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Manuel S.

Enverga University Foundation

Lucena City * Philippines

Name:_____Marc Dave Y. Dudas_____________________________ Section:

Adviser:__Liana Xyrille Nahil______________________________

As time goes on and we grow older, we need to be more responsible. The day that my classmates and I
look forward to is the day where everyone and must be responsible not only for the work but also for
the time, the day where we will start our duty for immersion in every offices where we are assigned. My
first day on duty with my friends, our teacher introduced us to the office staff where we were assigned
and it was the GENERAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT (GSD). The first name that struck us was the name of Sir
Ferdie and Ate Athena, they both guided us and gave us the work. I can tell from the way they talk and
treat us that they are kind and we will be fine under their care. On our first day we didn’t do that much,
we gave papers to the other office and the name that I was remembered from that office was Sir Arnold,
he is the one who usually receives the papers we bring to that office. I can say that our first day of duty
was fun and enjoyable. The second day of our duty compared to the first day, we did more on this day,
we were given papers that we had to fill out and fill in the missing information. We were happy while
doing this and while we were doing this thing, it suddenly occurred to me that this office really does a
lot, even if we don’t help that much but I am happy that even in small things we can help theirs. Our
third day, this day is the day that I can say is the most tiring of all, like the first day we delivered papers
to different offices and departments but this time we brought more papers. Even though it was hot
during the walk, I still feel happy because I know that by simply carrying those papers, we are already
giving a lot of help because the longer we spent in the office where we were sleeping, I realized that the
papers are important. That we carry whether it is small or large papers, whether they are few or many.
It was our fourth day and our last day on duty, what I will never forget that we did on this day was that
we cut papers with the shredding machine, we cut a lot of paper and it was fun and relieved because on
our last day we were able to do and help our supervisors even in a simple way. It was the last day and I
can say that I also felt sad because it was also our last day on duty. This day we said goodbye to our
supervisors, it’s a pity that we were not able to take a picture with them as a memory of this experience,
we also thanked our supervisors for guiding us well. Four days of duty experience that I will never forget,
we met many kind people during the day. It’s funny to think that a student like me could say this, but
the days we were on duty made me feel old. I know that the day will come when I will be in the position
of our supervisors, like them I will also experience the fatigue that they experience every day and that is
what I should prepare for. Before I end this, I want to thank the General Service Department again for
the pleasant experience you gave me before I entered college. I enjoyed the 4 days I spent with every
supervisor in this department and I have no regrets about all the experiences I had in those four days.

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