Environment Questions Revision

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What are the features of scheduled tribes and other traditional forest dwellers act


Who is the designated as the competent authority for initiating the process of
determining the nature and extent of individual or community forest, right?

CRZ1 is it one refers to to rural area CRZ2 is it to refers to built-up area ; CRZ3 to
ecological ; CRZ4 to water area?

According to wetland rules, 2017, the state maintains regarding monitoring power,
and central has the power of protection and conservation ?

United, nation framework convention on climate change was adopted in 2015 Paris
agreement ?

The first conference of the parties was held in Kyoto ?

The first global stock take test Was held in Paris agreement 2015?

Following are the outcomes of COP 28:

Transition away from fossil foil by 2050.?

Climate finance, wealthy to developing nations US$500 billion till 2025?

Loss and damage fund overseen by Asian bank?

Triple Renewable energy pledged by 2050?

Triple nuclear energy by 2030?

India in cop 28 :

Introduced blue credit initiative?

Global rivers cities alliance led by Ganga and ministry of rural?

Green climate fund is administrated by?

Forest carbon partnership facility and Biocarbon fund is a part of?

The measure of human demand on earth ecosystem ?

The measure of amount of carbon being admitted by an activity or organization ?

Strategy climate fund; partnership for market readiness ; bio carbon fund are all
administered by ?

Special climate change fund, least develop countries fund , strategy priority, on
adaptation or administered by global environment facility?

Global climate change alliance is administered by?

Methane is emitted by wetlands ;leakage from natural gas system, ;and livestock

Hydrofluorocarbons are used as refrigerants ,lubricant, aerosol, fire retardant,

solvent ?

Brown carbon is a solid particle or aerosol, which is not a gas contributes to

warming of the atmosphere ?

Black carbon is an identified component of organic aerosol, which has recently come
into the forefront of atmospheric research ? 🧐

Following are the greenhouse cases in ascending order: Carbon dioxide, nitrous
oxide, methane, perfluoro carbon, Hydro fluorocarbon and sulfur hexafluoride ??

Carbon dioxide increase in ocean leads to hydrogen ions increase, which leads to
carbonate ions decrease and pH decrease, this process is known as?
Hoolock Gibbon One of the ape found in India??

Ozone depleting substances include:

hydrobromoflurocarbons (HBFCs)


Methyl bromide

Carbon tetrachloride

Methyl chloroform.?

An increase of 1-3° in mean temperature of moderate warming, will benefit lower

latitude and affect temperate regions ?

What is the meaning of carbon sequestration?

What is the significance of green carbon and blue carbon?

A credit that a person or organization can buy to decrease its carbon footprint?

Carbon tax?

How many of the below are critically endangered-

Black necked crane

Kashmiri red stag

Great Indian bustard

National park - State

Singalila - Assam

Kazinag - HP

Khirganga - Uttarakhand

Chandoli - Maharashtra

Panna - Maharastra

Anaimalai - Kerala

Murlen - Meghalaya

Balpakram - Mizoram

Mukundra - Tamilnadu

Jaldapara - Assam

Valley of flowers - HP

Dachingam - JK

Nanda - UP

Tiger Reserves - States

Ranipur - Uttarakand

Amrakad - AP

Ramgarh - Gujarat

Palamau - UP

Dandeli - Maharastra

Veerangana durga - Maharastra

Melghat - Uttarakand

Satkosia - Rajasthan

Udanti - Karnataka

Sayhadri - MP

Pakke - Chattisgarh
Punganur cows 🐄 -

Found exclusively in Uttar Pradesh ?

Are very tall in nature ?

Female horns smaller than males ?

Animal welfare board of India is not a statutory body.?

It was set up in 1972?

National biodiversity authority is a statutory autonomous body?

It ensures that sustainable use of biological resources and fair, enable sharing of

Anyone can seek intellectual property rights on research best about biological

National Ganga, river basin authority was constituted under the environment,
protection act 1986?

Nagoya protocol on access to genetic resources and fair and equitable, sharing of
benefits from convention on biological diversity?

It also addressed genetic resources where indigenous and local communities


Stockholm convention - waste

Basil convention - Chemical

Rotterdom - Chemical?

The wildlife trade monitoring network is under UN?

Convention or international trade in endangered species CITES is under IUCN?

Convention on biological diversity and framework convention on climate change
was an agreement from 2012?

What is agenda 21

Cartegana protocol was a convention on what ?

The Ramsar convention on wetlands is an intergovernmental treaty that provides

framer for national action?

Ramsar is affiliated with the United nations?

World wetland day is celebrated February 5, every year?

Montreux record?

India currently has 85 wetlands ?

What are the new wetlands in India?

CITES is the only treaty to ensure international trade in plants and animals that
does not threaten their survival?

It is not administrated through united nation ?

Currently there are 184 countries signed ?

IUCN support scientific research?

IUCN has only state as members?

Focus area is biodiversity, climate change,sustainable energy.

United nation convention to combat desertification-

It is a bottm up approach, local people involved?

One of the paris agreement outcome?

Focus on SDG and poverty reduction?

