods is in no way limited
the emulsion. Cooling by internal or external heat to yeast. For example, Gerhardt (1946) found that
exchange is required. Fresh medium is continuously Brucella suis could conveniently be maintained in
TABLE 1. Tlypical produictive capacities fo)r tnicrobial propaujatiorn as reported in the literature: Continaous addition, and wvithdrawal
fromit a single vessel
Organism Substrate Reducing Reducing Holdup Time Production Capacity Reference
Sugar in Feed Sugar Used Oi, = 1/r hrs

Torula utilis Sulfite waste liquor 2.6 4.5 2.1 g/liter hr* Saeman et al. 1945
Y'orula utilis Sulfite waste liquor 1.7 75 2.8 2.8 g/liter hr Harris et al. 1948a
Torula utilis Wood hydrolysate 4.6 90 2.2 8.9 g/liter hr Harris et al. 1948a
T'orula utilis Fermentation residue 0.91 55 2.8 1.5 g/liter hr Harris et al. 1948a
Unknown species Pear waste 8 98 1.7 27 g/liter hr Ramage and Thomp-
son, 1948
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Wood hydrolysate 4.5 94 3.7 5.7 g/liter hr Harris et al. 1948b
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Glycose-synthetic me- 10 99.5 3.1 13.2 g/liter hr Maxon and Johnson,
dium 1953
A erobacter aerogenes Casein-yeast extract 1.3 2.7 g/liter hr Elsworth and Meakin,
Brucella suis Glucose tryptose 3.7 6.) X 104 cells/liter Gerhardt, 1946
Dry weight of cells.
continuous culture on a laboratory scale. Elsworth The growth rate of the foreign organism, /uL, is defined
and Meakin (1954) presented information on the by: A, = c/C. Use of these quantities in equation 13
continuous propagation of Aerobacter aerogenes in a 20- gives:
liter vessel both on glycerol as a limiting substrate and 14) dC/d6 = C(,c- r) + rC0
on a casein-yeast extract medium. No successful process
of this type for the production of a mycelial organism Upon integration:
has been reported, however, except for a brief mention
of the continuous propagation of Aspergillus oryzae as
15) ln C((Q r) + rC
r) +
= -r)

a medium supplement in a paper by Ruf et al. (1948).

where C is the concentration of contaminating or-
Attempts were made in Germany to manufacture ganisms at any time, 0, and Ci is the initial concentra-
Oidium lactis, a mycelium-forming organism, the so- tion at 0 = 0.
called "Biosyn" (Saeman, Locke and Dickerman, 1945, There are three possibilities with respect to the
1946). Difficulties with contamination in continuous growth rate of the foreign organism in the fermentation
fermentation were encountered and forced abandon- that it is contaminating. It can be greater than, equal
ment of this type of operation. to, or less than the throughput rate. If I., is greater than
In table 1, the rate of product formation and other r (which equals ,u), then equation 15 shows that C will
pertinent data are given for several representative con- increase exponentially with time. This will continue
tinuous fermentations reported in the literature. Data

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until the steady-state concentration of limiting sub-
were taken for industrial, pilot, and laboratory opera-
strate is reduced to the point where IA, = r according
tions. Comparison of the productivity with that of to a relationship such as is expressed by equation 7.
batch fermentations demonstrates the marked advan- Under these conditions, the growth rate of the original
tage in this respect of a continuous process.
organism will be less than r, and its concentration will
Contamination and genetic instability. Contamina- decrease to zero exponentially according to equation 8.
tion in fermentation may be a serious problem. A con-
After a period of time the original organism will be en-
tinuous fermentation, which is designed to operate for
long periods of time, is particularly liable to the occa-
tirely replaced by the contaminating organism. An
infection by such an organism, once started, will result
sional introduction of undesired organisms. The mere in complete failure of the fermentation.
entry of foreign organisms into a continuous culture If the growth rate of the foreign organism is equal to
does not, however, assure its failure. Golle (1953) de-
the throughput rate, then according to equation 14 its
veloped equations for the theoretical behavior of
fermentation under these conditions. These equations concentration will increase linearly at a rate rC0. Con-
tamination by an organism with such a growth rate will
are paraphrased here:
not be serious if the rate of entry can be kept negligibly
Suppose that a single vessel in continuous operation small.
is being contaminated with a foreign organism at a rate If the growth rate of the contaminant is less than the
C0r. Then, by application of the general material throughput rate, equation 15 shows that its concentra-
balance equation, as in the development of equation 11 tion will approach a limit at infinite time:
for the case of recycling:
13) dC/dO= c- (C-Co)r C-
r -c

