SQL 14

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--This function reverse a string and returns result.

select REVERSE('PUNE')

--This function is used to reapeat a string , specified number of times.

--synatx: replicate(string , integer)

select REPLICATE('scodeen ', 5)

--This function is used to replace all the occrances of subtring within string with
new string.

--NOTE: Search is not a case-sensitive.

--syantx: replace('string','oldvalue','newvalue' )

select replace('scodeen','e','D')
select replace('PUNE','PU','MU')

select REPLACE ('aaaaaaaaaggggggbbbbbbbbbbffffffff','bf','56')

select replace('MUMBAI','MA','BA') --O/P - MUMBAI

select replace('MUMBAI','A','BA') --O/P - MUMBBAI

--Convert() function converts a value (of any type) into a specified data type.

--synatx: convert (data type [(length)],expression/col_name[(style)])

select GETDATE() --2022-09-09 05:53:29.280

--Converting datetime to character:
--Without With Input/Output Standard
--century century
--0 100 mon dd yyyy hh:mi AM/PM Default
--1 101 mm/dd/yyyy US
--2 102 yyyy.mm.dd ANSI
--3 103 dd/mm/yyyy British/French
--4 104 dd.mm.yyyy German
--5 105 dd-mm-yyyy Italian
--6 106 dd mon yyyy -
--7 107 Mon dd, yyyy -
--8 108 hh:mm:ss -
--9 109 mon dd yyyy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM (or PM) Default + millisec
--10 110 mm-dd-yyyy USA
--11 111 yyyy/mm/dd Japan
--12 112 yyyymmdd ISO
--13 113 dd mon yyyy hh:mi:ss:mmm Europe (24 hour
--14 114 hh:mi:ss:mmm 24 hour
--20 120 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss ODBC canonical (24
hour clock)
--21 121 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.mmm ODBC canonical (24 hour
-- 126 yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.mmm ISO8601
-- 127 yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.mmmZ ISO8601
(with time zone Z)
-- 130 dd mon yyyy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM Hijiri
-- 131 dd/mm/yy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM Hijiri

--LTRIM() : this function removes leading(left) spaces from a string

select datalength(' Scodeen ')

select datalength('Scodeen ')

select (ltrim(' Scodeen ')) as ltrims
select datalength('Scodeen ') --'Scodeen '

--RTRIM() : This function removes trailing(right) spaces from string.

select datalength(' Scodeen')

select rtrim(' Scodeen ') as rtrims

select datalength(' Scodeen') --'Scodeen '

--TRIM() : LTRIM() + RTRIM() :

--This function is used to remove leading(Left) as well trailing(right) spaces from

select datalength(' Scodeen ')

select trim(' Scodeen ') as trims

select DATALENGTH(trim(' Scodeen ')) as trims

--CHARINDEX() function searches for a substring in a string and returns position.
--if string is not found then it returns 0.

--synatx: charindex('substring','string',[(start)])

select CHARINDEX('@','praveen@gmail.com', 9)

select substring('praveen@gmail.com',1,9)

select len('praveen@gmail.com')

select SUBSTRING('praveen@gmail.com',CHARINDEX('@','praveen@gmail.com')

--Q.HOW to find domain or server from email column? ****VVIMP*****

create table student (S_ID int , S_ANME varchar(20),email varchar(50))

insert into student values (1,'praveen','praveen@gmail.com'),


select *,CHARINDEX('@',email)+1 as starts,LEN(email) as ends from student

select * , substring(email,CHARINDEX('@',email)+1,LEN(email)) as Domain from


--Roles and responsibilities of database Test Engineer (Data Base Testing)
--1.Analyse the SRS documnet which is prepared by BA.

--2.Identify the test case sscenarios.

--3.Test case design

--4.Verify impact of Frontend operation to the backend operation.

--5. Verify the table names as per SRS document.

--Ex: User_Detail table name is changed to User_Details in DB against SRS.

--6.Verify structure of Table as per SRS.

--Ex: In table if data type size varies in BD against SRS document,Then will raise
defect and assigned to developer.

--7.Verify total number of columns or count the number of columns in table as per

--8.Verify column names and its ordinal positions in a table.

TABLE_NAME = 'Sales'

--9.Verify constraints of table as per SRS.

--10.Verify NULL values are present or not in Table.

--11.Verify the number of records or count of records from table.

--12.Verify the duplicate records from table.

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