Montreal protocol about mercury.?

Minamatta convention ?

Lead causes stiffness of joints.?

Mercury causes damage to CNS?

Indicator species is a species, whose presence indicates the presence of a set of

other species, and whose absence indicates the lack of the set of species?

Keystone species is species, whose addition to or loss from an ecosystem leads to

major changes in evidence, or occurrence of at least one other species?


Blue baby syndrome caused by high nitrate contamination in ground water?

Sugar stem byproduct, or molasses , bagess?

Molasses used for papermaking and fuel

Bagasse for alcohol yeast formation ?

Performing tillage leads to greater volume of soil ?

Tillage increases runoff and soil erosion?

Zero tillage - organic matter content decreases?

Low amount amount of nitrogen has to be applied?

Surface runoff is reduced?

Organic fit fertilizers improves water holding capacity of soil?

It does not have humus to the soil, resulting in less ability to hold water?
What is a structural and functional unit of biosphere consisting of community of
living being, and the physical and environment interacting with each other?

Ecotone? Niche?

Food web address only one pathway of the food, but food chain illustrates all
possible transfers of energy and nutrients in the ecosystem ?

What refers to the tendency of pollutants to concentrate as they move from one
trophic level to the next?

What is ecological succession?

Photic zone is the lower layers of the aquatic systems were light penetration, and
plant growth or restricted .

Aphotic zone layer of the aquatic systems in which light can penetrate?

Nitrogen, fixation on earth can be accomplished in three ways?

Erosion activities - Sulphur cycle?

sedimentary activities- Nitrogen cycle?

Ease of living index - IMF?

World development report - WEF?


Global gender gap index - UNESCO?

Gender Inequality index - WEF?

World energy outlook – international atomic energy agency ?

Global financial stability report - WB?

World economic outlook - world economic forum??

The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) is an independent scientific analysis that measures
government climate action against the globally agreed aim of holding warming well below 2°C,
and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C. It is produced by two research
organisations, Climate Analytics and NewClimate Institute. ?

1. “The Climate Group” is an international non-profit organization that drives

climate action by building large networks and runs them.

2. the Climate Group launched a global initiative “EP100”.

3. EP100 brings together leading companies committed to driving innovation in

energy efficiency and increasing competitiveness while delivering on emission
reduction goals.

5. The Climate group is the Secretariat to the “Under2 Coalition”.

Ganges Dolphin - Males are larger than females. The maximum size of a male is 2.67
m and of a female 2.12 m. Females attain sexual maturity at an age of 10-12 years,
while the males mature earlier. The gestation period is 9-11 months and a female
gives birth to only one calf, once in 2-3 years. ?

Asiatic lions are slightly larger than African lions. Adult males weigh 160 to 190 kg,
while females weigh 110 to 120 kg. The height at the shoulders is about 3.5 ft (110

Leopard is a diurnal animal?

producing a litter of two to three cubs after a gestation period of 180 to 190 days?

Reservoirs States

1. Ghataprabha – Andhra

2. Gandhi Sagar – Andhra Pr

3. Indira Sagar – Madhya P

4. Maithon – Orissa
Cyanobacteria, Diatoms, dinoflagellates, coccolithophores ,Green algae are primary

Zooplankton, crustacean are primary producers?

(sea squirts, mussels, oysters, scallops,catfish, octopus. Which are filter feeder?

millipedes, springtails, woodlice, dung flies, slugs, many terrestrial worms, sea
stars, sea cucumbers, fiddler crabs ARE?

Vellode - Kerala

Hokera - Punjab

Sur sarovar - Gujarat

Karikili - TN

Nanda lake - Assam

Thol - MP

Tampara - Bihar

Sirpur - Punjab

Pala - Manipur

Bhoj - Maharastra

Ashtamudi - TN

Anganishini - Kerala

Exsitu conservation - NATIONAL PARKS, BIOSPHERES

Insitu conservation - Zoo, Botanical garden

According to the new wildlife protection act 2022 -

Schedule 2 - Plants

Schedule 4 - animals with less protections

Chinese pangolin

Ganges river dolph

Dugong dugong

Hoolock gibbon


Nilgiri tahr

Indian buffalo 🐃

Olive ridley

Critically endangered-)

Chinese pangolin

Iion tailed maqaue

Snow leopard

Malabar civet

Nilgiri tahr

Pygmy hog



Green turtle


Bengal florican


White toothed shrew

Kondana rat

Malabar civet

Kashmir stag

Sea cow??
There are only five living egg, laying mammals species in the world. ?

They are found in India, Australia, and New Guinea. ?

Echidnas and platypus found in india?

What are Jardon courser, white bellied heron, ?

To be considered a biodiversity hotspot, the place has to be containing more than

1500 species of vascular plants as endemics ? along with Species
richness,Endemism,Threat perception.

The Indian bio diversity hotspots are - Himalayas, indo burma, easternghats ,

Soot, Sulphur Hexafluoride, and water vapour are present in the atmosphere and contribute to
the warming up of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is having a blanket of gases around
the earth.