A contaminationi by such an organism will become seri- mutant with the highest affiniity for the limiting nutri-
ous only if its rate of entry is extremely high anid its ent.
growth rate only slightly less than that of the desired This is usually an advantage when the production of
organism. microorganisms is the goal, since a higher productivity
In the manufacture of food and feed yeast cointami- can be achieved. It may be in a product formation
nation has been no problem. In fact, no great precau- fermentation, however, that a mutation toward higher
tions are taken to prevent it. This is because it is possible substrate affinity will be accompanied by a lower rate
to maintain a high throughput rate under nutrient con- of product elaboration. The eventual population, result-
ditions that are unfavorable for the growth of undesired ing from mutant selection, will then have a lower pro-
organisms. That is, the pH is kept low, and media such ductivity than the original culture. The seriousness of
as sulfite waste liquor and wood hydrolysate, which this problem would have to be determined experi-
contain inhibiting substances, are employed. mentally for each process. It is not one with a ready
The Aerobacter aerogenes culture described by Els- solution.
worth and Meakin (1954) was maintained continuously By microscopic examination of bacteria in a culture
for 2600 hours. Proper precautions prevented entrance chamber, Powell (1954) showed that the generation
of foreign organisms. Only experience with a given con- time of individual bacteria varies widely from the
tinuous fermentation, however, can establish how average (from 6 to 50 minutes for Streptococcus faecalis).
serious a deterrent to successful operation contamina- This is an erratic variation and is not consistently
tion will be. It is probable that with strict care most inherited by later generations. Powell concluded that
microorganisms can be produced free of contamina- selection in a continuous culture will not occur as a
tion. result of this type of variation, but only as a result of
A problem related to contamination is mutation. actual mutation.
When mutation of an organism in steady-state culture
occurs, the fate of the mutant depends upon relation- PRODUCT FORMATION
ships similar to those for a foreign organism. Equations Although many important applications of continu-
for these relationships have been developed by Golle ous fermentation lie in the field of microorganism pro-
(1953) and by Novick and Szilard (1950, 1951). duction, there are still more, whether actually in use or
When mutation occurs in a single vessel in continuous merely proposed, in the field of product formation.
operation, it is governed by the following material Antibiotics, enzymes, solvents, organic acids, and so on
balance, where 4 is the proportion of the total popula- are all fermentation products that might be advantage-
tion that mutates in each generation. The number of ously made in a continuous system.
generations per unit time can be shown to equal Theoretical considerations. As with propagation, the
,u/ln 2. Then: simplest continuous product formation system consists
dM/dO = m - rM + 4XMA/ln 2 of a single vessel with continuous addition of feed and
continuous withdrawal of fermenting medium. Similar
or equations apply in this case. The growth rate of the

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16) dM/dO = M(Mm - r) + IXA/ln 2 organism is again equal to the throughput rate, and the
concentration of cells is, as before, determined by
This equation is of the same form as equation 14 for the
case of contamination. In the same line of reasoning 9) X = Y(So - S).
then, if the growth rate of the mutant, MAm, is greater It is no longer desired, however, to maximize x, the
than the throughput rate, the entire culture will be rate of cell formation per unit operating capacity, but
replaced by the mutant form. If Mm is equal to the rather to maximize the rate of product formation, p.
throughput rate, the concentration, M, will increase This rate is determined by material balance and kinetic
linearly at a rate 4XMi/ln 2, and if Mlm is less than the considerations, as is the growth rate, and similar equa-
throughput rate, M will approach a limiting value: tions can be used to express the relationships. The
material balance expression is based on the yield of
M =,XX (r product, Yp, from the rate-limiting substrate and is
In 2 k-MmA
analogous to equation 10:
From these relationships it is evident that a con-
tinuous propagation system acts as a mutant selector. 17) p = rP = rYp(So - S)
Novick and Szilard (1950, 1951), indeed, made ingenious
use of this fact for the study of mutation rates of The kinetic factors are summarized by:
Escherichia coli. It should be recognized that the or- 18) pXX =
ganism in a steady-state system will not necessarily be
of the same genetic form as that of the organism orig- The specific rate of product formation per unit of
inally introduced. It will, rather, be the spontaneous cell concentration, X, is, of course, a function of the

