Heat and Energy: Scope-Unactstanding

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Heat and Energy

) Concepts of heat and temperature. SYLBABUS

Scope-Heat enerEY, S.I.

) Anomulos eans1on of waterunit-joule, I cal 4-186 J exactly.


Scopen sxpansion of water,

in the 0
10tange. Hopes graphs showing variation of volume and density of water wiun
(iüi) Energy Jlow and its experiment and epe
importance. consequences ot anomalous eapan
ncither crealed nor
the tiow
of energy as
linear and linking it with the laws
(iv) Energy sources.
destroyed and 'no
energy transfer is 1000
thermouyna energy 1S
Scope Sol
, wind, water and
nuclear energy
Renewabie versus
non-renewatble (only qualitative discussion of steps to produce
(elementary ideas wth cicctiny
energy Irom chcrgyB1ogas,
energy, wind energy, example
energy. etc. Issues of economic energy from falling of water, run-of-the nver nc
waste, tidal schemes,
Non-renewaDIe energy Coal, oil, natural viability and ability to meet
hydroeiectncal power lor ight and tube-wells.gas. Inequitable use of energy in urban and rural arcas
(v) Global warming and
green house etfect
Scopecaning. causes and impact on the life
Energy degradation : Meaning and on earth; projections for the future;, what necds to De Oonc


6.1 CONCEPT OF HEAT (HEAT AS ENERGY) heat energy of a body is the internal energy ot its
It is our common experience that on
rubbing molecules. A hot body has more internal
against each other, energy
palms get heated; on passing than an identical cold body. When a hot body-is
electric curTent in a metallic wire, the wire
gets kept in contact
with a cold body. the cold
heated; on burning coal, we body
get heat; on pumping warms up and the hot body cools down ie., the
air in a bicycle tube, the barrel of
In all these cases, heat
pump gets heated ntermal energy of cold body increases and that of
is produced either by doing tne hot body decreases. It is because the energy is
WOrk or
by providing energy in some fom othertransrerred rom the hot body to the cold
body when
than-heat. en rubbing palms and on pumping air ey are placed m contact. The energy which flows
from hot
m a

Le, Irom
bicycle tube, heat is produced by doing work body to the
cold body is called the heat
mechanical energy, while passing energy or simply the heat.
CurTent in a metallic wire, heat is obtained from On touching, a body appears hot to us when
lectrical energy and on burning coal, heat is heat energy tlows from that body to our hand, while
lained from chemial energy.Dhus heat is also a t apPpears cold to us when heat energy flows from
form of energ our hand to the body.
Each body is made up of molecules. The Example: If we touch an iron chair placed in
molecules are in a state of random motion and each g we teel hot because heat energy from the

0ecule exerts a force of attraction on other T o t l intemul energy i equal io ihe sum of interul kintetic energy
diue to molecular otion and ilernal
CCules. Thus molécules possess energy and the potential energy due to
char pasSes to our hand. Similarly, ilf we louch a and ils temperature riseCS provided its physical state

Cue ot ee, we leel cold because heal energy lrom or dimensions remain unchanged.

u r land NISses to the cube ol ice. Thus, temperature is defined as

Nemperature is a quantuty which indicates the

Thus we can detine heat as tollows:
thermal state of a body (1.e., the degree of
ea is the form of energy thut is trans/errea hotness or coldness o the body). t determines
etween wo bodies at two different
the direction of flow of heat when wo bodies
Temperatues when kept m contact.
at different temperatures are placed tn contact.
nit of hea If there is no transfer of heat between the tw
The unit of heat is Same jas that ot energy. bodies placed in contact, they are sad to be at the same
The S.. unit of heat is joule Yabbreviated as J) temperaure, but it does not mean that they have equal
and its C.G.S. unt S erg, where amount of heat in them. In fact, temperature alone does
.(6.1) not tell us the quantity of heat energy contained in a
1J =10 erg
Other units of heat are calorie (cal) and boay. EXperimentally, we find that by imparting same
quantity of heat energY to different bodies, they get
kilocalorie (kcal). where
heated to different temperatures. 1he amount of heat
kilocalorie =
1000 calories (6.2)
The units calorie and joule are related as energy contained by a body depends on its mass
temperature and the nature of material of the body.
cal =4-186 J (or nearly 42 J) 6.3) Unit of temperature
6.2 CONCEPT OF TEMPERATURE of temperature is kelvin
(The S.I. unit
When a hot body is kept in contact with a cold (symbol K). The other most common units of
body. it is noticed that after some time, the hot body temperature are degree celsius (symbol °C) and
becomes less hot and the cold body becomes less degree fahrenheit (symbol °F).
cold. Obviously, this is because ofthe-feuof heat flois, The temperature on Celsius scale and Kelvin
fromghot body to the cold body.The body which scale are related as
imparts heat is said to be at a
higher temperature tK= 273 +1 °C
than the body which receives heat. .(6.4)
Thus, Thus, by adding 273 to the
temperature in
(temperature determines the directuon of Jlow o hea degree celsius, we get the temperature in Kelvin.
When a body receives heat energy, the particles Actually a degree on both the Kelvin and Celsius
constituting the body start vibrating more
More precisely r K = 273-15 + °C

Diiference between heat and temperature
1.Heat is a form of energy obtained due to random 1.
Inotton oI molecules in a substance Temperature is a
quantity which tells the thermal state
body (i.e., the degree of hotness or ota
coldness of the body)
and determines the
direction of ilow of heat on keeping
The S.. unit of heat is joule 0) the two bodies at
The S.I. unit of
different temperatures in contact.
3 The anount of heat contained in a
body depends .
temperature is kelvin (K).
on mass, temperalure and material of
body. temperature of a body depends on the average kinetne
Heat is measured by the energy of its molecules due to their random motion.
5. Two bodies ai
having same quantity of heat
principle calocimetry. Temperature is measured by a
differ in their temperature. may . Two bodies at same thermomeier
the temperature may differ in
6. When two bodies are
placed in contact, the total quantities
of heat contained in them.
amount of heat is equal to the sum of When two bodies
heat of the at different temperatures are
individual bodies. placed in contact, the resultant
temperatore in between the two
temperature is a

cales 1s
Cqu n Nelvin scale, 0 K is the it, find that it contracts (instead or
enperiturzcro. Pssure and
volume of a gas the temperature range from OC to
4. o iing
ecomes s calca
absolute zero. Thus, it further above 4°C, it expands. Similariy,
ative lempetn 1s not
possible on Kelvin scale. initially above it
at a
temperature 4Cs
po C on Celsius scale, 32o: contracts till the
temperature of waler reacnes
on Fahrennet seie and 273 K on the Kelvin scale. On further it below 4°C to 0C, 1
The steam pont s 1o0C on Celsius scale, 212°F cooling
This unusual expansion of water on cooling Expaund
n unc

on Fahrennet Scc ana 373 K on the Kelvin scale. temperature range 4°C to 0°C, is called anomalous
1hus. there are Too cqual degrees between the ice expansion of water. 1nus,

noint and steam point on both

the Celsius and
scales, but 180
equal divisions on Fhe expansion of water when t is cooled from 4°C|
Fahrenneit sCale. hus, I degree on Celsius seale theto 0C,, sis knownas
to G anomalous expansion of water.
knownas amomauos
i degree on Fahrenheit scale. The Fig. 6.1 shows the variation in volume
zero of the
of water
Kelvin scale
called absolute zero and
it is at a
0°C to
10°C. rhHe volume of
temperature wnen molecular motion ceases. It is water
at-273°C i.e. 0 K = -273°C. decreases on heating it from 0°C to 4C
and then
increases on further heating it from 4°C to 10°C.
The temperature on Celsius and Fahrenheit The volume of water is thus minimum at
4 C. For
Scalesare related as : =. F-32 .(6.5)
gof water, the volume at 4°C is 1-0000 cm'.
Almost all substances and (solids, liquids
ses) expand on heating and contract on cooling. 1002
N The expansion of a substance on heating is
called the thermal expansion of that substance. 1.0000
A solid has 0.9999 2 *

s heated, it
definite shape,
when a solid so
expands in all directions i.e., the length, ig.
area and volume, all increase on heating. The 6,maton in volume of waler m
range of

iCrease in length is called linear expansion, the emperulure 0C to 10

increase in area is caled superfical Fig6.2shows the variation in density of water

expasION and with temperature in the range from 0°C to
the increase in volume is called cubical expansion.
When water is heated from 0°C,
Liquids and gases do not have a definite sthape, the density of water
So first increases from 0°C to 4°C and
then decreases
they have only the cubical (or
volumc above 4°C to l0°C. On the other hand, on
expansion. On heating., liquids expana more nt water from 10°C, the
Soltds, and gases expand much more than liquds.
density of water first increases
Some substances such as water from °C to
c,silver iodide from 80°C to
and 0.999
Delow-80°Ccontract on heating expand on