The Himalayan range is very rich in species diversity; it is a confluence of different bio-
geographical zones.

Algal Bloom: An algal bloom is defined as the rapid growth of the population of algae in
aquatic ecosystems. Algal blooms can be found in either a marine environment or a freshwater
environment. The phenomenon can be easily recognised by the discolouration on the surface of
the water. It usually occurs due to the introduction of a nutrient (such as nitrogen or
phosphorus) into an aquatic ecosystem. Algae is a term that is used to describe both unicellular
and multicellular, photosynthetic organisms. Discolouration of the water characterises a
unicellular algal bloom. Giant kelp forests are examples of a multicellular algal bloom.

Algal blooms are caused by excessive amounts of nitrates, phosphates, and nutrients entering
an aquatic ecosystem, often via discharges from sewage treatment plants and septic tanks,
estuaries, and stormwater run-off from fertilized lawns and farms. Hence, statements 1 and 2
are correct.

Other factors that responsible for algal growth include sunlight and slow-moving water.
Upwelling, the formation of mud banks, nutrient discharges from estuaries, and run-off from
the land during southwest and northeast monsoons cause some algae blooms in coastal waters.
Hence, statement 3 is correct.
Biodiversity forms the basis for human existence – soil formation, prevention of soil erosion,
recycling of waste, pollination of crops.

The mangrove trees do not get uprooted by storms and tides because of their extensive

Clean development mechanism in respect of carbon credits is one of the Kyoto protocol
mechanisms under the stadium the project handle pertain only to the annex one countries.

Carbon credit originated from Kyoto protocol.

The concentration of carbon has increased in atmosphere, but lot of it does not remain in
the lower atmosphere, because of the photosynthesis by phytoplankton in the oceans.

Marine, upwelling zones are important as the increase the marine productivity by bringing
the nutrients to the surface.

The formation of ocean holy Nica is because the presence of prominent polar front and
stratospheric clouds, and in flow of chlorofluorocarbons.

Biofilters provide waste treatment by removing uneaten fish feed.

Biofilters in a Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) help in waste treatment by removing

uneaten fish feed and other organic matter from the water. The biofilter media provide a
surface for beneficial bacteria to grow, which help in breaking down and removing these
wastes. So, statement 1 is correct.

Biofilters convert ammonia present in fish waste to nitrate.

One of the primary functions of biofilters in a RAS is to convert toxic ammonia (produced from
fish waste) into less harmful nitrate. Beneficial bacteria in the biofilter media perform
nitrification, a process where ammonia is first converted to nitrite and then further converted to
nitrate. So, statement 2 is correct.

Biofilters do not increase phosphorus as a nutrient for fish in the water.

Their primary role is to remove wastes and convert ammonia to nitrate. Phosphorus levels in
the water are managed through other means, such as fish feed formulation and water quality
management. So, statement 3 is not correct.
Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS): Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) refers to the process
of capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from various sources and storing or utilizing them to reduce
their impact on the atmosphere. Spreading finely ground basalt rock on farmlands: This activity, known
as enhanced weathering, involves the use of basalt rock to capture and sequester carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere through a natural mineralization process. When basalt reacts with CO2, it forms stable
carbonates, effectively storing carbon. This method is considered as a potential approach for carbon
capture and sequestration. Hence statement 1 is correct .

Increasing the alkalinity of oceans by adding lime: This activity, known as ocean alkalinity
enhancement, aims to increase the alkalinity of seawater by adding substances such as lime. The
purpose is to enhance the ocean's ability to absorb and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. By
increasing alkalinity, the oceans can potentially act as a carbon sink, helping to mitigate climate change.
Hence statement 2 is correct.

Capturing carbon dioxide from industries and pumping it into abandoned mines in the form of
carbonated water: This activity, referred to as carbon capture and storage (CCS), involves capturing CO2
emissions from industrial sources, such as power plants or factories, and storing them underground in
suitable geological formations, including abandoned mines. Hence statement 3 is correct.

Red Data books : by IUCN for Threatened plants and animals.

Invasive species Specialist group – IUCN

Nocturnal animals – Sloth bear, Indian civet, CRESTED PORCUPINE, INDIAN GIANT FLYING
SQUIRREL, Sambar deer, Pangolin, Slender loris, Hare,Wolf, Leopard, Tiger.

Some nocturnal birds of India are listed Below.

● Owls
● Frogmouth
● Indian Nightjar
● Jungle Nightjar
● Night Herons

 One major source of mercury emissions is small-scale gold mining which occurs in many
countries. Artisanal gold mining currently contributes more than 35 percent of all global mercury
emissions created by people. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
 Coal-based thermal power plants are a known source of mercury pollution. When coal is burned
to generate electricity, trace amounts of mercury present in coal can be released into the
atmosphere as emissions. These emissions contribute to mercury pollution. Hence, statement 2
is correct.
 Acute or chronic mercury exposure can cause adverse effects during any period of development.
Mercury is a highly toxic element; there is no known safe level of exposure. Ideally, neither
children nor adults should have any mercury in their bodies because it provides no physiological
benefit. Hence, statement 3 is correct.
Green Hydrogen – Fuel , internal combustion ; blend with natural gas ; run vehicles. Green
hydrogen is expected to play a significant role in decarbonizing Fertilizer plants ,Oil
refineries ,Steel Plants.