limitiiig substrate conicentrationi, S, anid the concentra- formationi fermentatioin to operate with several vessels
tion of product, P. in series. When product formation is associated with
Under givein conditionis of throughput rate, einviron- growth, the advaiitage of this type of operation is ob-
ment, and nutritioni, the cell concentrationi is fixed at a tainied under the same conditions as for microbial
steady-state value according to the previous considera- propagation. That is, the advantage exists only when
tions for microbial propagation. The quantities S, Y, higher growth rates can be maintained in the first tanks
P, and X will also be fixed at equilibrium levels, as de- in the series, while the lowered growth rates in the final
fined by equations 17 and 18. In this way the produc- tanks permit a more complete use of the substrate. Such
tivity, p, at steady state is established. a situation is apt to prevail in alcohol fermentation, for
Product formation associated with growth. In certain example. In the anaerobic yeast fermentation, it appears
fermentations, the growth process and the product that growth rates near the maximum require high con-
formation process are closely linked. The same substrate centrations of limiting substrate and low concentrations
concentration may be limiting to the rate of both proc- of the toxic product, ethanol. Thus, in a single vessel,
esses, and these rates may respond to changes in this the high throughput rates necessary for maximum pro-
concentration in a similar manner. Such a fermentation ductivity are not compatible with the low effluent sub-
is the alcoholic fermentation of glucose by yeast. Here, strate and high product concentration also necessary.
it is the energy resulting from the anaerobic dissimila- This reasoning explains the wide acceptance of multi-
tion of glucose that permits the yeast to proliferate. In vessel systems for continuous alcoholic fermentation.
cases of this sort, the effect of throughput rate on pro- As in microbial propagation, the continuous fermenta-
ductivity in a single vessel may be analyzed according tion for product formation may be increased in produc-
to the concepts described for microbial propagation. As tivity by raising the concentration of nutrient in the
r is increased, the limiting substrate concentration, S, feed, So. This increases the concentration of both cells
must increase according to equation 7, so that ,u remains and product. Equations 17 and 18 demonstrate the
equal to r. This increased S causes the specific rate of effect on p. This procedure has limitations, since it is
product formation, X, to increase also, since X and ,u known that X is a function of P. That is, high product
are similar functions of S. In this manner, productivity concentrations inhibit the product-forming enzymes.
increases with increasing throughput, as specified by They may also inhibit the enzymes of growth. Thus,
equations 17 and 18, until increased residual substrate the point is reached where increasing So will decrease
and decreased population affect the rate of product YP while S rises. Rate of product formation will rise no
formation sufficiently to cause a decline. The econom- further.
ically optimum throughput rate will be less than that An effect similar to increasing substrate concentra-
for maximum product formation rate by an amount de- tion can be achieved by recycling the organism. This
pending upon the relative value of the unused substrate. has the effect of increasing X without affecting X (equa-
It is possible to predetermine the effect of throughput tion 18). In this manner, the productivity is enhanced.
rate upon population level in continuous, anaerobic A higher throughput rate is possible while Yp and S re-
yeast fermentation by the method of Adams and Hun- main the same (equation 17). The limit is reached when