OLng. The expansion of a substance on cooling o.9998

of is called
" Certain range
Here we
Oalous expansion of that substance.
Study the anomalous expansion of water. 6 10X
Fig. 6.2 Variation in density of water with
we take some water at 0'C and start heating temperature in range °'C to l0'C


- -
Erpanston of water helps
The anomaious ye very cold weather during
Snreserving aguahe
(or winter). when the
In cold weather below °'C. Formaton of tee a t tihe tog
m " pono

starts falling FRb.5

mospheric temperaure at at O'C, wnic
pond (or lake) initially with ice is
surlace or a
rat the
of water in contact
Degins to radiate heat to the
below t h e ee E u y
emperlurc e the temperature of water
fish and oncr

nperalure of
water near
increases to 4°C. As a result,
atmospnc temperature of water at water of
theI rpondto
wnen remain alive in
surtace a water contracts and its
the surface
has ozen
the surtace
Deiow4C, lake). though water on

it sinks to the life dunng

asesand therefore, the aquatic
density ice. Nature thus protects
till temperature of entire
hottonm.. Sonnues
to 4C. Now, further cooling of top
winter season.
water and The anomalous expansion o
layers in
below results AS expansion of water (i)
water pipeines,

a result, does not

water >esponsible for bursting of
so its densiy decreuscS. on the surface. When the destruction of crop during very cold ngnis
sink further, but it remans O'C, as the atmospheric
of atmosphere lalls below water
In winter nights.
water n
the surtace urher heat lo
the atmosphere
temperature starts falling below 4C, pupe
on loses
and gradually recres nto 1ce, Dut waler DeiOw n e lines expands and it exerts large pressure
Plants also die
e for
to burst.
them to
ice layer remains at
4 he waler layer Just DeloW
Ppes, burst
causing them
with it will be at 0°C. Fig, reason as heir capillaries
the ice in contact ndthe

of i c e at the surface of pond below 4°C and expands.

shows the formation waler in them reaches
U heal, so
filled with
(or lake). Since_ 1ce
S a poor conductor To prolect the plants; fields are
flow ot heat from water of
ice now prevents the alcr.

pond (or lake) to the atmosphere. Thus, temperature

Name no subsíances which contract on heating
1.What is heat ? Wrte its S.I. unit. L6
Two bodies at different temperatures are placed in i
Ans. Water from 0°C to 4°C.
low. silver iodide from 80°C to 141°C.
contact. State the direction in which hecat will
10. What do you mean by anomalous expansion of
As. From the body at high temperature
the body at low temperature.

to he
Ans. Expansion of wateron cooling it from 4°C to 0°C.
Name the S.I. unit of heat. How is it related
11. At what temperature the density of water is
unit calorie ?
maimum: state its value.
Ans. joule U). 1 J = 0-24 cal (nearly)
Ans. At 4°C, 1000 kg
Detine temperature and write its S.I. unit. T L 6 n
win nan,
12. State the volume changes observed when a given
of when touched
why does a piece ice
mass of water is healed from O'C to 10C. Sketch
ppear cool ? Explain. a
Ans. On touching ice, heat passes from temperature-volume graph to show the behaviour.
our hand to the ice. 13. Draw a graph to show the variation in density of water
with emperature in
Distinguish between heat and temperanure | the temperature range irom 0C to
thermal expansión of 10'C.
What do you
understand by a
\L led
ubstance >|"LT 14. Agiven mass of wafer is cooled from 10'C to 0°C.
O°C. Stae
substances which expand on heating. the volume changes observed. Represent these
Ans. Brass, Iron changes
on a
temperature-volume graph.
Describe an esperment to hasMulliple chorce pe
show that water
15. Calorie is the unit of
mavimum densaty important
at C . What
consequences .
trom this pecutar property waler b) work
tolow o heat
in nature.
the iportance ot this phenonienon (e) temperature food Ans. (a) heat

of water has its top layer Irozen during

t6. Deep ond Cquals to0

S t a l e he expected tenmperature
of water layer
(a) 0-24 cal (b) 4-18 cal
in contact withh ice, (1) at the b o t o m ol pond.
Ans. (i) ' C (Gi) 4°C I cal d) I kcal
AIs. (a) 0:24 cal
17. Draw a diagram showing he lemperature of varnous
3. S.1. unit of temperature
ayers ot water in an ice covered pona. ICA
)cal (b) Joule
I8. Explain the following
(c) celsius (d) kelvin Ans. (d) kelvin
(a) Water pipes in colder countries often burst in
.Water is cooled from 4"C to 0'C. It:
(6) In winter, water tank (or Ocean) starts lreezing (a) contracts (6) expands
from the Surtace and not trom the botlom.
(C) first contracts, then expands
when the
(C) Fishes survive in ponds even
(d) first expands, then contracis.
is below U'C.
atmospherc temperature \ns. (6) cxpands
( d ) A hollow glass sphere which 1loais with its enture
5. Density ol water is maximum at :
volume submerged in water at 4C, SinkS when

water is heated above 4C. (a) 0°C (b) 100°C

(e) A glass bottle completely fnlled with water and (c) 4°C d) 15°C Ans. (c) 4'C
closed is likely to
ughtly at room
burst when kept in the Ireezer of a refngerator


6.7,ENERGY FLOW IN AN ECOSYSTEM Food chain: In an aquatic ecosystem. pholo-
and bactena act producers. as The
composed of biotic components (i.e.,
consumers and decomposers) and
synthetic plants
00d synthesizcd by producers is utilised by primary

abiotic components (i.e., light, heat, rain,

humidity. inorganic andorganic substances) is
called an ecosystem
Energy is needéd for all the biotic activities. Producor consun
The existence of living beings on
such as plants,
animals and bonans depends the flow of
energy in thea:he most significant source of
energy lor all ecosystems is the Sun ) Secondary

The energy received on earth from the sun Smal

is utilised in different ways. Nearly 56-60% of the
incident energy is absorbed by
nearly 10h Is ulilised in heating of water and
land, and only 8% lalls on plants. Plants absorb
most of the energy alling on them. Out of the Human &
absorbed energy. plants use only 0-02% in
photosynthesis for producing their tood. They are
called the producers. Fig. ho A simple Jond chan

sumer (such as krill). The
aten by primary consumers
the the primary consumers (herbivores)
secondary consumers (such

ish) and turn they are consumed

in a s as
ohtain their food
food from
iroim the
uc producers, so they obtal

SyOnsumers (such as
large fish). The
by the only small
y a small part part of from the producers and
oi energy
cuE producers.
mers may be ealen by
humans. Humans
tertiary the wasted in decay
rest is ucers. A small pan
the last consumer n this a n s may
chain of of
of the
the energy obtained by the primary
when they eat
ransier when cat the fish. This energy
Ey utilized in respiration through which they perform
tney the tish.
This simple food
chain is
snoWn in Fig.
6.6. processes of their body anu
er low: Fig. 6.7 shows part stored in the as food. In Fig. 6.7, the

inin the ccosystem. The

fow energy primary consumers obtain only 3,368 cal energy
producers (photo- Irom the producers and rest of thec energy 5,465 cal
nthetie plans dynnesIZe organic
substances by is wasted in the
of the producers. T nen out
the process o pnoosynthesis (i.e., they
bind of 3,368 cal
energy which the primary consuie
simple cop s wh the help of solar energy obtain from the producers, 1800 cal is
no coimpiex ganic substances). The chemical in
energy u
energy so
up respiration and 1,478 cal energy storca
IS as
storea in
plants is called
gross primary
wduction. The
producers themselves 0oa
first use the Afterwards, a small part of the energy stored
synthesized Organic substances in the process of as food in the primary consumers IS
espirationot wnicn some energy is used in ODlaicu
onidatron organic Substances. The rest of the secondary consumers (carnivores). T hey
make use of a part of the energy in
energy. Called tne
2er primary_production, is respiradon
rest is stored in them as food. In Fig. 6./, the
stored tor he growin, development and
important secondary consumers obtain only 383 cal energy
processes. in
Fig. 6.7, the gross primary from the primary consumers and rest
production by the
producers is 20,810 cal energy. 1,095
or tne
cal is wasted in the decay of primary
out of which T1,977 cal
energy is used in the consumers. The
respiration and the net
secondary consumers utilise 3l6 cal
primary production is energy in respiration and rest of the energy 6/ cal
S.835 cal energy.
is stored in them as food.