Hydrofluorocarbons - Aerosols,Fire extenguishes, AC,Foam agents,Mobile AC,Refrigerator

Aerial metagenomics – Collecting DNA Samples, at one go.

Microsatellite DNA – Study, evolutionary relationships of fauna.

Biorock tech – Restoration of damaged coral reefs.

Miyawaki method – Creation of mini forests in urban.

Operation “Kachchhap” - Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) saved 955 live baby Gangetic
turtles in a crackdown on illegal wildlife trade in multicity Operation “Kachchhap”.

Cryptobiosis- state of an organism when it shows no visible signs of life.

Facultative parthenogenesis – To produce asexually, without male.

Tropicalisation – marine organisms from tropics move towards poles to escape heat.

“System of Rice Intensification” of cultivation, in which alternate wetting and drying of

rice fields is practised, results in:

1. Reduced seed requirement

2. Reduced methane production

3. Reduced electricity consumption

Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) can penetrate through the lungs and further enter the body
through the blood stream, affecting all major organs.

Legumes such as — pea, broad bean, soya bean, clover and cowpea are the best-known
nitrogen-fixing plants.

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE) is a strong, stiff synthetic fibre and resin and
a member of the polyester family of polymers. PET is spun into fibres for permanent-press
fabrics and blow-molded into disposable beverage bottles.
Statement 1 is correct: PET fibres make them highly resistant to deformation, so they
impart excellent resistance to wrinkling in fabrics. They are often used in durable-press
blends with other fibres such as rayon, wool, and cotton, reinforcing the inherent
properties of those fibres while contributing to the ability of the fabric to recover from
Statement 2 is incorrect: Maharashtra government has announced the ban on sale of
alcohol in PET bottles from April 1. Plastic packaging is dangerous to human health and
the country liquor and country made foreign liquor cannot be sold in such bottles. PET has
become widely used in carbonated-beverage bottles and in jars for food processed at low
temperatures. The low softening temperature of PET—approximately 70 °C (160 °F)—
prevents it from being used as a container for hot foods.
Statement 3 is correct: Polyethylene terephthalate is the most widely recycled
plastic. For instance, PET bottles and containers are commonly melted down and spun into
fibres for fibrefill or carpets.
Statement 4 is incorrect: Polyethylene, like other plastics, is not inert and is known to
release additives and other degradation products into the environment throughout its
lifetime. For example, the additive bisphenol-A used in the manufacture of many plastic
products is leached as plastics age, and hydrocarbon gases are produced during high-
temperature decomposition (>202°C).
With reference to furnace oil, consider the following statements:

1. It is a product of oil refineries.

2. Some industries use it to generate power.

3. Its use causes sulphur emissions into environment.

New York Declaration on Forests: Spurred by the UN Secretary General’s Climate

Summit in September 2014, the New York Declaration on Forests is a political
declaration that brings together governments, companies and civil society actors
including indigenous peoples organizations with the common aim of halving the loss of
natural forests by 2020 and striving to end it by 2030. Hence statements 1 and 2 are
correct. It also calls for restoring an area of forests and croplands that is larger than
India. Meeting these goals would reduce carbon pollution by between 4.5 and 8.8 billion
tons every year – about as much as the current emissions of the United States. The New
York Declaration on Forests is a non-legally binding political declaration. Hence
statement 3 is incorrect. The Declaration is currently endorsed by over 200 entities
including more than 50 governments, more than 50 of the world’s biggest companies,
and more than 50 influential civil society and indigenous organizations. Hence
statement 4 is correct. India is not a signatory of the declaration. Hence statement 5 is

Filter feeders are a sub-group of suspension feeding animals that feed by straining suspended
matter and food particles from water, typically by passing the water over a specialized filtering
structure. Filter feeders can be sessile, planktonic or nektonic, and some extant animals that rely on
this method of feeding are clams, krill, sponges, baleen whales and many fish (including
some sharks). Some birds, such as flamingos and certain species of duck, are also filter feeders.
Filter feeders can play an important role in cleaning water, and are therefore considered ecosystem
engineers. They are also important in bioaccumulation and, as a result, as indicator organisms.
Magnetite particles, suspected to cause neurodegenerative problems, are generated as
environmental pollutants from :

1. Brakes of motor vehicles

2. Engines of motor vehicles

3. Microwave stoves within homes

4. Power plants

5. Telephone lines

The Common Carbon Metric (CCM) is an initiative supported by the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP), particularly through its Sustainable Buildings and
Climate Initiative (SBCI). The CCM is a standardized method for measuring the carbon
emissions of buildings. Its purpose is to establish a consistent framework for quantifying
the energy consumption and CO2 emissions associated with building operations on a
global scale.

Objectives of the Common Carbon Metric :The CCM aims to provide a way to
benchmark, compare, and track the energy and carbon performance of buildings over
time. It supports the efforts of governments, industry, and building owners in
understanding and reducing the carbon footprint of the built environment.