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gate (1950). Residual glucose, and presumably ethanol product inhibition of A and X causes X and Yp to fall,
concentration, may also be predicted. The procedure is and S to rise significantly.
to run a batch fermentation on the desired nutrient It is possible, of course, to return all the cells to the
medium. Periodic analyses reveal the cell concentration, fermentation, that is, total recycling. If this is done, the
X, the glucose concentration, S, and the ethanol con- concentration of cells in the fermenting medium will
centration, P, at various times. The growth rate, ,i, at continue to rise until growth ceases completely (or
a given time is found by dividing x, the slope of the rather growth rate and autolysis rate are equal) as a
growth curve, by X. If a continuous fermentation is result of product toxicity, lack of nutrients, or other
operated at this growth rate (determined by the undefined factors. In such a case, the throughput rate
throughput rate), the equilibrium levels of X and S may be as high as desired without decreasing X.
will be the same as those in the batch fermentation. Productivity will still, however, depend on throughput
That is, the conditions in a continuous fermentation rate, as indicated by equations 17 and 18.
and those in a batch fermentation are the same when Product formation not associated with growth. In
the growth rates are equal. After a period of continuous the above paragraphs, the case in which the same sub-
operation on certain media, it may be that a different strate is limiting both to growth rate and product
substrate will become limiting, nitrogen rather than formation rate has been under consideration, and both
glucose, for example. In this case, the concentrations rates reacted similarly to the concentration of this sub-
X, P, and S will change from the values predicted by strate. This is often not the situation. For example, if
analysis of the batch fermentation. an aerobic yeast fermentation is fed a medium low in
It is often advantageous in a continuous product- nitrogen, the growth rate may be nitrogen-limited while
glycolysis proceeds at such a rate that it is limited by sented by the equations already derived. Similar princi-
the concentration of glucose. More important examples ples may be used, however, to evolve the relationships
occur in the formation of other fermentation products, for various processes of this sort.
enzymes, antibiotics, and pigments, for example, which Applications. Many continuous fermentation proc-
are less directly connected with the growth process. For esses for product formation have been successfully
illustration, in the batch penicillin fermentation, there operated. The majority of those reported in the litera-
are two distinct phases. For the first 24 hours growth ture have been for the anaerobic production of ethanol
occurs on the rapidly assimilable carbohydrate sources. by yeast. While the objectives are similar, the manner
The pH is low. The remainder of the fermentation evi- in which these fermentations are run is widely varied.
dences little growth. The pH is high. It is in this period The differences occur in the microorganism, the
that penicillin production rate reaches its maximum. medium, the conditions, and in other respects. Examples
Thus, the conditions required for growth and those are available of every type of continuous operati6n that
required for productivity are widely different. has been described here. Included are single-vessel
When this is the situation, a single-vessel continuous systems with and without recycling, multivessel systems
process without recycling can only poorly provide the with from 2 to 12 vessels in series, two-phase systems
proper environment both for growth and product and others which display major and minor modifications
formation. High throughput rate, which is necessary for of these principles.
high productivity (equation 17), necessitates high Bilford et al. (1942) investigated a single-vessel con-
growth rate (since ,u = r). The equilibrium conditions tinuous alcoholic fermentation process on a laboratory
that permit high growth rate will, on the other hand, scale. Their tests were run in a small fermentor agitated
be incompatible with a satisfactorily high rate of prod- either mechanically or with carbon dioxide. The nutri-
uct formation. The two metabolic processes must be ent media were glucose (10 to 12 per cent) in yeast water
separated for the best results. or molasses (Cuban blackstrap, refined and beet, 12
There have been few reported attempts to accomplish to 13 per cent reducing sugar), and these could be fer-
this separation of functions in a continuous system. mented to completion with holdup times of 4 to 7 hours.
The theory predicts that it can be done by recycling the The effluent reducing sugar concentration ranged from
organism, by use of a multivessel system, or by use of a 0.1 to 1.5 per cent. The Guilaume-Boulanger process
two-phase system. (DeBeeze and Rosenblatt, 1943) used in Europe in the
Two-phase systems. In our previous considerations, large beet sugar and molasses alcohol plants is a modi-
the fermenting mixture consisted of a more or less fied single-vessel type. The main conversion is carried
homogeneous suspension of microorganisms in a suitable out in a large continuously operated fermentor. In order
medium. The product formed was separated from the to allow complete usage of the sugar a 212 hour batch
cells in a separate stage of processing by filtration or fermentation of the effluent is carried on in small auxili-
centrifugation. This single-phase type of fermentation ary tanks.
is usually the most convenient. In certain cases, how- Molasses provides a readily used source of carbohy-
ever, it is possible to separate the system into two drate and contains no substances inhibitory to the

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phases. The major example is the vinegar or acetic acid alcoholic fermentation. It is, therefore, rapidly and com-
fermentation. Here the fermentor or "generator" con- pletely used in continuous operation. Multivessel opera-
sists of a mass of beech wood shavings upon which the tion is undesirable, and recycling is not necessary. The
Acetobacter species which is responsible for the desired low pH and high throughput rate minimize the chance
oxidative conversion of ethanol to acetic acid is fixed. of contamination.
In this way the organism is maintained in the solid On certain other substrates, advantage must be taken
phase while the substrate and product remain in the of the multivessel and recycling principles to permit
liquid stream which trickles through. high, continuous productivity.
There are further examples of two-phase continuous The process developed for the conversion of acid-
fermentations (see Applications). Usually the phases hydrolyzed grain carbohydrates to alcohol by Joseph E.
are solid and liquid. There are cases where the organism Seagram and Sons, Inc. (Altsheler et al., 1947; Ruf et
is in a liquid phase while the substrate is in a second, al., 1948) involves the use of two vessels. In the pilot
immiscible liquid or a gaseous phase. operations described by Ruf et al. (1948), the holding
A two-phase system does not comply with the cri- time is 8 hours in the primary fermentor, 4 to 6 hours
terion of homogeneity which was important to the in the secondary. Both tanks are mechanically agitated.
theoretical relations developed earlier. Fermentative Fermentations up to 9 days in pilot plant and 6 months
conversion does not occur in one or more equilibrium in laboratory were obtained without contamination or
stages, but in a continuum. Thus, the concentration of yeast degeneration. Figure 2 shows some analyses made
acetic acid in a vinegar generator rises gradually to its during the course of a pilot-scale run. In the two runs
maximum in the effluent. Such a situation is not repre- compared, corn mash alone was used in the first, and

