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DBSA eTender Platform




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The Development Bank of Southern Africa (“the DBSA” or “the Bank”) is a Development Finance
Institution (“DFI”) wholly owned by the Government of the Republic of South Africa (“the
shareholder”), with a mandate to finance infrastructure projects across Africa. This is achieved
primarily through providing debt financing to infrastructure projects in the markets within which the
Bank operates.

DBSA primarily plays a key role in the preparation, funding and building phases of the infrastructure
development value chain. The diagram below (Figure 1) illustrates the various services as well as
the key target markets per value chain segments.



DBSA is a small to medium organisation with the following dynamics that needs to be taken into
account when scoping and pricing in response to the tender. DBSA employs approximately 500
employees, all located at the DBSA Head Office in Midrand, Johannesburg. DBSA, through its
Infrastructure Delivery Division (IDD), owns two satellites offices, in East London (Eastern Cape)
and Polokwane (Limpopo). Given the small to medium size of the bank and the small size of ICT
Budget, it is advised to all bidders to be precise in their response in terms of scoping and pricing.


The DBSA intends implementing an electronic solution to manage the Bank’s Supply Chain
Management business capability. There is a considerable exchange of information between DBSA
and its suppliers during the tendering process, and accuracy and efficiency of documentation is
critical. Currently this process is paper-based, costly and time consuming to both the Suppliers and

A standard electronic exchange format that allows all parties to access one system only via the
Internet, saves time and money, eliminates transcription errors and reduces the time spent on
analysing bids. The eTender will assist in electronic publishing, submission, evaluation, processing

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and reporting of tenders, and documentation via the internet, thereby replacing the traditional
processes, and achieving a more efficient and effective business process for all parties.

The implementation of an automated e-tendering system will enhance the overall quality, timelines
and cost-effectiveness of a tender process, and provides a more streamlined method of submitting,
managing and receiving tender documents than the traditional paper-based process.

x To eliminate the manual tendering process from tender creation to awarding.
x To reduce the time and cost of the tender process.
x To promote accessibility and convenience of tender application and documents to suppliers.
x Increase traceability of the tender process.
x Improve document control and management.
x Management of Supplier on DBSA database.
The below is what will be In Scope of the eTender solution. The Implementation of the tender
platform with mobile and web capability:

x Supplier information management.

x Tender process management.
x Creation and modification of the tender.
x Workflow approval of the tender.
x Submission of tender.
x Tender Evaluation.
x Publishing of the tenders to selected suppliers (Closed Tender).
x Publishing of the tenders to suppliers (Open Tender).
x Tender enquiry and response.
x Integration to SAP, DBSA external website, intranet, OnBase,
x Integration to CSD and CIDB (ONLY in PHASE 2).
x Supplier performance rating.
x Supplier Rotation.
x Reporting.
x Information and Cyber security of the eTender solution.
x BOTS (robotic way of responding to questions). The chatbots functionality will allow
people to ask questions in plain English regarding the specifics of a tender and then
formulate a proper response. The questions to be answered will be based in Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQ) defined by DBSA.
x Check-in application for briefing session.
x The solution must be developed based on a framework that supports future extensibility,
specifically in areas and concepts of fourth industrial revolution e.g. Blockchain for
Contract Management.

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6. eTender Solution
x Upload
x Evaluate tender
x Update Supplier
x Approve/ Reject
x Publish tender
x Evaluate pricing
Web x Reports

Mobile External
departments Supply chain


x View Tender CSD

x Search



i Visitor

x Create tender
eTender Solution x Approve tender
x Upload document
Business Unit

x Evaluate tender

x Registrate Supplier BAC

x Update supplier details
x Submit tender OnBase
x Upload documents
x Tender Enquiry Documents
x Evaluate tender