612 ca By repeating the sequence, the tertiary

O 6 cal 14,198 ca
consumers (carnivores) obtain energy as food from
the secondary consumers and utilise a small
Tertiary Consumers (carnvores)
part of
it in respiration and
2 cal remaining energy is wasted in
their decay and decomposition. In
Fig. 6.7, the
46 cal tertiary consumers obtain only 21 cal energy from
67cal the secondary consumers and rest of the
energy (i.e.,
46 cal) is wasted in the
Secondary consumers (carnivores)
decay of secondary
consumers. Out of the 21 cal obtained the
383 C a 18
energy by
et tertiary consumers, 15 cal energy is used in
1.095 cal roduction
respiration and 6 cal energy is wasted in their decay.
The energy flow
in ecosystems
is thus linear
i.e., it moves in a fixed direction. At the end, the
Primary consumers
3,368 Ca
energy reaches to the degraded (or unuseful) state.
5 465 cal It does nol return to the sun to make the
8.833 calJ Gross

The energy flow in the
Producers (plants)
ecosystem can also
be understood in form of a food chain shown
20,810ca 11,977 Cäl in Fig. 6.8.
Fig. 6.7 Eneryy flow in ecosystem
Producers (plants)
The flow of energy in the process of
transformation and
5yuress governed by the laws of thermodynamics
ditfusion in ecosystemni
20810 cal According to the tirst law ot
also known as law of conservation of energy, ener
8633 Cal can be ransformed from one Jomm to the otherfonm
but it can neither nor destroyed. When
Frimary consuers
of form of
Enery l0sS in
excreson Respirabon
certain amount one energy is
then the same amount ot anotnerT 1om of energy is
e prouon
created as shown in Fig. 6.7.

SeconoanY cors
According to the second law of
dynamics, when enerEy Is put to work. a part of i
y 5 5 in 383 c
is always converted in unuseful Jorm
Resp mainly as
heat, due to friction and radiation. In all such
Consumed cases the total sum of useful and unuseful
Tertiary consumers energy
remains constant. In Fig. 6./, the
Carmivofes) energy used in
15 cal
respiration and in decay (or death) appears as
unuseful heat energy because this
energy does not
reach to the consumer of next
stage. So just like a
machine, in ecosystem also the
Fig. 6.8 Energy Jlow in ecosystem in energy transfer is
not 100% efficient, a
portion of the
Jorm of a Jovd chain transferred
energy always changes to unuseful form in
accordance with the second law of
What is an
ecosystem ? Name its wo
What is the source of components.7ltiple choice type :

energy for all ecosystems? 1. Food chain begins with

State the
importance of green
plants in (a) respiration
ccosystem. an (6) photosynthesis
4.Ditferentiate between the
producers and consumers.
decomposition (d) decay.
5. State the functions Ans. (b) photosynthesis.
of decomposers in an
ecosystem. I n e source of
6. What is a food chain ? energy in an
ecosystem is
(a) Sun
7. Draw (6) decayed bodies
simple diagram showing a food chain.
(C) green plants
8. (d) sugar.
Describe the energy flow in an 3.
Ans. (a) sun.

ecosystem. Energy enters in a food chain

9. State thelaw which
govems the energy tlow in (a) pnmary consumers through
ecosystem. an
(b) secondary consumers
10. Show that the
energy 1low in an (c) tertiary consumers
11. Draw ecosystem is linear.
simple diagram showIng the energy (d) producers.
a food chain. flow Ans. (d) producers.
in4. The place of human being
12. Draw in tood eham
diagram to show that the ecosystem is as a
ecosystem Is energy flow in an
governed by the law of (a) producer
energy. conservation (c) decomposer
(b) consumer
(d) both (a) & (b).
Ans. (6) consuiner.


Although wood, obtained from trecs, 1s

We require cnergy im
of our life. considered a renewable source ol
for exanp E Tequircd to cook food. to usually take more than 13 ycars Cnetgy OW Iully,
ight honeS tu giugets, to move
therefore, renewal
vehicles tonCielore, renewal of wood
of source of energy source or
T.V.. Cnema,
radio, etc. W cieiE

need energy for takes a long time. Further. cuting of irees on a

duction in lactories and also
for irigation in large seüle causes depletion of Jorests whic
fields. To e e t most ol

rgy neeuCu Ts in requirements, the resulis in globaB warming and environmentat
the form of heat and imbalance. Hence use of wood as a source

electnciuy. rO CAnple, we need heat energy for energy nmtust be avoKed.

ing food and this heat
energy is obtained by Thus, the main sources of renewable energy
hurning Tucis duen as
coal, wood,
kerosene or are
: (i) Sun (ii) Wind (ii) Flowing waler
cookIng gN. C ced electricity to run electrie mass and bio fuels from waste (i
(V) lidesDO
motors. Tas, Cic. and it is obained from coal, (vi) Oceans (vii) Geo-thermal spots and

hydro-energy or nuclear energy.

(vii) Nuclear fuel.
Cnaractersies of a source of energy: A source Sun as souree of energy: Sun s the
of energy should be
such that it can provide_an ain source of various types of enerEy. The
adeguait Ouseful energy at a steady rate energy obtained from the sun is ealied soiar
over a tong Peroa oy Time. lt
should be safe and nergy. In
uhe interior of the sun, nuciear tUston te
convenet SE, economicaland easy to store reactions generate huge amount of energy which
andtranspor. IS radiated oul continuously in all directions in

Classification of sources of energy: From the

space. Since the sun is far from the earih,
point of view of availability, the we receive only a very small fraction or the toa
energy sources are
divided into the folloWing fwo groups: solar enerEy
The solar energy that reaches the earth is
) renewable or non-conventional sources of
energy, and neither uniform nor atequal at allIt places. It
(2) non-renewable or convenional sources Or changes everyday one also varies
even place.
chergy. during a
day.(The average solar energy reacning8
of earth per second
area of I metres is called the
on an

solar_coustw1t) and
natural source providing us energy t 1s estmated to be nearly 1:34 kW m-The
o o u s / y 1s called a renerabie (or non- reaching the earth's surface is $olar energy