R2 stands for Responsible Recycling and is a standard specifically created for the
electronics recycling industry by Sustainable Electronics Recycling International (SERI).
The standard is described as "Responsible Recycling ("R2") Practices for Use in
Accredited Certification Programs for Electronics Recyclers". R2 certified companies to
have a policy on managing used and end-of-life electronics equipment, components
and materials based on strategies such as reuse, materials and energy recovery and/or
disposal. This certification is intended for electronics recyclers.
Why is there a concern about copper smelting plants?

Statement 1 is incorrect. In copper smelting process, first, the carbon (C) combusts with
oxygen (O2) in the air to produce carbon monoxide (CO). Second, the carbon monoxide
reacts with the ore and removes one of its oxygen atoms, releasing carbon dioxide. Hence,
it does not release lethal quantity of CO in the environment.
Statement 2 is correct. Copper smelters emit staggering amounts of toxic pollution i.e.,
lead, arsenic and selenium. These heavy metals and particulate matter from copper
smelters contaminate the environment downwind and downstream.
Statement 3 is correct. Copper smelters are the largest source of sulphur oxides (SOx)
and trace elements. Suspended particles have a pollution scope of 2-3 km, while Sulphur
dioxide has a range of as much as 15 km.

How is permaculture farming different from conventional chemical farming? 1.

Permaculture farming discourages monocultural practices but in conventional chemical
farming, monoculture practices are predominant.

2. Conventional chemical farming can cause an increase in soil salinity but the
occurrence of such phenomenon is not observed in permaculture farming.

3. Conventional chemical farming is easily possible in semi-arid regions and

permaculture farming is possible in such regions.

4. Practice of mulching is very important in permaculture farming but not necessarily so

conventional chemical farming.

With reference to ‘palm oil’, consider the following statements: 1. The palm oil tree is
native to West africa. 2. Palm oil is a raw material for some industries producing lipstick
and perfumes. 3. Palm oil can be used to produce biodiesel.

Statement 1 is incorrect. International Seabed Authority (ISA) considers applications for

exploration and exploitation of deep-sea resources from contractors, assesses
environmental impact assessments and supervises mining activities.
Statement 2 is correct. India was the first country to receive the status of a ‘Pioneer
Investor ‘in 1987 and was given an area of about 1.5 lakh sq km in the Central Indian
Ocean Basin (CIOB) for nodule exploration. India’s exclusive rights to explore
polymetallic nodules from seabed in the Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB) have
been extended by five years. These rights are over 75000 sq. km of area in international
waters allocated by the International Seabed Authority for developmental activities for
polymetallic nodules.
Statement 3 is correct. The sea floor of various oceans boasts one of the world’s largest
untapped collections of rare-earth elements. Example is scientists have discovered a vast
reserve of rare earth reserve in the Japan side of the Pacific Ocean

In the context of India’s preparation for Climate-Smart Agriculture, consider the

following statements : 1. The ‘Climate-Smart Village’ approach in India is a part of a
project led by the Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), an
international research programme. 2. The project of CCAFS is carried out under
Consultative Group on ‘International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) headquartered in
France. 3. The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
in India is one of the CGIAR’s research centres.

Mercury - causes Minamata disease

Cadmium - causes Itai-Itai disease, nephritis, nephrosis

Chromium - causes lung cancer in humans and reduces photosynthetic activities in plants

Copper - causes vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, liver damage, kidney disease, etc.
Zinc - causes fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, etc.

Lead - anaemia, mental retardation, partial paralysis, loss of hearing, etc.

Arsenic, fluoride , Uranium - as pollutants in the drinking water in some parts of India
Due to improper / indiscriminate disposal of old and used computers or... Beryllium,
Cadmium, Chromium, Heptachlor, Mercury, Lead, and Plutonium are released into the
environment as e-waste due to improper or indiscriminate disposal of old and used
computers or their parts.

 BNHS was started by eight amateur naturalists of Mumbai, of which two were Indians.
 The guiding principle of BNHS has been that conservation should be based on scientific
research – a tradition exemplified by its former president, Dr Sálim Ali – world renowned
ornithologist and receiver of Padma Bhushan and Padma Vibhushan awards by
Government of India.
 Today, BNHS has a vibrant presence at dozens of places across India covering diverse
habitats such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, mountains, deserts and marine areas.
 This includes work in the Global Biodiversity Hotspots such as Western Ghats and eastern
Himalaya. Over 150 scientists and professionals work on and off the field to further the
tasks of research, conservation and nature education.
 BNHS has been designated as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) by
Department of Science & Technology, Government of India and is the Partner of BirdLife
International in India.

Eco sensitive zone – Declared under 1986 environment act.

Global environment facility - It serves as financial mechanism for ‘Convention on

Biological Diversity’ and ‘United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’.

1. Animal Welfare Board of India is established Prevention of cruelty of animals 1960

2. National Tiger Conservation Authority is a statutory body.

3. National Ganga River Basin Authority is chaired by the Prime Minister.

Saramati – Nagaland ; GUmti wildlife – Tripura.