x Review Tender x Approve / Reject

Documents Recommendations



x The solution above in FIGURE 2 must be web based and accessible by users via smart
devices such as Tablets, Phones and laptop. Internal users must be able to access the
solution from anywhere. The internal users must be authorised and authenticate against
DBSA Active Directory (AD).
x Suppliers must be able to create profiles, with login username and passwords. Suppliers
must be able to use the profile credentials (username and password) to login and update
documents as oppose to reloading them every time they respond to a new Tender.
x External users to access the solution based on the DBSA approved platform standard in
terms of devices, operating systems and browser technology.
x The business unit must be able to create and approve tender. The business unit should be
able to upload documentation in the tender creation. The publishing of the tender must be
reviewed and approved by the business unit.
x The Bid Evaluation Committee (BEC) and Bid Adjudication Committee (BAC) is responsible
evaluating the functional criteria and recommendation.
x The tenderer must register themselves and company. Once they receive confirmation, they
can submit a tender, upload tender related documents and enquire about a tender.
x The Procurement officer is responsible for the tender publication, tender approval, that the
tender evaluate pricing and award or regret tender.
x The Document Review Committee (DRC) will be responsible for reviewing tenders

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x The Infrastructure Procurement Committee (IPC) will be responsible approving or rejecting
x The eTender solution must be integrated to Onbase and SAP. OnBase manages
documentation and SAP manages supplier information.
x The eTender solution must integrated with external systems such as Construction Industry
Development Board (CIDB) and Central Supplier Database (CSD) for verification of
company information and compliance to respective regulation, i.e. Tax, Company’s Act, etc.
(ONLY in Phase 2)

7. eTender Solution
The below diagram shows the relationship of entities and data flows in the eTender solution. Its
shows data flows from functional area and systems:

Registration Business Unit

E-tender Tender creation
Registration confirmation
Bidder/ Tender Tender enquiry
Tender enquiry
Request evaluation
Enquiry response
Evaluation Results
Submit tender

Tender Repsonse

External systems
Request Verification
Update details Service Desk Verification results
Request Verification
Update tender CSD
Procurement Verification results
Officer Request evaluation
Evaluation Results Search Tender information
Site Visitor
Tender information
Request evaluation
Evaluation Results

Request Tender creation



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8. High-Level Use Case
The below diagram shows the actors (Users) and the functions they are able to perform in the

8. Complete supplier
perfomnce rating

2. Manage tender

3. Manage tender
Business Unit
Supply chain management
(Procurment Officer ) 5. View Reports

6. Manage Queries

4. Manage
Committes Bidder/ Tenderer
1. Manage
12. Capture Data
- Tender Response
7. Receive Notification - Pricing

External Department 9. View tender

11. Create Report
10. Search tender
information Site visitor


9. Expected Major Outcomes and Deliverables:

The following are the major outcomes and deliverables of the eTender Platform:
x Architecture Designs – Conceptual, Logical and Physical.
x Solution Blueprint.
x Development, installation, configuration and implementation of the solution.

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x Support Contract for a period of 3 Years.
x On the job Training and knowledge transfer for DBSA ICT Solutions Support Specialists
and SCM Team.

Mandatory Requirements
DBSA will provide the Bidder with access to a Platform as a Service (PaaS) on Microsoft Azure
(see categorisation in FIGURE 5 below:

x The Bidder will detail the Microsoft requirements and prerequisites, for the deployment of
the eTender solution. The Bidder must specify all the services e.g. Azure App Service,
Azure SQL Databases, Azure Redis Cache, and Azure Batch, that DBSA needs to provision
as prerequisites for the Bidder to successfully achieve the scope of the Terms of Reference
(ToR) and meet all the specified requirements. DBSA will procure the Microsoft Azure
services based on the prerequisites and requirements specified by the Bidder.
x The Bidder will be responsible for application design, development, configuration,
integration, implementation, testing and transition to production (in MS Azure environment).


x The Bidder will configure three (3) environments on Microsoft Azure, namely Development,
Quality Assurance (OA)/Testing and Production.
x The Bidder will support all the three (3) environments for a period of three (3) years. The
support will include: implementing new requirements, systems integration, day-to-day
support and maintenance of the environment.
x The whole solution and any Intellectual Property (IP) rights of the solution, include code,
etc. will be the sole property of the DBSA, and the Bidder will claim NO ownership of the
solution or any Intellectual Property rights derived from the solution.