Contentioal) source of energy. Sun is the main absorbed by land, plants and water bodies like
SOurce of energy for us on the earth. The energy v e s akes and oceans. The_solar energy
harmessed from the natural sources like wind, absorbed by kand and water bodies cause winds,
tlowing water, tides, ocean waves and biogas is torms, rains, snow falls, etc. while the solar
direclyorindirectly derived from the energy of the Cnergy absorbed by plants is utilized by them in
We can use these sources as long as the earth picparng n e i r tood by the process of
nes to receive heat and light from the sun. paoIOsynthesis.
part from these sources, hydroenergy. geo-themal ) nd as source of energy The
Cnergy and nuclear energy are other sources of arge mass of moving air is called wind. Due
cnergy which can provide us energy over a long to motion, it has kinetic energy. The kinetie
eIOd of time. These sources of energy can be ener8y of wmad is called wind energ
Sed and again and will never get exhausted. Indirectly wind energy comes from solar
are also Caled gobar gas
energy. The rays falling on carth heat
sun type. They plants
dilierent areas of the earth unequally. Due to because the man biomass used in these plants
which is the mixlure of animal duno
of different of the earth, called slurry
unequal heating areas
m waler.
rotation of the earth and fiid local convection
(or gobar)
cuments, we have different wind cycles. (V ides as source of energy: The rise of
ocea waler near the coast iIS called high tide and
From the very early days, we have been using
wind for various purposes fall of ocean waler is
Called lon lide, This rise
energy possessed by day iIn
husk rom grains, in and fall ot tidal waves occur
twice a

such as in removing p0ssessed by rising

oceans. The energy and
propelling sail boats in rivers and seas, in moving
in windmills to faling waier m hdes Is Known
Us tidlat energ.
vehicles for transportation and
draw water from the ground and to grind grains Tidal energy is harnessed for producing

water as a source ol energy: electricity by cOnstrucung a

dam aCross a narTow
i i Flowing this is not a
possessed by the
Jlow ing waler
opening to the sea. ofButthe major source
netic energy
because following reasons: wo
of energy
Hydroenergy too comes indirectly from the ()) The rise and lall of sea water during tides
IS not enough to generate electricity on a
sun. The solar energy is responsible for_water
large scale.
Water in oceans, rivers, lakes, elc.
Cycle in nature.
absorbs solar energy and it then evaporales to (2) There are very few sites which are
form clouds. The clouds move due to air currents
suitable for building tidal dams.
and ulümately water comes back to the earth in
)Oceans as source of energy Water in
the form of rain and snow. oceans possesses energy in two forms (a) ocean
Man has been utilizing for centuries the thermal energy and (b) oceanic (or sea) waves
energy of flowing water in rivers for rotating the energy.
wheels of water mill used to drivee the flour mill
(a) Ocean thermal energy: Water at the
in remote hilly areas and for transporung ndy surface of an ocean gets heated by absorbing the
logs of wood from forests in niluly areas to uc heat of the sun, while water at its deeper levels
downstream areas in planes.
remains cold. Thus, there is a difference in
Biomass as souree of energy The temperature of water at the surface and at deeper
wastes and dead parts of living beings ike plants, levels of an ocean. This difference in temperature
and is They
trees animals called bioass. contain
carbon compounds., The chemneal energy stored n
is found to be up to 20°C. The energy available
due to the dlifference in temperature of water a
the biomass is called bioenergy. Tnus, bioenergy the surface and at deeper levels of ocean 1s
also comes from solar energy. Bomass such as called ocean thermal energy (0TE). Obviousiy.
wood, cattle dung, crop residues and agricuiure this energy also comes indirectly from the sun.
wastes like bagasse have been traditionally used
Ocean thermal energy is harnessed for
as fuel to produce heat energy for domestie as
producing electricity by a device called ocrn
well as commercial purposes. thermal energy conversion power plant (OTEC
Biomass is also used to produce biogas oy 1s
power plant).
decomposition in the absence of oxygen. The
(b) Oceanic (or sea) waves energy: Due lo
main constituent of biogas is methane (65%) and
the rest is a mixture of carbon dioxide, hydrogen
wInd blowing on the surface of oceans, waves
high speed surface at on its which are
and hydrogen_sulphide. Biogas is used as a fuelnoe Oceanic waves (or sea waves). Due to their
to run engines and for generating electricity. In d
tremendous amount of
India, we use wo types of biogas plants: (1) the g speea, they carry
with them. Thus, the kinetic energ"
floating gas holder type and (2) the fixed dome
light and This
m is the loss in mass, eneiE
C y also comes hrg is known as nuclear Chergy
imudirectly Irom the sun.
In fission reaction of one uranium nucleus,
Sea wae c Can also be
harnessed to
oNtce electrncity. but lar it has nearly 200 MeV energy wo or
releuseu *
psle to prduce electricity from se, three neutrons are also emitted. If number of
nergy on a large seaie. However, es uranium nuclei present are more. cach neutron
made to
gCnerale models have emitted in the fission reaction
electricity from oceanic o
nucleus causes fission in the new
uranu nuclei
and thus a chain of nuclear fission reactions
s p o t s as source o occurs, which once started continues tull the enur
A places, rocks below the
surface uranium is exhausted. As
of the earhn are very not. Such plac
a result of such an
are known uncontrolled chain reaction, more and more
Js hot spos. 1 e tecal energy possessed hy ocks
ide the eurilh is called energy is produced which may Cause
geotihermal energy. CXplosion. An atom bomb 1s based on this
Geothermal energy is harnessed to producepnciple. But to utilize the energy produced in
electnciy.ne rocks present at hot spots, heat thehe process of fission 1or construcuve use (Such
underground waler and turn it into steam, which as to produce electricity), the chain reaction is
gets compressea at nign pressure controlled by absorbing some neutrons with the
between the
rocks. By aniling holes into the earth up to the neipP of cadmium rods. This is done in a nmuclear
hot spols, steam is extracted through pipes which
is utilized to rotate the turbine connected to the So far it has not become
armature ot an electric generator to
possible to hamess
produce energy by the process of nuclear fusion.
In India, there are
very few places where SOURCES OF ENERGY
geothermal energy 1s harnessed to produce The sources of energy which have
electricity. One such
place is in Madhya Pradesh. accumulatel in nature over a
However, in USA and New Zealand, there are very long perivd
and cannot be
quickly replaced when exhausted,
number of geothermal energy based power are called non-renewable or comventional sources
plants. ofenergy. Coal, petroleum and natural
gas known
i t Nuclear fuel as a source of energy : as 1osS1l fuels are non-renewable sources. They
b uranium nucleus is bombarded with a are formed by the decomposition of the remains
slow neutron, it
splits into two nearly equal light oplans and animals buried under the earth.
nuclei and a millions ot
large amount of energy is released. years ago. Thus, the formation of
his phenomenon is called nuclear fission. tosil fuels have occured over millions of years
maly, when two light nuclei combine to due to certain very slow changes under special
h e a v y nucleus at a very high temperature Crurmstances. It they are being used extensively
10 K) and high pressure, a tremendous theT known reserves will soon deplete and once
ount of energy is released. This phenomenon exnausted, they cannot be regenerated soon.
s called nuclear fusion. In both these processes, The common non-renewable sources of
ongin of energy is the loss in mass i e . he are: a l . (i) peroleun and (i) natural gus.
Um of masses of the products ot reaction is less C o a l : Coal is a non-renewable source of
an the sum of masses of reactants and this OSS energy made up of complex compounds of
mass is converted into energy E accoralng o Carbon, nylogen and oxygen along with some
nstein's mass-energy equivalence relation free carbon and componds of nitrogen and
me, where c (=3x 10° m s") IS tne speea sulphur lt is tound in deep mines under the

Surface of the earth. In India, coal mines are digging wells into the earth. From some wells we
found in Jharkhand, West Bengal, Odisha and can extract only natural gas, while from others
Chhattisgarh. Since coal is found in abundance in both natural gas and petroleum. In India, there are

number of natural gas tields such as in Tripura,

our country, it is the most common source or
Jaisalmer, off shore area of Mumbai and in the
energy for us.
Krishna-Godavari component of
delta. The main
: Petrolen is dark coloured
Petroleum a
natural gas is methane (up to 95%) along with
liquid also called crude oil. It is a non-
ous small quantities of ethane and propane. It easily
renewable source of energy which is found under burns to produce heat.
the earth's crust in rocks. Ii is a
trapped compler renewable and
mixtre omany lhydrocarbons with waler, sal.
Distinctión betwee of
carth particles and other compounds of carbon, Ufenewable
sources energy

It is ighter than
OXygen, nitrogen and sulphiur. Renewable sources Non-renewable sources
water and does not mix with it. Petroleum is 1. These are sources f r o m . These are sources from
obtained by drilling oil wells into the earth's crust which energy can be which energy Ccan
at its reservoirs. In India, the reservoirs of obtained continuously not be continuously
in Assam and obtained over a
petroleum have been found Over a
long period ot

period ol ume.
Mumbai. time.