1. Vegetative propagation produces a clonal population.

3. Vegetative propagation can be practiced most of the year.

'Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative'? 1. Seed cost is very low in this compared to the
conventional method of cultivation. 2. Drip irrigation can be practiced very effectively in this.
3. There is application of chemical/inorganic fertilizers. 4. The scope for intercropping is
more in this compared to the conventional method of cultivation.

“Green Climate Fund” :It is intended to assist the developing countries in adaptation
and mitigation practices to counter climate change.It is founded under the aegis of GCF.

‘BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes’ is managed by the WB.

1. IUCN runs thousands of field projects around the world to better manage natural

2. CITES is legally binding on the States that have joined it, but this Convention does not
take the place of national laws.

Marine zones are important as the increase the marine productivity by breaking the
nutrients to the surface.

If phytoplankton is completely destroyed Then the ocean, as a carbon sink would be

adversely affected. The food chains in the ocean would be adversely affected..

The context of global climate change zero helps in carbon sequestration or storage in
the soil .
Oryx is adapted to live in hot and arid areas.

Chiru is adaptable to live in steppes and semi desert areas.

Increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the air is slowly rising the temperature of
atmosphere because it observes the infrared part of the solar radiation .

Oceans acidification -

Calculus phytoplankton affected

Coral reef affected

Animals that have phytoplankton larva affected .

 Clovers, vetches, and peas are nitrogen-fixing plants used by farmers worldwide.
Beans: fava (aka faba, broad), alfalfa, green (aka French), runner, field, sweet, peanuts
(aka groundnuts), soybeans, cream, black-eyed, or purple-hulled beans, lupins, lentils,

PET fibres make them highly resistant to deformation, so they impart excellent resistance to
wrinkling in fabrics. They are often used in durable-press blends with other fibres such
as rayon, wool, and cotton, reinforcing the inherent properties of those fibres while
contributing to the ability of the fabric to recover from wrinkling.

Polyethylene terephthalate is the most widely recycled plastic. For instance, PET
bottles and containers are commonly melted down and spun into fibres for fibrefill or

Polar code - The Code sets out regulations for shipping in the polar regions, principally relating to
ice navigation and ship design.
1. The ‘Climate-Smart Village’ approach in India is a part of a project led by the
Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), an international research

2. The project of CCAFS is carried out under Consultative Group on ‘International

Agricultural Research (CGIAR) headquartered in France.

3. The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in
India is one of the CGIAR’s research centres.

The concept of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) was originally developed by FAO and
in 2010, GACSA is an inclusive, voluntary and action-oriented multi-stakeholder platform
on Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA). Membership in the Alliance does not create any
binding obligations and each member individually determines the nature of its
participation. GACSA is an independent alliance, governed by its members. India is just a
signatory to GACSA but was not instrumental in its creation

Three principles of Conservation Agriculture:

Minimum mechanical soil disturbance

(i.e. no tillage) through direct seed and/or fertilizer placement.

Permanent soil organic cover

(at least 30 percent) with crop residues and/or cover crops.

Species diversification

through varied crop sequences and associations involving at least three different crops.

The carbon fertilization effect suggests that the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases
the rate of photosynthesis in plants.

The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) was launched in 2012 at Rio +20 United
Nations Conference on Sustainable Development held in Brazil.
Momentum for climate change - The UNFCCC Secretariat. The UNFCCC secretariat launched its
Climate Neutral Now initiative in 2015.

1. 'The National Programme for Organic Production' (NPOP) is operated under the guidelines and
directions of the Ministry of Commerce 2. 'The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export
Development Authority' (APEDA) functions as the secretariat for the implementation of NPOP. 3. Sikkim
has become India's first fully organic State.

With reference to 'Global Climate Change Alliance', 1. It is an initiative of the

European Union. 2. It provides technical and financial support to targeted
developing countries to integrate climate change into their development policies and

Algae-based biofuels, but what is/are the likely limitation(s) of developing countries in
promoting this industry? 1. Production of algae-based biofuels is possible in seas and

2. Setting up and engineering the algae-based biofuels production requires high level
of expertise/technology until the construction is completed.

3. Economically viable production necessitates the setting up of large scale facilities

which may raise ecological and social concerns

Spreading finely ground best rock on farmlands extensively ;

Increasing the alkalinity of by adding lime. Capturing carbon dioxide released by various
industries and pumping into abandoned subterranean mines in the form of carbonated waters
How many of the above activities are often considered and discussed for carbon capture and

The governments of Bangladesh, Mexico, Sweden, Ghana, Canada and the United States, along with the
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), in 2012, came together to initiate efforts to treat
short-lived climate pollutants as a collective and urgent challenge. Together, they formed the Climate &
Clean Air Coalition to support fast action on climate, food security, public health, and energy efficiency.
Hence, statement 1 is not correct. After carbon dioxide, the short-lived climate pollutants like methane,
tropospheric ozone, black carbon, and hydrofluorocarbons are the most important contributors to the
man-made global greenhouse effect. Hence, statement 2 is correct.
Bioremediation is a treatment that uses naturally occurring organisms to break down hazardous
substances into less toxic or non-toxic substances. It uses microorganisms to degrade organic
contaminants in soil, groundwater, sludge, and solids. The bioremediation technique is a technique for
cleaning up pollution by enhancing the same biodegradation process that occurs in nature.