11. Company Track Record and Experience

x Demonstrate the experience, and knowledge of Implementing eTender or any other related
solution on Microsoft Azure. Three (3) references, to include company name, Contact
Person (and details), Scope of Work Done, Impact of work done on the Client’s Business,
and contract value were similar assignments were completed successfully.
x The Bidder must have knowledge and competency to implement solutions on Microsoft

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x The following certifications will be advantageous:

Competency Certification Level

Application Development competency Silver or Gold Membership
Cloud Platform competency Silver or Gold Membership
Data Platform competency Silver or Gold Membership


Business Requirements

Table 2 below describes DBSA Business Requirements for the implementation of the eTender
Platform. The bidder must demonstrate the ability to meet the Business Requirements in Table 2
below based on the following:

x Describe, discuss and detail the solution proposal to meet ALL Business Requirements
provided Table 2 below. The proposal must also discuss how, each of the Business
Requirements in Table 2 below will be addressed.
x Provide Solutions Architecture Diagram(s) to address ALL the Business Requirements in
Table 2 below.
Business Requirements

Req ID Description

BR01 Require the ability to manage supplier details.

BR02 Require the ability to verify certifications through the integration of CSD and CIDB. (ONLY in
Phase 2)
BR03 Require the ability to extract historical information on tenderers participation.

BR04 Require the ability for attachment of documents by tenderers, business unit and supply chain.

BR05 Require the ability to manage the tender process for all tender types.

BR06 Require the ability to create Terms of Reference (TOR) and Motivation to Source (MTS) for all
tender types by capturing or by uploading documents.
BR07 Require the ability for the system to send out sms and email notification to different users.

BR08 Require the ability to publish any type of tender (e.g. open or closed).

BR09 Require the ability for suppliers to submit queries and supply chain to send corresponding
BR10 Require user authentication and authorization for internal and external users.

BR11 Require the ability for the system to integrate with other systems such as SAP, National Treasury,
CSD and CIDB (Phase 2 ONLY) and OnBase.

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BR12 Require the ability to access a complete record of all questions and answers for auditing
BR13 Require the ability to manage evaluation and pricing on the tender.

BR14 Require the ability for the system to provide a detailed history of all invitations sent to and
received from suppliers.
BR15 Require the ability for the system to send invites, create unique number only for accepted invites.

BR16 Require the ability to migrate the current excel spreadsheet, pdf, sap and sharepoint data into
the system.
BR17 Require the ability for supplier performance rating by business units and supply chain.

BR18 Require the ability for the system to provide supplier behavior predictive analysis.

BR19 Require the ability to manage briefing session attendance via bidder checking in. Cater for non-
smart phones and off site briefing sessions.
BR20 Require the ability to manage and perform supplier rotation.

BR21 Require the ability to manage Supplier Information.


12. Functional Requirements

Table 3 below describes DBSA Functional Requirements for the implementation of the eTender
Platform. The bidder must demonstrate the ability to meet the Functional Requirements in Table 3
below based on the following:

x Describe, discuss and detail the solution proposal to meet ALL Functional Requirements
provided Table 3 below. The proposal must also discuss how, each of the Functional
Requirements in Table 3 below will be addressed.
x Provide Solutions Architecture Diagram(s) to address ALL the Functional Requirements in
Table 3 below.
Functional Requirements

Req.No Description

FR01 Manage Supplier

FR1.1 Register bidder/tenderer
Create supplier as user per company, unique number to be allocated to supplier. (Username
and password)
FR1.2 Update supplier details
supplier must be able to update supplier information
FR1.3 Categorize vendor
Categorize vendor in specialization and location category (One is to many relationship)

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FR1.4 Upload documents
Supplier must be able to upload documents
FR02 Manage Tender creation
FR2.1 Create tender
x Create Terms of reference
x This includes functional criteria and pricing
x Create Motivation to source
x Upload documents
x Update tender
x The external departments must upload and submit signed documents as tender creation
FR2.2 Approval work flow for create tender
This must include approval/rejection by Business Unit and Supply Chain
FR03 Manage Tender