extracted from wells is They are non-conven- ney are

The crude petroleum tional sources of energy. sources ot energy.
not suitable to be used as a fuel in its natural These are natural. hese are natural
to be purified (or refined) to obtain sources which will get
form. It has SOurces which will not
different useful components. The process o exhausted with time.
et exhausted.
Separatng useful components rom The not
sources can
These sources can be
which is done by De regeneralcu.
petroleum is called refining regeneratcd
fractinal distillation in big oil refineries set up Examples Sun, wind,EXanples Coal, petroleum
for this purpose. TiOWIng water (hydro), bio- nd niatural
mass (waste), tides,
The petroleum gas obtained as a by-product
Oceans, geo thermal spots
from the fractional distillation of petroleum and nuclear fuel.

butane and a small amount of

contains mainly
burns readily and 6.12 JUDIcious UsE OF ENERGY
propane and ethane. This gas
produces a lot of heat. Hence. petroleum gas can It is not possible to harness sufficient energy
be used as a good fuel. for our requirement from non-conventiona
sources of energy, so we have to make use of the
Butane, propane and ethane are in gaseous
sources also. However, the
States at they
ordinary pressure, easily
but can be
con ventional
liquefied under pressure. 7he petroleum
gas conventional sources of energy (i.e., fossil fuels)
liquefied under pressure is called liquefied are imited and non-renewable, so their constant
will create an energy crisis in the coming
petroleun yas ( o r LPG) which is used in
domestic gas stoves as fuel for cooking purposes. future. Therefore, the following measures must
It is stored in gas cylinders after mixing a strong taken\iat jhe judicious use of energy
smelling substance called ethyl mercaptan (1) The fossil fuels such as coal. petroleu
that the gas leakage, if any, from limited
(CHSH) so tc. should be used only for
the cylinder can easily be detected. purposes when no other alternative soUre

ii) Natural gas : Natural gas is also a non- Or energy 1S available.

renewable source of energy which is found deep (2) Wastage of energy should he avole
under the carnh's crust either alone or above the (3) Cuting of trees must be hanned nd
petroleum reservoirs. It is also obtained by and should be
more trees pl.anteal.
4) Eorts ust De niade to
niake judicious The solar cells are usually made irom
Ue eherey n the
community. semiconductors like silicon and gallium. A
(5) ne USe
O Chergy in
11huet c
nan rural
semiconductor has conductivity less ma that
areas. In rural a metal. but more than that of an At
Jreis. tne of se imsu
renew able sources of ordinary temperature, a semiconductor nas c
enere than casier
in urban areas. In low conductivity, but its conductivity increusc
rural arcas. we can biogas, wind use
in temperature either with the rise
droenerE tor or
running lights specifie impurities are added in it in awIcn
and tube wells. conuouc
manner. If sunlight is made incident
(6) Sucn eeiques should be
Dy wnien near
developed impurity-added semiconductor, a potenua
n fuiure. we
difference is
may make use produced between its
f renewabie sources such as sotar Iorns solar cell. Due to this
surtaces. Tns

wd enerEy a
potential difterence,
Cherey. nydroenergy. bioenergy. a current
flows in the circuit connected between
Ctiergy. etc, as much the
to meet our
possible opposite faces of the Such a semiconductor.
energY requiremenis. Single solar cell of 4
cm produces a
Eorts must be made to obtain nuclear
oennal difference of nearly 0.4 volt to 0-5 volt
Enerey Dy the controlled ue
nuclear fusion of which
deuterium nuclei
0 a current of nearlythe60production,
present heavy water
in water can be oblained. To increase
availabie n sea. This will then
become an ge number of Such cells are
endless sOurce of arranged overa
energy. large area so that they could collect a
In our large
daily ite both in urban and rural areas, amount ot solar energy to
need energy mostly produce sufficient
we in the form or electricity. Such an arrangement of solar
so we shall now
study the main elecinciyof
called a solar panel.

producing electicity from the renewable sources

A solar
panel gives electricity
0 energy. sunlight is
long as the
falling on
Therefore, it. a solar
cannot panel
produce electnicity at night. To overcome
SOLAR ENERGY this difficulty, the storage batery (or secondary
The sun cell) is
charged by a solar
is the most vast and direct
source of ime and it can then be
panel during the day
energy. To obtain used at night
electricity from solar
wo devices are used: a solar cell and a solar
The solar
panels are used to
power plant.
The device which converts
electricitywater in the artificial satellites and for
running pumps, street lighting, radio
energy directBy into electricity is called a and
cell, On the other hand, a solar solar televISion sets in
remote, inaccessible and
heating device areas isolated
sed to
generate electricity from solar energy, is not Where conventional sources of energy are
ralled a solar
power plan. available. Small solar cells are used in
watches and calculators.
Solar cell: About a hundred years ago.Pnc Usea Tor running a Fig. 6.9 shows a solar water pump.
Was discovered that when sunlight falls on a
iin layer of selenium, an electric current is unignt
rOduced. Since only
0-6% of the solar
WCIdent on selenium could convert into electric waler Solar cell
Cgy, no serious efforts were then made to
pump molor
OUuCe electricity from solar energy. The irst Battery
r cell was made in 1954 which had an
Re) O00 SOlar

Ciency of nearly 1%. But nowadays solar cells Underground water

Deen made with an
efficiency of up to 500. Fig. 6.9 Solar
panel used for
runninga water
1diuntages of unK 5olur punels
do not require any mainteriance. a
I. They
long period of üme.
They last over a

cost 15 almost nil.

Their running
most suitable ior the remote.
They are

inaccessible and 15olated places where

Fig. 6.10 Wind generutor
be laid.
power lines
the ot a sid
They do not cause any pollution in the Fig. 6.10 shows angenet
cleanest sources in wich 2 smal electnc eDeTLr 1
environment and are thus the generator
15 placed at the topP of a pilla. The
of electricity. dynamo)
armature of the dynamo is connected to the sba
Disadvantages of using solar panels: mill. Whee the
attached with the blades of a wind
is suficiently
1. The initial cost of a solar panel wind strikes the blades of the wind
of wind changes io
high. (or turbine), the kinetic energy
The efficiency of conversion of solar eneTgy to the rotational kinetic energy oE the biades I e
rocates the amae
electricity is low. rotation of blades of the urbine
d.c. electncity which of the dynamo in magnetic ield between the
3. A solar panel produces of a strong magneL thus a
cannot be directly used for many household pole pieces N and S
berween the terminals
purposes. alternating e.m.i. 1s produced
T, and 7-
(i) Solar power plant: A solar power plant
is a device in which heat energy of the sun Is
The electnc power generated by a single wind
arter is small. So to generate a sufiiciem
used to generate electricity.
sun_rays mill generator number of such
reflection from a large concave
reflector get amount of electric power. a large
suincient arranged over a big area called
concentrated at its focus. The rays have wind are
which can boil water, if it is placed a wind farm, and then the
electnc power generated
heat energy
at the focus of the reflector. This principle
is usea
by each generator is combined together
tor supply
in India, we are
in a solar power plant. to the c o n s u m e r s . At present
more than 10,000 MW
electric power
A solar power plant consists of a number of generating
reflectors, at the focus of
which there by this technique in coastal areas of Gujarat and
big concave
Tamil Nadu. We are produce electc
planning to
water The reflectors
are painted
MW in our country by the u s
concentrate the heat energy
of sun rays on the pipes power up to 60,000
starts boiling of wind energy in the coming years.
due to which water inside the pipes
and produces steam. The steam thus produced is Advantages of using the wind energy: () does
steam turbine which drives It
n o t cause any kind of pollution. (ii) is an
used to rotate a

generator producing electricity. Such solar

power everlasting (i.e., renewable) source of energy
installed at
plant of capacity 50 kW has been the wind energy: (i) I*
Gurgaon in Haryana.
Limitations of using
wind farms can be established only at places nea
6.14 PRODUCTION OF ELECTRICITY FROM the coastal areas where wind blows around u
with speed not less than 15 km h-
WIND ENERGY year steadily a
wind (ii) A large area of land is needed u
Nowadays, wind energy is used in a
use of a establishment of a wind farm. (iii)
generator to produce electricity by making
windmill (or wind turbine) to drive a wind establishment of a wind farm is expensive.