Not all contaminants are easily treated by bioremediation using microorganisms. For example, heavy
metals such as cadmium and lead are not readily absorbed or captured by microorganisms.
Bioremediation is limited to biodegradable compounds.

Bioremediation is the use of microorganisms mainly bacteria and fungi to degrade the environmental
contaminants into less toxic forms. Genetic engineering can be used to create microorganisms
specifically designed for bioremediation.

Due to some reasons, if there is a huge fall in the population of species of butterflies, what could be its
likely consequence/ consequences? Pollination of some plants could be adversely affected.It could lead
to a fall in the population of some species of wasps, spiders and birds.

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) is an international accounting tool for government and
business leaders to understand, quantify, and manage greenhouse gas emissions It is a decade-long
partnership between the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for
Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC): NDCs embody efforts by each country to reduce
national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Intended Nationally Determined
Contributions (INDCs) is a term used under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC). It is for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions that all countries that signed the
UNFCCC were asked to publish in the lead up to the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference
held in Paris, France in December 2015.

Green India Mission: It was launched in 2014. It is one of the eight missions under the National Action
Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC). Its objective is to respond to climate change by a combination of
adaptation and mitigation measures. It is aimed at protecting, restoring, and enhancing India's
diminishing forest cover

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has been set up under the provisions of the Energy Conservation Act,
2001 on 1st March 2002. The Star Labeling Programme has been formulated by the Bureau of Energy
Efficiency. BEE sets all the standards and norms that need to be followed while rating an appliance.
Appliances that need to have an energy rating label mandatorily are Frost-free refrigerator, Tubular
Fluorescent Lamps, Room Air-Conditioners, Distribution Transformer, Colour TV, CST AC, Direct Cool
Refrigerator and Electric Geyser. There are two variants of these labels, a big label and a smaller label:
Products with a big label include Refrigerators, air-conditioners, geysers and washing machines.
Products with a small label include Ceiling fans, tube lights, computers/laptops and televisions.

The Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the Ozone Layer is an international treaty designed
to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances that are responsible
for ozone depletion. It is a protocol to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer. It
was agreed on 16th September 1987 and entered into force on 1st January 1989.
Bretton Woods conference relates to the IMF and the World Bank.
Kyoto Protocol is about cutting emissions of greenhouse gases.
Nagoya protocol is about benefit-sharing from the gains by genetic resources.

Brominated flame retardants are used in many household products like mattresses and upholstery
1. They are highly resistant to degradation in the environment. 2. They are able to accumulate
in humans and animals.

Animal welfare board of india – Prevention of cruelty act 1960.

Factors for exposure to benzene pollution- 1. Automobile exhaust 2. Tobacco smoke 3. Woodburning

advantages of fertigation in agriculture - 1.Controlling the alkalinity of irrigation water is possible.

3.Increased availability of nutrients to plants is possible.
4.Reduction in the leaching of chemical nutrients is possible.

Zero-till farming is a way of growing wheat crops without tillage or disturbing the soil in harvested
fields. Happy Seeder is one of the unique techniques which is used for sowing seed without any burning
of crop residu. Direct Seeded Rice Zero-Tillage (DSR) is an alternative crop
establishment method for rice. Where seeds are sown directly without raising them in
a nursery and can be done in zero-tillage conditions. Adopting no-tillage before cultivation
has been widely recommended as a means of enhancing carbon sequestration in soils. If crops are not
burnt and the land is prepared through mechanical agitation, carbon sequestration remains possible.
According to the National Biofuel policy among all the raw materials used for biofuel production. The
Policy expands the scope of raw material for ethanol production by allowing the use of Sugarcane Juice,
Sugar containing materials like Sugar Beet, Sweet Sorghum, etc. Starch containing materials like Corn,
Cassava, Damaged food grains like wheat, broken rice, Rotten Potatoes, unfit for human consumption
for ethanol production.

The social cost of carbon (SCC) is an estimate of the cost, in dollars, of the damage done by each
additional ton of carbon emissions. It also is an estimate of the benefit of any action taken to reduce a
ton of carbon emissions.

the following is/are considered to be practice(s) of eco-friendly agriculture-

1. Crop diversification
2. Legume intensification
3. Tensiometer use

Barasingha deer – Kanha Tiger Reserve

Steel slag can be the material for following - Construction of base road ; Improvement of agricultural
soil ;Production of cement

In rural road construction, the use of the following is preferred for ensuring environmental
sustainability or to reduce carbon footprint- Copper slag ; Cold mix asphalt technology ; Geotextiles

Biochar is a charcoal-like substance that's made by burning organic material from agricultural and
forestry wastes (also called biomass) in a controlled process called pyrolysis. Although it looks a lot like
common charcoal, biochar is produced using a specific process to reduce contamination and safely
store carbon. ;- 1. Biochar can be used as a part of the growing medium in vertical farming. 2. When
biochar is a part of the growing medium, it promotes the growth of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms. 3.
When biochar is a part of the growing medium, it enables the growing medium to retain water for
longer time.

