Double Take User Guide Monitoring)

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Workload monitoring Page 352 of 656

WorkIoad monitoring
Once a workload protection is established you will want to monitor the protection. You
can monitor the workload protection using the same Double-Take Availability client that
you used to establish the workload protection, or you can use several general monitoring
tools that are available for all workload types.
z Data workloads
z Full-server workloads
z Application workload
z Virtual workloads
z Cluster workloads
z Log files
z Windows Event messages
z Statistics
z Performance Monitor
z Error codes
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Data workIoads
When you are working with data workloads, you can monitor the connection and you can
monitor the status of failover monitoring.
z Monitoring a data workload
z Monitoring failover monitoring
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Monitoring a data workIoad
When a source is highlighted in the left pane of the Replication Console, the
connections and their statistics are displayed in the right pane. Additionally, colors and
icons are used for the connections, and the Double-Take Availability servers, to help you
monitor your connections.
z Connection statistics
z Connection and server display
Workload monitoring Page 355 of 656
Connection statistics
1. You can change the statistics that are displayed by selecting FiIe, Options and
selecting the Statistics tab.
2. The statistics displayed in the Replication Console will be listed with check boxes
to the left of each item. Mark the check box to the left of each statistic that you want
to appear, and clear the check box to the left of each statistic that you do not want
to appear.
3. The statistics appear on the Replication Console in the order they appear on the
Statistics tab. f you want to reorder the statistics, highlight the statistic to be
moved and select the up or down arrow button, to the right of the vertical scroll bar,
to move the selection up or down in the list. Repeat this process for each statistic
that needs to be moved until you reach the desired order.
4. f you have made changes to the statistics list and have not yet saved them, you
can go back to the previously used settings by clicking Reset to Last. This will
revert the list back to the last saved settings.
5. To return the statistics list to the Double-Take Availability default selection and
order, click Reset to DefauIt.
6. Click OK to apply and save any changes that have been made to the order or
display of the Replication Console statistics.
Statistics marked with an asterisk (*) are not displayed, by default.
RepIication Set
Replication set indicates the name of the connected replication set.
Connection ID
The connection D is the incremental counter used to number each
connection established. This number is reset to one each time the Double-
Take service is restarted.
Target Name
The name of the target as it appears in the server tree in the left pane of
the Replication Console. f the server's name is not in the server tree, the
P address will be displayed.
Target IP
The target P is the P address on the target machine where the mirroring
and replication data is being transmitted.
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Target Data State
z OKThe data on the target is in a good state.
z MirroringThe target is in the middle of a mirror process. The data will
not be in a good state until the mirror is complete.
z Mirror RequiredThe data on the target is not in a good state
because a remirror is required. This may be caused by an incomplete
or stopped mirror or an operation may have been dropped on the target.
z Restore requiredThe data on the source and target do not match
because of a failover condition. Restore the data from the target back to
the source. f you want to discard the changes on the target, you can
remirror to resynchronize the source and target.
z Snapshot revertedThe data on the source and target do not match
because a snapshot has been applied on the target. Restore the data
from the target back to the source. f you want to discard the changes on
the target, you can remirror to resynchronize the source and target.
Target Status
z OKThe target machine is active and online.
z Not LoadedThe target module is not loaded on the target. (For
example, the activation code is invalid.)
z PausedThe target machine is paused by user intervention.
z RetryingThe target machine is retrying operations for the connection.
This field may not be updated until there is source/target activity.
Commit Mode *
The commit mode status indicates the connection status.
z ReaI-timeData is being transmitted to the target machine in real-time.
z ScheduIedData is waiting to be transmitted to the target machine
until one or more transmit options have been met.
Transmit Mode
z StartedData is being transferred to the target machine.
z Pausedf the transmission is real-time and the transmission has
been paused, the Transmit Mode indicates Paused.
z ScheduIedf the transmission is scheduled, the Transmit Mode
indicates ScheduIed.
z StoppedData is not being transferred to the target machine.