ELECTRICITY FROM nearly 6 x I0'- kWh electrical
plianning to produce
energy from hydroenergy in the coming yeus.
The most mportant use of energy from hydroenei
it into electnical enerey hydrocnergy is to
Jdvantages of using
by using
uricity so obtained is called a turbine.
hydroelectric t does not produce any environmental pollution.
The e
Tdoes not prouu of energy. (1) The
( ) l is a renewable source
Ower. in irrigation and
constructed over rivers help us

ontrol of loods in rivers.
hydroenergy: () The
nitations of using
available everywhere.
Electric Tlowing water is not
generator (or dynamo over nvers,
(i) Due to the construction of dams
plants and animals of that place get destroyed
Water lurbine Shat killed. (ii) The ecological
balance in the
mature downstream areas of rivers gets disturbed.

Fig. h.11 Hydroelectric plant ELECTRICITY FROM

Fig. 6.11 shows the principle of a hydroelectric NUCLEAR ENERGY
pOwer plant. The flowing water of river is collected nuclear
possible to produce electricity from
It is
in a dam
high alitude.
at The water stored in the
energy by the controlled chain reacion or nu
dam has potenual energy. When water from dam
fission of a radioactive substance like uranium-
falls on the turbine, the polential energy of the water (or plutonium-239). The set up used Is callea a
stored in the dam changes into kinetic energy and nuclear power plant.
this kinetic energy of water is transferred to he
Fig. 6.12 shows the arrangement of a nuclear
blades of the turbine as rotational kinetic energy.
plant in which the main part is the nuclear
As the turbine rotates, it rotates the armature of the
reactor, the chain reaction of
generator (or dynamo) in the magnetic field ector ln a nuclear
of uranium-235 (or
berween the pole preces N and Sof a strong magnet,
nuclear fission
is controlled by cadmium rods. The heat energyY
due to which an alternating e.m.f. is produced
h e process, is absorbed by the coolant
Derween the terminals 71 and 7,. Such mini a ascd in
which then passes through the coils of a heat
hydroclectric power plant can be constructed on the water. The water in heat
nvers in hilly areas across a small dam of height dnger containing
neated and converts into steam. The

nearly 10At present in India we are generating

dnger gets
n usea to rotate the turbine which in turn
bydroelectricity which is only 14%
of the total is
rotates the armature of a generator in a magnetic
However, we are
electricity generated by
field and thus electncity 15 produced.

Cadmium Hods Hot gas (Coolant)


rods exchanger
Cold water
ite Pump

Concrete wai

(Coolant)uclear reactor
OO gas Fig. 6.12 Nuclear power plant

increase. while the energy available for
We have seven
uclear power pliants: gradually
l, productive purposes
will griduany dccrCase (since
in Naharashtra. () t Rana Pratap
aapur Kalapakkam total energy remains Constne).
heur Kota in Rajasthan, (1) at
in Tamil Nadu. (iv) at Narora in Utar Prades, h e gradual decrease of useful energy due
due to
gradual decrease of useful energy
in Karmataka. (vi) Kakarapar in Gujarat loss, Jrictton, ele. ts called
aiga radiation
and (vi) Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu where 9
of nuclear energy.
t n

Is generaled
by the use
At present only about 3% of the total cecctrica lixamples:
obtained trom the
power generated in India is
(i) When light a bulb using electricity. less

nuclear power plants. than 25% of the electrical energy converts into
of elecirical
Advantages ul using nuclear energy light energy. The remaining part
changes into heat in the filament and
(1)A very small amount of nuclear fuel (Such
uranium-235) can produce a tremendous amount other invisible radiations. This energy is

ultimately imparted to the atmosphere in the

ol energy (11) Once the nuclear fuel is loaded into
a nuclear power plant, il continues to release energy form of vibrational kinetic energy of air

over a long period of time. molecules. The energy in this 1orm is not

Limitations of using nuclear energy : (0) t is

useful to us.
not a clean source of energy because very harmful (11) When we run a vehicle, only a part of energy

nuclear radiations are produced in the process which oblained from its fuel is used up in running
the vehicle, major part of it is wasted in
are highly energelic and penetrating. These
heating the moving pats of machine, in doing
cause ionisation and are
the human body, so a high standard of protection is
very harmtul to work against friction between the ground and
needed for the persons working in the power plant ils tyres and in the form of sound.

and also for the environment. (ii) The waste (ii) When we cook food over a fire, the major part
obtained from the nuclear power plants causes a of heat energy obtained from the fuel is
high degree of environmental pollution. radiated out in the atmosphere. This radiated
no use to us. It is thus a degraded
6.17 ENERGY DEGRADATION cnergy 1s of
form or energy
In daily life need to
our we
of energy to the other required torm of energy.
transtomm one 1om (iv) When electrical appliances are
run by
electricity, an appreciable part of electrical
According to the law of conservation of energy, the
energy is wasted in the form of heat energy.
given form of energy must get completely converted of electricity from a

nto the desired useful fom without any loss of it. ransmission power
In practice, it has been observed that in
generating station, a lot of electrical energy is
transformation of energy from one form to the other wasted in the form of heat energy in the line
wires used for transmission.
desired form, the entire energy does not change into
the desired fom, but a part of it changes either to (vi) All machines have efficiency less than 1,
some other undesirable form (usually heat dueto which implies that only a fraction of input
friction) or is lost to the surroundings due to radiation
which is of no use. This conversion of
energy 1s used for doing useful work and rest
to the ot the input energy is wasted or goes to the
undesirable (or non-useful) form is called dissipation degraded form.
of energy. Since this part of energy is not available From the above examples, we conclude that in
to us tor any productive purpose,
call this as we all processes of transfer of available form of energy
the degraded fonn of energy. Wth more and more to the useful form, a
Use of energy, the
good fraction of energy
degraded form of energy will changes to non-productive or
degraded form.

vailable for
rease (since

State no
8y due to

must nave
eaaae csucs which a
source of
s called energy 14. What
Cnetgy14. What is hydro
hydro energy ?
Explain the principle o
Nanme the cn
o Broups in
which various eraling clectricity from hydro energy. How much
ergy are SSed. tate on what
sources of
yaro ciectric power is generated in India
Dasis basis are
are they they 15.
15. State
State two
wo advantages and two disadvantages or
3.What is advan
producing hydro electricity.
tricity. less meant by renewable and
sources energyState
of non-renewable
non-renewable 16.
16. What is nuclear
What is nuclear energy ? Name the process used
onverts into them. giving
wo fwo differences between energy
f electrical
examples of cach. 0r
producing electricity using the nuclear energy.
Select the
lament and renewable and non-renewable sources What percentage
of total electrical power generated
energy rom the
following: of in India is obtained from nuclear power plants ?
energy is (a) Coal Name fwo places in India where electricity is
(6) Wood
here in uhe (0 Diesel Water Beneraled Irom nuclear power plants.
Dil 18,
rgy of air ns.
Renewable- (b). (c) and (e)
State wo
advantages and mo disadvantages of using
energy for producing electricily.
rm is not
Why is the use of Non-fenewable-(a), (d) and ()
wOOd as a fuel not advisable
19. State the energy transformation in nc owing:
though wood is a
renewable (i)
of energy
source of
energy electricity is obtained from solar energy.
6. Name Jive renewable and
three non-renewable (1) elecriciy is obtained from wind
in running sources or energy. energy
wasted in 1. What is () tidal, (ii) electricity is
obtained from hydro energy.
(1) ocean and (ii) geo thermal
(iv) electricity is obtained from nuclear
e, in doing energy Explain in brief. energY.
ground and 8. What is the 20. State four ways for the
main source of
energy for the earth ? judicious use of energy.
Ans. Sun 21. What do you mean by degradation of energy ?
9. What is solar energ8y How Explain it by taking
major part solar plant
generate electricity in a solar power
enerEy? used to hwo examples of your daily life.
he fuel is 22. The conversion of
What is a solar cell ? State nwo
part of energy into an unuseful
10. uses of solar cells. form of energy IS called
is radiated
State whether a solar cell ..
a degraded
produces a.c. or d.c. Give Ans. Degradation of energy
disadvantage of using a solar cell.
Multiple ehoice type
I1. State two
advantages and fwo limitations or
. The ultimate source of energy is
e run by producing eleciricity from solar energy.
(a) O0d
b) wind
electrical1 12 What is wind energy ? How is wind energy used to
(C) water d) Sun.
t energy. produce electricity ? How much electric power is Ans. (d) sun

generated in India using wind energY ? Renewable source of energy is

a power 1s. (a) coal (6) fossil fuels
I energy 1s State nvo advantages and hvo limitations of using
(C) natura gas
WInd energy for generating clectricity. sun. Ans. (d) sun
in the line


n of input
r k and rest
8.18 GREENHOUSE EFFECT of the earth
oes to the
by greenhouse 8ases such as
In 1896, Svante Arrhenius discovered the green carbon alOxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone,

