The Razakars

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The Razakars, the private militia of one of the Nizam's stooges started the campaign to eliminate

Hindus and Islamize Hyderabad completely, and rechristen it as Osmanistan, after himself, Nizam
Osman Ali Khan. Thousands were butchered. Murders occured on a daily basis.

What people don't understand is this figure would be in millions, if no policing action was
undertaken by Sardar Patel. To put it in perspective, an active genocide was underway and it was
in its initial stages. Our handsome boy, Nehru wanted to wait it out, until the flames were put out,
or until things got really bad. He even actively thwarted Sardar Patel's plans, but he proceeded

The Indian army had therefore 2 objectives, 1. Defeat the Nizam's army at Hyderabad, 2. Free
every village that is being harrassed by the Razakars. Naturally, the bulk of the command would
be focusing on the main objective, so the army that was spread out did what they did.

Razakars are irregular militia, they don't march like armies, think of them as terrorists in plain
clothes, spreading everywhere. The number of Razakars enlisted over the months were 10 lakh
soldiers. Out of these, only 2 lakh actively confronted the Indian army, the rest were everywhere,
committing war crimes. The Indian army, had to therefore, first identify and then neutralize them,
and just to be sure, they disarmed every muslim household they could find.

Now, remember when I told you the Hindus were being killed off in the thousands, they decided
its the right time to take out the muslims, since the army had already identified all muslims in
each village, and therefore each village that had been liberated, now saw its muslims being
raped, and murdered.

The people of the state of Hyderabad, did not participate much in the movement for
Independence, because under the Nizam, who ruled independently, they were outsiders to the
whole deal. This is seen as their movement for independence; The peasant uprising and defeat of
the Razakars. It has led to the rise of socialism and communism in these areas, and would
eventually fan flames to the Naxal movement.

Tl;dr : Parent comment is misleading.

1. Figure of death, actually includes both religions.

2. Indian army prevented a genocide.
3. Most of the innocent Muslims who were killed, were killed by villagers who picked up
4. Not saying the army was incident free, but you should know, that it didn't go on a
rampage as is suggested here.

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