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Version: 1.0.

SOP for Event Nomination and Media Coverage

1. Purpose

This SOP outlines the process for internal stakeholders (both clinical and non-clinical) at Birat Medical
College Teaching Hospital to nominate events, such as patient success stories, medical advancements,
new technology introductions, recruitments, etc., for media coverage by the Department of Media. This
ensures that significant achievements and updates are effectively communicated to the broader public
through appropriate channels.

2. Scope

The SOP for Event Nomination and Media Coverage is designed to be inclusive and applicable to a broad
range of individuals working within the hospital environment. It recognizes the value and potential
impact of contributions from diverse roles within the hospital setting. The aim is to ensure that
significant achievements, innovations, and stories from various departments and functions are
highlighted and shared with a wider audience.

3. Responsibilities
a. Media Department
i. Review and Selection: Tasked with reviewing all nomination forms submitted,
selecting events for coverage based on criteria such as relevance, impact, and
alignment with the hospital's goals, and managing the scheduling and logistics
of the coverage.
ii. Coordination and Production: Responsible for coordinating with the
nominating department and individuals to gather necessary information and
produce content for dissemination through appropriate channels.

b. Nominators
i. Any individual working within Birat Medical College Teaching Hospital,
regardless of their role or department, is encouraged to identify and suggest
events, achievements, or stories that merit media coverage. This inclusivity
ensures a diverse range of nominations that reflect the entirety of the
hospital's operations and impact.
ii. Nominators should collaborate with their respective Departmental
Coordinators, OPD Incharge, Bio-Medical Engineer Incharge, Nursing
Supervisor, or Consultants to formalize and submit their nomination. These
individuals are the ‘Authorized Form Submitters’.

c. Authorized Form Submitters

i. While the idea for a nomination can originate from any hospital staff member,
the actual completion and submission of the Media Coverage Nomination
Form are restricted to the following roles:
• Consultants
• Clinical & Non-Clinical Departmental Coordinators
• OPD Incharge
• Bio-Medical Engineer Incharge
• Nursing Supervisor
ii. Review and Nomination: Authorized Form Submitters are responsible for
reviewing event nominations, completing, and submitting the Media Coverage
Nomination Form. They ensure that all necessary details are accurately
provided to the Media Department.
iii. Facilitation of Coverage: Upon approval of the event for media coverage,
Authorized Form Submitters also have the responsibility to facilitate the actual
coverage process. This includes:
1. Dress Code Enforcement: Ensuring that all individuals involved in the
coverage (staff, patients, family members) are appropriately attired in
proper uniform or dress as per hospital standards and the nature of the
2. Venue Preparation: Arranging the venue for the shoot to ensure it is
suitable for media coverage. This involves organizing proper furniture,
ensuring cleanliness, and securing necessary approvals, especially from
patients or their families if they are to be included in the coverage.
d. Compliance: All Authorized Form Submitters must adhere to these facilitation duties to
ensure a smooth and professional media coverage process. This includes obtaining
necessary permissions, coordinating with the Media Department for logistics, and
ensuring that the event is presented in the best possible manner.

e. Consultants:
i. Special Consideration for Consultants: While consultants are also Authorized
Form Submitters, they are exempt from the direct facilitation responsibilities
due to their primary focus on patient care and hospital operations. Instead,
they are to be assisted by other Authorized Form Submitters from their
respective zones or departments in preparing for and facilitating the coverage.
This teamwork approach ensures that consultants can contribute to the
nomination process without diverting significant time from their clinical
4. Procedure

1. Nomination Initiation:

• Idea Generation: Stakeholders identify potential events for coverage, including

successes, advancements, or notable occurrences.

• Collaboration: The stakeholder discusses the idea with an Authorized Form

Submitter (e.g., Departmental Coordinators, OPD Incharge, etc.) to ensure alignment
and support.

2. Form Completion:
• Gathering Details: The nominator and Authorized Form Submitter collect
comprehensive event information.

• Filling the Form: The Authorized Form Submitter completes the Media Coverage
Nomination Form, detailing the event's significance and specifics.

• Form Accessibility: Forms will be available with the following Authorized Submitters:

1. Clinical & Non-Clinical Departmental Coordinators

2. OPD Incharge
3. Bio-Medical Engineer Incharge
4. Nursing Supervisors
5. Department of Media (Speed Dial no.: 8216 or 9802713492)

3. Form Submission:

• Submission: Forms can be dropped off at the Department of Media, ensuring central
collection and accessibility.

4. Emergency or Urgent Event Nominations

For events that require immediate attention, the following expedited process applies:

• Expedited Review: Urgent nominations, identified by immediate need or

significance, will undergo a review within 24 hours.

• Criteria for Urgency: An event is considered urgent if flagged or marked by any of

the following authorities: The Board, Clinical Hospital Director, Nursing Director, or
Administrative Chief. Their identification of an event as urgent ensures appropriate

• Immediate Communication: In cases of urgent nominations, Authorized Form

Submitters are advised to directly contact the Media Department Head through a
designated emergency communication channel to expedite the process.

5. Review Process:

• The Media Department reviews all nominations within 5 working. days of

submission to assess the relevance, impact, and feasibility of coverage.

6. Approval and Scheduling:

• Approved events are scheduled for coverage based on the availability of the media
team and the event's timing. Nominators are notified of the approval and scheduled

7. Event Coverage:

• The Media Department coordinates with the nominator and relevant departments
to cover the event. This may include interviews, photography, videography, and
gathering other necessary information.
8. Content Creation and Broadcast:

• The media team produces content (articles, videos, etc.) for broadcasting on
relevant channels, which may include the hospital’s website, social media platforms,
and local news outlets.

9. Feedback:

• After the event's coverage is broadcasted, the nominator and the Media Department
may provide feedback to each other to improve future nominations and coverage.

10. Media Coverage Nomination Form: (Sample Below)

Media Coverage Nomination Form

Hospital Department/Unit:

Date of Nomination:

Authorized Form Submitter Information:

Name: Position:
Contact Number: Email Address:

Event/Story/Patient Details:

1. Title of Event/Story:
(Provide a brief, descriptive title.)

2. Description of Event/Story:
(Provide a detailed description of the event, story, or patient case. Include the significance and
why it warrants media coverage.)

3. Date & Time of Event (if applicable):

(Specify when the event is scheduled to take place.)

4. Location of Event/Story:
(Indicate the venue or location where the event will occur or where the story took place.)

5. Participants/Stakeholders Involved:
(List the key individuals involved, including patients, medical staff, and any other stakeholders.
Note any permissions required.)

6. Specific Aspects to Highlight:

(Detail any particular achievements, innovations, or emotional elements to emphasize in the
7. Key Individuals for Interviews:
(Identify who should be interviewed for the coverage, including their role and significance to the

8. Consent Status:
(Indicate if patient/family consent has been obtained, if applicable.)

Approval and Submission:

I, the undersigned, confirm that all information provided is accurate and complete, and I have
coordinated with all relevant parties to ensure the successful nomination and potential coverage of the

Signature of Authorized Form Submitter: _____________________

Date: _____________________
11. Process Chart:

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