Cttpct and suggested how CO, influences

the chiorofuorocarbons (CFCs), etc
ude that in
is the process o The solar radiations coming from
eGreenhouse efect the sun have
of energy i n g of the earth's surface and 1s iowe high energy radiations such as gamma rays, X-rays.
of enerey
Umosphere byy absorption of infrared radiatons ultra-violet rays and also low energy radiations
form. longg wavelength emited out from the sujace Such as Visitble light, infrared radiation and radio

waves. Our earth's atmosphee is tranparcnt only oher had, il there Is an ncrease in
for vivible ght and nfrared radatiuon of sht greenhouse gases in the, atmoyphere. the average
wvelength Gamuna rays, X-rays, ultravolet rays temperalure on carth will rise and it will be aboye
are ahsorted by the ozone layer surrounding the 15SC (Or 60'F). Thus, we note that a righ
carth while intrared radiation of long wavelengh proporon ol grcennouse gases is essential for

and rado waves are retlected back into the space maintaning a comtortable emperature on earth

upyermiost layer ol carths atmosphere ie., I'resent reality In recent decades, t

y the
has been
1 p h e r e and the l a r ce-caps. observed that the cffective temperature of carth's
The solar radiations which travel through the surlace has nsen by 0:/4t018C per decade for
atmosphere of the earth, are absorbed by the clouds, the last S0 years since 1900. The rate of increase
carths surface and sca water duc to which earth's IS 25C pxr decade (ncarly three times since 1970)
surface gets hcated up. Now earth's surface radiates and since 2000, it is much more. lt is expected that
Infrared radiations (IR) of long wavelength. For if things continue like this, then by the end of this
these radiations, the carth's atmosphere is opuque, century, the earth's average temperature will ise up
o they are reflccted back by the clouds and are to 64°C. The reason for this is the increase in the
absorbed by the gases present above the earth's proportion ot greenhouse gases present in the
surface. Thus the clouds and gases prevent the long earth's atmosphere. Due to their increase. more
wavelength infrared radiations from escaping into heat radiations radiated from the earth's surface are
the space. and keep the earth's surface warm. trapped in its atompshere. lt Is believed that human
actüivities are responsible for the increase in the
Hadio waves and intrared radiabons
of long wavelengtn from he
greenhouse gas namely carbon dioxide in the
earth's atmosphere. The main human activities
Visibie ight and
nirared radiations
responsible for increase of the carbon dioxide gas
short wavelength a g v e n below:
Earth's atmosphere
Infrared r ations
i) The burning of fuels, deforestation,
gwuvelengin transportation and industrial production
Long wavelength IR (particularly cement factories).
Increased green i) Increase of population (human beings emit
Polar house gases tap
heal energy nearly 32 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide each
R more
Earths surta0e Fig. 6.13 Green huuse efject
Fig. 6.13 shows the green house effect. ii) Imbalance of carbon dioxide cycle (the
Ocean does not absorb full amount of carbon
The gases which are good absorbers of long dioxide and plants are not able tq change all
wavelength infrared radiations are called greenhouse
the carbon dioxide into oxygeny
guses. These are: carbon dioxide, water vapour,
methane and nitrous oxide. These The increase in the concentration of carbon
contnbute in trapping the heat
gases acuvy dioxide due to the above human
osphere. The above naturally occurring
energy within the
sponsible for 60%
increase in greenhouse cffect
greenhouse gases have an average ct Apart from this, rice cultivation, animal husbandr).
waming effect
nearty 3SC so that the average temperature on naural gas exploration, burning of biomass

eurths surfuce is about 15:5°C (or of forests and

absence of
60°F). In the clearnng leakage in natural gas pipeline
greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, have doubled the concentration of methane which s
enture heat
energy radiated from earth's surface and aso
responsible for the increase in greenhouse ere
objects on it, would escape out into
the average space and then Thus, the increase in greenhouse gases in
temperature on earth would be -18°C
(or 0°F) instead
of being 15:5°C
(or 60°F). On
atmosphere enhances the greenhouse effect a
the this causes global
6.19 GLOBAL WARMING chlorotluorocarbons

(Giobal warming means the (11) The concentration of

of 5% per year.
rage efective temperature near increase in has increased at a rate

the earth's gases in

urfa due fo an mcCTease in
he Thus, increase in greenhouse
amount of green etfect and
house gases m s amosphere.) osphere enhances the greenhouse
atmosphere ennu
Our earth hence global warming
gets heated up due to the
visible and short wavelength absorption
infrared radiations Inipacts of global warming on life on earth:
eived trom the sun.
The The increase in the proportion of greenhouse
ately carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases, has the following impacts
methane and gases
gAses inin the
the atmosphere
carbor trap the infrared chlorofluoro
radiations ot on the life on ecartm .

long () in the climate in

keep the earth's surtace
Surtace and thus
surfac ) The
The variable
warm at an different world
parts of the world has created
has creatcu
emperature of 15:5°C. average
It has been
observed in
difficulies and forced people and animals to
recent decades that over
period of 50 years in the
migrate from one place to the other.
20th century, tne average
atmosphere has risen at a ratetemperature
of earth's (2) The blooming season of diferent plants has
decade. Novw ne rale oI increase 0-74
0.18°C per inge
earth's atmosphere is much more andtemperature
it is
of (3) The regional climate whicn
that the earth s average expected immediate effect on simple organisms and
temperature will reach to plants has also changed.
64°C by the year 2100. An increase in
average (4) The world's ecology
emperature of the earth implies an
increase in the
has changcu.
mount (5)
atmosphere greenhouse
that they
present in its Deaths due to heat strokes have increased.
radiatea from Ihe earth's surjace. It is believed that
more heat ture predictions Although
possible to make very accurate
predictions ot the
it is not

the human activities such as

burning of fossil fuels, impact of
global warming in future, following
industrial growth, clearing of
forests, use of predictions can still be made by looking at the
automobiles, elc., have played a
significant role in changes in some natural
phenomena which we
increasing the green house gases (particularly are facing now.
carbon dioxide) in the earth's atmosphere. (1) Dislocation and
i s e of global warming: The cause of
and animal species : At the present rate of
of plant
global warming is the increase in concentration ncrease of greenhouse etfect, it is cexpected that
of greenhouse present in the atmosphere of 30% ot the
gases nearly plant and animal species will
the earth due to human activities. The increase in the
vnisn by year 2050 and up to 70% by the
dillerent greenhouse gases is as follows: end of the year 2100. This will
disrupt the
) The concentration of carbon dioxide has ystem. Animals from the equatorial region
Increased up to 25% due to industrialw Sn 0 higher latitudes in seareh of ice and
growth, combustion of fossil fuels, clearing ne absorplion of carbon dioxide by
oceans will cause aciditication due
of forests, etc. to which
marine species will migrate.
) The concentration of methane has doubled
due to agricultural sources such as rice Warming of oceaus The tenmperature of
Culivation and animal husbandry, natural Occan Wl nercase due to which man'
species in the ocean will
either die they will
gas exploration, burning o natural disappear, while various other spec
e d r , While