Pilot studies in a six-fermentor system of this type

YEAST 300- 6-J 1O have been made by Harris et al. (1948c). Torula utilis
CELL cotrsa^
ID 0
PRRYN was used to ferment wood hydrolysate containing 5
per cent reducing sugar. At steady state with a total of
24 hours retention time 80-82 per cent of the fer-
4 a
mentable sugar was used, and an alcohol yield of 40
per cent on total fermentable sugar was obtained. From
tank to tank the equilibrium sugar concentration was:
2~~~~~~~~~ 5.2 per cent (feed), 4.3 per cent (first tank), 3.3 per cent
(second tank), 2.3 per cent (third tank), 1.5 per cent
(fourth tank), 1.1 per cent (fifth tank), and 0.8 per cent
FERMENTER 0 0 ._ (sixth tank).
44 The patent literature details some special equipment
0 - - M.RM INo SEWLEMENT for fermentations of this sort. Victerero (1948) arranges
42_____ a - MM 2 -SUPPLEMENT AT 20
S I6 24 32- 40 40 M
TI M E - HOURS the equilibrium stages vertically in order to facilitate
FIG. 2. A two-vessel continuous alcoholic fermentation of flow of gas and medium from tank to tank. Scholler and
acid-hydrolyzed corn mash. Comparison of data obtained with co-workers (1937, 1940) describe a special fermentation
and without submerged culture mold supplement. (From Ruf, apparatus that embodies the principles of a multivessel
E. W., Stark, W. H., Smith, L. A. and Allen, E. E. Alcoholic
Fermentation of Acid-hydrolyzed Grain Mashes, Ind. Eng. continuous system and is provided with a final set-
Chem., 40, 1154-1158, Figure 4, p. 1157.) tling chamber where the yeast separates for return with
the feed.
in the second submerged culture Aspergillus oryzae Two-phase systems are not commonly used in the
was added as a supplement. The supplementation evi- alcoholic fermentation. The "Fesselhefe" method (Sae-
dently changed the limiting nutrient. This permitted a man, Locke and Dickerman, 1945), in which the yeast
slightly higher cell population in the primary fermentor, is bounid on twigs, has been used in Germany, however,
a lower concentration of reducing sugar in both fer- for a sulfite waste liquor process. This type of operation
mentors, and a higher alcohol concentration in the sec- has been patented by Romer (1924). An Indian patent
ondary fermentor. This example demonstrates the ad- (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1952)
vantages of continuous operation for experimentation. has appeared on the use of a battery of columns con-
The method of Alzola (1942, 1945) for continuous taining pumice impregnated with yeast. Molasses was
fermentation also uses the multivessel principle. Here, the carbohydrate source, and less than 0.5 per cent
five fermentors of equal size are connected in series. sugar remained in the effluent.
Agitation in the fourth and fifth is supplied by carbon There are relatively few instances of continuous
dioxide pumped from the first and second. The concen- fermentation being used for the manufacture of prod-
tration of nutrient in each tank, as measured by specific ucts other than ethyl alcohol. There is, of course, the
gravity, declines as follows: Second tank, 70 B6; third case of acetic acid and vinegar, as mentioned before. A

