CYBER Bullying

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1. Look at the picture and discuss why the girl is ups


Now discuss in groups;

What is a cyber-bullying? Is it dangerous? Why do some people become victims of cyber-bullying?

How common is bullying at school or even at the workplace in your country? In what ways is cyber
bullying a serious problem, and how is it different than bullying in the past?

Cyber bullying

Match the words/phrases with their meanings:

Word/phrases Meaning

improve (verb): make fun of

speak up (phrasal verb): treat someone badly in action or words

tease (verb): speak without fear or hesitation

nasty (adjective): make better

anxious (adjective): terrible

bully (verb): nervous

A. Listen and find what problem is being discussed.

Write your findings below;

B. Listen again and choose the correct answer.


What is the name of the girl?

a) Megan b) Michelle c) Marsha

She is a student in ____.

a) junior high school b) elementary school c) high school

The girl's teacher just thinks that she needs to _____ to make things better.

a) study quietly

b) pay attention

c) talk more

Some of the students have been _______.

a) making fun of her looks

b) stealing the girl's books

c) ignoring the girl at lunch

What did some kids do on Facebook that hurt the girl's feelings?

a) They didn't invite her to a birthday party.

b) They wrote some awful messages.

c) They deleted her as a friend.

The girl's mother is planning on ______ to resolve the problem.

a) discussing the issue with a lawyer

b) meeting with the school principal

c) contacting the local police

The teacher wants to _____.

a) apologize to the girl by email

b) talk to the girl the next day at school

c) read books on suicide prevention


Teacher: Hi. Welcome to Parent-Teacher Conference.

Parent: Thanks.

Teacher: So, what is your child’s name?

Parent: It’s Megan Jones.

Teacher: Megan. Uh, let’s see. Oh yeah, Megan. Um, she missed the last couple of days. Has she been

Parent: No, she’s been having some problems with the other kids in your class, and . . .

Teacher: Well, you know, junior high school is a difficult time, but she just needs to speak up a little more
in class. I think . . .

Parent: No, it’s . . . it’s more than that. Some of the kids in your class have really been bullying her a lot.

Teacher: What do you mean?

Parent: Well, um, they’ve been teasing her a lot about her appearance, and then, the other day, you didn’t
help things [ What? ] Yeah, she said you made a comment about her clothes.

Teacher: What do you mean? I mean . . .

Parent: She said you commented on her shirt and jeans, like they were from the 1970s or something like

Teacher: Well I was just kind of joking a little bit with her.

Parent: Well, yeah, that’s what you think, but other kids follow your example. In fact, one of the kids took a
picture of her with their phone and posted it and had some real nasty comments on Facebook. It was

Teacher: Well, you know, kids can be kids.

Parent: No, don’t you get it? This is bullying; it’s cyberbullying, and adults like you are part of the problem.
Forget it. I’m planning on discussing this with the principal tomorrow.

Teacher: Oh, wait, wait, wait. Um, uh, oh. I’m sorry if I hurt her feelings [ Yeah. You did! ], but . . .

Parent: I get sick and tired of people thinking that a little teasing is okay. Too many kids are killing
themselves because they feel that there’s just no way to escape this.

Teacher: Okay. Well, I guess I need to be a little bit more careful, but . . .

Parent: Yeah, you do. I really hope I can get Megan to come to school tomorrow. She’s been really,
really anxious and depressed [ Wow. ] for some time, and your comments and those that the other kids
made haven’t helped.

Teacher: Wow. Uh, I’m really sorry. Could you see if you can bring her to school tomorrow? Uh, I’d like to
apologize and see what I can do to, maybe, improve the situation.

Parent: Thanks. I’d appreciate it. That would help.


Speaking Activity: Talk in Pair

1. How is bullying in person different from cyber bullying (for example, you can cyber bullying someone
else 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)?
2. What are the effects of cyber bullying on people?
3. What are the warning signs of cyber bullying?
4. What are ways in which people are cyber bullied on the Internet?
5. What can people do to protect themselves from cyber bullying?
6. Are boys or girls more likely bully other kids?
7. Are people who are bullied more likely to suffer from depression or die by suicide?

Let’s talk about the internet world

1. Do you have facebook or instagram ?

2. How much time do you spend daily on the internet?
3. Do you really know all of your friends on Facebook and followers on Twitter or Instagram?
4. Have you ever accepted a friend request from someone you aren’t sure that you know?
Why/why not?
5. What is your favorite thing to do on the Internet?
6. Do you think children under 10 should have facebook accounts?
7. Why do people like posting their photos on facebook?
8. Do you prefer communicating face to face with your friends or through the Internet?
9. Why do we need the Internet? (playing games, communicating with friends, working, learning
new things….)
10. Am I being the “me” I want to be? Ask this question to yourself and share the answer with us.

After watching the video answer the following questions:

1. What happened to Catheline at the age of 16?

2. Did her mother know about her problem?
3. What are the differences between bullying and cyber-bullying?
4. How common is teen bullying? What is the rate?
5. What health problems can be caused by cyber-bullying?
6. What are the signs of being bullied? How can we find out if somebody is being bullied?
7. What should parents do when they notice those signs?
8. What does the woman say about parents’ role in their children’s lives?

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