FR3.1 Publish tender

The tender documents must be published on the DBSA Website for Open tender. For closed
tenders, potential tenderers may be sent bid invitations.
FR3.2 Create invitation to tenderers
Create invitation to tenderers for tender briefings. The invite must be sent to relevant tenderers
for all tender types.
FR3.3 Briefing session check in
The tenderer must be able to check in to attend the briefing session. This will be recorded
against the tenderer submission.
FR3.4 Submit tender
The tenderer must submit the tender online for all tender types.
FR3.5 Attach Documents
The tenderer must be able to attach tender related documents, during the submission phase of
the tender.
FR3.6 Approve tender
Automatically approve tender based on defined criteria.
FR3.7 Reject tender
Automatically reject tender based on defined criteria and sent notification.
FR3.8 Withdraw or cancel tender
When a tender is withdrawn or cancelled, notice letters must be sent to all affected tenderers.
The tender officer and SCM management must be the only users able to withdraw or cancel the

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FR3.9 Reissue tender
The tender officer must be able to reissue a tender where a tender was previous closed and no
responses were received.
FR04 Manage evaluation

FR4.1 Assign BEC members

The procurement officer in supply chain must assign the evaluation to the BEC members.
FR4.2 Complete evaluation
The BEC members must score functional criteria. The BEC members must only have a view of
the documents.
FR4.3 Complete price and preference
The procurement officer must have a view and comparison of the pricing and BBBEE submitted.
FR05 View and generate reports
The system must generate reports and the reports must be viewed by Supply chain and
SCM staff must be have access to generate reports
FR06 Manage queries

FR6.1 Create queries

Suppliers can create queries based on the defined period.
FR6.2 Respond to queries
Ability for supply chain to respond to queries.
FR07 Receive notifications

FR08 Complete the supplier performance rating

FR09 View tender information

All site visitors must be able to view tender information.
FR10 Search tender information


13. Non-Functional Requirements

Table 4 below describes Non-Functional Requirements for the eTender Platform. The bidder must
demonstrate the ability to me the Non-Functional Requirements in Table 4 below based on the

x Describe, discuss and detail the solution proposal to meet ALL Non-Functional
Requirements provided Table 4 below. The proposal must also discuss how, each of the
Non-Functional Requirements in Table 4 below will be addressed.
Non-Functional Requirements

Req.No Description

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NFR01 Scalability – Provide Capability for elasticity, deployability, and packageability.
NFR02 Usability (UX) – The solution must address the following usability requirements: Human factors,
aesthetics, consistency, responsiveness, and intuitiveness.
NFR03 Reliability – The Solution must meet the following requirements: availability, failure extent and
recoverability, predictability and accuracy.
NFR04 Performance – The solution must address the following performance requirements: speed,
efficiency, resource usage, throughput and capacity.
NFR05 Supportability – The solution must be able to address the requirements for serviceability,
maintainability and flexibility.
NFR06 Availability - The solution must be available 98% of the time.

NFR07 Extensibility - The solution must consider future growth for added features and functions.

NFR08 User Access - Only authorized users will have access to relevant information. Internal users
will login in through active directory. External registered users must have username and
NFR09 Storage Capacity - The solution must have capacity to handle large volumes of tender
applications and uploading of documents.
NFR10 Audit Trail - The system must be able to keep record of all user actions on the system,

NFR11 Secure Platform - The solution must be secure throughout the lifecycle of the tender process
to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of data
NFR12 User Administration - The solution must allow for system users to be added, deleted and
NFR13 Environments - The solution must have dev, QA/test and production environments built.


14. Security Requirements

Table 5 below describes the Security Requirements for the implementation of the eTender
Platform. The bidder must demonstrate the ability to meet the Security Requirements in

Table 5 below based on the following:

x Describe, discuss and detail the solution proposal to meet Security Requirements provided
x Table 5 below. The proposal must also discuss how, each of the Security Requirements in
x Table 5 below will be addressed.
Security Requirements

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Req.No Description

SR01 Single Sign-on: The solution must also be integrated with DBSA Microsoft Active Directory
(AD) for single sign-on. This applies to Internal DBSA users.
SR02 User Login: The application must authenticate the username and password for External Users
to ensure that, ONLY valid Users accesses the application.
SR03 Cloud Security: Provide capability to protect the environment from unwanted attacks, loss of
data integrity, and unauthorized access.