z ErrorThere is a transmission error.
Workload monitoring Page 357 of 656
Mirror Status
z Mirroringf the file size of the replication set has not been calculated
and the data is being mirrored to the target machine, the Mirror Status
will indicate Mirroring.
z IdIeData is not being mirrored to the target machine.
z PausedMirroring has been paused.
z Percentage CompIetef the file size of the replication set has been
calculated and the data is being mirrored to the target machine, the
Mirror Status will display the percentage of the replication set that has
been sent.
z WaitingMirroring is complete, but data is still being written to the
z RestoringData is being restored from the target to the source.
z VerifyingData is being verified.
z Removing OrphansDouble-Take Availability is checking for orphan
files within the target path location (files that exist on the target but not
on the source). These files will be removed.
z ArchivingData is being archived or an archive report is being run.
RepIication Status
z RepIicatingData is being replicated to the target machine.
z ReadyThere is no data to replicate to the target machine.
z StoppedReplication has stopped.
z Pendingf auto-remirror is enabled and you have experienced a
source or target failure and recovery, the status will change to pending
while the connections are reestablished and will update when the
remirror begins. f auto-remirror is disabled and you have experienced a
source or target failure and recovery, replication will be Pending until a
remirror is performed. Without a remirror, data integrity cannot be
z Out of MemoryKernel memory has been exhausted.
z FaiIedTheDouble-Take service is not receiving replication
operations from the Double-Take Availability driver. Check the Double-
Take Availability log and Event Viewer for driver related issues.
Queued (Ops) *
The queued (ops) statistic indicates the total number of mirror and
replication operations that are in the source queue.
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Sent (Bytes)
The sent (bytes) statistic indicates the total number of mirror and
replication bytes that have been transmitted to the target.
Sent Compressed (Bytes)
The sent compressed (bytes) statistic indicates the total number of
compressed mirror and replication bytes that have been transmitted to the
target. f compression is disabled, this statistic will be the same as sent
Intermediate Queue (Bytes) *
The intermediate queue (bytes) indicates the total amount of memory
being used by the operations buffer queue.
Disk Queue (Bytes)
The disk queue (bytes) indicates the amount of disk being used to queue
data on the source.
Queued RepIication (Bytes)
The queued replication (bytes) statistic is the total number of replication
bytes that are remaining to be transmitted from the source.
Sent RepIication (Bytes)
The sent replication (bytes) statistic is the total number of replication bytes
that have been transmitted to the target.
Sent Compressed RepIication (Bytes) *
The sent compressed replication (bytes) statistic is the total number of
compressed replication bytes that have been transmitted to the target. f
compression is disabled, this statistic will be the same as sent replication
Queued Mirror (Ops) *
The queue mirror (ops) statistic is the total number of mirror operations in
the queue.
Sent Mirror (Bytes)
The sent mirror (bytes) statistic is the total number of mirror bytes that have
been transmitted to the target.
Sent Compressed Mirror (Bytes) *
The sent compressed mirror (bytes) statistic is the total number of
compressed mirror bytes that have been transmitted to the target. f
Workload monitoring Page 359 of 656
compression is disabled, this statistic will be the same as sent mirror
Skipped Mirror (Bytes)
The skipped mirror (bytes) statistic is the total number of bytes that have
been skipped when performing a difference or checksum mirror. These
bytes are skipped because the data is not different on the source and
target machines.
Remaining Mirror (Bytes)
The remaining mirror (bytes) statistic is the total number of mirror bytes
that are remaining to be sent to the target.
Queued RepIication (Ops) *
The queued replication (ops) statistic is the total number of replication
operations in the queue.
Last FiIe Touched
The last file touched identifies the last file that Double-Take Availability
transmitted to the target. f you are using long file names (more than
several thousand characters long) you may want to disable the display of
this statistic to improve Replication Console response times.
Connected Since
Connected since is the date and time indicating when the current
connection was made. This field is blank, indicating that a TCP/P socket
is not present, when the connection is waiting on transmit options or if the
transmission has been stopped. This field will maintain the date and time,
indicating that a TCP/P socket is present, when transmission has been
Bandwidth Limit (Kbps)
f bandwidth limiting has been set, this statistic identifies the limit. The
keyword UnIimited means there is no bandwidth limit set for the

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