1. Coal ash contains arsenic, lead and mercury. Coal-fired power plants release sulphur dioxide
and oxides of nitrogen into the environment. High ash content is observed in Indian coal.
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is the responsibility of any producer of electrical and electronic
equipment (EEE) for collection and channelization of e-waste from the end of life product to an
authorized dismantler/recycler. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has been given the
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) authorisation under the new e-waste rules.

The Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act 2016, establishes the National Compensatory Afforestation
Fund under the Public Account of India, and a State Compensatory Afforestation Fund under the Public
Account of each state. These funds are to be managed by the National and State Compensatory
Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authorities, also set up under the Act.

The Indian Forest (Amendment) Bill 2018 permits felling and transit of bamboo grown in non-forest
areas. However, bamboo grown on forest lands would continue to be classified as a tree and would be
guided by the existing legal restrictions. The Forest Rights Act (FRA) of 2006 recognises bamboo
as an Minor Forest Produce It vests the “right of ownership, access to collect, use and dispose of minor
forest produce” with Scheduled Tribes and traditional forest dwellers. In 2006, the Forest Rights Act
(FRA) for the first time defined minor forest produce as including bamboo and tendu and many other
things. It also gave tribals and other traditional forest dwellers the “right of ownership, access to
collect, use and dispose of minor forest produce, which has been traditionally collected within or
outside village boundaries.”

As per the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 in India - The Rules provide for exact and elaborate
criteria for the identification of sites for landfills and waste processing facilities.

Asiatic lion naturally found in india only!

Scientists suggest the use of cirrus cloud thinning technique and the injection of sulphate aerosol into
stratosphere to reduce Global Warming.

Irrawady dolphin – lake chilika ; Blue finned mahseer: Cavery :Rusty spotte cat – Eastern ghats

Agricultural soils release nitrogen oxides into environment. ; Cattle release ammonia into environment.
; Poultry industry releases reactive nitrogen compounds into environment.
 Compared to conventional CNG, use of H-CNG can reduce the emission of carbon monoxide up
to 70%, not complete emission.
 H-CNG as fuel also reduces carbon dioxide and hydrocarbon emissions.
 Hydrogen-enriched CNG (H-CNG) is a blend of hydrogen and CNG, the ideal hydrogen
concentration being 18%. The US, Brazil, Canada, and South Korea have all conducted trials and
found that they get a reduction in emissions from buses using H-CNG.
 Physical blending of CNG and hydrogen involves a series of energy-intensive steps that would
make HCNG more expensive than CNG.

TREE COVER – Mah, Raj , MP, Karnataka ;

% of state area – Chandigarh,Delhi,Kera,goa – Mah >Kar>MP>Raj

Total forest cover- MP,Aruna,CHATT,Odi,Mah

% of state cover- mizo,anda,aruna,megha,naga,up, - Chattis,odis,mp,mah

Mangrovecover - -WB>GU>ANDAM>AP

Large but poorly known amounts of methane are trapped in the sediments beneath the sea floor frozen
into a form of water ice is called methane hydrate. Methane hydrate is an "ice" that only occurs
naturally in subsurface deposits where temperature and pressure conditions are favorable for its
formation. Four earth environments have the temperature and pressure conditions suitable for the
formation and stability of methane hydrate. These are: sediment and sedimentary rock units below
Arctic permafrost; sedimentary deposits along continental margins; deep-water sediments of inland
lakes and seas; and, under Antarctic ice.
Melting of ice, global warming might trigger the release of methane gas from these
deposits hence having a significant impact in climate change. Methane is relatively short-
lived in the atmosphere; a molecule of methane is oxidized to water and carbon dioxide within a
decade or so, mainly by reaction with another trace gases.

Burning of crop residue - --Sulphurdioxide ,Oxides of Nitrogen,CO2,CO,BC,OC,MethaneCH4,Volatile

organic compounds,Non methane hydro,O3, Aerosols

The Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2010 also encompass the drainage area or
catchment regions of the wetlands as determined by the authority.

Carbofuran, methyl parathion, phorate and triazophos are Pesticides in Agriculture.

The main methane emitting sectors are:

 Agriculture (40%), including livestock breeding, animal manure and rice production.

 Fossil fuels (35%), including leaks from natural gas and oil production and distribution systems
and coal mines.

 Waste (20%), from food and other organic matter left in landfills, open dumps and sewage.

Black carbon, commonly known as soot, is a component of air pollution by fine particles (PM 2.5 ). It is
formed by the incomplete combustion of wood and fossil fuels, a process that also creates carbon
dioxide (CO2 ) , carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds.
The main sectors emitting black carbon are: Domestic energy ;Transportation; Industrial
production; Agricultural burning; Waste burning ;Fossil fuels.

State of the global climate report by WMO

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