15. Reporting Requirements

Table 6 below describes the Reporting Requirements for the implementation of the eTender
Platform. The bidder must demonstrate the ability to meet the Reporting Requirements in Table 6
below based on the following:

x Describe, discuss and detail the solution proposal to meet Reporting Requirements
provided Table 6 below. The proposal must also discuss how, each of the Reporting
Requirement in Table 6 below will be addressed.
Req. No Reports
IR07 Tender History
The report must provide the number of awards, invitations, responses and contracts by
means of summary percentage and charts for tenderers.
IR08 Tender status reports
The report must provide information on awarded, cancelled, on-hold and open tenders
in percentages, count and charts.
IR09 Tender Question and Answer
Provide a view of all questions and answers based on a tender for auditing purposes.
IR10 Bidder Summary
Provide summary of bidders based on qualification criteria of pass or failed.
IR11 Comparative charts
Generate charts comparing the Price and Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment
(BBBEE) for tenderers.
IR12 Supplier performance rating
The report must consolidate supplier performance rating and provide an overall score.
IR13 Tender Register

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The report must provide information on the tender stages. The report must flag any
tender that is 10 days to expiry. Tender validation with reminders until validation is
activated to confirm notices issued to Bidders.
IR14 Predictive trend on Supplier/ bidder behavior
The report must provide information or summary on the bidder’s response to tenders
and briefing session’s attendance/ site meeting.
The report must provide predictive trends on bidders/supplier based on tender
responses and briefing session’s attendance/site meeting.
IR15 The solution must provide capabilities to create and manage custom reports,
dashboards and charts.


16. Notification Requirements

Table 7 below describes the Notification Requirements for the implementation of the eTender
Platform. The bidder must demonstrate the ability to meet the Notification Requirements in Table
6 below based on the following:

x Describe, discuss and detail the solution proposal to meet Notification Requirements
provided Table 7 below. The proposal must also discuss how, each of the Notification
Requirement in Table 7 below will be addressed
Req. Notifications Receiver Method
NR01 Send reminders to invited bidders of closing date and Invited bidders Email
time. Tender Officer SMS
NR02 Send notifications for all approved or rejected tenders Invited bidders Email
NR03 Send notification for confirmation of registration (user Registered Bidders Email
account creation and reset) SMS
NR04 Send invitation to briefing session or site meeting Invited bidders Email
NR05 Send notification to tender officer for tenders that are to Tender Officer Email
expire in specified days.
NR06 Send notification to tender officer to follow up on bidders Tender Officer Email
who confirm attendance of the briefing session and
those who confirmed but did not attend.


17. Integration Requirements

Important Note: DBSA has approved the use of SAP Process Orchestrator (PO) as a middleware
Integration Platform, for internal systems, as well as integration between cloud and internal
systems. SAP PO project is in the implementation phase, and it is anticipated that, the solution will
be in place, by the time the eTender solution in implemented.

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Table 8 below describes the Integration Requirements for the implementation of the eTender
Platform. The bidder must demonstrate the ability to meet the Integration Requirements in Table
8 below based on the following:
x Describe, discuss and detail the solution proposal to meet Integration Requirements
provided Table 8 below. The proposal must also discuss how, each of the Integration
Requirements in Table 8 below will be addressed.
Req No Requirement Description

Integration Requirements (Internal Systems)


IR01 Require the ability to integrate the e-tender solution with SAP.


IR02 Require the ability to integrate with OnBase for the document management.

Microsoft Active Directory (AD)

IR03 Require the ability to integrate with Active directory for internal DBSA user access.

Integration Requirements (External Systems)

Treasury Central Supplier Database (CSD)

IR04 Require the ability to integrate with CSD to verify company information and compliance
(ONLY in Phase 2).
Construction industry development board (CIDB)

IR05 Require the ability to integrate with CIDB to verify company information (ONLY in Phase 2).