CICaring of forests and leakage in gas

other species
warm water will increase
which preler
pipelines. tremendously.

eting ol l i e r s : Due uglobal e Ntal ateus vill grt Tlraneed and they Unid
n . the I n ¢ n undsa in Siberia has nlau le nuet a uTTCaC atd t al s t s

meling. Gircenlanl has enperienced S2 Fluet 620 WA TO MINIMISE THE IMPACT OF

carthquakes m one year The Arctic NOW COvCr

to Ie lve by the end ol Scptember
Ceced . Th

g o b a l a v e a g e sea levet hias nNC a t a Ta

ToimininIe the nnpact ol zltohal wattiitig
following three main tneasure nust e taken
of This ratc Is
mm er yea.
that amount ol
(1) Technological mesures, (2) 1ZnATIc
n future. It is also enpectcd Thee meaures are i
will deerease which will c y ncasures.
Ogen diSsolved in oceans related and inust be taken wmultaneusly.
have advere effect on narine ile
(1) Technological measures
4) Shilt in farning regions: In the

future. warming of nearly 3°C will result in poor The economie growh and population grith
i n c r e s e consumplion of luel and hence both are
yield in farms in low latitude regions and will
the release of greenhouse gases. We
inerease the rise of The crop yicld is
malnutrition. responsible lor
them and use the following three
expected to increase in middle and high latitude need lo checkmeasures
Therefore. farmers will have to shift their lechnological
latitudes to high latitudes. (a) Use of renewable sources of energy
laming region from low
diseases and heat related
tO generate electricity instead of generating
5) Increase in new
Jossl fuel-based power plants,
deaths: Due to globl warming. many new discases
electricity Jrom
batlery-operated vehicles such as electric
will emerge because bacteria can
survive better and (b) Use of and fc) Use of bio-char
they c a n multiply faster in increased temperatures.
bikes and scooters,
due to stoves for cooking8
It will extend the distribution of mosquitoes
(a) Use of renewable sources of energy for
increase in humidity levels and their frequent
in regions. This will result in an generation of electricity instead of electricity
growth warmer

increase diseases. Apart from this, the from fossil fuel-based power plants The fossil
of many new
fuel-based power plants are the main source of
deaths due to heat strokes will also increase.
Change in regional climate: It is expected
(6) generation of the greenhouse gases. They produce
it will nearly 21-3% of the total greenhouse gases.
that the warming over land will increase and
Therefore alternate sources such as wind
be maximum at high northern latitudes
while energy
minimum over the southem latitudes. The frequency energy, solar energy, tidal energy. geothermal
of hot extremes, heat waves and heavy precipitation energy, etc. must be used to generate electricity
instead of fossil fuel-based power plants. The fossil
will also increase.
must be banned.
(7)Variable changes in the climate The Juel-based power plants
b) Use of battery-operated vehicles such as
variable in the climate will result in
from electric cars, bikes and scooters : Vehicles such
increase in the number of people suffering
in use
deaths, diseases and injuries from floods, storms and as cars, lorries, trucks, etc. that are presently
Ior ransportation are run by internal combustion
air engines and hey contribute nearly 14% of the total
(6) Increase in cost
of conditioning: Due
must be
greenhouse gas emission. Such vehicles
o warining etfect, the cost of air conditioning will vehicles which will
increase as it will consume more electric energy. SWitched to battery operated For
carbon dioxide emission drastically.
(9) Change in sea level: Due to melung reduce
or ice, charging the battery, electnciy
ed from
the area of sea ice around both the poles is
renewable sources must her the
be used. Further tne
shrinking. It is expected that in the next 50 years, une
vehicles be used at their full capacity and
the ice at both the poles will melt completely and
SiZe of the vehicles must be reduced.
therefore the sea level will rise. Buildings and roads
e Lise ot
bio-char stoves for
vcloping counines,
bio-mass is cooking nIn take the lollowing wo poliey measures:
wking which also
contributes si Sed for (a) liducating children to live a sustainahle fesiyle,
rease EreennousC s. Fo
gases. For
uy in the and (h) Controtling population through jamity

hiass.ence of tccnnology burning

hio-mass, new technology must n i n g the
the planning, welfare reforms and the empowerment o

air in
must be
used to burn it
planning, weljare refo"
stove. It constructed
stove i nown as
(a) Educating children to live a sustainable
combustible gases will release
hydrogen, leaving a charcoal residuemethanea lifestyle
We need to educate children that genuine
lifestyle:: We net a
buried in soil. which can he happiness in less competitive and more
cOoperative socicty. Consuming more and buying
2) Economic measures more must not be the aim of lifec. For a sustainable
ie, we must make full use of what we have.
Theindustnal growth and
population growth have deforestation
The materialistic gains give only temporary
caused increase in
the greenhouse effect. To check
them, following two
economic (b Controlling
ures are needed : (a) Reforestation planning, population through family
and sustamable use welfare reforms and
pay carbon lax,
d ,
and (b) Industries to women The world populationempowere is
expectca to

from 7.1 billion in the year 2012 to 9.15

Kerorestation and ncrease
sustainable nse af by the year 2050 with most of the growtn
ountries, the pressure of taking place in the developing countries. This neceds
populaton and industrial growth has resulted in to be controlled. Population growth can be
unsustainable agricultural practices which controlled through various measures such as
responsible for 90o of deforestation. These are
free and easy access to
countries must be asked to
family planning.
reforest and maintain ) weltare provisions to
encourage smaller
forest habitats. Their loss
satellite imaging before compensating
must be verified by amilhes, and (11) empowerment of women through
them education
by eoce and freedom to choose their career
international agencies. (because educated women are more conscious about
(b) Industries to pay carbon tax family planning dive to their career
: Since
industries emit carbon dioxide to a
In the
24th United Nations Climate
check them, they must be asked to
extent, to
conference COP24/CMP14' held in Poland from
pay carbon tax. 3"
This tax can be calculated on the basis of to 14th December
2018, several nations have
emission from the
number of employee exp
a acep concern on the present rate of
ioUrs and turn over of the industry. This willcrease ot greenhouse gases and have committed
encourage the industry to use energy efficient to limit the global warming to 1-5°C compared to
ottices and to avoid the
travelling of its employees pre-industrial levels by the year 2100 for
which a
by having tele-conferencing. goal of zero carbon emission is to be achieved
between 2030 to 2050.
() Policy measures
lo check global warming, the government must

*Wnat do you mean by green house effect ?
X-rays, ultraviolet
rays, visible light rays, infrared
Name three green house gases.
Ans. Visible light rays and
of the radiations pass througn infrared radiation
following solar 4. What results in the
increase of carbon dioxide
Almosphere of the earth ?
contents of earth's
d) carbon dioxide.
Name the radiations which are atbsorbed by the green (C) chlorine
house gases. Ans. (d) carbon dioxide
nsInfrared radiation of long wavelength 2. The inerease of carbon diOxIde gas in atmosphere

6. What would have been the

temperature of carth's villCause
atmosphere in absence of green house gases in il?
(a) decrease in temperature
State the clfect of green house gases on ihe in lemperature
temperature of earnh's atmosphere.
(c) no change in temperature
What do you mean by global warming ?
(d) increase in humidily.
What causes the nse in atmospheric temperature? Ans. (b) increase in temperature
SLate the cause of increase of green house etlect.
0. 3. Without green house effect, he average temperature
I1. What will be the effect of global warming at the been
of earth's surface would have

(a) -18°C b) 33°C
12. State the effect of global warming in coastal regions.
(C) 0°C IS°C
How will global warming affect the level ?
13. sea
Ans. (a) -18°C
How will global waming affect agriculture ?
14. 4. The global warming has resulted in
State minimise the impact of global
5. waming.
wo ways to
(a) the increase in yield of crops
(b) the decrease in sea levels
16. What is carbon tax ? Who will pay it ?
(c) the decrease in human deaths
Jultiple choice type : (d) the increase in sea levels.
1. The green house gas is
Ans. (d) the increase in sea levels.
(a) oxygen (6) nitrogen

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