Downloaded from on 21 May 2024 by

tank, 40 B6; fourth tank, 2.50 Be; fifth tank, 20 B6. review of this process has been made by Vaughn (1954).
The additional advantages of recycling are made use In 1931, Whittier and Rogers developed a laboratory-,
of in the alcoholic fermentation of wood hydrolysates scale single-vessel continuous fermentation for the con-
and of sulfite waste liquor, substrates less readily used version of whey to lactic acid.
by the yeast. For a general reference see McCarthy Interesting applications of continuous fermentation
(1954) and Saeman and Andreasen (1954). Multivessel in the petroleum industry have been patented by the
installations are used, and the effluent yeast is sepa- Standard Oil Development Company (Taggart, 1946)
rated by centrifugation as a cream to be added with the and the Texaco Development Company (Zobell, 1953).
feed to the first fermentor in the series. This type of The Standard Oil process is a two-phase fermentation
process is quite widely used in Europe (Saeman and carried out in a bubble-cap column. Light, gaseous hy-
Andreasen, 1954; Saeman, Locke and Dickerman, 1945, drocarbons are continuously converted to the cor-
1946; DeBeeze and Rosenblatt, 1943) and plants are responding fatty acids and their esters through the
operated by the Puget Sound Pulp and Timber Com- oxidative action of such organisms as Bacillus paraf-
pany, Bellingham, Washington (Ericsson, 1947; Mc- finicus n. sp., B. methanicus, and B. ethanicus n. sp. The
Carthy, 1954) and by Commercial Alcohols Limited, bacteria in a salt solution pass downward over the trays.
Gatineau, Quebec (McCarthy, 1954). The fermentors The gaseous hydrocarbons mixed with air pass upward
are large, up to 120,000 gallons capacity at Gatineau, through the bubble-caps. The contact that results per-
and are agitated either mechanically or with earbon mits oxidation of the substrate and proliferation of the
dioxide. From 3 to 8 tanks are arranged in series. The bacteria. The product is recovered from the aqueous
total holdup time varies from 6 to 24 hours. Up to 12 stream. The process is one of growth-associated product
per cent of the fermenting medium is yeast (pressed). formation. It involves several equilibrium stages and

may, therefore, be classified as a multivessel system, but difficulties that could arise from contamination or yeast
it is unique in that the substrate stream and the bac- degeneration are not encountered, and no expensive
terial catalyst stream are in separate phases flowing precautions are required to prevent them. For these
countercurrently. reasons the continuous process may be expected to have
The Texaco process has some similarities. Here, how- ever wider application in these industries.
ever, the reaction is reductive. The complex sulfur com- As the technology of fermentation develops, it seems
pounds that occur in crude petroleum are often unde- inevitable that manufacturers will turn to this type of
sirable in the final product. By this method they are operation for other products. The advantages to be
converted to easily removed mercaptans and hydrogen gained, whether increased output, automatic control,
sulfide. An organism such as Desulfovibrio desulfuricans or product uniformity, all become available when the
is employed. It can use hydrogen for the reduction of difficulties of contamination, genetic instability, and so
sulfur compounds by virtue of the hydrogenase enzyme forth are solved. Meanwhile, continuous fermentations
that it produces. For continuous operation a bubble- on a laboratory scale will have great value in the col-
cap column is used. The crude hydrocarbon flows up- lection of experimental data. This discussion was in-
ward and the aqueous medium containing the bacteria tended to summarize the information on the subject
flows downward. Hydrogen is supplied at the bottom presently available and to provide a background for new
of the column and flows out the top with the gaseous developments and a starting point for new ideas.
reaction products. Alternatively, the hydrogen may be
supplied in situ by the action of microorganisms, for REFERENCES
example, Clostridia on a glucose medium. This process, ADAMS, S. L., AND HUNGATE, R. E. 1950 Continuous fer-
like the Standard Oil process, is a two-phase multistage mentation cycle times. Ind. Eng. Chem., 42, 1815-1818.
system. Product formation is growth-associated. ALTSHELER, W. B., MOLLETT, H. W., BROWN, E. H. C., STARK,
A few attempts have been made to use continuous W. H., AND SMITH, W. H. 1947 Design of a two-bushel
per day continuous alcohol unit. Chem. Eng. Progr., 43,
fermentation for the production of antibiotics. The 467-472.
process of the Joseph E. Seagram and Sons., Inc. ALZOLA, F. 1942 New process of continuous fermentation.
(Kolachov and Schneider, 1952) is a notable example. Intern. Sugar J., 274.
A single aerated and agitated fermentor is employed. ALZOLA, F. 1945 System of continuous fermentation. U. S.
It is continuously fed a lactose, glucose, corn steep Patent 2,371,208.
liquor medium, and the penicillin-containing, fermented P. J. 1942 Ind. Eng. Chem., 34, 1406-1410.
medium is continuously withdrawn. A holdup time of BUHRIG, W. H. F. 1929 Process for the manufacture of
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DARANYI, S. C. 1936 Manufacture of yeast. U. S. Patent
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tory-scale two-phase penicillin surface culture process. ELSWORTH, R., AND MEAKIN, L. R. P. 1954 Laboratory and
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