18. Transition Requirements

The following transition requirements have been identified to describe the capabilities and
conditions the eTender Solution must meet to facilitate the transition from the current state to the
future state. Table 9 below describes the Transition Requirements for the implementation of the
eTender Platform. The bidder must demonstrate the ability to meet the Transition Requirements in
Table 9 below based on the following:

x Describe, discuss and detail the solution proposal to meet Transition Requirements
provided Table 9 below. The proposal must also discuss how, each of the Transition
Requirements in Table 9 below will be addressed.
No Requirement Description Affected Users
TR01 Training x The Business Units and Supply Chain Management x All staff
must be trained to use the eTender solution. x Supply Chain
x External users must be given user guides to navigate x ICT
through the system. Specialists
x SCM Team

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x ICT Support Specialists must be trained to support
the application.
x Supply Chain Management Team must be trained to
use the system.
TR02 Change management x A change management plan must be documented x All staff
and shared with all affected staff.
TR03 Support x User setup must be done prior go live x All staff
x Onsite support will be offered to all staff
TR04 Data Migration x Current spreadsheets and other systems such x Supply Chain
SharePoint and SAP with supplier data must be
migrated into the systems before go live.
x The current blacklisted supplier list must be migrated
into the system before go live. Note: This information
in currently captured on PDF, downloaded from
National Treasury Website.


19. Project Approach, Implementation Plan, Resource List and CVs

x Project Approach – The bidder must describe in detail methodology to be applied to

successfully deliver this project.

x Project Plan – The bidder must provide a detailed project implementation plan, with timelines.

x Project human resources to deployed in the project, with emphasises on the following

o Full names

o Summary of Skills

o Summary of competencies

o Summary of Education Qualifications

o Summary of Work Experience

x Curriculum Vitae (CV) – Provide detailed CVs of all project human resources to be deployed
in the project.

20. Application Systems Support

Provide eTender Application support approach to be adopted after the configuration, development
and implementation of the Solution - for a period of 3 Years. The following are main requirements
for an eTender Application support contract for the DBSA:

x Development, Configuration and implementation of enhancement, changes and new


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x Management of the eTender application based on best practises in areas such as SOA,
API Management, Software Upgrades, Enhancements, “bug fixes”, etc.
x Microsoft (MS) Azure Environment support, monitoring and administration - including
Server, OS, database and application.
x The support will ONLY be done locally i.e. from South Africa. NO remote application support

21. Training , Knowledge Transfer and Change Management

x Provide training and knowledge transfer (for supporting the environment to the DBSA ICT
x Provide training and knowledge transfer for SCM team.
x Describe, discuss and detail the approach to be used for training and knowledge transfer
to DBSA ICT Specialists and SCM Team.
x Provide approach and plan to change management.


Qualifying criteria for the project includes:

x Expert knowledge and experience in the implementation of projects of a similar nature.

x Expert knowledge in Microsoft (MS) Azure.

x Expert knowledge in Service Orientated Architecture (SOA).


Access to DBSA staff required for assistance:

x Co-Project Manager – Coordinate the project activities from a DBSA perspective

x Enterprise Architect – Provide guidance on DBSA’s Enterprise Architecture requirements,

standards, deliverables, artefacts, methodology, framework and governance.

x Infrastructure Specialist - Provide assistance with regards to infrastructure requirements,

including servers, networks, etc.

x Business Subject Matter Experts as required.


The DBSA requires regular updates on progress and key issues identified should be reported
immediately to ensure timeous completion of the project.


Any other matters that could be beneficial to the DBSA relating to the issues raised will be


Each respondent is required to submit a proposal containing the following information:

ƒ Proposed engagement letter.

ƒ Overview of the company profile and experience.

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ƒ Confirmation of the output that will be delivered by the service provider, based on the scope
of the work and requirements requested above.

ƒ Estimated time required for completion and delivery of the deliverables.

ƒ Estimated fee (with the detailed hours and rates to be spent).


Functional & Technical evaluation criteria Total score 100
Minimum threshold 80
Price & BEE Price 90
BEE 10

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