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To study the properties of acids and bases ( Dil NaOH and Dil HCl) by their reaction with
a) Litmus solution ( blue and red) b) Zinc metal c) Solid sodium carbonate

Clean test tubes, boiling tube, test tube holder, zinc metal granules, dil sodium hydroxide, dil
hydrochloric acid, Bunsen burner or spirit lamp, match box, blue and red litmus solutions or
papers, solid sodium carbonate, lime water

1) Take 5ml of dil HCl in a test tube and test it with small pieces of blue and red litmus pieces
or solutions
2) Take 5ml of dil HCl in a test tube and add few pieces of zinc granules to it
3) Take 5ml of dil HCl in a test tube and add small quantity of solid sodium carbonate to it
4) Take 5ml of dil NaOH in a test tube and test it with small pieces of blue and red litmus
pieces or solutions
5) Take 5ml of dil NaOH in a boiling tube and add few pieces of zinc granules to it and heat it
if necessary.
6) Take 5ml of dil NaOH in a test tube and add small quantity of solid sodium carbonate .

1) Dil HCl when tested with blue litmus solution or paper which turns to red colour and no
action with red litmus paper or solution.
2) Dil HCl when treated with zinc granules, forms aqueous solution of zinc chloride and
liberates hydrogen gas. In this reaction we can observe the gradual decrease in the size of
zinc granules, surface of zinc granules become dull with evolution of colourless, odourless

Zn + 2HCl → ZnCl2 + H2
Hydrogen gas liberated in the above test can be confirmed by introducing a burning match
Stick where we can observe that gas burns with popping sound and the flame of the match
stick goes off as hydrogen gas undergoes combustion and does not support combustion

3) When small quantity of solid sodium carbonate is added to dil HCl in a test tube, we can
observe the brisk effervescence of a colourless, odourless gas carbon dioxide, and aqueous
solution of sodium chloride

Na2CO3 + 2HCl → 2NaCl + H2O + CO2

The carbon dioxide gas formed in the above reaction can be confirmed by passing the above
gas in to a test tube containing lime water where lime water turns to milky white precipitate
due to the formation of calcium carbonate and water. On passing excess of carbon dioxide gas,
the white precipitate formed disappears due to the formation of soluble calcium bi carbonate

CO2 + Ca(OH)2 → CaCO3 + H2 O
CaCO3 + H2O + CO2 → Ca(HCO3)2

4) When dil NaOH is tested with blue and red litmus papers, blue litmus paper or solution
shows no change but red litmus paper or solution turns to blue colour
5) When dil NaOH is tested with zinc granules, shows no action in the cold condition but the
mixture on warming forms an aqueous solution of sodium zincate and hydrogen gas

Zn + 2NaOH → Na2ZnO2 + H2
6) When dil NaOH is mixed with solid sodium carbonate, it shows no reaction as both are
basic in nature

1) Acids turns blue litmus solution or paper into red colour and shows no action on red litmus
paper or solution
2) Generally acids when treated with metals which are more reactive than hydrogen, liberate
hydrogen gas and forms aqueous solution of corresponding salt
3) Acids when treated with solid carbonates or bicarbonates liberate brisk effervescence of
colour less, odour less gas of carbon dioxide
4) Bases or alkalies turns red litmus solution or paper into blue colour and shows no action on
blue litmus solution or paper
5) Some alkalies in the hot condition when treated with metals produce aqueous solutions of
corresponding salts and liberate hydrogen gas
6) Generally alkalies can not react with bi carbonates or carbonates as bi carbonates or
carbonates are basic in nature.


1) For best results use as small amount of chemicals as possible

2) Before using test tubes, rinse them with distilled water
3) Do not use too much of dil HCl, while doing experiment with zinc metal. Liberation of large
volume of hydrogen can cause minor explosion
4) Do not heat the reaction mixture of zinc and dil NaOH to boiling point.

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